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KANGIORA. The funeral of Mr J. Hoi'ion. who died on Saturday evening, took place yesterday afternoon at the Methodist cemetery. There was a. largo following of the older residents of the borough and surrounding district, who had been associated with the late Mr Horton in the early days of the town. The funeral rites were conducted by theRev. ('. Blair. 'Wreaths were sent bv Mr raid Mrs H. C. I), van Asch, Messrs Johnson and Son, Mr and Mrs P. J. C'oatesand family. Mrs E. Scott, Mrs R. J. Walker, Mrs and Miss May, Mr J. Pi. Smith. Mr and Mrs G. I'Jevington, Mr W. Smith. Mr and Mrs H. T. Oates, Mr and Mrs J. H. Patchctt, Mrs Ansell, Mr and Mrs Horn. Mr and Mrs T. Hannan and family, Mr and Mrs H. A. Young, Mr H. and Miss Shepherd. At the monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. Mrs Thwaites presided over a fair attendance. An address on "The Effects of Alcohol on the Human Body," given by Dr. O'Brien at the Convention, was read. The president announced that the Southhrook branch of the Loyal Temperance legion had held its first meeting for the year. It was decided to bold Peace Day on the day of the usual monthly meeting in May. Mrs Thwaites read the report of the annual convention, closing with a brief extract from the presidential address.

HANMER SPRINGS. It is understood that the building of the women's hospital will be completed in the very near future. Material for the piles of the bridge to be erected over Dog Creek have been on the site of the work for some time. The plant is now being assembled and a start will soon be made. The football club sent both a senior a'.ul junior side to Culverden for a practice game on Saturday. The juniors pli.yed first, Hanmer winning. The senior team was several men short, but their number was made up from among the keener players of the juniors, who had a.'ready played. The game resulto-.l in a win for Culverden. Douglas Mumo, playing for Haumer, had his collar-bone broken. The barometer has been at a lowlevel for over a week with a fairly strong cold nor'-wester until Saturday morning, when a heavy shower set in, which it was thought might be a prelude to worse conditions. The weather gradually improved during the day, and at liight there was a white frost, which was dispelled by a nor'-wester early on Sunday morning, follow*d by a pleasant 'Jay. On Sunday rain again set in from the nor'-west quarter, and the glass, which bad risen slightly, fell to a lower level than before.

WAIAU. During the past few days the weather lias been considerably cooler, but very little rain has fallen. There were a lew light showers during Friday,' and a heavy shower on Saturday morning. This will benefit the crops to some, extent, but is quite insufficient to soften the soil which has become very dry and hard. Throughout the Amuri the growth of the crops has been phenomenal, and there are many fieldß which will give a fine supply of green feed during the nest month of two. On Saturday afternoon a three-seater motor-car went over the bank on the cutting leading up to the football grounds, and capsized. The two occupants were pinned beneath it, but were soon extricated. Apart from a shaking, both fortunately were little the worse for their adventure, but the- car' was somewhat damaged. In view of the opening of the Hurunui Sub-Union's competitions on Saturday next, there was a good muster of footballers at practice on Saturday afternoon. As the **:ams this year will contain a good deal of "new blood," there is considerable speculation as tn how they will fare in their opening matches with Haniner. Miss Ferguson arrived on Saturday to take up relieving work in the local school.

SCARGILL, At the fourth of the series of endue and dance assemblies that are being conducted fortnightly by the committee of the Scargill Tennis Club, there was again a very good attendance. The prizes for the euchre were given by Mr and Sirs G. Garrett, and were wan is follows: —Most points, ladies, Sliss Dunlop; men, Sir Barker. The consolation prizes were awarded to Sirs J. l'yan and Sir Davies. A dainty supper was handed round by the ladies, a>id (lancing was indulged in until midnight to music supplied by local players. The prizes for the next evening's euchre tournament have been given by Sir and Sirs T. X. Gardner. At the annual meeting of householders, the following School Committee was elected for the ensuing year:— Messrs E. Gardner (chairman), T. X. Gardner, J. H. Slorris, A. Stone, and T. O. Johnson (secretary).

SEFTON. At the close of the evening service on Sunday at the English Church, the annua! vestry meeting was he'd, the Bev. 11. F. Ault presiding. Sir 1. Champion was elected as vicar's warden in the place of Sir G. Clarke, who is leaving the district. The people's warden was Mr M. Ashby. The following were elected members of the vestry: Slesdames G. E. Hales and \Y. .'. Boyce, Slessrs C. Lewis, C. Armstrong, W. Chambers. Gratitude was expressed by the chairman to Sir G. Claike for his many services to the church, a great many of which were known to the public, but a greater number ill which wero known only to those intimately associated with its management. He also Indicated that they hoped to get the church painted within a month or two.

The Sefton Returned Soldiers ncld their annual dance in aid of the amusement, and comfort fund of the Banner - cialc Home recently. The decorative scheme was carried out by the returned men under the direction of Mr J. II Cameron. A canopy of red, white, and blue streamers occupied the centre of the hall, while the windows and stride were decorated with similar colours. Greenery brought from the neighbouring bush wa.s arranged round the walis and further enhanced the interior of the building. Messrs L. McGowan and K. C. Topp were M.C.'s. The mu-Jc wa.s supplied by the Helton Jazz Oicbestra, extras being played by Mr U. Habgood. A mcetiii;; of the Seftou Miniature Rifle Chili was held in the Kink llali on Saturday night, when the president, Mr .1. Aslr.rorth. occupied tli e chair It was decided that the club otter to forego shooting on one Saturday a month this year in order to allow" the Kowai Football Club to hold monthly dances. Mr J. Quick, who won outright the 15-night cup last year, asked the club to accept a handsome challenge cup. This offer was received with acclamation and the- chairman, in i, the cup on the club's behaif, thanked" the donor for his generous action. On Saturday afternoon in the Domain, the Kowai football team played a match against the Oxford team, the home team winning by 13 to 3. Tries lor Kowai were scored by E. Rupu'l! and W Dando. the latter convening loth tries and kicking a penalty g.jai. For Oxford, Mulligan scored a try.

ASHLEY BANK. A pleasing little function took place in the Ashley School, when the children all assembled in the big room to bid farewell to Mr L. Owen, who has been appointed headmaster of the Prebbleton School. Lily Davis on behalf of the children, asked Mr Owen to accept si .small presentation m recognition oPhis interest in them, and wished him every success in his new portion. Mr Owen suitably responded. The School Committee have decided io hold card socials in the school every Tuesday night. A prize will be given every night, and an aggregate prize every six nights instead of one at the end 'of the season. Fine weather prevailed at the beciunin-' of the week. On Thursday the wind changed to the south ami rain commenced' to fall. and continued •diowcrv until Saturday mid-day. Grass lands and early sown crops will he f'reatlv benefited by the rain. *" Mr and Mrs Mayer arrived on Saturday. Mr Mayer commenced the duties of headmaster at the school yesterdav morning. Mr"and Mrs W. Drake have returned 1 after a short visit to the Dunedin Exhibition. Mr and Mrs J. McDonald (Geraldine) were the guests of Mr and Mrs G. Halborough over the' week-end. Miss Thohna Peach returned to her hoine yesterday after spending a holiday iii Dunedin.

LADBROOKS. .1 pleasing little function took place at the school, when the headmaster, with the scholars, together with parents and friends, and members of the committee, met in the upper class room to bid farewell to Miss Park, the assistant-mistress, who has been appointed to another school. The chairman, Mr A. C. Sheard, expressed the regret of all that Miss Park was leaving their midst, and spoke in appreciative terms of her services. The chairman then called on Mr J. Yeatman to make a presentation to the guest. Mr Yeatman asked Miss Park to accept a lady's leather hat box in grateful recognition of her work among the children. He said it was hard to say good-bye to those who found their way to their hearts as Miss Park had done. Miss Joyce Coles, one of the youngest scholars, presented Miss Park with a bouquet of autumn flowers. The headmaster, Mr \\. M. Yates, also referred in terms of highest praise to their guest as a teacher. ■ Miss Park was greeted with cheers and the singing of "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow," after which she briefly replied, saying she would never forget the happy times spent at Ladbrooks. Afternoon' tea was then dispensed by the ladies.

The weather during the last few days has been very satisfactory for farm work. etc. Owing to the labour trouble with the waterside workers in Lytteltoji, considerable inconvenience has been experienced as well as loss; large quantities of potatoes, told for immediate delivery, being dug and held up through the shipping trouble. During the last week very large quantities have been sent forward, the demand at present bein{i very good at ruling prices. Digging is now again in full swing. The results aro far from expectations, the best so far being 5 tons to the acre, _ table sorts. In spite of the heavy shipping demand on railway waggons, the Department are still in a position to fulfil all requirements from country districts. There is at present very little grain being sent forward. Chaff is in fair demand and there is very little left in the district. The last few showers have had the desired effect as far ,a.s grass is concerned, the outlook for winter feed being brighter. Mr J. Brown, who entered the Christchurch Hospital a few days ago to undergo another operation, which was successful, is expected to be able to return home in a few days. Mr W. Reid and Miss A, Reid (Hokitika), who were paying a visit to relations in Ladbrooks, returned home during the week.

SOUTH MALVERN. The rainfall for the month of April was .72 inch. Rain fell on nine days, and the maximum fall was .18 inch on April 13th. For the most part the month was warm, and bright, and the rain was of the "Scotch mist" variety. Two frosts occurred in the first week, and the remainder of the month was free of frost. The result of so much warm weather confined with a light rainfall was an amazing growth of all vegetation. Sub-tropical (lowers which were nipped at the beginning of the month were blooming profusely at the. end of April. The annual meeting of householders in the. Glentunnel school district was attended by three persons. Subsequently two other gentlemen agreed to act oil a committee. The names are: Messrs L. Workman, S. Kirkham, C. Powell, P. C. Prestridge, and W. G. Hinks. A chairman has yet to be elected. Until a new head master is appointed Sir McGallan will be in charge of the school. Plaving on the Glentunnel Domain on Saturday in the Malvern Sub-Union Rugby Football Competitions, Black Diamonds Senior defeated Darfield by 3(3 points to nil. The following scored tries: F. TO. Smith and P. le Compte three each, Geo. ■ AYeastell, Geo. Bisphan, F. Toalc, 11. Harrison, Geo. Marsh, and 0. I?. Powell one try each. Mr G. D. Marsh was referee. Playing at Sheffield, Black Diamonds Junior heat Sheffield Junior by 3 to nil. A try was secured by J. Stuart. Sir Q. A Wriaht was referee. Sir and Mrs W. B. SVillstccd, Coalgate, returned from the North Island o:i Friday after an absence of four weeks.

Mr .1. 11. Pearson, Coalgate, lias decided to offer himself as a candidate for ilto Hnuiobnsli hiding of the Malvrni County Council at the forthcoming election of Councillors. Mrs X. M. Dimlon. "Benholm." AA'hitecliffs. leaves to-day for a lipalth trip to ~\\t. Cook. She will be accompanied, bv Mrs AY. Nicholls. Merivale. Mr Parker McKinlay. Beiihair. Oraco, is on a short visit to Mr Win, MeSkimmine. Glentunnel. At the usual fortnightly meeting of tlie C'nlendcc of Oddfellows, M.l'.. X.n.'TJro, AY. R. Powell presided. Brother K. C. TTiint was elected warden in place of Bro. T). Hartstontce, who has cone to reside in Dnnediii. The receints for the evening were £l3 14s 9;1: £i 18< was paid out for side pay. and one maternity bonus was paid.

BROOMFIELD. At the h> s r of the fortni»hth- euchre unities and dances, the first prizes in the eucbro were won by Miss M. Gome and Mr L. Croft, the consolation prizes went to Miss M. Devlin and Mi' C. AA'ilson. Supper was served at the completion of the card match, and the hall cleared for dancing, music "being played by Mr and Mrs AVornall. Mr C. Croft was M.C. At the householders' meeting the t'o'lowing were elected a committee: Messrs S. AVornall (chairman), i. Streeter. H. Hunter, C. Croft, and \A'. McFarlanc. Five members of the Broomheid School, accompanied by their teachei, Mr E Davison, returned last week from an enjoyable visit to the Dunedin Exhibition. Duriix* the children's absence from school last week, the committee took 'he opportunity of putting a. new floor in the school. This will be greatly appreciated during the winter months.

AKAROA. . On Friday afternoon the school children assembled to bid farewell to Sliss K. S, Petrie, who has been appointed to the Beckenbain School. Sliss Betty Munro, one of the senior pupils, in a happy speech, presented Miss Petri© with a handsome cushion. A pleasant function took place last week, when a number of Sir G, Audas's friends met to bid him farewell. Mr Audas has been on the local postal staff for the last two years, and has been recently transferred to. Christehurch on promotion. A presentation of a suitcase and a Loewe pipe was made by Sir Eccieton on behalf of those assembled, and with other speakers he voiced regret at losing such an obliging official as the departing guest, but wished him all success in the future. Oil the invitation of Mr and Sirs E. G. SlcNabb a large number of Akaroa residents were able to listen-m to speeches at the Duuedin Exhibition. The Akaroa. Football Club opened their season on Saturday, and in spite of the drizzling south-cast rain, a largo number of enthusiasts turned out. Two lots of schoolboys were able to amuse themselves while the older players were assembling. A few players rolled up in fancy costume, and the antics of a so-called "lady" with an umbrella caused much merriment. .

During the day a Gift Shop was held on the jYletropole Hotel verandah, and the club's finances will be strengthened by about £2O. Those responsible for the success of the shop were Slesdames Ferguson, F. Kearney, A. Sloore, and Miss J. Lelievre. The results of the guessing competitions wore as follows: Pumpkin (presented by Mrs J. M. Shepherd), Messrs Hod dor and SlcCauglian; box of chocolates (presented by Sir Geo. Ferguson), Miss Betty Sluiiro; dinner (presented by Mii" and Mrs A. Sloore), Sirs J. G. Lelievre; day's takings, Sliss S. Woodill and Mr F. Armstrong; picture (presented by Mr S. Gemmell), Sliss J. Lelievre. The Sisters of Mercy of the Akaroa Convent have been notified that one of their pupils, Sliss Hazel Uichiield, has been awarded by Trinifv College of Music, London, an exhibition valued £6 Os, for having gained at the December, IfJ2o, theoretical examinations the maximum number of marks (100). Two exhibitions sire awarded annually for Xew Zealand and Australia.

BURNHAM. On Thursday afternoon the long period of summer weather underwent a change, and light rain set in, which continued off and on through the night, and all day Friday. On .Saturday morning there were a few light showers, and the rest of the day was dull. The rain was very welcome, and will do an immense amount of good. The first of the fortnightly series ol euchre tournaments and dances to be held this winter as a means of raising funds for the school was held on Friday night. Considering the short notice given, and the unfavourable night, the attendance exceeded expectations. Tlie winners of the euchre prizes were Mrs AA : . Shaw, a tray cloth presented by Mrs Hooper, and Mr G. Foster, an electric torch, presented by Mr AV. Shaw. The music for tlie dance was supplied by Miss Elford. The School Committee have decided to award aggregate prizes this winter similar to last year, for the persons winning the greatest number of games at the euchre tournaments. The first series of games will commence in a fortnight's time, and then the conditions of play will be announced.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18682, 4 May 1926, Page 4

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18682, 4 May 1926, Page 4

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18682, 4 May 1926, Page 4


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