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1 Cars for. Sale ’ CHARGER, VJ. 265. auto.,; 1973. Only 2 owners, re-1 - built motor and ■ transmission. exceptional value at | I only $4690 or $2829 dep.j I Carriage Co., 69 Moorhouse ' Ave Pn. 799-742, a.h. 881-408. CHuAt- cars oougns, sold and! traded at Everetts Autos,! Ltd. LMVD, the Bomb and Rocket Dealers. 109 Words worth St. MVDI. D CHEV. Corvette, 1976. 35u , LS2. fli-performance, stereo, auto., power steering, mags, air conditioning. Brilliant red with black leather trim. , John Poeisnan Motors. Ltd, 62 Ricearton Rd, Phone ! 487-105. a.h. 27-7664 LMVD. CHEV. Blazer K 5. Genuine i 1973 U.S. model, factor’Cheyenne luxury kit. VS i auto., power steering, 4 wheel drive. ditT loks. Lo and Hi ratios. More luxurious. roomy and practical ■ than a Range Rover. One owner, only 15.00!) miles. Compare this today. $27,500. At Quality Cars. 42 Man i Chester St. Ph. 50-131. a.h. 588-930. 325-756. E 3 S E 3 E CHEVETTE Hatchback. 1977. metallic copper bronze, one : owner. 20.000 km. Heater, radials. Beautiful condition. 856)0 or 53360 deposit. Hon- ' da Centre. NZMC, 64 Man- ! Chester St. Phone 66-711: j a.h. 266-263. LMVD. ‘CHEVETTE GL — 4 door. 1978. Only 19.000 km by J careful owner. Value at only i $5699. Neate Mitchell i Motors, 138 Victoria St. Ph.
: 67-391. a.h. 516-369. MVDI. i CHEVETTE GL. 4-door. 1977. 1 owner,, orange paint-' work. A nice going ear. 4 mths, 6000 km warranty. 66.900 kms. Reduced, Save $2OO. $4495. Wrightears Toy-! ota, 285 Cashel St. Ph. 798-1 530 any time, LMVD. ; CHEVETTE van, 1977. Only 31,000 km. fitted with radio. ! radials. A really tidy ! vehicle. Only SJ7SO deposit, balance up to 3 years. Don I McNeill Motors. 62 Riccar- : ton Rd. Ph. 487-106, a.h. ; 27-7664. LMVD. CHEVETTE Hatchback, 1977. . 32,000 km, every extra. 55399. Murray Costello Cars, 305 Lincoln Rd. Ph. 389-161. , a.h. 583-499, 887-396. CHEVROLET Blazer, 4-wheel-drive, 1977, auto., power steeling, air conditioning, tinted glass, factory radio. Onlv 21.000 miles. Best of-| i fered. Archibalds, 24 Ox-; lord Tee Ph 796-980. A.H ! Sumner 6599. LMVD. CHEVROLET Impala, 11)66. done 14.000 miles since ! motor and transmission recond., receipts available, radial tires, radio, heater, 52750. 124 Richardson Tee, Ph. 898-655. WSI9 CHEVROLET, 1962, V 8 automatic, factory radio, heater, ; mechanically Al. original lemon with white .top, in really good condition, value al 51495 Dave Mitchell I Woolesale, 110 Ricearton I Rd. Ph. 45-742. LMVD. ICHRYSLER Valiant VJ Auto., i laie 1976. 1 owner, 50,000 | km. metallic hickory. An investment at $6OOO. Me- ! Lacen Motors, Ltd. 108 St Asaph St. Ph. 798-940. a.h.l 891-704, 45-967 or 238-966 Lvit. LMVD. 16| CHRYSLER auto. CJ 360, 19/4 model, fop luxury Chrysler) , with all options including; I air conditioning. Beautiful J I metallic gold, brocade trim.l I Compare tills immaculate; ; car. be quick, only $5995.; Quality Cars. 42 Manchester! j St Pli. 50-181. a.h 588-980. 325-756. B E IS H CHRYSLER Valiant Charger, ' 1973, 265 Hemi motor, auto, i Finished in turbine bronze with tan trim, radio and stereo. Immae. eond. Very attractive, onlv $4995 or $3OOO dep. Ricearton Car Sales, Ltd. 41 Ricearton Rd, Ph. 488-923. a.h. 487396. CHRYSLER Alpine GLS. June, 1979. 1 owner vehicle which has travelled only 12,000 km. This vehicle is still under warranty. Terms arranged or will trade. S9BOO. Ph. 583-193. WFSM2I! CHRYSLER Valiant Regal I waggon. Australian as-1 semblcd. new steel belted' : t’-rcs. beautiful order,; tinder 50.000 km. $7500 0.n.0.: Ph. 4155 Timaru, collect. ! 0 0 t 3 B CHRYSLER Valiant Charger. VJ. 1974. 318 V 8 auto., power steering. mags, ; metallic silver, radio. Tills car is in mint condition j and travelled only 39.000; miles. Must be seen. 86995 , or $420(1 dep. Inspect today I at Ricearton Car Sales, Ltd,' i 41 Ricearton Rd, Ph. 483-' ! 923. a.h. 437-396 or 388-1127, , LMVD. iCHRYSLER Avenger I.3GL, 1979. One owner, look onlv 5000 km. in mint condition. economy plus at $6799. N.Z.M.C.. 141 Gloucester St. Ph. 790-020. a.h. •886-700, 595-650. Open Saturday, 9-1 p.m. LMVD. XHI9 CHRYSLER 360 limousine, I 1973, only 29,000 miles, auto., I power steering, electric i tinted windows, metallic i bronze. Only 55990. Archi- ' balds, 24 Oxford Tee. Ph. ! 796-980; a.h. Sumner 6599, ! LMVD. CHRYSLER Valiant VG. 1970. Hemi motor. Look. 82599. ! Lincoln Autos, 376 Lincoln ' Rd, Ph. 389-896. LMVD. CHRYSLER Avenger 1.3 GL, 1978. IS.OOOkm, Kismet yellow. P.B. radio. SI2OO under - replacement cost. 56500. McLaren Motors, Ltd. 108; St Asaph St. Phone 798-940.! . a.h. 891-704. 45-967 or) 891-674. LMVD. 16 CITROEN GS 1220 Club. 1976. Genuine .30,000 miles. Velour trim, heated rear window, manual, absolutely : immaculate original condi I lion. Golf yellow with luxury brown trim. Value at $7995 Dave Mitchell Wholesale. 110 Ricearton Rd. Ph. 45-742. LMVD. 'CITROEN GS Pallas, 1978, only I IS.OOOkm, 1 owner, top lux j urv model with all extras including sunshine roof and I stereo. As new. SI 1.990 I Archibalds. 24 Oxford Tee ■ Ph. 796-980, a.h. Sumnei 6599, LMVD. CITROEN CX 2000. Latest model, only 13,000 miles. 1 owner, metallic blue. Imi mac. $15,990. Archibalds. 24 • Oxford Tee. Ph. 796-980, a.h Sumner 6599, LMVD. !CITROEN, Ll 5. 1948, damaged ; cond., S6OO 0.n.0. Includes l parts to fix and some spares. Ph. 528-906. WSI9 ■COOPER Mini 19'17. Receipts : available. Quick tidy eco • comical motoring. now ■ 52199 or 51320 dep. at Challenger Car Cour*. 168 Ferry ■' Rd. Phone 63-101 a.h. 025-180. LMVD. COROLLA estate, 1976. sand with Charcoal trim, the ideal family station waggon. $4995. Cable Price Toyota. Cnr Langdons and .Main! North Rds. Ph. 529-861 a.h.i 852-386 LAIL D. *<» CORTINA 2000 Ghia. 1977. blue, manual gearbox. 1 ladv owner, only 13.000 km’. As new. Cheapest in town at $9999. Ph. 793-120. I NZMC Austin. 53 Gloucester St a.h. 45-599, 324-835. I LMVD. 16 CORTINA 2000 XL manual, I 1976. yellow with black I vinyl roof and body mouldj ings, radio, towbar, mud- ■ flaps, etc. Faultless order. I Onlv 39,000 km. Great I value at 56999. Phone 793I 120. NZMC Austin. 58 Glou- • cester St', a.h. 45-599. 3241 835. LMVD. 16' CORTINA Mk 3, auto 1972. j yellow vinyl top. extras, _3; I month warranty. 53195. Smithburn Motovs. 27 Moorhouse Ave. Ph. 64-057. CORTINA station waggon, 1965. good condition, excel i mechanics. Sl6OO 0.n.0. Ph. ( 382-979. : CORTINA 1600 L. 1971. FinI isbed in Zircon green with ! parchment vinyl top. $3299. Car Market. Kaiapoi. Ph. I Kevin Wilson Kai. 6394, a.h.' 1 429-293 Chch. LMVD:
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Press, 16 January 1980, Page 21
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1,054Page 21 Advertisements Column 3 Press, 16 January 1980, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 3 Press, 16 January 1980, Page 21
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