, Situations Vacant PANEL beater Experienced Panel Beater required. Apply: JOHNSON & SMITH LTD. 140-144 Kilmore St. Phone 61-897
WE seldom advertise for personnel as we have a stable staff situation, but the work load is now just too great for us to handle, . Real estate is a fascinating and rewarding career but some ability is necessary, combined with fairly hard work and a high degree of motivation. Success in real estate is closely tied in with the calibre and saleability of the properties you have to sell and this is the area that we feel we can offer most as our listings are many and varied and some of the most tempting ,in the business. Our flrm is long established and we have the contacts for excellent business continuity. As our office is so strategically situated you won’t waste your time with the parking and traffic hassles of town. Obviously we prefer someone with experience in real estate, but if not, the applicant must have some selling ability and personality combined with integrity and organisational ability and be able to render the service our [ clients expect. This is a full 1 time position. . Please contact: W. J. C. ROYDS PH. 554-884 OR 555-370 BUSINESS OR 517-793 HOME ________—, _. , t ,
RECEPTIONIST FOX GLACIER HOTEL requires a Receptionist, . accounting and typing essential. Apply with references to:—BOX 1, FOX GLACIER. lO SHOP ASSISTANT EXPERIENCED person required for busy dairy three days per week, Ricearton, Hornby, Templeton area. Phone 499-593. STONE MASON APPLICATIONS are invited from Stonemasons with experience either in fixing Marble, or as Granite Masons. CANTERBURY STONE CO., LTD, 169 Durham Street, CHRISTCHURCH 1, Phone 798-930. SERVICE STATION JUNIOR A YOUNG PERSON is required fey a Suburban Service Station for general Forecourt duties. Experience with tyres would be an advantage, but the main qualifications are comtnonsen.se,' initiative, a pleasant personality and neat appearance. Apply in writing to:— P.O. BOX 12116. CHRISTCHURCH. SUPERVISING DRAUGHTSMAN WE have a vacancy for a Mechanical Draughtsman in the Engineering Services Division of our Hornby works.
Applicants should have experience in coded pressure vessel design, as well as in general mechanical design and draughting, with preferably some practical workshop " experience. After an interim period of familiarisation with the carbon dioxide production equipment we manufacture for world wide export, the successful appointee will be required to supervise the work of a smaU drawing office team. . For a confidential interview please apply to: . Mr M. W. Wallace, Planning Services Controller, CARBONIC ICE, LTD, P.O. Box 16134, Hornby. Phone 497-029, SENIOR CLERK G. L. BOWRON, LTD, is a well respected Christchurch company. They have a reputation for caring for their staff and offer many employee benefits: extra sick leave, canteen, generous buying privileges. An immediate vacancy exists for a Senior Clerk to handle accounts receivable, computerised wages and reconciliations of monthly accounts. Now is the time to join this secure, ever-developing operation. Call Kate Mac Shane, 795940, Drake Personnel, 159 Manchester Street. TRAINEE INSURANCE BROKER A RAPIDLY developing international company Is seeking a bright aggressive enthusiast to learn and become involved in the vital world ef insurance brokerage. The ideal candidate will be a market orientated winner with high achievement levels. This is a unique opportunity for the one who responds to unusual demands and is rewarded by unusual career progress.and remuneration,.. Call Kate Mac Shane, 795-940, Drake Personnel, 159 Manchester Street.
Page 32 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 9 July 1980, Page 32
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