amusements. 1. regent The Leading Theatre of Ace Attractioos. Direction: Christchurch Cinemsr* Lid. 2.15 P.M.! and 8 W- ! PACKED OUT AGAIN OH SATURDAY NIGHT! IRENE DUNNE IRENE DUNNE IRENE DUNNE ROBERT TAYLOR ROBERT TAYLOR In “MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION* J “MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION* “MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION* (Approved for Universal EtliiTmlwpJ 5 With CHARLES BUTTERWORTH RALPH MORGAN—BERYL lllthiißt It’s more than a magnificent picture! It's an inspiration to all humanity I RESERVES DJ.C. or REGENT. 34-SIS f ARRIVING FRIDAY! ARRIVING FRIDAY! The Sensational story of International Espionage . . . the most thrilling story ever filmed . . - WILLIAM POWELL WILLIAM POWELL ROSALIND RUSSELL ROSALIND RUSSELL In Metro-Goldwyn -Mayer’s Thrill-Comedy of the Secret Service “R-E-N-D-E-Z-V-O-U-S* “ R-E-N-D-E-Z-V-O-U-S * “ R-E-N-D-E-Z-V-O-U-S * With BINNIE BARNES LIONEL ATWILL Love —Intrigue—and Laughs. Every merry moment packed witfe thrills . . . Bill unravels a near mystery end has the time of his life doing it (Approved for Universal Exhibition-! RESERVES DXC. or REGENT. St-CUL GRAND THEATRE Showing Continuously From 11 AJHL A Masterpiece of Melody that Ton Cannot Afford to Min “GOOD-NIGHT VIENNA* Starring JACK BUCHANAN and ANNA NEAGLE (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) SECOND BIG ATTRACTION GEORGE GEE Funnier than Ever in “CLEANING UP* Also: Chapter Two of “RUSTLERS OF RED DOG.” Starring JOHNNY MACK BROWNstn EXHIBITION. D. K. RICHMOND MEMOBIAIs EXHIBITION 7 Definitely closes WEDNESDAY NEXT. Open from 9 to IX3O and 2 to 5. In the Art Gallery, Armagh street Entrance. Admission Free. Cataingne^|d| RACING. RACING CLUfll CLASSIC RACES. ENTRIES for future CLASSIC RACES close at 5 o’clock pm. on FRIDAY, 12th June, 1936. Full particulars in “NX. Referee." D. E. BRAY. Secretary, 2140 TROTTING. TROTTING CLUB. WINTER MEETING. 13th JUNE, 1990. ACCEPTANCES close with the Secretary. Burnett street, Ashburton. Id 8 p.m. on TUESDAY, 9th JUNE. ISM. J. B. NICOLL. Secretary. ’Phone 61. Box 54. 2191 ASHBURTON TROTS. SATURDAY, JUNE 13th. IS3C. BUS leaves Midland Bus Station. 31 Lichfield street West, at 10 am, for the above and returns after race. Return Fare 10. Book seats early. MIDLAND MOTORWAYS SERVICSSL LTD. ’Phone 40-110. FAIL’S FISH CAP* P AIL'S FISH CAU Pjdmi g, amt tLa BriT r JED OYSTERS OUR SPBCIAUTY. —and don’t forget, “\TUGGST” your shoes cve^
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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21803, 8 June 1936, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21803, 8 June 1936, Page 1
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