To Let I A furn. redecorated 1 bdrm flat; /Linwood, $2B weekly. Quiet tenant onlv. Phone 798- 21 A sunny mod. St Albans flat, Carpets. drapes. fridge, wash, machine. Suit married couple. $4O. Ph. 897-274. A very tidv 3 bdrm unfurn. mod. house, Cavendish Rd, | carpets, drapes, double garage. $55 Suitable family, with refs. Apply in person Mrs Wilson, Pasley Real Estate Ltd. 77 Victoria St between 10.30 and 4 p.m. ; A good 2 bedroom unfurn. I : flat situated Sockburn. $3O i p.w. to an approved tenant. AT St Albans, mod. 2 bdrm | unfurn. flat, washer, fridge. I carport (M.C. or girls), 534. Please apply in person* 10-2 ■ p.m.. Ed'geware Estates. MREINZ, Edgeware Village. ATTRACTIVE furn. motel style flat. Latimer Square. $37 weekly. Middle-aged respectable person only. Ph. 65-676. 19: BEALEY Avenue. A 1 bedI room partly furn. flat. $2B ! p.w. Apply John Patrick & I I Son. i BfeDoITTING rooms, turn.' i’ city. Sydenham and Opaws | Casual and perm Pb 892 963 or 554-527 D| BF.DSITTING room. turn ished, city, casual and permanent. single and double from $l5 week Ph 65-676 or 186 Worcester St. D CENTRAL city shop to lease, over 2300 sq. ft, good lease, reasonable rental. Fixtures, fittings. 10.000 0.n.0. M. B. Cook and Co., MREINZ, Ph. 68-334. . CENTRAL self contained un- | furn flat, share off street i parking. Working couple. Lease required. $33 p.w. Ph. i 519-214. WFSM23 • CITY, large 1 bdrm flat. furn. I $3O p.w.. Small 1 bdrm flat I S2O p.w. Also outside bed- ; room, optional, $5 p.w. ' Clean quiet tenants only, i Ph. 790-104. | CITY, Salisbury St, Ilagley end, 2 bdrm furn. flat $36 p.w. Also city, Armagh St, 2 bdrm unfurn. avail. July 7. $35 p.w. Call Collins Real Estate, 488-778. 20 FEMALE flatmates required to share furn. house, own rooms. $12.50 p.w..Apply 211 Avonhead Rd after 5 p.m. I FLAT, new, $32. mature perI sons only. 30 Whitmore St, oil' Bealey Ave. 19 FLAT St Albans 2 bdrms, furn., tidy, $32 p.w. Phone 68- N. H. McCrostie & Co., MREINZ. FLATMATE wanted, central citv. Ph. 64-219. HS2I FLATMATE, male, to share 2 bdrm fully furn. flat with female, Cashmere, $17.50 p.w. Ph. 325-004. HS2I FLATMATE(S) Avanted, central. 272 Gloucester St. Please ring 797-532. KILMORE and Armagh Sts, near Park Tee., two bdrm, furn., $26 and $2B. Montreal- ’ Worcester ■ St,. 2 mins., Square, sunny furn., s.c. flats, SIB-$2B. Dalllhgton, Woodham Rd, near river, comfortable furn., s.c. flats, $l6-$2O. Kilmore St East, - comfortable furn., s.c. flat $2O. Ham, 2 furn., flatettes, $lB and $2O. Ph. 487-566 or 69- HS2I LINWOOD, 2 bdrm unfurn. flat $35 p.w. Ph. Drewerys Estate Agency, ’ MREINZ, 799-646, 60 Sandyford St. MADRAS ST, I bdrm unfurn. flat, $29 p.w. Ph. Drewerys Estate. Agency, MREINZ, 799- 60 Sandyford St. . MODERN 2 bdrm and sunroom s.c. flat, partly furn., North Brighton, near bus, shops, beach, golf course, $37.75 p.w. Ph. 885-933. 20 RETAIL premises — central city — last opportunity. National Mutual Arcade, High St to Hereford St, next to Woolworths. Only one ground floor shop and two first floor shops still available out of 27 total shops. No key money, opening July. Escalators and lifts. Carpets, furniture, kitchen, bathware, stamps and coins, ice-cream parlour, TV/radio/electricai, fabrics; footwear, interiors/ lighting, fruit/veges; etc. Avoid disappointment, call leasing agents. Collier Fletcher Real Estate, MREINZ, 796-521, a.h. 842-482 or 526889. . XF2B SHIRLEY, 4 bdrm house, unfurn. with shop attached, Ige garage, enr North Avon I Road and Petrie Street. $6O weekly. Ph. 556-500 after 9 a.m. 20 SOUTHBROOK — Industrial land for lease — area of land and term of lease to be negotiated — for details ring Devlin Rangi o r a , MREINZ. Phone 8829 any time. HST 26 SPREYDON, 1 bdrm unfurn. flat $25 p.w. Contact Mrs Rickard, M. D. Giera and Co., 67-095, MREINZSUPERIOR 1 bdrm unfurn. s.c. flat, private ’ living. Ham, $43. Ph. 588-692. TWO houses, 3 bdrms, unfurn., 1 long term, Hornby 546 p.w. 1 short term to 31/10. $5O p.w. Bishopdale. 1 Suit business couples only. Ph. Manchester Homes, MREINZ, 60-063 or 60-050. WEST end near gardens, comfortable turn., s.c. flats from $lB-$2B. Papanui. two furn.. s.c. flats $2O and $24. Bealey Ave., furn. flatettes. $l6 and $lB. Gloucester St over Stanmore Rd, two sunny, furn., flatettes, kitchenette, living room, bdrm, $l6 and. $lB. Phone 487-566 or 69-550. HS2I WOOLSTON, 2 bdrm furn. flat with fridge and wash, mach., good cond.. $43 weekly. Ph. Central Homes Ltd, 68-797, MREINZ.
HOUSES — FURN. North Brighton, 2 bdrm $32 HOUSES — UNFURN. Sydenham, 3 bdrm $5O FLATS — FURN. Linwood, 1 bdrm $25 FLATS — UNFURN. Addington, 1 bdrm $25 Ferry Road. 3 bdrm $5O St Albans, 2 bdrm $45 CHRISTCHURCH REALTY, .MREINZ, PHONE 890-105. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 268 STANMORE ROAD. Professional Accommodation and Collection Agents. WE ALWAYS REQUIRE CLEAN HOUSES AND FLATS j Wanted to Rent ■s ■ ■ APPEALING urgently for tidy houses and quality flats for recommended, interviewed tenants. All areas. North West, St Al-: bans in . demand. , Please Phone June Hogan 66-078, 556-160, Edgeware Estates, MREINZ. 19 BUSINESS couple wish to rent 3 bdrm house, preferably with garage, from mfd-July. North West area, prefer near' Cotswold school. No pets, excel, tenants, . will maintain grounds and property. Ph. 599-795. , 21 CASHMERE, North West, Merivale; We require an exclusive town house for recommended clients, up to 5100 p.w. References available. Ph. Mrs Leeman Smith: St Albans Real Estate, - - Ltd, MREINZ, 799-896 any time. XSI9 CHRISTCHURCH Realty, MREINZ the city’s fastest growing tental, collection and letting agency. We can help you - find good tenants and care for your property ■ bv stmplv phoning 892-890 1 or 890-105 please, no rough ! nooses flats MTH FURNISHED flat in Chch.; 1 or 2 bedrooms for respon- ' sible working girl. Phone 276-004 bus. hours. 20 GARAGE, wanted to rent. Ph. i 596-296. 20