I Situations Vacant i KITCHEN HANDS <. “i BREAKFAST COOK , WE REQUIRE full time persons for the above j positions. Hours of work vary weekly. Live-in accommodation available if required. i Applyto:— Chef or Duty’ Manager, STAGE COACH I’NN, : i OMARAMA, i • < ..Phone 894. L -M ■ MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN ; LEADING HAND WE REQUIRE the services of a ; competent Regis- ■ tered Electrical Technician-to take control -of our : Electrical Maintenance Workshop. . ■ . The person we envisage would have Advanced ; Trades Certificate both Electrical'and Electronic ; and be experienced in logic control,: D. -C.- Drives and General Electronics, along with the - ordinary attributes necessary in. the Electrical maintenance field. " - We are a 24 hour'day. particle bbard;manufacturing process and callouts will: be part of'this ■ function. j'; '-. (Good hours'and conditions . Apply '■■■'. . s I. Fagan '■ Plant-Engineer,' ' ;l FLETCHER WOOD PANELS, LTD. ■ P.O. Box 8162 •; -.Mandeville*:Street, RICCARTON. - ‘I ■ * . , Phone 488-314. ' :L- .. . ; - ■ ■. WS6 ’' MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT ■ PRINCIPAL SURVEYOR OF SHIPS ; ’ NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. ' » Vacancy No. 5801 ) . A VACANCY exists-in Head;Office for a Principal Surveyor of Ships (Naval Architecture). Duties: The appointee will .be responsible to the Chief Surveyor, of Ships for all Naval Archii tecture aspects of ships survey, including plan . approval. . Qualifications desired: A knowledge of-steel, aluminium, wood, GRP and Ferro Cement construction- is necessary. .. Applicants should- have • a University degree in’Naval Architecture. Salary ' will ba according ito qualifications and experience.. > . . . . \ SURVEYOR OF SHIPS . • (NAUTICAL ARCHITECTURE) ; Vacancy'No. 5809 . A,vacancy exists-in Head Office,'Marine Division of the. Ministry of Transport, for a Naval Architect. I • • ■' ■ • ■ Qualifications desired: Are either a University . N * v ® l l . T Al ’ c )iUec!ture. or membership of the Institute of: Naval Architects with* the appro- ■ pnate practical experience. - * a .knowledge of steel, wood,, aluminium, GRP and Ferro Cement Con- . to SriTu S be required to approve P lans . tag on qualifications , and experience: .' ■' ' * TTrith A ?' plic^t j°2 s^ ose on September 17, 1980, . Staff . Officer, i-jSEnistiy. of Transport I Applicants shSd’S ; office- 17A ’» wh ?5 h - 155 obtainable from Post Offices, and quote Hie : vacancy number stated • copies of testimonials should be enclosed. Assistance may be given to a married I person required, to-move household. -■ - - MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN OPEfiATim Dll/iSIdN ■■ WORKS DEPARWENT T ' ’ THE . WELLINGTON HOSPITAL BOARD Invites applications for a Mechanical Tedinitian;.fo earty out tests, , repairs, maintenance and adjustments'on a wide variety of mechanical plant, equipment and : systems, and to prepare and - programme routine i maintenance works. ' ‘ Minimum qualification required is N.Z.C.E. (Mechanical) plus recognised training in. an i appropriate engineering discipline, Experience in • the of plant, equipment and systems is : required. Some knowledge and/or-experience of the special requirements of hospitals will be an ; advantage. , ' . Salary in accordance with D.G. 38 of the ! Hospital Board Derermination will be upito $16,573. Application Form’s f and. Conditions of Ai> ' pointment are-available from the Chief Executive, ■ Wellington Hospital Board; P.O, Box 10245, Wellington, by whom applications - will be received until Friday,. September 12, 1980. - • ■ ———: ——; —;—. ' i ,* PERSONNEL OFFICER : WE require a person?for the. position of Personnel Ofncer at our Woolston Factory. -- ‘ * The, successful’applicant must be able.to dem-, onstrate by experience , and ability potential to succeed to the role of Personnel Manager, a position that will be vacated by retirement in Jess thana year. y. ■ It is essential'tl:*.t * the applicant be well 'versed in all-aspects! of personal management and have-a; sound background in industrial relations. While tertiary.or N.Z.LP.M. qualifications would i % a^va ntage» 'lack .of such qualifications should - not prevent persons with .reasonable experience in the field’from applying. ’ : 'A realistic'salary will be paid and the benefits associated with a large-company will be available. ' Please-apply in the first instance in writing, d tffiF €vant and. work history Personnel Manager, DUNLOP NEWjZEAtANO,'LTD, . ' . P. 0.*80xn9549, ?--iizooisTON. > .... ■ , • WSB
Page 28 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 3 September 1980, Page 28
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