| Situations Vacant : : KEFI THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION > TASMANIA ' HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION TASMANIA TECHNICAL OFFICERS ’A NUMBER OF STAFF POSITIONS exist in the Commission’s modern, (air-conditioned and well equipped electrical laboratories in Hobart which provide a continuing testing and commissioning service for the state-wide generation and transmission network with equipment up to 220 KV. SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER (Standards Laboratory) Duties include the maintenance and calibration of the Commission’s N.A.T.A. registered standards equipment: Field and laboratory inspection, calibration and adjustment of precision energy measuring equipment used for bulk contract metering. A comprehensive knowledge of A.C. and D.C. electrical measurement practice is essential with ability to perform statistical analysis. Applicants should hgve extensive practical experience in a wide range of instrument calibrations at high levels of accuracy. SENIOR TECHNICAL OFFICER (Power Equipment Testing) Duties include lead role in specific areas of commissioning of H.V. alternators and associated ancillary plant, power transformers, circuit breakers, metering transformers and protection schemes, also the laboratory testing of protection schemes. Applicants are expected to have extensive experience in testing of power equipment and the superviison of related staff. TECHNICAL OFFICERS (Electrical Testing) Vacancies exist in the following areas: (a) Systematic field testing, commissioning and maintenance of power equipment and ancillaries. Laboratory acceptance testing of new protection and metering equipment. (b) Functional testing and maintenance of the protection systems in service on the Commission’s state-wide generating and transmission system. (c) Special Testing. A major part of this work will involve high voltage testing of power equipment, but duties will also include assis-
tance in the areas of machine balancing, vibration measurement and efficiency testing. TECHNICAL 1 OFFICER (Instrumentation) Duties involve repair and calibration of electrical instruments, protective relays and in particular high precision impulsing summation active and reactive energy meters. Applicants should have qualified as instrument repair mechanic and electronic experience is desirable but not essential. TECHNICAL OFFICER (Electronics) The successful applicant will be a member of a group responsible for commissioning and indepth maintenance of wide and varied electronic equipment in use throughout the commission’s system including computer ? based remote control and supervisory systems, microprocessor-based systems, electronic controls associated with generating plant and voice frequency supervisory and protection carrier systems.
QUALIFICATIONS— A Certificate in Electrical Engineering (power orientated for al! positions other than the last which should be electronic orientated) or qualifications suitable for admission to graduate membership of A.I.E.A. and at least five years experience on work related to the above activities. SALARIES— Commencing salaries will be in the range of $16,684 tq 1517,636 for the senior positions and within the ranges $12,222 to $15,429 and $15,745 to $16,368 for the other positions. Applicants with insufficient experience for the senior positions will be considered for appointment at a lower level. GENERAL MATTERS— Information relative to removal expenses and other conditions of service will be given at‘interview. Applications should be addressed to the Secretary, The Hydro-Electric Commission, G.P.O. Box 355 D, Hobart, Tasmania, 7001, giving details of age, qualifications and experience. Copies of at least two recent references and/or names of referees should be included. Applications close July 16, 1980. SW9
WAIKATO HOSPITAL BOARD OPERATION AND EFFICIENCY ENGINEER WAIKATO HOSPITAL BOARD Qualifications: Applicants must have received formal engineering training and have had extensive supervisory experience in the pperation/maintenance of engineering services, preferably in a large hospital complex, Formal qualifications of B.E. Mechanical and Registration under the .J 924 Engineers Registration Act is desirable: Engineers with lesser qualifications may be considered if their management background is considered suitable. Duties: Supervision and co-ordination of operation and maintenance of all the Boards plant, equipment, and engineering building services. Conditions of appointment and application forms may be obtained from the Chief Executime, Waikato Hospital Board, P.O. Box 934, Hamilton. Closing date, July 24, 1980. GARDENHOLM RESIDENTIAL HOME ROTORUA 1 (CHARGE NURSE) Qualifications: Registered General Nurse. Duties; Day-to-day clinical duties and administration of Gardenholm Residential Home, 61 beds, aged, of both sexes, . Furnished self-contained accommodation adjacent to the main building is available. Conditions of appointment from the Principal Nurse, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, P.O. Box 1342, Rotorua. Closing date, July 25, 19S0. TOKOROA HOSPITAL 1. MANAGER ADMINISTRATION Qualifications: The position calls for a person with proven health, administrative. experience, with the ability to direct, plan and control the non-treatment staff It is desirable that appjicants have an appropriate qualification and are conversant with hospital budgetry control and procurement of supplies. Duties: Lay administration of 150 beds General Hospital. Conditions of appointment and official application form are obtainable from the Chief Executive, Waikato -Hospital Board, P.O. Box 934, Hamilton, closing date, July 21, 1989.
Page 32 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 32
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