RANGIORA. A very successful meeting of the Eangiora School of Eeligious Instruction was held in the Methodist Schoolroom on Saturday evening. Mr P. J. Thome gave a most interesting and instructive study of the lesson "Jacob and Esau," which was followed by a discussion. The chairman, Mr C. E. Thwaites, thanked Mr Thome on behalf of the meeting. This being the closing session, a business meeting was held. Votes of appreciation were passed to the retiring officers, to those who had given studies, demonstrations, and addresses, and to the Methodist Church Trustees for the use of the schoolroom. Officers for the ensuing.year were elected as follows: Committee: Mesdames A. Lane, It. Hutchison, Misses I. Graham, M. Blake, M. Hamilton, Messrs C. E. Thwaites, P. J. Tliorne, J. C. Pateman, C. S. Ayers, and E. J. Corbett.
At Everybody's, at tl\e Town Hall, to-night there will be presented the classic western comedy drama of the screen, "Arizona Bound," a picture which stars the brilliant and new young out-door, star; Gary Cooper. This dc-' lightfully romantic and thrilling film has been attracting large audiences in Christchurch all last week, and should draw a capacity house at the Town Hall this evening. It is packed with.tingling thrills and some pleasant human interest, and Cooper's wonderful horse, Flash, contributes in no small measure to the success of the picture. Betty Jewel supports the star. On Thursday, "The Beloved Rogue, ".featuring John Barrymore, will be shown, and Corinrie Griffith's emotional royal romance, '' The Lady in Ermine'" will be screened on. Saturday. Box .Plans are at the Bristol Piano Company, and day sales arc at the Golden Gate Confectionery Shop.
HANMER SPRINGS. Mrs F. Lumsden was the winner of au 'eclectic match recently played by the lady members of ; the Hanmer Springs Golf Club, for a trophy presented by Mrs S. W. Montgomery. During the week-end, the members of the Golf Club played a bogey match. , The following four players returned the best cards, all being 2 down on bogey: Mrs F. Lumsden,- Mr W. Patterson, Mr D. Milliken, and Mr H. Peek. A dance, which was largely attended, was held onf Saturday night-by the local Football.' Club, for the - benefit of a member, Mr W.. Tiny, who was injured recently when playing football. Music was supplied by Messrs Ayling (piano), Herbert (violin), and. Loughlin (jazz instruments). Extras were • played by Miss Campbell and. Mr Ross Smith. Until Saturday afternoon, bright sunny weather prevailed during the past week. The sky then clouded over, but there was no l rain although at times 'it appeared to be.very near, On Sunday there was a continuance, of the dull conditions, but on Monday the sun broke through again. There has been a good thaw of snow on the surrounding hilltops.
ROTHERHAM. On Saturday the Cricket Club opened its season when a • team from Waikari visited Rotherham and played a friendly match. The weather conditions wero cold--and miserable, but-nevertheless a most enjoyablo game ensued, Waikari winning by 29 runs. The scores, were, Waikari 113 .(McFarlane3l,.®iyMiller 20, retired, Withers 22, hurt). : 'Wright and McFarlano wero the"; most successful with- the baHj -Eotherham 83 (Tritt 21, Moor 11). TrittUowled well. waika!ri.
' The first .a'ririual meefciiig'of tlio Wai,kafi Crickets Club was held , recently. The balance-sheet disclosed that the 'club was in a satisfactory position, there only being a debit balance of £3 9s sd. The election of officers for the incoming year resulted a3 follows : : President, -'-Mr W. W. Mcßae. vicepresident, Mr <*: L. Rutherford; secretary and treasurer, Mr C. D. Withers; club captain, Mr M. F. Macfarlane; vice-captain, Mr B. G. Dalgety; committee, president, vice-president, secretary, club captain, vice-captain, Dr. Miller, and;Mr K. IX Matson; delegates, Mr B. G. Dalgety, Mr C. H.- Withers; selection committee, captain and vicecaptain. The club had had a fairly successful season, the senior team gaining third place in the Aniuri competitions, the standard of cricket _ being very satisfactory. It was "decided to open, the-season on September 2-lth on the grounds at Waikari. WAIPARA. A memorial service was held at Waipara on Sunday in memory of the late , Mr Angus Cameron. . The Eev. Lamont preached a very impressive sermon, taking as his text the sixth chapter and fifteenth verse of the Epistle of St. Paul to. tlio Ephesians. Mrs A. Giles (Omihi) presided at the organ. After some days of fine spring weather a change took place on Saturday night when a north-east wind v blew up, accompanied by showers of rain, which will be of considerable benefit to pastures and crops:. Mrs A. Cameron and Miss Cameron of "Inverness," Waipara, have returned home after spending a few days in Akaroa. Mr J. Reynolds, sen., has returned to Waipara after spending a holiday with relatives in Christchurch. Miss Ada Tapper (Christchurch) is staying with Mrs o. .Anderson, "Erin Lea,". Waipara.
SCARGILL. The rainfall for July and August, with last year's figures for the. same months given in parentheses, were respectively 2.92 inches (L4B inches) and 3.85 inches (.93 inch).--The total-rain-fall for the present year to the end of August was 14.50 inches. Lambing is now general, and is iu some cases almost completed. The weather has been excellent for the lambing during the present month, but the wet period during the latter part of last month v.-as responsible for some deaths. .Mortality is, however, higher than it should be, and perhaps the shortage of. green feed during winter is one of the contributing causes. Feed has l<een slow of growth until recently, and farmers have nothing to come and go on so far. There are some very promising crops of wheat and oats about the district, but many are not showing the usual vigorous growth, and appear thin -md patchy. Apparently the wool clip will this season be probably below the average weight. A public meeting was held in the hall on Saturday afternoon for the purpose of discussing" the proposed scheme for the electrical reticulation of the Waipara County, which is being placed before the ratepayers for consideration. Mr N. D. Campbell, chairman of the. Waipara County Council, presided, and introduced Mr H. F. ioogood, consulting electrical engineer, who was present to explain the scheme in detail. Considerable interest was displayed by those present. Mr Toogood answered many questions regarding the scheme, and the cost of install* iug and the supplying of the current. A resolution to" the effect that the meeting was in favour of a Power Board for. the Waipara Gounty beinsr set up was moved bv Mr T. E. i/. Roberts and seconded "by Mr E. Gardner, and carried, there being one cissentient vote.
To raise funds for running an atli•xi? ?P 01 rt s fleeting in conjunction with the Horticultural Society's spring show, two very successful euchre and dance evenings ware held recently. At the first, the prizes for most points weie won by Mrs G. Tomlinson ai;d jHr A. Turner, the consolation prizes being awarded to Miss L. Roberts and Air ej. Kapley. On the secoiul jvaning tjie prizes were won bv Mrs T Whittington and Mr M. Gi'bb. and Miss S. fecott and Mr C. Tomlinson respectively Dancing was enjoyed for sov- ? . llo urs after supper, Mr L. Fairoairn supplying the music, and us a token of appreciation of his services as musician he was presented with a leather attache case.
LEITHFIELD. With the exception of a very cold snap early in the week, the weather for the past fortnight has been ideal from a farmer's standpoint, consequently work on the land is proceeding apace. Grass, which had shown signs of making rapid growth, has, however, been somewhat checked by the slight frosts of the past week. From reports to hand the acreage of cereals will be slightly greater than last year. So far all autumn-, sown crops show a healthy colour and are looking well. ASHLEY BANK. The progressive euchre tournament in aid of school funds .was continued recently when, there was a good attendance. Prizes were won 1 by Mrs F. Robertson with 28 points, and Mr W. Mor--1 gan with 32 points. The annual meeting of the Ashley Tennis Club was held in the school. There was a fair attendance presided over by Mr li. Peach. • Tho balancesheet which was read arid adopted, showed a credit balance of £lO. The fol l lowing officers wero elected for the ensuing year:' Patron, Mr Gy W. .Forbes,"' M;P.; president,. Mr B. " Peach;.' presidents, Messrs J. "Miner, J. Wallis,' W. Pateman, E. Beattic; lion, secretary,. .Miss E. Criglington-; treasurer, Miss J. Croft ;■ captain, Mr E.:Bailey; vice-cap-tain, Miss D. Schmidt; delegates to thcNorth Canterbury Tennis Association, Messrs E. Peach and E. Bailey. It was decided to do some necessary repairs to the courts prior to the opening day, which will be Saturday, October Ist.
SOUTH MALVERN. A large number of residents of the. ' South Malvern district attended in the schoolroom, on Saturday evening, to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs J. Sutherland and family, who are leaving the district to reside in Christchurch. Daiicing and songs iilled iir a very pleasant and an enjoyable evening. Mr Charles Cotterill, on behalf of the residents, presented Mr Sutherland with a well-iilled envelope and'expressed the regret which was universally felt. Mr P.Hurrell and Mr J. Todd also expressed their personal regret at losing such valuable Music for the danoing was supplied by Miss R. Hurrell, Mr G. Willis, Mrs Jewell, Mrs Bercival, and musical items were given by Miss Carey, Mrs Jewell, • Mrs Morgan, Miss Jewell, Mrs Sutherland, and Mr Jewell. '
Electric light has been installed in the " South Malvern Church, and on Sunday it was used for the first time. There was a large congregation and the Rev. E. T. Jones conducted the service.
A very enjoyable social was held in the church on Wednesday. There was a large attendance over which the Rev. E. T. Jones presided. A pleasant time was spent in games and a programme by the following performers was appreciated bv all: —Dialogues', Valmai Jewell, Tass.v Todd, and Mary Jones and Mina Percival and Lulu Currie; recitations, Leslie Brockie, Keith Dempsey, Billy Dunlop, Mary Jones, and Billy Derrett; duet, Rita Hurrell and Lulu Currie; songs, Merle Todd, Valmai Jewell, Mrs J. T. Todd, and Mrs Frew (Greendale) ; duets, Mr and Mrs J Jewell, Mrs Frew and Miss A. Shipley. The Sunday school children; trained by Mrs W. Tarling, contributed songs. A meeting of the Anglican and Presbyterian Churches in .connexion with the forthcoming flower show and sale of work was held in the Oddfellows' Hall on Friday, Mr William Gilmour presiding over a good attendance. Correspondence was read from Mrs G. C. Derrett?, Messrs R. G. Robinson. and G. W. Soal agreeing to act as judges for the show. The Ladies' Guild reported "that arrangements were 1 well forward for the sale of work, and asked for a rearrangement of the position of their stalls. As tlio Darfiekl Horticultural Society had arranged to hold its show on the same date as the loc;ik' effort, and in view of the fact that thero was some uncertainty aliout obtaining the hall, it was decided to postpone the local show till Saturday, October Bth._ It was decided .to meet again the night before .the show. After a week of perfect spring weather. light rain commenced to fall on Saturday night and continued at intervals all day on Sunday. There is now a good growth of grass.
DARFIELD. The cricket season was opened on Saturday, when a friendly game.was played between the married and single men, resulting in a win for.,the latter by 111 to 93. The competition for the Mai-' vern district commences next Saturday. On Thursday th': fortnightly progressive euchre match was held in the public school, when a good number were present. The prize-winners for the evening were Mrs Turner and Mr P. Bradley. After supper an enjoyable dance was held, the music for which was supplied by Mr and Mrs W. Glanville.
TAI TAPU. A largely attended meeting of residents was held in the hall on Saturday evening to arrange for the annual ball. Mr J. Jones was elected chairman and Mrs Suckling, secretary. Much enthusiasm was shown by the members present. The Tai Tapu school entered two teams in the Girls' basketball tournament, which was held in fine weather on Saturday afternoon at Lincoln. The girls put up a very creditable performance. The A team came second, Killinchy winning by one point, and the B team gained third place. The teams were conveyed in' motor-cars by Messrs S. Maginuess and P. Speneer. A cricket match was played at Rhodes Park on Saturday between Springston and Tai Tapu Clubs, when an enjoyable afternoon was spent. The local team won, the scores being Tai Tapu 79, Springston 69. Afternoon tea was provided, after which Mr P. Bailey returned th.mlcs. The club has entered a team in the Ellesmere competition, the first game in which ' takes place at Doylcston on Saturday. A friendly game will be played at Tai Tapu by the B team against the Christehurch Gas Company's team.
LINCOLN. A schools' basketball tournm. was held at Lincoln school - on Saturday. Teams were divided into two grades— Grade A (6 team's) consisted of senior teams from schools of two or more teachers, and Grade B. (8 teams) of junior school teams, and also teams from sole charge schools. The day' was beautifully line, and a large number of spectators came from all districts. The following are the results of the games: — A Grade —Tai Tapu beat Springston 8-0; Doyleston beat Irwell 4-2; Killinchy drew with Lincoln 2-2; Tai Tapu beat Irwell 8-0; Killinchy .beat Doyleston 4-2; Lincoln Beat Springston 6-0; Killinchy beat Tai Tapu 4-2; Lincoln beat Doyleston 8-0; Irwell beat Spriiigstoil 4-2; Tai Tapu beat Lincoln 6-0; Killinchy beat Irwell 4-0; Doyleston beat Springston 2-0; Lincoln beat Irwell 4-0; Tai Tapu beat Doyleston 8-0; Killinchy beat Springston 8-0. Final—Killinchy (9pts) 1, Tai Tapu (Spts) 2, Lincoln (7pts) 3. B Grade — Springston South beat Springston 12^0; Tai Tapu beat Irwell 14-0; Killinchy beat Lincoln 4-0; Selwyn beat Burnham--Ellesmere 12-0; Springston drew with Tai Tapu 4-4; Killinchy • beat Irwell 12-0; Selwyn beat Lincoln 18-0; Springston South beat Ellesmere-Burnham 'B-0; Springston beat Irwell 8-0;' Sehv'yn beat Killinchy G-0; Ellesmere-Burnham beat Lincoln 2-0; Springston South beat.Tai Tapu 6-0; Killinchy beat Springston 8-0; Lincoln' beat Irwell 8-0; Selwyn heat Springston South 4-2; Tai Tapu drew with Ellesmere-Burnham 0-0; Lincoln drew with Springston 0-0; Springsion South beat Killinchy 4-0; Selwyn beat Tai Tapu .6.-0; Ellesmere-Burnham beat Irwell 4-0; Springston South beat Lincoln 8-2; Selwyn beat Springston 22-0; Spring3ton S beat Irwell, by default. The competition was then declared closed on account of time. It resulted in Selwyn tieing with Springston South 12-12. These two teams then jtfayed, four spells with no score. The final will be played later at Irwell School. The referees were: Miss V.. Mackenzie (Dunsandel), Miss Laistley (Selwyn), Miss Taylor (Lincoln), Miss Steinmetz' (Tai Tapu), and Miss West (Springston). - The general meeting of the Flower Show Committee in aid of the Lincoln School and Recreation Ground wias'held in the Technical 1 School., It.was decided to hold the SlioW on .Friday,. December '9 th,'at the Druids'Tiall. Messrs IPcafeon, •Riblcerby, and. fhwaites Were appointed joint. ;secr?fa,rj6s. -. H The schedule • /.was . amen'ded.. tj) : .allow-,'.foi: the- return-fo Spring Show.; . u ; i
! GREENPAItKiv •At the weekly cuchrb'arid ,3ance there was a 'godd attendance, ' Thevfifst ptize-j winners were Miss G. -Bennett 1 and- Mr; J. Benny (Lincoln), tho second prizes going to Miss Steinmetz (Tai Tapu) and Mr C. Brown. The music for the dance was supplied by Mrs A. H. Clark, , and Mr G. Lassen was M.C. SPRINGFIELD. The members, of tho Springfield 'Ladies 5 Hockey Club played a match against the winners of thd Mount Palm Shield at Cheviot on Saturday.. The visitors won by three goals to two after a most exciting game. Mr Anderson was referee. The weather was rather dull, and in the evening rain fell. The fortnightly .euchre party and dance was held in the Springfield Town Hall on Saturday evening. Mrs R. Millikeri's special prize was,won by Mrs C. A. Denton, Miss Janettc McKay , won the second prize. The men's.first prize went to Mr T. Davies, and the second to Mr D. Nimmo. Music for the dance was supplied by Mr C. Smith. AYLESBURY. The School Committee held its. fortnightly euchre social in the school- ■ room. There was a large attendance. ! The prizes went to:—Ladies: Miss D. Rout 1, Mrs Gibson 2; men: Mr M. V. Davis 1, Mr G. Wilson 2. A,special prize for younger players, given- by Mr MqNaughton, .was won by Master S. Nicholl. Mjisic for the dance was supplied by Mrs G. Begg. Miss D. Rout, Miss C* Harwood, Miss M. Turner, and C. Davis and /Miss L. Pradley.
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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19110, 20 September 1927, Page 3
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2,803NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19110, 20 September 1927, Page 3
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