'AUSTIN 1300. 1974. Mk 111,' 69,000 km. dark blue. $2999. Murray Costello Cais. 305 , . Lincoln Rd. PL. 339-161. a.h. 1 . 583-499. 837-396. ' AUSTIN Cambridge. 1962. mechanically AL Goes extra' we,’. Tide condition. Value' at $595. Dave Mitchell I Motors. 110 Ricearton Rd, Ph. 45-742. LMVD. AUSTIN 1300 1976. Royal, Blue, tidy and sound, 5169 u.: Bruce Reid Motors, Ltd,’ ; enr Moorhouse Ave and! Sciwvn St. Ph. 69-607. a.h.! i 228-574. .’(AUSTIN 1800 1966. 78.000 '■ miles. 51495. Bruce ReidMotors. Ltd. enr Moor-. . house Ave and Selwyti St. ; Pli. 69-607. a.h 228-574. 295-' ' 639. j AUTOMATIC Morris 1300 .Mk: 3. Lilv yellow, superb: ordci. 3 months warranty. ; $2595. Smithburn Motors,: 27 Moorhouse Ave. Phone ' 64-057. a.h. 35-249. AUDI 100 GLS. 1977. the very latest 5E shape, one owner, low mileage, finished in ap-, pealing metallic blue witli: tan velour trim Has t/glas. ] . h/lighl washers. driving, ;; lights, radio, h/rests, etc.: ; This superb economical lux’j ury car is like brand new; i it represents real value at. $16,995. Quality Cars. 42] I Manchester St. Ph. 50-181, . a.h. 588-980, 325-756. -AVENGER GLS. 19/J. Auto- . matic, 1 owner, 33,000 km, I > Apache red. As new t/out • l $4999. Neate Mitchell Mo i , tors. 138 Victoria St. Phone| I 67-391, a.h. 68-571, MVDI. | ■'AVENGER Alpine 1073, beau-1 • I tiful ear. 50.000 miles, war-' rantv only $3495. Smithburn • ' Motors. 21 Moorhouse Ave., 1 Ph. 64-057. • AVENGER GLS 1.6 automatic in mint order. One owner: >: vehicle. Apache red/blaca j ■i vinyl roof. Radio, heater, I ' cloth trim. Radial tyres. I '; towbar. Heated rear screen.: J 17.000 km HO.OOO miles). , Onlv $6599 Mel.aien Motors, i 362 Colombo St. Sydenham iopp. Havwrights). Ph. 68 i 874. LMVD. MVDI. AVENGER 1500. 1973. 51.000 | km 130,000 miles), green, 1 with tan trim.-excel, cond., $.3590 full price or available ,! on low deposit and easy terms. Ron Rutherford -I Cars, 198 Yaldhurst Road, j Ph. 427-898. a.h. 497-317, I 429-186. MVDI. WSI6 -AVENGER Alpine GLS, 1978.1 : Latest model, all extras and:. : as new. Only 21.000 miles. * ■ Compare, $6495. Sydenham! Park Car Sales, enr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave. Ph J ' 799-199. a.h. 596-529. AVENGER SIV 1977, 1600: auto, 1977. 80.000 km, a. really smart vehicle, must ' be real value at $4995 or I $3OOO dep. Don McNeill, '! Motors. 62 Ricearton Road.: ■ Ph. 487-106 a.h. 277-664' LMVD. AVENGER 1975, automatic, * 34.(100 miles, radio. $4199. 12 J months warranty. Ph. ii Graeme Richards. Blackwell’s Citv. 795-500 a.h. 556- ' i 576 LMVD. - BARGAINS: ’63 EJ Holden, I $695; ’67 Mk IV Zephyr. $995; ’63 Morris 1100. $995; i 63 Rambler S/W. $895: 63. 6! Rambler S/W $895; 65 Mk .’1; • I Zephyr. $995; 68 Hunter. . $1695- 68 Mini van. $1095:! : ■67 Viva. $1195; 63 Datsun! ij Bluebird, $495; 60 Con-: >| sill S/W, $895; 65 Prince I ; 8200. $795; 71 Victor 201)0. • $1795; 50 Austin A7O, $25(1; I 56 Minor. 8695: 62 \l olseley ■: 6/99, $795; 69 Trekka, I] $795; 64 Inin. $695; . 62 Anglia $695; 66 Valiant ) automatic. $995: 63 EH I Holden $695. Call at Safi ( i Motors Ltd, 171 Waltham ■ Rd. Ph. 66-248, a.h. 277-532.! • I LMVD. ' -BMW 520 4 door, 1974. 40,0001 I miles, many extras, immae.! ■ order. Only $13,490. Archi-I )! balds, 24 Oxford Tee, Ph.! . I 796-980, a.h. Sumner 6599.: .' LMVD. • B.M.W. 320 Alpha. The very; latest factory car; 5 speed! .! gearbox, incredible perform-:, .! ance, 1 owner, low km. Every option. Like new. . $23,995. Quality Cars. 42; L Manchester St. Ph. 50-181.! .' a.h. 538-980, 325-756. 1 LMVD. • BROUGHAM, 1970. HT. VB. ■ automatic, power steering, brakes and windows,; heater, high back seats.: J Sparkling white with black, vinyl top. Immaculate eon-: • dition. Value at 53795. Dave: ~ Mitchell Wholesale, lit) Ricearton Rd. Phone 45-742. i. LMVD. 1 CADILLAC coupe De Villeti 1963. VS auto P/S every, I'l conceivable power extra, air; t: conditioning. radio, imc maculate original condition, o; verv realistically priced. I Dave Mitchell Wholesale jio! Ricearton Road Ph 45-742: . ICAMARO LT, 1976, genuine! •’ U.S. 1976 model, 350 V 8! r j turbo, hydra transmission.: power steering, beautiful. L metallic red, sports wheels, •! tinted glass, radio, only; J 519.000 miles and like new.: ’i Compare this, only 512.995.1 •i Qualitv Cars. 42 Manchester; •| St. Pli. 50-181. a.h. 588-980.: , 1 325-756. -CAPRI 2000 GT. 1974. auto-; j! matic, 1 owner, original, i! 79.000 miles. Factory radio/ .1 heater. Rostyle wheels.: !l ehrome bands. Immaculate.: ’! original condition. Spark-; )■' ling bright green with tan luxiirv trim. Value at 55495. Dave Mitchell Wholesale. 110 Ricearton Rd, Phone , 45-742. LMVD. 'CAPRIS a specialty! Buying, or selling, see Park Lane , Motor Co.. 85 Moorhouse ■ Ave. Ph 795-567. LMVD ' CAPRI 1600 GTXL. Unmarked I in metallic blue, a fine, '! example for ouly 54490 or, . i S27CO dep. Carriage Co.. 69; ’! Moorhouse Ave, Ph. 799-742,1 :l a.h. 881-408. ''CELESTE 1600 197/, only; i IS.OOOkm. all factory extras.: i i smart vellow. $8895 or $5340 I ! Dep. Don McNeill Motors,! I 62‘Ricearton Road. Ph. -487-1 ’ 106 a.h. 277-664 LMVD. ’i CENTREPOINI Cars, tne safe; : place to buy and sell. Lin-1 ' coln-Moorhonse enr. Phone! j 61-374. LMVD. D: i CHARGER 265, 1975. exec! ! ; cond., many extras. S6aoo, ! 0.n.0. Ph. 830-663. , I ,! CHARGER, 770 auto. Silver! ‘i with black trim, charger r i mags., radio and heater. , Onlv three owners and travelled only 545.000 miles. Im- j maculate cond.. $4295. Full j ■’ price or 52530 deposit.; •; Trans Am Motors, 2<a Co- *! lombo St. Pit. 327-672; a.h. ; ,! 849-622. I CHEV 1957. auto. VS. mags,' i power brakes, Ph. 831-336. I