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Auctions KAIAPOI j 158 OHOKA ROAD TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION IN OUR ROOMS TODAY at 2.15 p.m. ;On behalf of the Trustees In the Estate of the late Mrs H R Louden COMMENT: A spacious and desirable property in a popular local- [ ity. Handy to all amenities. R. G. BELL and CO. 169 GLOUCESTER ST, Christchurch. Solicitors to the estate: ’■ E. J. Corcoran. Son. Thwaites ' ■ and Brown 8388 Properties tor Sale RICCARTON. Racecourse close by. 3-bedroom Summerhill | Sione bungalow. $16,400. N. K ■ Olsen. M.K.E.I.N.Z. Ph. 30-31 U. Buchanan. A.H. 43-213. RICCARTON: Acacia Ave. $19,000. By Middleton Grange; School Spacious 3 bedroom weatherboard and tile roof family home offering generous i living areas on a tidy 27 perch! section. Sunny large lounge, big kitchen-dinette. Extra; livingroom, 16 x 11. Garage: and workshop. Real searci.x value here! Phone 62-769, Binns. Barber and Keenan. Ltd M.REINZ 7672 RANGIORA, 510.500. A fine lamI ily home. close Ashgrove ? School, 4 bedrooms, every con-: ? venience, glasshouse, double; I concrete garage. 35 perch sec-, tion. Ideal for family man. See > this, buy it and save money 1 Devlins. Rangiora. Ph. 8829. Licensed Real Estate Agent, after hours 607 Woodend. 8698 j RANGIORA: We nave several fine homes In brick and Summerhill stone for sale. Prices’ range from 816,000 to 828,500. We invite buyers inspection > Devlin, Real Estate Agent,' Rangiora. M.R.E.LN.Z. Phone! 8829 8698 RICCARTON, $21,000. Permanent material bungalow with three ' bedrooms. Section 24 perches, and very tidy. Double garage. Sun ay private rear garden. An immaculate home in a very: pleasant cul-de-sac. Please ‘ phone sole agents. Whittle? 1 Knight and Boatwood. M.R.E -1 ■ LN.Z. 44-149. Knight a.h? i 487-275. 7665, ' ROCHESTER ST, $9OOO. 2 bedroom and sunroom home on 20 perch section at present tenanted at $lB per week. Good order inside but needs some; exterior renovation. Please ph. Kay Elvin, 66-917. Mercer Real ‘ Estate, M.R.E.LN.Z., or A.H. 384-753. X 6267 SHIRLEY: Brick 2 bedroomed home. Large lounge, spacious kitchen-dinette. Attractive small corner section facing north $15,500. Pasley Real Estate. Ltd. M R E.I.N Z-, 62-538 after hrs R. Shields. 489-325. 6523 ST ALBANS. Immaculate 2 bed- ' room bungalow with lounge, 'i kitchen-dining and laundry. Sel! eluded and established 40 perch i section. Fantastic garden. Rural : aspect. $14,000 0.n.0. Phone Mark Cathcart, of John Cath- ! cart Ltd, 30-973. M.R.E.I.N.Z 6527 ■ST ALBANS, $13,950. Only j’ mile north of Square Very tidy 3 bedroomed bungalow on small section. Good carpets throughout, drapes, and washing machine, garage. This must appeal to retired people. Ruric Hunter. Ltd. M.R.E.1.- ' N.Z., office 50-999 evenings 266-937. 7591 I ST ALBANS: 3 bedrooms. Small i section, single garage. Close to all amenities. Walk to work as this is close to city. $13,950. Matson and Allan. M.R.E LN.Z. Ph 77-182 a.h. Colin Lester 887-351. 8553 SOUTH BRIGHTON: Excellent: beach cottage, permanent re ' ■ sidence or letting proposition containing two bedrooms, cosy lounge, kitchen-dinette with ; Formice bench and stainless steel sink. Price only $7500 1 Dalgety New Zealand. Ltd M. Ph. 82-079; a.h. ' 327-080, 584-252. 3060 ■ SUMNER, close to beach. Stateiy 2 storey home built by architect for his own residence, ; magnificent lounge, large din ing room, modern kitchen, 5 bedrooms, including 18 x 20 master bedroom. 2 sunrooms, I 20 x 10 lined sieepout, plus ‘ study, unique central and water heating system 30 perches. $29,500. Sole agents ; Pasley Rea! Estate. Ltd, MR - ' E.I.N.Z. Phone 62-538: 843-734. 2277 ; SPREYDON. First day offered. i tidy home of 2 bedrooms and sunroom, ample living space , and full)’ furnished. $13,250. *, M. M. Rathie James and Co., I Ltd M.R.E.LN.Z.. Ph. 50-159, A.H. Paul McManus Ph. 383-077. SPRINGFIELD RD. $ll,OOO 0.n.0. Older 4 bedroom house on 26 perch R 3 55ft frontage section,, tenanted at $25 per week; an ideal position for home units. Please phone Kay Elvin. 66-917, Mercer Real Estate. M.R.E.1.-: N. or A.H. 384-753. X 6267 ST ANDREWS HILL. $21,250 Once in a lifetime you are! I given a golden opportunity i and if you don’t accept this i one, you will miss out on securing for yourself this im- 1 maculate two bedroom, plus I sunroom home, which is set. on a sheltered side, featuring i a magnificent view. Don’t delay. Phone Bohnenn Real Estate. M.R.E.I.N.Z. Ph. 40-753; A.H., Ron Fleming, 599-106. 8591 I ST ANDREWS HILL. Sunny lower slopes. 2 bedrooms, sunroom lounge with beautiful | view. 30-perch section. $21,500.1 N. K. Olsen. M.R.E.I.N.Z. Ph. 30-310, Saundercock, A.H 841-471. ST ALBANS. Permanent materials. 4 bedrooms, lounge and large family dining-room. 48-. perch section. Double garage. ' Quiet cul-de-sac. House and section in spotless order. $28,500. N. K. Olsen. M.R.E.1.-' N.Z, Ph. 30-310, Saundercock. . A.H. 841-471. SOMERFIELD. Ex State house. Permanent material, tile roof. 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchendinette. Garage. Same owner; from new. All on a beautifullyi kept 30-perch section. $13,500. ! Grant Real Estate. M.R.E.I.N.Z.' Ph. 31-227; A.H.. Marsh. 559-147 . 8636 ST MARTINS. Three bedroom weatherboard bungalow on an elevated sunny section of 251 perches. Home has large lounge, kitchen, dining room. 2 i large, 1 small bedrooms. New carpet in lounge, hall and one; bedroom, good carpets in other! rooms. Latest Hoovermatic washing machine, panel heati ers in hall and bathroom. Single garage. House painted recently and in excellent condition. $15,950. Urgent sale as owner has option on another property. Please phone sole agents. Ray Cunninghame. 67-095 business. 599-305 after 1 hours. T. G. Healv’s. M.R.F.1.- : N.Z. 8514 ST MARTINS: Spacious family home recently redecorated. 3 bedrooms. separate dining room, nearly ; acre. $13,250 0.n.0. T. H. Gibbon and Co. M.R.E.LN.Z Ph. 40-593 after hours 325-746. ST MARTINS. Opawa. Very niff 3 bedroom brick bungalow with snacious lounge and separate i dining room and attached two bedroom flat. Both are immaculate. Quality floor coverings throughout Thermostat heaters and Insulated ceilings. The lious® and flat are sunnv and the 2.9 perch section adjacent to the river is delightfully! chrnHhed and very private $29,750. P’*ase Ph. Alan Candv f. v Jolliff* and Co . Ltd. M R , E.I Nz. 66-347, after hour* I 859-259. 1788 i
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Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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996Page 21 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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