Situatibns Vacant I'• HORTICULTURE ' STRAWBERRIES PART-TIME. . position ove: sammer, person required tc organise picking and packaging df strawberries for local and overseas market (near airport). ' Phone 41-C27. . . ' wse KITCHEN ' PORTER REQUIRED at Lake Tekapo Motor Inn. Immediate start Live-In position; Good •’save money” job. Apply to:— . ‘ THE MANAGER. PHONE-848 ' LAKE .TEKAPO - .3 . MOTOR MECHANIC AN.' additional Mechanic is - required to service a wide variety 6f vehicles. Must be competent^and reliable. Apply tor' • Auto ■ Sen ice. Centre, Pages Road/Woodham Road, . Phone - 894-700, a.h. 883-087. MARINE SURVEYORS REQUIRED by .large international cdmpahy for work to Australasia. Qualifications: Master Foreign: Going Certificate. Experience on tankers an asset but not mandatory. Salary and; conditions negotiable.: In first -instance write to Manager, J . C - P.O. Box 4093, Melbourne, Victoria'3ool, ■ Australia. , ;.<■ Candidates will be Interviewed in . New Zealand. ■ . ■' SW3 OFFICE JUNIOR ! AN office junior aged 15' to 16 years is required for our central city office. Duties include receipting, banking, mail.-and. some reception work. Neatness and accuracy are essen-; tial; Applicants must hold: School Certificate ■in English' and Maths.' ' y - . , ; ; Please, Mr . Langer after 9 a.-m.',, ... . ■ . HATTAWAY, Qt.7GLEY,' : MACLEAN and PARTNERS, t ' ' ' ' SblfcltOTS. PHONE 797-800. , ' -. . PART-TIME WORK HUSBAND and wife team or single people. Not door w door or canvassing. Above average Incomes, 10-20 hours a week or more, optional. PHONE 883-915, PERSONNEL' MANAGER. Business hours Tuesday and Wednesday- for- interview. 3 PDL. .CUSTOM DIVISIONN w TOOLiSETTER WE HAVE a vacancy in -our Injection ■ Moulding Department for an experienced Tool Setter. Wages commensurate with ability' and experience. Overtime available. Apply in. strictest, confidence to:— 'Mr Jeff Walker, ■ ; Production. Manager, : P. D. L. INDUSTRIES . CUSTOM. DIVISION, 197 WALTHAM ROAD, P.0.80x ISIO, ' CHRISTCHURCH. ' PHONE 790-804. ' • ■- . ; . I PART TUnz POSITION A MATURE” person 'is required to work on a variety: of jobs in our small footwear' factory’. Although some experience is'desirable training will be given. Hours 9.30 to 3 p.m. : Apply in writing, to— . P.O. Box 22-353. CHRISTCHURCH. . WS6! RART-WE REGISTERED , NURSE' A registered, nurse .'is reTF? 1 ’ ‘ da ys per week, shift duties, for Windsor House Private Hospital. Duties, to commence late September. f Apply: ' v Matron .phone: 853-179. PROCESS WORKER PROCESS worker required for Manufacturing unit situated Riccarton. Some overtime available. Please apply- in ■ writing to: ■ P'.O. Box 7124, i SYDENHAM. ■i' ' 4 SENIOR HAIRSTYLIST j FULLY experienced Stylist' required for busy salon. - .■ For ■ an- interview -please Phqne' 831-277 evenings' to make ah'appointment. • . XM6 SHfeET METAL WORKER SKILLED and ’ -versatile worker for general sheet metal work. : ;. .. .. ■. Experience to ..brass and copper work ah advantage. Good working '. conditions. Phone 60-510 for an appointment.. ■ ’ : ■ ■ ; BALDWIN 3IETALLISIS, ! LTD. ' • . . 39 Dundas Street,' CHRISTCHURCH. ‘ ' , STOREMAN A HIGHLY appealing opening for an experienced individual, 40-50 .years. A sound background in stock control plus a good understanding of .warehouse clerical/adnainisttative duties would be important.-, Excellent conditions and very good remuneration. . CAREER SEARCH. Ph; 674543, 75-83 Hereford.; Street.
Page 28 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 3 September 1980, Page 28
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