Wanted to Rent LANDLORDS! New Brighton Estate Agency has some excellent tenants wishing to rent in most parts of the city. Are you satisfied with the way 'your properties are being managed? If not. please contact Mrs McDonald at 887-077. who is geared to let. manage and maintain your investments. We cover the whole, °f Christchurch. Open Saturdays a.h. 382-524, MREINA RECOMMENDED tenants — 1 urgently require 2-3 bedroom unfurnished houses to let. any area. Please assist. Ph. Beverley LeetnanSmith. St Albans Real Estate. MREINZ. 799-896 any time. •“ RESPONSIBLE working married couple -require 2 bedroom flat or house in St Martins. Opawa. Cashmere area. Ph. 327-198 business hours, 797-684 evenings. TAYLORS MISTAKE bach or cottage wanted to rent for winter. Ph. 858-617 evenings. THREE bdrm house wanted; bv 3 clean, responsible tenants. Ph. 382-838 after 1 . P-m. I TWO responsible people require a 2 bedroom house or flat, prefer north-west area, up to $4O p.w. Ph.
URGENTLY required. 2 bdrm cottage or house, with garage, in. South Brighton or Brighton area, for 2 responsible working males. Phone 880-014. Hb2l Wanted to Lease BRIGHTON retail shop (340 square feet), soon becoming available. Phone 1 94-140 I business ), 595-280 hours). IHS CENTRAL city, shop premises avail.. National ..Mutual Ar-, cade, 2 levels, High to Hereford Street, next to Woolworths, prestige tenants signed, final leasing stage, opening June, July this year. Application sought for "menswear, fashion footwear, accessories, fabrics, travel, plants florists, interior design, furniture, kitchen/bath. TV electrical, fruit/vege, dairy etc., etc., no key money. Please call leasing agents, Collier Fletcher Real Estate, MREINZ 796-521 for brochure, inspection or information, a.h. 842-482; 842-286; 526-889. 201 FACTORY/warehouse, Manchester/Moorhouse area, 25505 q. ft hardwood floor, $B3 per week. Ph. 597-366. 21 OFFICE space from as small as 200 sq. feet upwards avail, to lease immediately. Central location, nearby car parking. Ph. 796-255 bus., 558-278 a.h. 28 PRIME retail shop in central Brighton Pier, 324 sq. ft. Further details phone 794-140 bus., 595-280 a.h. THS SHOP to lease, prime z location, high foot count, reas. rental. Ph. 796-255 bus., 558-278 a.h. 28 WANTED: Shop to lease, approx. 450 sq ft. Ring after 3.30 p.m., 855-398. ' WAREHOUSE factory close to city, ample parking, high stud, full office and staff facilities. Reas. rent. Ph. 796-255 bus., 558-278 a.h. 21 900 sq. ft. factory, suitable light industry, all amenities, handy to city, phone a.h. 897-873. 21
Ikentprierl PHONE-794.T20 Sq ft Location $/sq ft 2650 W’ALTHAM 1.95 3100 SYDENHAM 1.86 I 4600 CITY 2.10 5000 SYDENHAM .1.50 • 6300 BROMLEY 1.40 6700 SOCKBURN 1.31 7300 CITY 1.60 8132 SYDENHAM 1.75 10,000 CITY 1.63 OTHER warehouse areas and sizes available. Office areas also available. Phone 794-120, Kent Prler Real Estate, MREINZ, a.h. Meikle 31-355, Coster 293-472. HTS2B EXECUTIVE OFFICE SUITES A unique opportunity to save costs and hassles. These suites are carpeted, all have natural light and centrally located. Services included are: Reception, telephone rental and answering, electricity and heat-' ing, P.O. Box mail collection; conference and sample room, strong room, cleaning, tea and coffee service, car park- . ing, warehousing, storage and . deliveries. For further Information ph. KENT FRIER REAL ESTATE, 794-120, A.H. Meikle 31-355. SMWH2I NEW FACTORY WAREHOUSE. RENTAL $1.40 per sq ft AVAILABLE for lease now; ; well designed building, high stud, electric container door, ; toilets, tearoom. 6300 sq. ft, at 173 Mathers Road, Unit 6. ■ RESEARCH BUILD LTD. See your local Real Estate Agent now. HT24 i FACTORY/WAREHOUSE Sq. Sq. Per m. ft. ■ Area week 6689 72,000 Bromley $1660 4134 44,500 City 81369 1858 20,000 Papanui $461 2204 23,729 Riccarton $965 1059 11,406 City East SS69 929 10,000 Svdenham $314 929 10,000 City $2BB ' 916 9860 .City $284 [ 743 8000 Bromley 5215 697 7500 Sydenham $230 528 5690 W’airakei Rd ¥lB6 585 6300 Bromley $l7B 538 5800 City East $279 485 5230 Sydenham $236 , 334 3600 W'oolston $lOO 292 3150 City East $153 279 3000 Blenheim Rd »121 269 2900 Sheffield Cres. $139 274 2950 Woolston $95 248 2675 Sydenham $ll3 232 2500 City B'9 223 2400 Sydenham $124) 198 2133 Sydenham $9B 185 2000 Woolston $64 185 2000 Sydenham $BO 125 1350 Sydenham SBO 185 2000 Papanui 858 PHONE 791-000 P. MANGOS PRCIPICI ' MTH23 ! J 1 , _ I Board and Residence ARE you looking for good] board and lodgings? Try the New City Hotel 527 Co ; lombo St H CKRISTIAN man, 23, needs ! board in Christian home, I- south Chch. Ph. 852-aa9 ;g2i