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Auctions REMINDER NOTICE ESTATE REALISATION ST ALBANS RESIDENCE 16 OXLEY STREET | (OFF CRANFORD STREET) 40 Perches Zoned Residential 2 i : GREAT POTENTIAL VALUE THE dwelling comprises sound older type residence of 4 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom. Very: clean and tidy. IN OUR ROOMS, 131 Worcester Street, TODAY ;THURSDAY. APRIL 5 245 PM 8387 Properties tor Sale OWNERSHIP flat? Close Papanui Rd and Papanui shopping area. Permanent materials. $18,500. N. K. Olsen, M.R.E.I.N.Z. Ph 30-310, Buchanan. A.H. 43-213. OWNERSHIP flats. McCormacks Bay. facing north. Two 3-bed-room flats with luxury furnishings and fittings on landscaped 44-perch section with double garages. $19,500 each. N. K. Olsen, M.R.E.I.N.Z. Ph. 30-310. Buchanan. A.H. 43-213. OWNERSHIP flat, Beckenham. Luxurious 2-bedroom flat with near new carpets and drapes. Close to the Beckenham shopping area. Much larger than normal. Mahogany doors. No; a penny to spend. $18,500. ' Grant Real Estate, M.R.E.1.-: N.Z. Ph. 31-227, sole agents. 8638 : OWNERSHIP flat. Westburn. $20,750. A delightful new ultramodern 2 bedroom unit, one ofj two, both with street frontages! and private access Situated in prestige street amongst magnificent homes. Beamed ceiling lounge 20ft x 15ft, ideal kitchenette. Centrally heated and extremely sunny. Small, private rear'ya’ d. Ford and Hadfield. Ltd, M.R.E.LN.Z,, phone 66-569. ! after hours Larcombe. 519-475 9443. ■ ■ ■ ■ OWNERSHIP flat, Shirley. $16,750. Split-level design two bedrooms, in block of two. both facing the street. Superior layout. Situated in quit residential area. Contacv builder, H. P. Holt, Ltd, Phone 66-642, A.H. 555-911.7664 OWNERSHIP flat. North of Bealey Ave. Will be completed in approx. 2 to 3 months. Two bedroom. 16 x 12 lounge, kitchen/dinette. Lock-up garage. Full share of the sun and view of street. Price $10,950. Phone; Everest, of Livingstone’s, M.R.E.1.N.Z.. 44-119: a.h. 554-312. 7746; OXFORD, $3OOO buys country cottage of 3 bedrooms, lounge;; 17ft by 16ft, kitchenette, bathroom. etc. 1 acre section in good locality. Contact sole; agents, North Canterbury Real: Estate. Phone Rangiora 8676 or; Kaiapoi 7461, A.H. Rangiora 7868 or 8828. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 7686 i PAPANUI, $31,500. A lovely 3 toi 4 bedroomed family home with! an income from 2 brand new 1-bedroom flats. You must seej this to appreciate the value Close Northlands shopping; centre. Please phone Mr Vannoort at Bohnenn Real Estate. _ M.R E 1.NJZ._40 : 753. A.H. ■ ■ ■ ir PAPANUI. Brick. $12,900. A delightful home in every respect. 3 good sized bedrooms, lovely lounge, kitchen-dinette. Picture book 36 perch section. House goes complete with excellent floor coverings, drapes -and blinds. Please don*t delay, this house is a sure seller. To inspect phone David Murray, of Livingstone and Co.. M.R.E.1.N.Z., Riccarton Mall Branch, 44-119, or a.h. 554-312. 7755 PAPANUI: 1300 sq. ft six-year-old brick home with large lounge, separate living room, large kit-chen-dining room, two double bedrooms, one single bedroom, new carpets throughout, double garage, large glasshouse with a heating unit in first class condition, 66 perch back section with complete privacy, five minutes from shopping area. $23,500 0.n.0. Owner has purchased another property and is urgent seller. Please phone Ray Cunninghame. 67-095. a.h. 599-305. T. G. Healy’s, M.R.E.LN.Z. 6546 PAPANUI $13,750. Spacious 3 bedroom weatherboard home on well established large sec- i tion with plenty of fruit trees.; Lounge 19 x 13. living room 18 x 12. Double garage. C.C. leasehold section. This is ex-j cellcnt buying in this popular locality. Ph. Jansen 40-753, A.H.; 889-271 Bohnenn Real Estate ; 6492 PREBBLETON. Immaculate, per- 1 manent material 2-bedroom home, situated on beautifully laid out 32-perch section in most sought after area. Only $22,000 0.n.0. Ph. Doug Laird. 291-712, any time. Mercer Real Estate, M.R.E.I.N.Z. 8509 ; RANGIORA, 29 perch, .3 bedroom, handy to all amenities. $8000; Rangiora, 4 bedrooms. 60 perch ( rural outlook. $10,500; Rangiora, 3 bedrooms, plus sleep-out, 35 perch, good buying at $10,500;' Rangiora. 36 perch, 2 bedroom, centrally situated. $12,000:! Rangiora, 39 perch, older type home, very tidy. $14,500; Rangiora, villa type. 5 bedrooms. 40' perch, ideal large family.; $18,000; Rangiora. 3 bedroom. 1 $19,000: Rangiora, 3 bedrooms. 29 perch. $19,000: Rangiora. 3 bedrooms, this is a must, $21,000 0.n.0.; Rangiora. small 4 holding close in, 3 bedrooms. ' $19,000: Rangiora, 5 bedrooms, centrally situated. $24,000; Rangiora, 1 acre. 3 bedroom, permanent material, $35,000. These are just a small selection of the properties we have < for sale. Contact us now. North Canterbury Branch of Merritt Housing. 109 High St, ph. 7420. Rangiora: a.h. 38 Oust. 8828, Lyttelton. 8943 Kaiapoi. 7920! Kaiapoi. M.R.E.I.N.Z. 3241 RANGIORA. First time offered, close-in. a very comfortable 2 bedroom home, situated onl< large private secluded section Realistically priced at $ll,OOO j Rangiora branch of Merritt j Housing. Phone 7420. All. Stuart Wilson. 38 Cost. M.R.E.1 N.Z. RANGIORA. 3 bedrooms, fully landscaped desirable section in most sought after area. Three ( excellent sized bedrooms, large lounge. Inspection a must. Phone North Canty Branch of Merritt Housing, 6164 Kaiapoi; ah. 8838 Lyttelton. M.R.E.1.N.Z. 9476 RANGIORA: Three-year 3 bed-, room Summerhill stone bunga-J low on 36-perch private section.; comprising of 21ft x 13ft kitchen-living room, large : nicely appointed lounge, separate shower cabinet with Top-: liss mixer valve. Ducted central heatine aM a’l usual ties. $21,500. Simes and Co., Phone 64-347. after hours R Cockroft, 585-946, M.R.E.I.N.Z. 6583 RANGIORA: Permanent material j 2 bedroom home, nice lounge with large kitchen-dinette, also sieepout. in niral setting. Onlv! $13,000. John Cathcart. Ltd, M. Rangiora. Phom 7079, A.H. 7730 or Amberley 231. 7684 ! RICCARTON. Gladson Ave. $22,800. by Riccarton High Thomas’s. Villa j Maria. Church Corner, etc. Modern brick 3 bedroom home, suitable either retired folk or young family. Sunny private lounge, separate diningroom. Terrific sheltered sun terrace. Very’ fidv perch garden with hack ' ard tn park Garag*. rp-rr.*?, Insulated Pb'-n* a? 76° Finns. Barber and Keenan, M.R E L-i N. 76721
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Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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939Page 21 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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Page 21 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume CXIII, Issue 33193, 5 April 1973, Page 21
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