3YA CHRISTCHUKCH. (306 Metres.)
3 p.m.: Afternoon session—Selected Studio items. 6: Children's hour—Big Brother; bed-time stories, music, birthday greetings. 7.15: News and reports. S: Chimes; relay Of orchestral selections from Crystal I'alace Theatre Orchestra, under the direction of Mr A. J. Bunz 8.15: Tenor solo, Mr Rus&ell Sumner, "Serenado" (Schubert). 8.19: Contralto solo, Miss Belle Renaut. "Asiioo at Her Lattice" . (l'inden). : Instrumental trio. Christchureh Broadcnstinc Trio. "Andante Con Moto Tranciuillo and Scherbo" from "Trio. Op. -19" (Mendelssohn). 6.32: Tenoisolo snd chorus, Mr Russell Sumner and Misses Hamertou and Rcnauf, and Mr Williams, "A Soldier's Scarlet Coat" (German). $.36: Humorous recital, Mis-- Naare Hooper, L.T.C.L., "The Munts Noties" (Brad?haw>. 5.40: Soprano solos. Miss Frances Hainerton, L.A.8.. (a) "Ah." Willow"; (b) "Shepherd, Thy Demeanour Vary" (Old English melodies) (Lane Wilson). 5.43: 'Cello solo, Mr Harold Beck, "Nocturne, Op. IS), No. 4" (Tschaikowskv). 8.30: Baritone solo, Mr T. I>. Williams, "My Abode" (Schubert). S.SJ: Contralto solo. Miss Belle Renaut, "Sleep Song" (Scott). S.3G: Vocal quartet, Misses Hnnicrton and Reliant, and Messrs Sumner aud Williams, "0, Maiden Dearest" (Brahms). 9: Relay of orchestral selections from Crystal Palace Theatre, Tenor solo, Mr Russell Sumner, ''Love Beneath the Moon" (Drigo). '.>.19: Instrumental trio, Christchureh Broadcasting Trio. "Trio in Canon Form" (Coerne). o.2ti: Vocal duet (contralto and harilonet, Miss Belle Renaut and Mr T. D. Williams. "Noiturno" (Chaminado). 9.31: Recitals, Mi«s Nauro Hooper, L.T.C.L., (a) selection from "Tho School for Scandal" (Sheridan); 0>) "Matilda" (Belloc). 9.37: Soprano sol". Miss Frances Hamerton, (a) "A Pastoral" (Wilson) ; (b) "I'll Rock You to Sleep" (Stanford). 9.44; Instrumental trin, Christchureh Broadcasting Trio. "Rondo Alia Turka" (MoJart). 0.-1S: Baritone snlos. Mr T. D. Williams, (a) "Brian of Gieiriar" (Graham); (b) "I Heard Your Voice" (Forester). 9.56: 'Cello solo, Mr Harold Beck, "Minuet" (Mozart). •
3ZC, CHRISTCHU'RCH (050 Metres.)
>'oon-l p.m.: Xews session and popular "request" programme. Principal item:;: Weuibley Military Tattoo (Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards), "Seng of the Wanderer" (fOA'trot). "Billy Boy" (Lnyton aud John>tn:i), "On Mother Kelly's Doorstep" (vocal), "Birth of the Blues" (fox-trot}, "Colonel Bogey" (march), "Keltic Lament" (cornet solo).
2YA WELLINGTON (-120 Metres.)
0 ij.iu.: Afternoon session—Selected Studio items; chimes of tho General Post Office clock, Wellington. 3.1: .Selected gramophone items and progress results Of Wellington v. Otago cricket match. 3.1)0: Lecturette, Miss Marion Christian, of Wellington Gas Company, "Gas Cooking." 3.'ID: Selected grumophono itoms. 6: Children's hour —Unclo Ernest; gramophone selections for tlio kiddios; violin solo, Cousin Ornm, "Romance" (Jonscn); Undo Ernest sends birthday greetings; pianoforte solo, Cousin Daplmo, "Country Prices" (Quiltcr); recitations, Cousin Zcnocrate, (a) "The West Wind" (Mascfield), (b) "Matilda's Musie Lesson"; violin solos, Cousin Muriel, (a) "Petite Rhapsody Ilongroise" (Brahms), (b) "Chanson, Louis XIII., and Pavanne" (Kreisler); humorous sketches, Cousin Natalie, (a) "Tho Bald-head-ed Man," (b) "Her First Party"; Uncle Ernest, story time; gramophono selections. 7: News session, market reports, and sports results. 7.40: Lecturette, Mr D. G. Paris, of Wellington Contre, A.A.A.., "Athletics." 8: Chimes of the General Post Office clock, Wellington. 8.1: Overture, "Evening Bells, Idyll, Op. 98" (Eilenberg). 8.5: Drawingroom evening by Miss Gwen Shepherd and party; sextet, the eompany, "Click, Cluck" (Scott-Gatty). 8.12: Baritone solo. Mr B. S. Allwright, "Four Jolly Sailormon" (German). 8.16: Mejzo-soprano solos, Miss Alma Clegg, (a) "Perry, Ahoy" (Brewer); (b) "II No One Ever Marries Me (Lehmann). 8.20: Instrumental trio, Symons-Ellwood-Short Trio, "First Movement" from "Trio in D ■Minor" (Aronsky). 8.30: Tenor solo, Mr W. McKeon, "Myself When Young (Lehmann). 8.34: Musical monologue, Miss Gwen Shephard, (a) "Earthenware" (Westfern); (b) "Life" (Reynolds). _ 8.38: Violin solo, Miss Ava Symons, "On Wings of Song (Mendclssohn-Achron). : Contralto solo, Mrs Fred. Collins, "The Little Blue Bav" (Del Riego). 8.47: Humorous recital, "Mr W. McKeon, "Monty: The Near East." 8.55: Baritono solo, Mr Claude Moss, "To-morrow" (Keel). 8.56: Weather forecast. 8.57: Lecturette, Editor-announcer, "Foreign Affairs." 9.12: Contralto solo, Mrs Fred. Collins, (a) "Robin Adair (Bond); (b) "An Eastern Lullaby' (King). 9.17: Instrumental trio, Symons-Ellwood-Short Trio, "Elegio" (Arensky). 0.37: Baritone solo, Mr Claude Moss, An ulu French Toast." 9.31: Elocutionary, Miss Gwen Shephard, "A Novel to be Read in Five Minutes." 9.35: Violin solo, Miss Ava bymons, "Savoureen Dellish" (Easthopo Martin). 9.41. Mezzo-soprano solo, Miss Alma Clegs, "Boat Song" (Ware). 9.45: Humorous recital, Mr W. McKeon, Tho Collection." 9.51: Baritone solo, Mr K. S. AII- - "The Rooster" (Wells). 9.56: Sextet, the company, "Funiculi Fumeula (Den/a). DUNEDIN. (463 metres.)
3 p.m.: Afternoon session—selected studio items; Town Hall chime 3, 3.1: His Master's Voice recital. 3.15: Address by Miss Sproston, of tho D.1.C., "Tlio Heavy Woman's Problem." 3.30: Afternoon tea music from the Savoy. 3.45: Studio uiusic. •1: Music from tho Savoy. 4.15: His Master's Voice recital. 6: Town Hall chimes; children's session—Big Brother Bill. Mr Jesse Bonfel will show how animals talk to each other. Little Brother Ken will talk about "Boys' Bights," and Sistor Olive sings some nursery rhymos The "Happy liitty" begins things, of course, letters and birthdays follow, and last, but not least, Big Brother Bill's family goes for a trip ill tho Wonder Car. 7.15: News session. 7.30: Address on "The Recent Tour o£ the New Zealand Cricketers in Great Britain," by Mr R. C. Blunt. 8: Town Hall chimes.
8.1: L«- Dalle?, "Trie 80-U f(W are), ft) "Miguoa" (d'liaidie«o»). S.Tr Pianoforte sole—Mrs \V. Munro, "sonata, Op. 78, Second Movement"' (Bec-th* oven). 8.1*2: Soprsr.o solo— Mis* Ronia E\i?s, "Linden Lea" (Barnes). $.16: Recital -■Miss Sheila Xoiboji, "The Ford." S.CO: J. B. Macphersoi), "OM }»artv r i,Grant\ 5,24. Piiaoforto solo—Mrs V*. Munro, "Xoct utr.o in K Flat, Xo. ChopirA $.30: Mc:uo*sopraro solos—Mis? Mcllie A::dro'.\>. "Tho Quail" (BeethovcrJ: *b) "The Lilac Tree'' (Gartl&nK 8.37: Keciul—Mijs Sheila XeilK>n, "Cautionary laics" vBdloc). 5.42' Tenor eo!o—Mr Lrs. DMby, "Ah! Moon of My Delight" (Lehman;;* 5.47: Piancuorta solo—Mrs IV. Munro. "Caprice." 8.52: Soprano solosMiss Roni;i Bus?, v n> "One Morning Very Early"' «Sanderson), ft) "Daoion" (Strange). 5.59: Kccital—Miss Sheila Noilson, "Tho Useful Cat." 'J.4; Bass solo?—Mr J. B. Macuhersoi:, ta) ""Hie Windmill" (Kelson V, »b> "Tlir L:i:c- Plavor (AMstsenV 9.11: )lr77.o,corrm? Mollie Andrews. 4, Thf WncoV .'Sctr<u*ci*tV 9.15: Di'iico iuu?ic relayed from tho Savoy
:YA AUCKLAND. i.333 metres.) o p.m.: Afternoon session—selected studio items. 4; Literary selection, by 3lr Culford Be'l. 6: Children's hour. 7.13: Talk-—Mr Geo. Campbell, "Motorine.'' 7.50: News oua reports. 6; Chimes. S.l": Belay of orchestral overture irnm tho Strand Theatre, under the direction oi Miss F.vo Bcntley. S.U: Vocal quartet—St. Andrew's Quartet, "tu This Hour of Softened Splendour" (Pinauti). 8.15: Bass solo—Mr Arthur Colledgc. "A Vagabond's Son','" (Cundcll). 5.20: Saxophone solos—Miss Marjorie Graeninc, (n> "Valse Ynnilc"; ("b )"Popnlar Air"; (c) "Saxoplkioia." 5.30; Contralto Polo —Miss Phyllis Gribben, "Tho Enchantress" (Hatton). ts.3l- Elocutionary—Mr <T. F. tague, (a) "Art of Ivissing, by Everybody ; (b) "An Old Silk Dress" (R Singer) 8,11: Piano and banjo duo—Mr and Mva Hugh Morton, "Popular Medley." 5.46: "Vocal duet—Mes.-rs It. Peter and A. Colledgc, "Love and War" (Cool;). 8.51' Relay from the Strand Theatre. 9.1: Weather forecast. 0.3: Vocal auartet—St Andrew's Quartet. "0, Hush Thee, Mv Babie" (Sullivan). 0.8: Tenor solo-Mr llobert Peter. "Sorrtctlnns Scotch.." 9.12: Soprano solo—Miss Adelaide Taylor, "Sing, Break Into Song" (Mallinsonl. II.16: Spanish and Hawaiian sruitnr and mandolin solos—Mr Walter Smith, (a) "Penscos Nocturne": >'b) "Old Folks at Home'; (c) "Honolulu Mary 9.26* Recitation—-Mr J F M'onta.crue, "Recruiting Speech," by Into Justice Alpers. 9.33: Banjo and piano duo -Mr and Mrs Hu«rh Morton. "Latest- Melodies." O.IW; Vocal duet—Miss A. ] aylor and Mr It. Peter, "Enchantment" (Oliver). !).«: Rolav from the Strand Theatre. U. 53: Bass solo—Mr A. College, "The Two Grenadiers" (Schumann). 9 SS: Vocal quartet— Ri Andrew's Quartet. "Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, That's All" (Oliver). 19.'2; A tl.ought. [T, SYDNEY. (442 Metres.) 7.10 p.m.: Programme announcemente. 7.15: No. 5 oi tho series of talks by the Rev. 1\ 11. Raward. 8: "Big Ben"; from Her Majesty's Theatre, n theatrical transmission. 0.10: From the studio, latest weather forecast. 9.11: Graham Kent will commence a new scri& of talks on Bridge. 9.20: Liudley Evans, pianoforte solos. _0.30: Brunton Gibb, elocutionist. 9.3(3: William Bowycr and William Smith, duet. Bertha Warren, soprano. 9.45: AVilliam Bowver aud William Smith. 9.51: Lindley Evans. 10.2: Brunton Gibb. 10.10: Bertha Warren. 10.1-t: Tho Ambassadors' Orchestra. 10.23: William Bowyer and William Smith. 10.27: Bertha Warren. 10.33: Late weal her forecast. 10.34? Lon Haurice, bari' tone. 10.39: The Ambassadors' Orchestra. 10.57: Late news and announcements. 11: "Big Ben"; the Ambassadors' Orchestra and Mi- Lcn Jlaurico till 11.45.
3LO, MELBOURNE. (371 Metres'.) 7.30 p.m.: Collingwood Citizonr,' Band. 7.40: Bernard Thomas, tenor. 7.47: Mr H. I<. Love, "Technicalities." 7.57: Collingwood Citizens' Band. 8.4: Harmonists Male Quartette. S.ll; The Lynch Bellrmgers. 8.15: Collingwood Citizens' Band. „8._o: Victoria Wilson, soprano. 8.32: The French Bros., banjoists. 8.40: Vaude and Verne--8.50: Captain Donald Maclean, 'Piratical Pilgrimages." 9.5: The Lynch Bellringors. 9.10: Tom Masters and James Eraser, duets. 9.1'7: Collingwood Citizens' Band. 9.25: Bernard Thomas. 9.32: The French Bros. 9.40: The Harmonists Malo Quartet. 9 47: Collingwood Citizens' Band. 9.55: Mr Frank Dexter, of tho "Argus," will talk on to-morrow's races. 10.5: "Victoria Wilson. 10.13: Tho Lynch Bellringers. 10.17: Collingwood Citizens' Band. 10.25; Jamea Scott, bass; Horace White, tenor. 10.33: "Argus" news service; meteorological information; road notes; British ofßcial wireless news from Rugby; Island steamer movements. 10.45: Job Aronson aud Mb SyncoSymphonists. 11: Our Great Thought. 11.1: Joe Aronson and his Synco-Symphomsts till 11.40.
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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19201, 6 January 1928, Page 10
Word Count
1,535BROADCASTING. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19201, 6 January 1928, Page 10
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