AMUSEMENTS. Direction: Christchurch Cinemas, L 1 2.15 R E TWICE DAILY 8 p.ra. NOW SHOWING! R R The First Lady of the Screen RUTH CHATTERTON RUTH CHATTERTON In the Throbbing story of a Galla Lady who defied the Tragedy Dishonour. “LADY OF SECRETS” ‘‘LADY OF SECRETS” With OTTO KRUGER —LIONEL ATWIL and MARIAN MARSH. 5 Reserves D.I.C. or TIVOLI, 32-810. (Recommended by Censor for Adults 211 LIBERTY THEATRE Non-Stop From 12 Noon. , LORETTA YOUNG , JOHN BOLES DOROTHY WILSO] In “THE WHITE PARADE” A Delightful Story, full of Charm and Romance. IN ADDITION. ! NANCY CARROLL DONALD COOI In “JEALOUSY” A Real Surprise Packet of Thrills, Mystery, and Comedy. (Both Approved for Universal t Exhibition.) Reserves D.I.C. or Liberty, 35-067. 215 DANCES. CALEDONIAN HALL. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. SELECT OLD-TIME DANCE. FINAL TWO-GUINEA MINNII First Half Four Spots and Four min nies. Winners Eligible Final. EVANS CAMPBELL BAND Admission Is 6d, Supper provided. Gallery 6d. X 362( PUBLIC ‘NOTICES. NEW ZEALAND MEAT PRODUCERS BOARD. ELECTION OF PRODUCERS’ REPRESENTATIVES. TTNDER the provisions of the regu lations the usual election of pro ducers’ representatives on the N« Zealand Meat Producers' Board w be held this year. The various districts will ele twenty-five delegates, wlio will co stitute an Electoral Committee, ai will assemble in- Wellington ■on t] 26th and 27th August, 1936, to co sider the Board’s Annual Report ai Balance-sheet, and to elect Two Pr ducers’ Representatives on the Boar Nominations of delegates to tl Electoral Committee will be receiv< at the Board’s Office up to noon ( the 9th July, 1936. Nominations of producers’ repr sentatives on the Board will be r ceived at the Board’s Office up to not on the 2nd July, 1936. Specimen forms of nomination, ar full particulars regarding electoral di tricts, persons entitled to vote, etc., m« be had on application to the unde signed, or from Provincial Branches i the Farmers’ Union, the Sheepownei Federation, and A. and P. Association G. C. SMITH. Returning Officer, New Zealand Meat Producers’ Boar P.O. Box 121, 2182 Wellington C.l. WHAT DOES HAVING GOC " TASTE COST? Lots of guineas if it’s clothes. Lots of money if it’s eats, and Lots of trouble, worry, and TtllT searching if it’s Wine. UNLESS you know where to buy. All Wines supplied by Bishop and Co. are of the finest quality in each individual class. If your requirements are a Sherry, a Port, a Madeira, or any other kind ol Wine, they are U to be found at BISHOP and COY.’S ARMAGH CELLARS ESTAB. 18; Prove this yourself by seeing tl Wines—and the prices—not only of tJ Wines—but all Spirits and Liqueur: /ZJ.IVE the Children Devereux Pure . Wheatmeal Bread. There’s nothing better. Builds health and strength. Campbell’s Bakery. 'Phone 31-399. We deliver. C 3194 FOR SALE. "POR Sale, to close Deceased Estal Valuable City Freehold. Tua street, close to Manchester street, cor prising Two-storey Brick and Stoi Building, in first-class order; over 40 feet of Floor Space. Suitable f Wholesale, Retail, or Manufacto: Business. 210 Tuam street. ’Phoi 35-053. X3463F PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. 'yyALTER J. WATSON’S. Consulting Opticians. 695 COLOMBO STREET (Next Kincaids). ’PHONE 35-226. W8442 A RCHIBALD E. RIDLEY. INSURANCE BROKER. I am still looking for business from my friends: Life. Earthquake and every class of insurance. SPECIAL A splendid Personal Accident Policy. T. and G. Building. 192 Hereford street. Telephone No. 34-203. Ch.Ch. R8648 K LEX E M A TREATMENT. FOR SKIN and SCALP AILMENT Sufferers from— ECZEMA SEBORRHOEA PSORIASIS ALOPECIA ACNE FALLING HAH BABY ECZEMA All instantly relieved and successful Treated. Call or write for Book! Consultations Free. KLEXEMA ROOMS. Triangle Rooms, 281 High street. Open Friday Evenings. ’Phone 34-5 Visiting Ashburton last Tuesday each month, at the SomarMt Hotel
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21803, 8 June 1936, Page 1
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