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f Cars for Sale e TRIUMPH 2000 Mk 11, 1971. n! only 56.000 mis. Auto, le ■ Sparkling white with brown at I trim. A lovelv car. $4290. o-i Archibalds. Tuam St Divi- ! sion, 166 Tuam St. Ph. 62.9 241. a.h. 853-264. LMVD. 1. TRIUMPH 2000 manual, 1971. r. I only 54.000 miles. 2 ownr ‘. crs. Arriving later this n ‘| week at Archibalds. Tuam e-: St Division. 166 Tuam St. b| Ph. 62-241. a.h. 853-264, 1-M--le VD. ,o TRIUMPH 2.5 manual over- „! drive. 1974, only 43,000 miles, radio, tow bar. a ' proven luxury economical p_! vehicle — warranty—Ss99s. [J NZMC Rangiora Ph. 8334 or ; Christchurch Direct Line j-,- 277-460 a.h. 8781 Kaiapoi or ;5 8217 Rangiora LMVD. i-i {TRIUMPH 2.5 auto.. 1975. 2 g; owners only 35.000 km. Sky a, blue with light tan interior. 2; all extras. This car is the v; nicest we have had to ofdi fer for a lons time, cannot !! I be faulted. 57199. NZMC. t-| 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 790e! 021). a.h. 886-700. 595-650. ’ LMVD. XHI9 - TRIUMPH S 1978. manual with o/d. only 19.000 km by one , | careful owner. The ultim•?i ate in cars for towing or , cruising. power steering ; makes this car a delight to fi drive. $11,799. NZMC. .141 ‘ ; Gloucester S't. Ph. 790-020. ’! a.h. 886-700. 595-650. Open ‘■‘j Saturdav 9-1 p.m. LMVD. XHI9 _I TRIUMPH Toledo. 1973. Out1, standing order. 44.000 mis. s AA welcomed. 53695. Smithn burn Motors. 27 Moorhouse ic Ave. Ph. 64-057. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2500 TC. 1976. 47,- >. 000 km (30.(100 mis approx.). >. Beige with red trim, auto, and power steering. Out- ’• standing cond. $7BOO. Cressy well Keeling Motors. 74 a, Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489-853. e a.h. 266-916. LMVD. i- TRIUMPH 2500 TC auto. 1975. a. Auto, radio stereo fitted, 10 56.000 km. Turquoise, flax trim. $7500. Tench Bros 5 Ltd, Ph. 790-631, a.h. 791- <- 816. >f TRIUMPH 2.5 T/C Auto.. 1976 e (Stag grille). 76,000 km >- radio-cassette, towbar, radl - ial tyres, biege/red trim. y| Immacuate. Great value at I $6695. McLaren Motors. 362 Colombo St. Sydenham 1 i (opp. Haywrights). Ph. 68“1 874. MVDI. '“ITRIUMPH Herald F.s(ate. 1964, “ good economical runner. SlOOO 0.n.0. Ph. 64-781. '•>l TRIUMPH 2000 automatic. °. 1970. Mark 11, radio, heater. towbar, immaculate order. Must go. $3799. I McClaren Motors, 362 Coi ; lombo St. Sydenham. Ph. 874. LMVD. , TRIUMPH 2.5, 1975, PI auto., e { P/S. 62.000 miles, I owner, i 5 in mint cond. $5195. Sydeni ham Park Car Sales, cnr i Lincoln and Moorhouse. Pb ) 799-199. a.h. 596-529. - TRIUMPH 2500 TC, 1973. Sabie with parchment trim. y 49.000 miles, great value. >, $4699. Taylor Hay Motors, y 110 Lincoln Road. Phone i- 384-964, a.h. 880-174. I. Inquire about our no deposit. 5 years to pay I. finance plan. r TRIUMPH Pl. 1972. B.R. green I with tan trim. Very tidy I. t/out. $3999. Trevor Crowe i. Sales. 160 Ferrv Rd. Phone 797-967. a.h. 4’28-722. I, iTRIUMPH 2500 TC, 1976, 11 auto., p/steering, mags. ■ : sheepskins, etc., burgundy! D with ivory trim, would be 1( the best available. $7500.1 •I Farmers Motors, 100 Fitz- 1 gerald Ave iopp. Lichfield: ■ St), Ph. 61-594. a.h. Tony; •I Hamilton 830-959 or Pauli M Humphrevs 792-978. LMVD. •I TRIUMPH 2500 TC. 1974, face-! lift model, manual with; I overdrive. 69,000 km; ■ (42,000 miles) arriving soon; 'I at Archibalds. 24 Oxford | II Tee.. Ph. 796-980, a.h. •i 266-599. LMVD. i •I TRIUMPH 2000. 1967. Very! •i sound, family motoring.! •I $2195. Bruce Reid Motors' I Ltd, cnr Moorhouse Ave H and Selwyn Street. Phone l •! 69-607: a.h. 295-649. 228-574. .1 TRIUMPH GT6, 1974. maroon, .1 25,000 miles, tinted win-; ,I dows, overdrive, head rest: - . etc $6990. Ph. 69-475 Chch I Sports Car Centre, 77 Moor-: . I house Ave. LMVD. 17! - TRIUMPH Spitfire Mk 111. red,! , hardtop, mags, overdrive, ; immaculate. Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799742, after hours 88.1-408. LM , VD. ■I TRIUMPH 2500 TC. automatic, li 1975, deep red with cream , trim, power steering. Aj i very attractive car, 34.000 i km, $7395. Cable Price, To-: vota, Cnr Langdon and] , Main North Rds. Ph. 529-8611 ! a.h. 852-886 LMVD. 181 I VALIANT VH, 1973. auto.,! , only 68,000 miles, radio and; heater, vinyl top, nice orig-j . inal car. Only $3495. Syden-; ham Park Car Sales. cnr| i Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse; Ave. Ph. 799-199. a.h. 596-; 529 ■ i | VALIANT APS auto 1963, the; best for sale. $l2OO or $720 dep. 12 mths warranty. Blackwell Mtrs, Hornby. Telephone 499-144 a.h. 44- . 942. 324-216. . VALIANT Safari 1973, only 46.000 mis, auto, radio, mags etc, 1 owner, metallic bronze, $4995 or $3OOO dep. John Poleman Mtrs, Ltd, 62 Riccarton Road. Telephone 437-185 a.h. 27-7664 LMVD. VALIANT VC, 1966, immaculate condition, 94,000 miles. | $1550 0.n.0. Phone 324-912. i 1 VALIANT VF: 66,000 miles,; j glacier white, a beauty. | Radio, heater. 52490. Bruce I Reid Motors Ltd, cnr Moor- ’ house Ave and Selwyn St, i Ph. 69-607. a.h. 228-574. ■ VALIANT VF 1970 excellent; original condition, heater,! towbar and radials, $1775., ’ Ph. 388-065 bus or 41-612 a.h.; ; VALIANT Regal 770 1973 VH j 318 V 8 T-bar Automatic.; i Power steering, genuine! 70.000 miles, factory radiostereo, heater, immaculate { ' original condition. Spark- j ling original red with | black vinyl roof. Value at I ' $4495. Dave Mitchell Whole'I sale, 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph. .' 45-742. LMVD. (VALIANT VC 1967. Factory ’ radio, heater. Regal seating, lovelv metallic silver with ’ black top. Immaculate con- ' dition. Value at $1495. Dave i Mitchel! Wholesale, 110 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-742, LM- ; vd. ’ VALIANT 1969 VF 160 h.p. ? Pacer extras, high backed seats, factory Pacer floor shift, heater, motor just , fully recond. Sparkling metallic silver with red j trim. Value at $1995. Dave . Mitchell Wholesale, 110 ? Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-742, .. LMVD. 7 VALIANT Ranger XL, auto., s 1974. Genuine 48,000 miles, 1 1 owner, neater, immaculate , original condition. Sparkling Glacier White with parchment trim. Great value at $3995. Dave ATiti chell Wholesale. HO Riccarton Rd. Ph. 45-742. LM-,' : VD. , VALIANT Automatic 1964,i APS, push-button auto, Aus-! ■ tralian assembled, heater., !i sparkling white with red! ’: trim. mechanically Al.. I Great value at 51095. Dave; ’ Mitchell Wholesale, 110 Ric-I 'I carton Road. Telephone 45-1 ’! 742. LMVD. : ’ I VALIANT VH auto., Ute, 1972,! ’ onlv 44,000 miles, bronze! metallic only $1490 deposit.; Carriage Co.. 69 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 799-742, a.h. 881- ’ 408. ■ VALIANT, 1968, VE, auto, j Metallic silver with tan trim. Very popular model. , In excellent order. Good buying at $1899. Trevor Crowe Sales, 160 Ferry Rd. Ph. 797-967. a.h. 428-722. ' VALIANT VJ 245 auto., 1973 Dec.) only 60,000 miles 0 white, blue trim, must be the best value in town at 1 only $3490 or $2lOO deposit. ;• Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse •' Ph. 799-742 a.h. 881-408. VAUXHALL P.A.X., 1962. r Genuine 86,000 miles, v Superb example. Radio, h heater. 81095. Bruce Reid y Motors. cnr Moorhouse it Ave and Selwyn St. Phone i- 69-607. a.h. 228-574. :t VAUXHALL Viva. 1965, rea- -- sonable condition. S6oo 0.n.0. Ph. 891-065.
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Press, 16 January 1980, Page 22
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1,145Page 22 Advertisements Column 9 Press, 16 January 1980, Page 22
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Page 22 Advertisements Column 9 Press, 16 January 1980, Page 22
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