* — BANKS PENINSULA. Tto SOtk •nasal Show of the Banks Pcaiaaoi* A- intd P. AMOciatioa wai toM jrwttrJay oa the piettwesqne Awa iti Daw aim at Little River. Toe day T»a» daU. B%*n, apparently, was not far •way, bat it held off, and the gatheriag was held uader ideal conditions. Taia part of tIM province seems to have a«ea quite fortunate in the matter of wvataer, aa the country is looking parftatolawljr well, witk aa apparent amplitude «f feed. Entries showed an advsac* of •© over last jear, horses and •attJo each being responsible for 20 •f this, and sJtecp for li>. Taere waa a good attendance of local p«opie aad visitors, but shearing kept soma giaaiers at home. The gate on taia account skewed a redaction, £139 Wiag takes a* agatnst £196 last year. "!»• Show waa eOcieatly conducted, indfiag being got through promptly, bat Ike big entries in the light horse •action caused the competitions to be concluded later than usual. Taa •atataasiiag feat are of the Little River Skow is always the light horse section. The classes are well filled, alaaoat iavariably many of the beat horses •1 Ike proriaee competing. This was the case yesterday, sueeeeaful competitors at the Metropolitan Show being repre•entcd. In the il-stoue hack, class nine eatrie* were forward, Mrs J. H. Mc Maater'i Jet scoring; in the 11 stone asaidea elaas, eleven was the entry, S. Blatcaford "a Tango being given the ted ticket; in the 13 stone hark seven catered the ring. Mi** I. Rutherford's well pari orated The Tatler soring; in tke ISat -bus Muss Hilda Montgomery's Smart t took the main award; in th<' lady's bark rlass, II was the entry, aad Tbe Tatler again .-aught the judge's •ye; ia the district lady's hn.-k H.-»as 8. Blatrh ford's Tango seored from •Mgttt others; in a ring of a d»cra (w»t aaaaered backs. Miss I. Rutherford's veteran, Rock, Ahoy, was; single*! out; for tke most asefal and active hack, Mra MeMaster's Jet scored over seven •tiers; aad for the best hark on the gnmmd, to th« owner of wlitcr* the W. .\, Cray ChaJtVagc Cup f.»r the year is •warded. Mrs J. 11. ttrigg'* "l*ua4"fT waa §it« the honour. There were five •atrie* in this class, judged by the three Jadgea of the light horse arctions, bat •Moral of th# e!a»» winner* were not •atewL Parade* was the winner of tfcta eiass la<t j-»r. Fifty enthe* made • very Sue »h»wiitg in tke eob and pony sretion. all kilt a ftW el;i.»«*» having seven of ,/ight. en t ri«»s. Tri \ i e J © |,! i n '» ifn ,• ~„,,. v ».« •warded the r«>ay blue rtbN>a. In the •araeaa acetic, a there was »!.*•> good eo«f*«itw»l» in mmt of t:*e •• (asset. Draagfct konesi were f*-w in •sit a few good s'nm[>t »»-rt» *<»• ■ -.s »>, fartieabtrlsr in the rUli.--** ,-b<.*s. T>.«stallion ekawpionship wenr to «'. ft. Tl«aaas*s colt, a«d th>•are to It. *;.." Rn,-h* m '.« three ■IIt. J. Kirb'rhs-. J. o. «',-.,,{.. »-,,(" y. Carter »»t» th« ether prt/»- t.tkrr*. fnut oi»d i'if»ji an Little RV. rr •bow are iavariaMr ».• urin.-«f r„ •» ?>„ •atetam, aad j*at#r*t»r was let.* » n e\••ptioa to tho rale *hai» or.litiarilv. *a#f» w»s go rmnprtif.it>* in K»pnnev Manh or Eagtixh and B»nler t.*■!*■ f*t>r, fe* e»tri#» i n Southdon ns. »».| ..n!v f«wrr bi Re*Ua>ls Hn»ri ff| in ( h' !.;•!- Bw«atM)a**d class W. O. Ronnie e\hiln'e J anme. of th. sh,.vv ,Wr t . Th» p«»iiti»in * u i.tifir«'K .liff.-rcnr in, »h« TMshr*.) *reti,„n. lt ," w i,»„(, t! „ r „ Wer> gnnd e«trie» Ml ,f sn et-eflent elawi •f ikM-p. The hoggets i» t|»i a section
st>.n>d out, well grown, excellently ,-!-»t;-].',J, at'.'! exactly the type for the Peninsula country. No fewer than eleven competed in the roarce wool rrossbred e»e class, in *<rhi> h ».'. K. C'raythorne took the award. Half a down threequartcrbred ewes, with lambs at foot, were entered, and Miss Hilda Montgomery scored. Ail the hogget classes were represented by sheep from Mr W. H. Montgomery's flock, and they were the sobjtxt of appreciative comment by the jndge. Fat sheep were quite up to normal, but fat lambs were outstanding, the 30 odd entered in the four classes being considered by obi show frequenters as some of the best seen for years. As in the purebred sheep sections pedigree cattle are not numerously represented at Little River, but rlass is to the fore as a rule. The wellknown Ell«*smere breeder, H. E, Chamberlain, provided most of the ten entries in the Shorthorn section. One more than this number crime, forward in the milking Shorthorn division, Wm. Bow is securing both blue ribbons. Fourteen Jerseys were presented, and prizetakers at the provincial shows this season competed. The champion bull was C. H. Watson's two-year-old. The Peacemaker, and the cow, W. 11. Jnkins's Irondale Dolly Grey. Fourteen again competed in the Friesinn section, prominent breeders in John .Stalker and F. Crump (who took the hull and eow championship respectively) being rei presented. Nine were forward in the class for champion dairy cow or heifer in the dairy cattle section, and J. K. White's Monabel took the award, Mr White scoring the principal tiekets in the crr>s*bred seetion of dairy cows. The Peninsula is a noted cattle fattening district, and an entry considerably larger than prevail* at the other shows was the result. There was some prime beef represented, awards going to J. O. fV.op. S. W. PirdlMig. Commander Hall, and F. G. Stanbury. The domestic produee and children's sections were well filled with entries, l>nt the outstanding feature, of the nonstock part of the show was the flower display. It was a wonderful exhibition of th.- choicest blooms —perhaps the U-st that is made in the province—and .mch the utilitarian of the male persuasion found time to visit it. Th. following is the prize list: - Mu:t:r. r.-.r-r.h - t. Aii'lr*»'> Ram. stir a;t ,C' : 3t:?» It. Montsorfcry 1 ' H»><W 1.-L--.'.r i).»J;». Mr t. \r.<i'« v .— Rjr.i »n» *gm t ■; • ; TV. C». K'Rnc 1 «R*l -. 1;.. m->'< M*r.h i j-ids-. Mr I, .Mf»u>Him. nirt 12 moain* (It; C'<roman<lrr S. H.iH I. »»l(M»li| t;a4gr. Mr I. Ar4r«-« I —Ii»-i. »<ir »;■- <2(; Bfos. I. V. R. Line :. f;.*m 'iT!it»» I* ■■*» «".(>»«. I V. "rt l.tnr Z. K»-n*i fire*. Z. fc»». »Ny »Se •"-': V 11. t.'r>« 1 \V. »"«■»» 2. T'»-» e«ts, under i« nuinihi (2>: V. tl, !,m» I xr4 2. R.-Uml. if-As.- Mr I. \*<ir r * i Rm^. in' ».-. .:•' M. <» K.-n-..- I *".< i 2. K*m. ■—.i'T t* m.-mth« tl': W. i> B»nnt« I. K»c j., . ,j. . ! > . \l 11. Rmr;» t «>,>..br.<<« rv,,!;,. Mr t Vn«r.-» i K.»-. -•••..r.- »,wl. » p'k i*mh ,11': «'. R. ("r»j - " I'-ir'-'.i'- T*"» .'ni»n»'r r -]r#'«( »n*. ■jr"\ n i , ii . . M,.« H:H» HniklfnlDTv I ><;.« ■; ■ l; ir,-'h->»... : MtlfSr-4 hr..,1 ■■> C , .. * - ■•> l.im*. •■ «'. H M->nIE"mTT t * i ? T>ir~ .-r.,.,(.—.1 --- h: »' t ••-■! 'J M.., l|.;4a M«>-i'r»>cn«T» 'i. l>,-.- .•!•■.,«S.—J Tt.»n»ff.-t.-»», I »- ( ; Mi-,. 11, 4* \KT.tf.-,r~-r.; \\ ti V..rr f ..m,r I an-1 2 Thr-e "■•fSf t «..h.r h.'*.— •.. .l-rn , -. - W. H. M«r--0~. rrt t i >•! : Thr-» ,-"..("M - * r■■•(.--' ■ .»».,».. . i- ■ W H. V-«ir-"i't! I *'4 -■ M,.< itrMt !>•> tit ;»••!»«•»., .T. »•»• >h».,. f r j,| t -. Vf I' R««rrr».l-Thr»- !»,!■ hj, -,.■' ?>.,■,,, - r „., .ii To*'" r;..K,-..,. n t *, r Jluct*. 2 mvl » »> r. Thr»« ',->m>«. In , ■ .-..«, .->, <\ f i'arVin-di I. V. (, B-.r>f ; m. c - vv. » -•- t h •■ c. R. i"i»..il«i<"i» t I' <.. H.H'.-r J. •" K ir»':Wn» v h ■-". v >r, , .• Thr-» Ut"'-" HrM "i I«sal» f-- ■-, ,!, if. » t. B::.1t;-. »r 1 K (J f!'f*".-j ;. w r i'irti~,i>i, h ,-. »•. R. r.-n Th.-,,-,. .■ Thr— •..!>»»,- ."i !.»«Ih rr wj.t «. r. Jf,!rr»« t. Thr»» «»i»*i». »nt*',,:,< f~ r f„,,;.,-.. ,;,. w. It Mnnir»*>r; I »n4 , 2. Thrrr »«#•. tuitsbt* for fcatch.rs* p^r-
po»rs i2): W. If. Moi-.teomnry 1 and 2. P-i Umb i I 1'; : A. and T. Smith I. Hillio lU»H "-. !•<•( t-otoo!h. *tiorn (4): Mrs M. rst:r-n 1, Rot ISarrlay 2, KdwarJ Stanbury v h c. CATTLE. ,sftorth»rn» ijadgo. Mr R. Pcn«-h>—Bull tv,o jcurt (Ii: 11. L. t'harabTlain's Kair Moorehouse ;;rd 1. Bull, yearling (2 j : 11. K. Chamberlain 1. li. K. Murray 2. Cow in milk or calf (3): Scoit'i Eitate Belle i:Jtlj ut Coldwcha ]. H. K. Chamberlain 2. L. i>. htanhury -j. Heifer. t«o jears (1): W. G. Cooper 1. H»i(er. .'c.-irlme (2): 11. Chainberlain 1. H. K. Chamb-rlam 2. Mtlkinf .Shorthorn (;udic». -Mr R. Peach) Bull, wit two years (::) : \V. B-.mis's Aurhengat'o Mat- 1 and champion, K. \V. Crockett 2, Toby Robinson .1. Bull, yrarlmc <l>: W. lio«n 1. low or heifer, in milk or calf (3); W. Bo*i» - » Vale Ro>al S«<ct Pea 1 and champion. K. \V. Crockett 2. i'. V.. Jones o. Heifer. l«o vears (3): K. W. Crockett 1, t". 1;. Jones 2. Heifer, yearling (1): \V. Bowi« 1. Gradrd Shorthorn (judi;e. Mr R. Peach) Cow 12): V. \V, Crockett 1 and 2. Jerseys (judge. Mr J. Kleminx) —Bull, two years (l>: C H. Waison's The Peacemaker I and champion. Bull, yearling (4): J. K. White 1. P. J. Duli-ti 2. \V. H. Jakin? v h c. T. VV. ilaffev c . Cow. in milk or calf (2;: W. H. Jakins'a Irondale Doily t,rey 1 and champion, J. K. \'. Chapman 2. Heifer, two years < ;j ) : J. R. White I. P. -T. Dulieii 2. Heifer, yearling <»): ("has. H. Watnon 1, .1. E. V. Chapman 2, W. H. Jakins v h c. T. W. Maffey i . r'rieaism (judge, Mr If. S. Muff) —Bull, over two year* ( 1 ) : J. Stalker 1. Bull, yearline (:ii: J. Stalker's Ldccrnvale Oak 1 and champion. K. Thorpe 2. J. .1. Klynn 3. Cov.-. in milk or calf 13 1: H. T. Chapman 1. r". Crump 2. J. Stalker :;. Cow or heifer, three years (2) : t". Crump's Fairburn Pauline Colantha 1 and champion. ,f. Stalker 2. Heifer, two year* (2i: Fred Crump 1. Heifer, yearling (31 ; J. fttalkcr 1. I'. Crump 2. J. Stalker 3. Crossbred Cattle (judge. Mr R. Teach) Thre« calve* (2): R. Jones 1, J. N*. Mcliowan 2. Three store *!ecr«i, three years, suitable for fattening (3): F. ii. Stanbury I. A. W. Dirdlmg 2. J. O. Coop J. Three atora *teer», two years, suitable for fattening i,2): P. Fahey 1, J. U. Coup 2. Pen of uToru heifen, two years (1): Commander ii. Hall 1. r-n Cattle (judge. Mr T. Ftioor) —Bullock, thre* years (I): .1. O Co..p 1. Bullock. not ov,r «>,e ;.ear» i .">) : .1. <j. Coop 1. Commander S. Hall 2 and v h c. S. W. Birdling c. Heifer, two vears ' I ) : Commander S. Hall 1 Heifer, three jeers {l>: J. O. loop I. Heifer, not over rive years (.U); F. U. Stanbury 1 and 2. Cow (3): S. \V. Birdling I. J- O. Coop 2. Three bullocks, for freening. under pool). (2i: S. W. BirdImir 1 and 2. Three heifer-,, for freeiing, und-r TOOIb ( 1 ) : J. O. Coop 1. I>»iry Cattle (judge. Mr R. Peach)— Champion cow or heifer, in profit (9): ,1. R. White'» Monabci 1 and champion, W. H. Jakm» 2. Crossbred l>airy Cattle (.nidge, Mr R. Peach)—C.'lt.-irc row (2 > ■ t>. C. Stanbury I. .loan < raddoek 2. Cow in milk (4): .•". R. Wliiie I and v h c F. W. Crockett 2. Cow or heifer, three year* (21: M. S. Barclay 1. J. R Whit* 2. Heifer, two vears (2): J. ii. White 1. A. !>. Louden 2. Ueifcr, yearling, not ,ler»*j- rrn,.i .21: V. C. Staobur* I and 2. Heifer, yearling, Jerhcy rrosa (rt» : J. R. White 1 and 2. Heifer nlf («i: ,1. I!. White 1 and 2, F. W. troekett v h r. Working Bo!ln.-k« Team of »,x Ml-. C. Ferru»«-n 1. Itrivin; c'-'inpi t itjon (1); C. Ferguson 1. HiiRSF.-. I>r»'i;!":t» i ;>idge, Mr J. !'. \Vi;>i—Entire iti: J. i>. Cop I. Entire." three -.car* .2! «\ B. Th."i).i« I and champi-.u. Kavidson )Ii!l»r 2. Celt or celdinc. 'earling (2i: C. It. Tbomi. 1. J. O Coop 2. Fil'v. vearhng ill- J. Ri. kerf.; 1. t,i. W. It. OiborrU 2. C. H. Th™n 3. A. Thomson v h e. p,l!v. two ;».iri (.:>: J. Rick»rby 1. p. v. Jtailev 2. Filly, three ?.-•«" <!•■ 11. K. Finobam I and rh«tni'i"ii. •■eld.ng. three vears or «tt '.!•: F. Cr-r 1. .1." o. Co«p 2 C.etdirg. t!,r»e Jear. ..r over (3): F. « arter t J. O. C•■».;. 2 I>rv mare, over two >-.r.. . .. ■ : .1. t(. (.'..,.;, i , l|. Thomas 2. Mar- -.. fe..,: ,!,:.!.(>., „.,., ,_ T( ,, ir;l „f two i.2i: J. i(. i;..r. ; , i. y Carte- 2. Tejm ~f lbr-» ,2-: F. (.>-•,, |. ,t. o. Coop Team of fi>T,r 12.: .1. i >. I ,>„p l Hill. ...I. ,-* r . 2) : -I <> 1'..,., !. y C» r Tor 2. Mar* <,» t»td-nr. ".■•■•»t „- „i»t ■ ": i : F. Carter I C H Thi-.ma. 2 F.-i,:rr, .pring drav m»r. .2i i I .u:.r t, T ,v,» ul ... V|„ r '„ j - c-id.er. fe- ~-,ek-n- .. T ,.;,v Robms-0 I. V i.lum 2 \ Wit.l", r. \C'.'»ry H..r.,, , i.idje L-e-,t Colonel .1 I Stafford. T».•<•».- Tr.-ep h„ r .- , ;,- M r , \ f. If. M'Mm.r 1, .M,». <• Mafnti,.', ' t' T Parker , h , He,... f or „,i.;.r.T..d "rifle work .1 : Mr, ,\, .t. j[ M.41t,.,„, , j T Psrk'T, r h r Arti,,-r;. hor.e I 1 ,'- f' Hunt I. Tobr IW„n.,n J Light llortes lj-idre. M» '. Kit) Hick-r,-5 en::re f any age i2,; M— H. Parata '. \ B. f.'R- 2. I e!t. ~l r; ,„. ~, (■ Y. Murrar 1. V. R t.u.e 2' en, „; ~! d: :r £ •-;,,-,-1 rr:.- \»... k. y. Ward-Smith 1. \. R. I.™ 2. Tnbv Rot.Tn.r.n 3. -.Varling. net. irn'itnc or pscioj breed •■;■: G. K. Murray 1. (i-lding or fllty. two years (1): T«by Robiiijon 1. Bro»>d mare," losl
I (.">): J. K. V. Chapman 1, G. E. Murray 2, I V. B. L;ue I'.. Hack mare or gelding, up j to list <U): Mrs A. .1. H. McMaster 1. Sir Bruce Stewart 2, Tobv Robinson 3. Maiden I hark, list (11): S. lilatchford 1. Jn. I'earh 2, .7. O. Coop 3. Hack, mare or gelding, up to 13st (7): Miss I. Rutherford 1, Mr* J. Montgomery 2, J. E. V. Chapman 3. Hark, mare or gelding, up to lost (4): Miss Hilda Montgomery 1, W. Gray 2. J. E. V. Chapman 3. Lady's hack (11): Miss I. Rutherford 1, -Mrs J. H. Grigg 2, Miss R. Ehvorthy 3. Lady's hack, district competition iU): S. Blatihford 1, Sir Bruce Stewart 2, Mrs A. J. H. .McMaster 3. Best-mannered hark (12): Miss I. Rutherford 1. Mrs J. H. Origg 2, Sir Uruce Stewart 3. Most useful and active hack (8): Mrs A. J. H. McMaster 1. Mii.s Hilda Montgomery 2. Best hack on ground (o): Mrs J. H. Grigg's Dundee 1. Best pair of hacks: Miss I. Rutherford 1. Cobs and Ponies (judge, Mr E. C. Studholrac) —Ponv not over 12.2 hands, rider under 13 years (9): J. O. Coop 1, William Black 2, .Mavis Chapman 3. Pony, not over 12.2 hands, rider under 15 years (8): G. Ridden I. James Holt 2, Thelma Jardin 3, T. Maserleld 4. Pony, not over 14 hands («;: Trixie Joblin's Trixie 1 and champion, K. Boyle 2. R. Maskcw 3, Ngaire White 4. Coli. not over 1-4.2 hands (8): Miss Hilda Montgomery 1, Miss I». Maginness 2, Cyril Pope 3, A. D. McConnell 4. Cob, up to 15 hands, up to 14st (3): Miss Hilda Montgomery 1, Cyril Pope 2. J. T. Parking 3. Polo pony, light-weight (7): Mrs H. Menzies 1. Alan Menzies 2. 11. Menzies 3. Polo pony, heavy-weight (5): lan Meni-ies 1 and 2, Sir Bruce Stewart 3. Girl rider, under 15: Joan Masefield 1, Joan Cooper 2. Boy rider, under 15: William Black 1, J. Masefield 2. Harness Horses (judge. Dr. Fox) —Dogcart horse, mare or gelding (4) : E. W. Hammond I, J. E. V. Chapman 2. Buggy or gig horse, under 15.2 hands (3): E. E. Patten 1, Miss D. Maginness 2. Daisy cart horse, under 1 1.3 hands (5): Miss D. Maginness 1. Miss Hilda Montgomery 2. G. Ridden v h c. Pony, 13 hands or under (2): G. B. Rout 1, A J. McMaster v h c. Dairy farmer's turnout (6): E. Glynan 1, A. Wakelin 2, F. Hunt 3. Cnb or pony, under 3 4 hands (6) : Ken Boyle, 1, G. B. Rout 2, G. Ridden 3. DOGS. :.JiuJ-c: Mr H. S. S. Kyle.) Short-haired Collie (10): F. G. Birdling 1, ('. Bmilnms 2, T. H. Bennett c. Eough--I.aired Collie \~ i : D. M. Muckay 1 and c, W. .). Whvte 2. Bearded Collie (R): W. J. Whytc 1, T. Fabry 2, G. Kccd c. DOMESTIC PRODUCE. (Judges: Cookery, Mis H. Meßean ; butler, cneeso, haul, and bac-jn, Mr F. A. Cook; ir-.ut and jellies, Mrs Wornall.) Fresh bulte., with salt (3): Mrs W. McLaughlin 1, Mrs J. Lewthwaite 2, Mrs H. C. Stewart v h c. Farm separator butter, wall salt ()): Mrs T. V.'. Weir 1, Mrs J. Kennie 2. Fancy butter (1): Mis 3 Dons Smith 1. Butter, salted for keeping (2): Mrs Schncli: 1. Factory cheese, new (1): \Vai-re-.\a Uau- Co. 1. Home-made bread (71: Mis S. J.'Uailr-.- 1, Mis M. Cook 2 and 3, J!ri B. Hopkins v h c, Mra C. J. Crad- ' dock c. Baker's bread (3): J. I). McQueen 1, C. G. Sieans 2, E. Adams 3. Brown L),ead 13): Mrs J. Wri-jht 1, Miss Joan Craddock 2, Miss W. tlaik v h c. Oven econcs (ID: Mrs S. H. Webb 1 and 2. Mrs V. Jcrijlin 3, Mrs G. E. Murray c. Sweet o.en scones (S»: Mrs (i. K. Murray 1. Mrs J. Milsom 2. Mrs Joe Blanche 3. Girdie s< oi.es ill: Mt = s !■". Thompson 1, *J:s <'•■ ].. Murray 2, Mrs G. Nairn 3. Mrs N. E. B<"arman <:. Plain brnwn oven semes (-S>: Mrs G. N'airn 1. Mi.«« W. Clark and Mrs V. Joblin e<iual 2, W. McLaughlin c. Oatmeal cakes -,:;)■ Mrs Schnelle 1, Miss E. Thorn o»in 2. Mr« ('•. X.urn 3. Shortbread tlc ; : Mrs S. H. Wf'il, 1, Mrs G. Breitmeyer 1, Mrs J. W. Smith 3 and r. Fa my biocuiv* (">■: M'B F. AM?U 1 and equal 2. Mrs -V. E. F.e.irman lequa) 2. Mrs G. Nairn r. Piair. rake .10*; Mrs H. C. Pace 1, Miss E. Thompson 2. Mrs S. 11. We'. 1, 3. Mrs J. W. S.ruth c. Tlain rake, novices .o'': Mrs .1. M.l-om 3, Mr, W. McLaughlin 2. Mrs Jo- BUn.-he 3. Mr, R. J. y c . xXnn r . Hich fruit c*\p ,7': Mr? H. C. r«-e 1. Mm M. C'-op J. Ms E. M Grunt 3 Mrs T. Mould .. TIkI, {mil cake, district cnn> }et;io,s 1 1!.- M.., A. H. Pjfern 1, Mrs M. )!. \.m 2, Mrs M. Coop 3, Mrs T. Mould c. Sj>>n-_-» ■•»r-«\ no-, it's ,I".'- Mrs F Ablet'. 1. Mn Joe Blßiirhe 2. Mi.., K. L. Bates 3. Mrs A. 11. Fatten <■. Si*n;c sandwuh •"■ ' Ml* A. U. Pa-trt. I, Mrs S. 11. V.'.-bb 2, Mrs r. 3. »,s J. MJson; c. S|>n n -e r- '• I.l'. Mr, M It. Lee !. Mrs <|. N,." ra O, Mrs IJ. E. Jones 3. Pastrv .!..; Mrs M. 1L Lee aiid Mrs SchneEr icquall 1, Misa Dons Smith 2 FV,:elet„ ,l<"; Mrs S. H. Web. 1 and 2. Mav.a Strc.-ter 3. Mre F Able't <•. Plum pud.iin- ili: Mrs G. Nairn 1. Jain, three varieties '".: Mrs H. C. Tai-o 1, M:3 Schne-lle 2. Mrs F. W. Crockett v h c Ma--rr.3l*i"e. strippcci ,7": Mrs H. ('. Pa?e 1 and v h c. Mrs .1. W. Smith 2. Marmalade iet|v it': Mro Schnelle 1. .Teliv, two ranrtiw .U: Mrs F. W. CrneJtPtt ]. Mrs Srhnell- 2 and v h r. Preserved \\-n-A fo v.netie, t.ei: Mrs G. E. Murray 1, Mrs M. <or.p ■>. Mrs Schnclle v h c. Piekles <4i: Mrs H. C. Page 1 3nd 2, Mrs Schrelie T h c.
Honey, granulated (4): Mrs J. E. Wliite 1, Mrs Schnclle 2, Honey, liquid (4): Mis J. R. White 1 and 2. Fowls' eggs, light coloured, fresh 6): Mrs E. J. White 1, Mrs Schnella 2, Jack Smith v h c. Fowls' eggs, dark (1): Miss B. Line 1. Ducks' eggs (7): Mrs W. McLaughlin and John Mcllraith (equal) 1, B. Reed v h c. Home-made wine (2): Mrs Schnelle 1 and 2. Wine, currant (3): Mia Schnelle 1, 2, and v h c. Apples (2): Mrs T. Stewart 1 and 2. Gooseberries (4): Miss E. L Bates 1, W. Jones 2 and v h c. Tomato sauce (7): Mr 3 Schnelle 1, and 2, Mrs H. C. Pafje v h c. Soap (4): Mrs A. Thompson 1, Mrs J. W. Smith 2, Miss B. Line v h c. Walnuts (1): Mrs T. Stewart 1. Tomato chutney (5): Mrs Schnelle 1 and v h c, Mrs F. W. Crockett 2. Tomatoes, bottled (2): Mrs <S. J one* 1, Mrs K. Thompson 2. Electric Cooking—White bread (2): Mrs A. V. Macdonald 1, Miss May Reynish 2. Sponge sandwich (6): Mrs W. H. Taylor 1, Miss G. Thompson 2, Miss G. L. Bates 3, M. Watson c. Rich fruit cake (6): Mrs W. H. Taylor 1, Miss E. Thompson 2, Mrs A. Radford 3. Potatoes, Roots, and Seeds—Blue potatoes (1): H. Schnelle 1. Eating potatoes (6): C. H. lies 1 and 2, H. Schnelle v h c, L. Breitmeyer c. Kidney potatoes (2): C. H. lies 1, Mrs A. J. McLaughlin 2. Nfew potatoes, early variety (4): W. M. Thomas 1, A. Jones 2. Mangolds, yellow (1): H. Schnelle 1. Mangolds, lons red (1): H. Schnelle 1. Rhubarb (5): V. B. Jaggar 1 and 2. Peas (3) : W. M. Thomas 1 and v h c, A. Jones 2. Beans, broad (4): Mrs Trail 1, J. G. Humphries 2, W. M. Thomas v h c. Collection of vegetables (3): Mavis Giddens 1, E. Giddens 2, W. M. Thomas v h c. Cabbage (13): Mrs Lewthwaita 1, Allen James 2, J. G. Humphries v h c. Silver beet (3): W. M. Thomas 1, Mrs F. Ablett 2, H. Schnelle v h r. Cocksfoot, farmers' riddled (1): J. R. WTiife 1. Cooksfoot, farmers' dressed (1): J. R. White 1 JUNIOR SECTION. (Judges: Mesdames R. Nairn and G. Mcßean and Mr E. H. Andrews.) Needlework—Standards I. and 11. (4): rhyllis Waata and Marjorie Louden (equal) l". standards 111. and IV. (0): Tina 1, Hazel Kelly and Irene Coates (equal) 2, Hine Skipper c. Standards V. and VI. ((j): Norma Brankin and Zoe Pidgeon (equal) 1, Alma Kelly 2, Sylveen Hammond c. Plasticena work, Primer Classes (3): J. Jennings 1, Nini Williams 2, It. Jenkius v h c. Standards 1. and 11. (4): Neii McKay 1, fan McGowan 2, Agnes Price and Peggie Mcintosh (equal) v h c. Standards 111. and IV. (8): Rangi Webb 1, Tupa Karetu 2, Walter Newton J, Arthur Smith v h c. Standards V. and VI. (6): Joyce White 1 and 2, Dick McKay v h c, Arnold Pettigrew c. \Yood\sork, Primary, boys (4): Charles Jenkins 1, J. Whisker 2, Konald Jenkins h c. Peumanship, Primers (3): Nini Williams 1, Rona Vanstone 2. Standard I. (10): Kathleen Brankin 1. John liapatini 2, Olive Vanttone v h c. Staudard 11. (14): N'arbey Pidgeon 1. Samuel Tini 2, Ron Ussher 3. Standards 111. and IV. (I'Jj: Delanie Wliite 1, Joan Barwick 2, Queenie Tini 3, Given Reed v h c. Siaudards V. aud VI. (7); Ada Barclay 1, Molly Keenan 2, Myra Gibb ;;. Drawing —Standard 11. and under (11): Agnes Price 1. John Rapatini 2, Mariorie Louden 3. Standards 111. and IV. (14): .Mawson McPherson 1, Ron McKay 2, Barney i;,..-j :j. Standards V. and VI. (1): Ray l.'iitton v h c. Collection of eggs of bird jn.--ts (2;: Kevin Radford 1, Reuben Stewart 2. Cookery, Girls under 18—Sponge sandwich (5/: Dorothy Streeter 1, W. Watson 2, Joan Craddock 3. Assorted email cakes ,li; 11. Uldnian 1. Fruit cake (0): Nellie Kadford 1 and c, E. Mould 2. Doris Smith 3. \--.-i-d pastrv (1): Doris Smith 1. ii.ij'istrial Work—Socks, wheeling (5): Mrs I I.e-Athwaite I and 2, Mrs Campbell v h c, Mrs Schnelle h c. Socks, fingering (6): Mr« Campbell and Mrs J. Lc« thv-aite tequai) 1 Mi's; i M. Gilinnur and Mrs J. Lewthwaite ,P,],ia:) 2. Knitted slippers i3>: Miss G. Powell " Mrs Schnelle 2. Mrs S. 11. Webb 3. Crocheted slippers (3» : Mrs Schnellp l_ Mrs M K. Branscombe 2 and 3. Crochet work, •iris iind<r 18 (1): Lena raze 1. Fuji ■•k nizMdreiss (6): Mr- J. Lewthwaite 1, \i 4 "Mould 2. Mi's Bertha Parker 3. i -In j-Aork", girls under Is (4;: Doris Smith l'-i'id v h'r? Crochet work in cotton ( * ) : *:r:'.T. lies' 1. Mrs T. J. Keast 2. Km-r-'rrcdere.l piiiov sham IJi: Miss Bertha l'irk'r 1 llr> J- J.ewthwai'e 2. Emhroidr r...j" t'ab'e runner i ". > : Betty McLaughlin 3. y.. .1 2. M's« .May Re., nish v h <■' >an.vwork. three kinds (4): Mi's 1 M ' Gi'.oi'.ur' 1. Miss Bertha Parker 2. i- .. ,'r-i" raftia work (3 1: Mi" B. Line 1. p- nn .'r,"-Traphv—Lands -» re (Km: H. C. Milne 1 \,vi I'ag'e 2 ind v h c. Mrs C. J. Crad- •,■•■„ •, \nim.l 'ife fl.ii: Mrs C. J. r-'.ddo. k 1 Mrs N R. Chapman 2. Mrs L. C.Vr.p v h c. A. H. Patten h c. COMPETITIONS. , „,;„-- wry \. E- Williams 1, .Tnan M,.efi»id 2 "J. Masefield 3. Maiden ;:,.",'„'. s.;- Bruce Stewart 1. W. Gray 2. G. r-'o ok' 5 ' Best hunter: Miss I. RutherL 'and S. Miss H. Mon.gon.ery 2. r Vdir- '•a'' p ' Tobv Robinson 1. Sir Bruce ?,pwar? 2. Ladies' hending race; Mrs Mc Maters 1 Miis Joan Masefield 2. Jumper:
1 Miss I. Rutherford's Tatler 1, Miss I. Rutherford's Kock Ahoy 2, L. Breitnicyer 3. Wheelbarrow race: Miss R. Ehvorthy 1, Miss R. Kay 2. FLOWERS. (Judges: Messrs F. Jones, A. K. Wilson, and Erasmusson.) Collection of flowering shrubs (4) : Miss B. L. Bates 1, Mrs J. (*. Humphries 2, Mrs J. r. Buchanan v h c. Collection of sweet peas (8) : Mrs F. W. Crockett 1, Miss Coop 2, Mrs A. E. Birdling 3. Bowl of sweet peas, girls under 15 (4): Audrey Londrigan 1, Birdling s Flat School 2, Kevin Radford v h c. Bowl of assorted flowers (10) : Mrs L. Londrigan 1 Mrs J. F. Buchanan 2, Mrs J. O. Coop •>. Palm in pot (2): Mrs W. F. Patterson 1 Mrs G E. Murrav 2. Foliage plant (3): Mrs J. F Buchanan'l, Mrs F, W. Crockett 2. Pelargonium in flower (2): Mrs J. G Humphries 1 Mrs G. Jones 2. Geranium in flower (6) : Mrs F. W. Crockett 1, Mrs G. E. Murray - and v h c. Bowl of snapdragon (1): Mrs J. F. Buchanan 1. Climbing roses (3): Mrs J. F. Buchanan 1 and 2, Mrs T. Duxbury v he. Assorted flowers (7) : Mrs Taylor 1, Thompson 2, Miss Mary Taylor v he. Collection of iris (3): Mrs J. F Buchanan 1, Mrs J. G. Humphries 2, Mrs J. Horsfield v h c. Bowl of delphiniums (2): Mrs G. Jones 1. Paeony roses (4): Mrs F. W. Crockett 1 Mrs J. G. Humphies 2, Mrs G. Jones v h c. Columbine (6): Mrs M. Thompson 1, Mrs J. F. Buchanan 2, Miss E. L. Bates v he. Bloom, any variety, spike or cluster (6) : Mrs J. G. Humphries 1, Mrs J. F. Buchanan 2, Mrs G Jones v h c. Collection of flowers (1)- Okuti Valley School 1. Collection of sweet peas (1) : Mrs A. J. McMaster 1. Collection of pelargoniums (1): Mrs J. G. Humphries 1. Collection of geranium blooms (10)- Mrs-J. E. Buchanan 1, Miss E. L. Bates' 2, Mrs A. E. Birdling 3. Collection of sweet peas (1): Mrs A J. McMaster 1. Pansies, six varieties (2): J. Craw 1. Pansies, home-grown (7): J. Craw 1, J. Cunningham 2, M. Swaine vh c. Pansies, twelve varieties (4): J. Craw 1, M. Swaine 2, Mrs G E. Murray v h e. Calceolaria (2): Miss E L. Bates 1, Mrs J. G. Humphries 2. Ten weeks stock (4): Mrs W. M. Thomas 1, Mrs A E Birdling 2, Miss Betty Coop V h c. Stocks (1): Mrs W. M. Thomas 1. Snapdragons (8): Miss Betty Coop 1, Miss Mary Tavlor 2, Mrs J. F. Buchanan vh c. Iceland poppies (7): Mrs J. O. Coop 1. Mrs A. V. Hutchinson 2, Mrs F. W. Crockett v h c. Native flowers (2): Mrs W. A. Churchill 1 and 2. Ferns (2): Mrs W. A. Churchill 1, Trixie Joblin 2. Oriental poppies <fi): Mrs M Trail 1, Mrs J. G. Humphries 2, Mrs A. V. Hutchinson v h c. Marigolds (11): Mrs F. W. Crockett 1, Mrs L. Coop 2, Mrs J. F. Buchanan v h c. Native trees (4) : Fdie Mould 1 Reuben Stewart 2. Barney Reed v h c. Twelve varieties roses (2): Mrs E. M. Montgomery 1, Mrs I). Anderson 2. Bowl of roses (10) : Mrs A. E. Birdling 1. Mrs D. Anderson 2, Mrs -J. O. Coop v h c. Twelve full-bloom roses (2): Mrs -J. F. Buchanan 1, Mrs A E. Birdling 2. Rose bloom, homegrown (6) : Mrs T. Duxbury 1, Miss E. E. .Tacob'on 2. R-ose bloom, district competitors (10): Mrs J. Lewthwaite 1, Mrs A. E. Birdling 2, Miss Coop vh c. Rose, three blooms, anv variety (9): Mrs L. M. Montgomery- 1 "Mrs J. E. Buchanan 2, Mrs D. Anderson v h c. Rose, red, three varieties (8): Mrs J. O. Coop 1. Mrs D. Anderson 2, Mi's P E. Jacobson The, Mrs T. Duxbury c. Rose, pink, three varieties (7): Mr* A. R. Birdling 1, Mrs D. Anderson 2. Miss E. E. Jacobson v h o, Mrs Marshall c Rose, white, three varieties (J): Miss E. Jacobson 1. Rose vellow (6): Miss E. Jacobson 1, Mrs J. O. Coop 2. Six hybrid tea roses (2): Mrs Marshall 1. Six roses, home-grown (4): Mrs A. E. Birdling 1. Mrs T. Duxbury 2. Decorative Classes (judge. Mrs T. D. Lennie) —Table decoration, glass vases (2): Mrs F. Crockett 1. Mrs F. Coop 2. Table decoration, any kind of vases (2): Mrs J. O. Coop 3 Mrs F. "Coop 2. Table decoration, girls under 15 (2): Miss A. Stanbury 1, Miss XancT Joblin 2. 80-'. I of sweet peas, two varieties (5): Mrs L. Londrigan 1, Miss Betty Coop 2, Miss E. Gread •". Bowl of sweet peas, one varietv- /2, : Miss E. Gread 1. Decorated basket' (6): Miss Tait 1, Mrs J. O. Coop 2, Mrs Taylor v h e. Mrs F. Crockett c. Bow! of roses, silver bowl (6) : Mrs S. Macphersmi 1- Mrs A. E. Birdling 2. Mrs J. F. Buehanan v h c and c. Bowl of roses, glass or china bowl <s): Mrs A. L. Birdling 1. Mrs S. McPherson 2. Mrs 1.. Coop v h c, Mrs J. O. Coop .-. Buttonhole and lady's spray (6): Desmond Radford 1 end 2, Alison Stanbury v U e.
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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19787, 27 November 1929, Page 16
Word Count
5,099A. AND P. SHOW. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19787, 27 November 1929, Page 16
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