Cars for Sale TOYOTA Corolla. 1977. one owner, 13,000 km. Creair with tan trim. This vehicli is as new and only $6295 a Cable Price Toyota. 385 Co lombo St. Ph. 797-843; a.h. 427-451. LMVD. .IS TOVOTA Corona 1800 XL 1979. 12.000 km. One owner cream with tan cloth inter tor. quiet smooth perform ance from this immaculate economical motor vchicb and onlv $9295 at Cabli Price Tovota. 385 Colombt St. Ph. 79'7-843; a.h. 427-451. ! IS TOYOTA Corona. 1600. speed. 1977, 76.000 km. One owner. Cream with bur gundv interior. Eeononn plus in this popular 4 cylin der vehicle and only $4891 at Cable Price Toyota, 38: Colombo St, Svdenham. Ph 797- a.h. 427-451. 19 TOYOTA Corolla SR coupe automatic, met. green. 2 owners. 47.000 km. fully Japanese assembled, good buving here. Reduced! Save S2OO $6295. Wrightears 285 Cashel St. Phone 798- LMVD. !3 !9 S 3 S 3 I TOYOTA Corolla 4-door, 1973 radio and heater, moderate miles, economv plus, excel condition. Tidv example ol this model, real value al 53595. 52160 dep. Kiccartor Car Sales. Ltd. 41 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 488-923, a.h. 388-327. LMVD. TOYOTA Corona 2000 SE. manual, .1978 model, 1920 s pink in colour with a crean: vinvl roof, radio, electrit aerial, 8000 km. great buying, reduced $200; $8595. Ph. 798-530. That's Wrlghtcars. 285 Cashel St. LMVD. TOYOTA Corona 1800. 1975 Sunrise red paintwork, body mouldings, etc. 54.000 km be in here, $5495. Wc double the government war rantv. Wrightcars Toyota 285 ‘Cashel St. Ph. 798-531 anytime. LMVD. TOYOTA Celica J 60b LT £ speed manual, feel the excitement of owning one of these sought alter Japanese sports cars for only $5995. Wrightcars. 285 Cashel St LMVD. Ph. 798-530 any time. TOYOTA Corolla — 1976 model — This 1 owner vehicle is cream in colour and has travelled only 66.001 km. The best in economical motoring for only $4995. Contact Wrightcars Ltd. 28i Cashel St. or Ph. 798-539 any time. a n s a TOYOTA Corolla. 1976 model. 4 door, economical motoring. cream with blue trim moderate miles. Compare this for value, only $4395 or $2600. Ricarton Cai Sales. 41 Riccarton Rd, Ph 483-923, a.h. 487-396. LMVD TOYOTA Corolla, automatic, latest 1977 model, one lady owner, only 18,000, radio, etc. Compare this, only $5995. Quality Cars, 42 Manchester St, Ph. 50-181. a.h. 588-980. 325-756. TOYOTA Corolla coupe. 1974. A little beauty. $4650 or $2790 dep. Don McNeill Motors, 73 Stanmore Road. LMVD, Ph. 891-674, a.h. 891-674. TOYOTA Corona 2000 SE, 1976. 1 owner, overhauled motor. Genuine reduction, was $4BOO. now only $4300 or $2580 dep. Don McNeill Motors, 73 Stanmore Road. LMVD. ITOYOTA Corolla Estate Van. 1976, spotless cond. A A test any test tremendous value at"only $3995 or $lOOO dcpCaprice Motor Court Ph. 61-936 MVDI. TOYOTA Corolla 1974. Medium miles, lovely glacier white with blue trim. These are guaranteed 40 m.p.g. and are vedy popular. $3195. Caprice Motor Court. 55 Ferdv Rd. Ph. 61-936. LMVD TOYOTA Corona 1970 (late shape). Fawn paintwork, radio and factory heater, great buying at $2300. Cresswell Keeling Motors, 74 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489853. a.h. 266-916, LMVD. TOYOTA Cressida 1977. Jap. assem. 21,000 km, auto. Metallic blue, 2600 c.c. motor, new cond. $10,995. Arriving soon. Cresswell Keeling Motors. 74 Riccarton Rd. Ph. 489-853. a.h. 266-916, 558-986, LMVD. TOYOTA Corona. 1972. Ideal family car in good order, painted fawn with brown body molds. $2999. NZMC, 141 Gloucester S't. Ph. 790020. a.h. 886-700, 595-650, open Saturday 9-1 p.m. LMVD. XHI9 TOYOTA Corolla, new shape, .1975, high back seats, immac. cond., onlv 17,000 mis. 54950. Ph. 60-284 bus. TOYOTA Corona. 1974. 1600 c.c. economical family saloon. 2 owner car, radio, mudflaps. monsoon, 53.000 km. $4599. McLaren Mtrs. 362 Colombo St. Sydenham (opp. Havwrights). Ph. 68874. a.h. '227-610 LMVD. TOYOTA Corolla 1972, low mileage, excellent condition, $3595 0.n.0. Ph. 43-572. TOYOTA Corona Coupe, 1973. 50.000 miles, metallic green, radio and heater. A smart looking car and priced at only $4490. Ron Rutherford Cars. 198 Yaldhurst Rd. Ph. 427-898. a.h. 497-317. 429-186. MVDI. WSI6 TOYOTA Corolla SR coupe, new shape, only 25,000 miles, radio and heater, an immaculate as new car, only $5995. Sydenham Park Car Sales, cnr Lincoln and Moorhouse. Ph. 799-199, a.h. 596-529. TOYOTA Corolla Estate, 1972, in really exceptional order, 53299. Auto City, 217 Ferry Rd. TOYOTA Corolla coupe. 1973 SE. 1 owner, Aust, assem. Fitted with radials, stereo, wheel trims etc. $4495 or $2700 dep. John Poelman Mtrs Ltd. 62 Riccarton Rd. Phone 487-105. a.h. 277-664, LMVD. TRIUMPH 2.5 PI Auto. Power steer, luxury motoring, 1974 model. Green with tan leather trim, radio etc., 53.000 miles, faultless order. Great value at 54999. Ph. 793-120. N.Z.M.C. Austin, 58 Gloucester Street. A.H. Ph. 324- 45-599, LMVD. 16 TRIUMPH Herald, 1964. a very tidy first car or good reliable second. $1095 Cable Price Toyota, Cnr Langdons and Main North Rds. Ph. 529-861, a.h. 852-886. LMVD. 18 TRIUMPH Spitfire Mk 4, blue, 54790. Ph. 69-475. Chch Sports Car Centre, 77 Moorhouse Ave. LMVD. 17 TRIUMPH Herald 1966. Goes really well and in good all round condition $lO5O 0.n.0. Ph. 371-456. TRIUMPH Toledo 1500. 1975. White with navy interior, 1 lady owner, only 30,000 km, very economical, superb cond. $4500. Farmers’ Motors. 100 Fitzgerald Ave iopp. Lichfield Sti. Phone 61-594. a.h. Tony Hamilton 830-959 or Paul Humphreys 792-978. LMVD. TRIUMPH TR7 sports, 1977, one owner, very low miles, appealing modern sports car in brand new condition, stereo, tinted glass, etc. White with red trim. Available now at $12,500. Qualitv Cars. 42 Manchester St. Ph. 50-181, a.h. 538-980, 325TRIUMPH 2000 TC 1977, ■43,000 by two careful local owners, finished in French blue with fawn trim, immaculate $6995. Miles Gar age, Woodend, telephone 703 Wnd, a.h. 7858 Rangiora. LMVD. TRIUMPH 2000 Mk 1 Auto 1966. in mint condition. 52499. Neate Mitchell Motors, 138 Victoria St. Phone 67-391, a.h. 68-571. MVDI. TRIUMPH 2.5 auto., powbt steering, 1977. 1 owner, only 34,000 km. Radio, mid brown with buckskin trim, a very attractive vehicle, great value at $8695. NZMC Rangiora, Ph. 8334 or Chch direct line 277-460. a.h. 8787 Kaiapoi or 8217 Rga, LMVD.