Publie Nonces- • IMsFliFa?wl IFi : BQDuntyCttixji LOCALBODY ELECTIONS i NOTICE OF ELECTION, NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES AND CLOSING” DATE FOR NOMINATIONS I, HEREBY give notice that on Saturday, the llih day of October. 1980, the following elections will be held: ' 1. ELECTION OF . COUNCILLORS THE election of one Councillor for each of the Wards of Islington, Tempßitom Yaldhurst. West Melton,' Prebbleton, Broadfidd/Ladbrnoks, Halswell Rural and Tai Tapii.
-2. ELECJW OF ' DISTRICT COMMUNITY COUNCIiIQRS i THE ■ election of eeven 3315, , trict Community. Councillors for each of the communities , of' Sockburn. Harhbv and Halswell. 3.. CENTRAL CANTERBURY ELECTRIC POWER THE election of one member i each . for the District Com-1 muntties of Sockbum . and : ; Hornby and two members for | that part of the Rural District | of the Paparua County with-, in the boundaries of the said ■ Power Board. 4. NORTH CANTERBURY / HOSPITAL BOARD . ■' ELECTION. :■■■. < ’ .COMBINED DISTRICT .OF ■THECOUNTYW ‘ PAPARUA AND THE 1 BOROUGHOF' . .., RICCARTON THE election of one member Ito represent the said com- ; feed district.'. \ ■ ' 5. NORTH CANTERBURY ' CATCHMENT BOARD ELECTION ■ ' COMBINED DISTRICT OF THE COUNTIES OF PAPARUA, HEATHCOTE, AND MT HERBERT ■THE election of one member I to . represent the said comJbined district. 6. HORNBY LICENSING TRUST ELECTION THE election of’three members of the Trust from the »Hornby District Community; : and those parts o£,the .Sockburn District Communitv and the .Wards of Islington.'Yald-' ! nurst and Prebblettm within: the Trust's District. '-(Residential qualification.) ■■■ ' 7. LYTTELTON, HARBOUR BOARD-. ELECTION ■ COMBINED DISTRICT OF THE COUNTIES OF PAPARUA, MALVERN, ELLESMERE AND HEATHCOTE THE election of two members to represent the', said combined district. ■ 8. CHRISTCHURCH .. DRAINAGE BOARD -. . ELECTION ' ? (Paparua Sub-District)’ ■ THE election of one member to represent that part of the County within the Paparua Sub-District of the . Sajd : Board. ■
9. CHRISTCHURCH TRANSPORT BOARD ELECTION (Southern Sub-District) COMBINED DISTRICT OF THOSE PARTS OF THE - COUNTIES OF PAPARUA AND HEATHCOTE WITHIN THE DISTRICT r 'OF THE ’ - . CHRISTCHURCH • TRANSPORT BOARD \ THE election of one member to represent the said Southern Sub-District.. ■ • _ NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES Nominations’ of candidates must be in my hands at the address shown below not later than noon on Friday, the sth ‘day of September, 1980. Each candidate must be nominated on the prescribed nomination paper which must be accompanied by a deposit of $3O. Nomination papers are available from the Council Offices. Sockburn. DATED at Soctburn. this 25th day of August, 1980. B. L. MOOAR, Returning Officer. 149 Main South Road. Sockburn. THE GREENHOUSE RESTAURANT PRESENTS a PORTUGUESE menu this Friday night and Saturday night: SOPA de AMEIJOS (clam soup). SOPA de BIFES (Beef consomme, with peppers) TOUCHING COM CASTAN- . r HAS. (Bacon - and- chestnuts) ■■ - CALDIERADA DE PEiXE (Fish, tomato, vegetable stew). CARNIERO TRANSMONTANA' (Crumbed lamb steaks with sauce) C-ALINHA A.-.MQDA DE LIS- ; 80.-V (Roast, chicken with ’ ’ pork stuffing and wine sauce) QUEIJADINHAS DE .AMEN- • DOAS - (almond cheesecakes) ; SONHOS (fried puffs with home-made ■ banana icecream) SORBET DE LARANJA (orange sorbet).' Ring 68-524 for reservations. We are accepting 6-7.45 bookings for pre-theatre people, and. 8 pjn. booking? for. SATURDAY . . We are found beside Ballantynes in Colombo Street, and don’t forget to bring your own.
Page 29 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 3 September 1980, Page 29
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