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annual committee ELECTIONS. HOUSEHOLDERS' MEETINGS. Last night tho anmml meetings of householders for the election of School Committees were held. There were no big issues before tho meetings, and at several schools elections were not necessary. ciome outgoing committees had to report strained finances, but at other schools, where entertainments had been organised or other steps taken to supplement the capitation allowance, funds appeared to be ample. All meetings of householders had before them three remits from the School Committees' Association. The first recommended that the. Department be asked to install, where necessary, up-to-date heating systems; the second suggested the staffing of schools on roll number instead of on average attendance; and tho third that the inspectors submit a report on the school work for tho year to the householders' meeting. Most meetings approred all three resolutions; a'few rejected the third; and still others referred all to the new committee. EAST CHRISTCHURCH. There was -only a small attendance of householders at the East Christchurch School last evening. Mr C. Bryant presided. The report stated that during the yeai' 'Miss Clague had been appointed to Oxford School .and Miss M. J. Maloney had succeeded her. Miss A. M. Freeman, probationary assistant, had been appointed for one year in place of Miss E. O. Mills. Tho four junior teachera had proceeded to the Training College and their places had been filled by Misses D. Caldow. B. Mitchell, and I. E. Patchett. The present roll number was 814, a decrease of 84 on that of last year. Much attention had bt?on paid to ewin.■ming, 32 boys -and 14 girls having obtained certificates from the Sew Zealand Association for swimming various distances. .About 70 pupils of the upper school had vijited the Exhibition -in charge of three members J of the staff and two ex-members. , .Since the amalgamation of the schools, the committee found it very difficult to keep within its income, and there were liabilities outstanding amounting to £146. The jubilee of the school was fittingly celebrated last September. • The new committee was appointed as follows : —Messrs W. Harvey (chairman), C. J. Henty, G. L. Bull, A. V. Samilton. A. T. Stokes, S. J. Green, J. and C. W. Powell. A vote of thanks was passed to the retiring committee. WEST CHRISTCHURCH. - At the West Christchurch School Mr ,T. H. Jones presided tfver about IS householders. The report deplored the slowness of the negotiations for the erection of the final wing of the now. echool. The average attendance in the primary department was 640, out of 'a roll'number of 701, and in the .secondary 916 out of 232. . Plans for the future included 'the removal of the old brick school and the erection of a 'stone fence in front. The finances were considered satisfactory,- 1 In, the primary division receipts, including £BB Us 3d brought forward, totalled £BIO 7s, and expenditure .(including £2OO paid over to the Board for subsidy-earning, and £IOO .Drainage Board debenture) £743 18a Bd, leaving cash in bank £66 8s 4d. Receipts in the secondary department amounted to £619 lis Id, and the expenditure to £3BO 9s Id, leaving a credit lof £239 2s. In reply to questions, tho chairman said householders could not Lave been supplied with Copies of tho balance-sheet, ,aj it was on a:printed fa»m., Motley to .purchase a piano would not' come out of the committee's funds, as the money was subscribed specifically for the instrument. The Board would subsidise the amount; by £SO. The meeting Supported unanimously the. three remits from tho School Committees' Association. coinmittTee' was reccttnmended to (stress , the establishment of a dental clinic at the school, and failing agreement by the Department, to < ask that children be treated free at the Hospital.*-' The chairman stated the '.matter bad boen discussed before, but ss the school was so near to the Hospital the had not seen its way clear to establish a clinic. However, there would be no barm in asking for it again. The following ■' committee was elected:— Messrs T. Andrews, jnn. (chairman), S. C. Bingham, W. Congreve, jun., A. J. Dendle, J.H."Jones, H. H. Lane, A. P. Stacey, J. A. Taylor (secretary), and A. Hay (treasurer). SYDENHAM. There was a' large attendance at the meeting of householders in Sydenham. . The following committee was elected: —Messrs E. A. J. Hooper (chairman), H. Bott, J. C. Brown, T. H. Butterfleld, F. H. Frayle, H. J. Hoddinott, H. H. McCaW, J. H. Pratt, and 0. H. Rintoul. .. . The annual report stated that the year had been a successful one. Minor alterations .and improvements had been carried ont to the school premises. The heating system in the premises facing Queen street had < proved unsatisfactory, and attempts to get the Board to improve matters had been unsuccessful. Pupils of the school had distinguished ' themselves in athletics, winning the senior hockey cup and thq challenge shields for both boys and girls in the public Schools' Amateur Athletic Association. v/Ehe . balance-sheet showed a satisfactory .state of finance. . The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Mr Bumbold, headmaster, said that tho old sehool in Brougham street should go, and a new,one be erected. In some parts of the school they were badly" crowded. If they had any very cold days this winter he would send the children home, as it wss not right to ask them to remain and freeze in the Qneen street building, where the heating arrangements were very bad. One householder moved that the meeting make a protest to the Education Board, and that if nothing were done then that they hold another' public meeting. ' The motion was seconded by Mr Stead, and carried. • It was decided to approach the Education Board once again regarding "the old Brougham street school. It was decided that it be a recommendation to the new committee that instead of spending money on a Christmas ,tjee for the children, the' money be expended in cheapening the price of tickets for the annual picnic. FENDALTON. Mr L. J. Wilkina presided over an attendance of twelve, parent* and householders. The annual leport stated' that the year had been one of considerable progress as far as the school was concerned. The roll now stood at 289,- as compared • with 245 in the previous year. The average attendance haa also, increased, placing the. school in a higher grade. The second open-air room had been oompleted towards the end of the year, and the committee was. unanimous in > believing that it was doing all that had been expected of it. ■ The committee had made an application for three' further openair rooms, and owing to the of the Minister of the Department; this application had now been granted. The credit balance was £l3 4s 4d: i The report waa adopted. . The old committee, 'which consisted of the -following, was re-elected: —Messrs A. E. ißryne. L. J. Wilkins, C. D. Bell, G. E. |: Boyds, G. W. Coop, T. H. Beckett, A. Stewart, H. Manhire, A. C. Wilson. ■' The meeting recommended the new com--mittee to, affiliate -with the Canterbury School Committees' Association. A vote of thanks was accorded the Rev. H. S. Lee.cb for the Scripture lessons given by him at the school., The staff was also thanked for its. work' during the year. WAIMAIRI. There was an attendance of about forty householders at the Waimairi School. No election was neceiiary as the nominations did not exceed the required number, The following .is . the new .committee: — Messrs R. G. Morrison (chairman), W. Greenslade, •J. C. Ivory, G. Moor, G.' Radford, D. Roberts, E. D. Rule, E. A. Tallett, >nd W. Tullett. ■ " ' PHILLIPSTO WN. Mr J, Taylor presided at a poorly attended honseholders* meeting at Phillipstown. > The foii owing committee was elected: 'Jfwsrs J. Taylor-(chairman), E. Wright, E. A. Smale, J. Proster, B." Crowfcurat, j n. Boon, R. Robinson, W. Martin,

RICHMOND. The teen interest evinced by residents of Kichmona in primary education was shown J?y the large attendance of householders at iiist m*ht a meeting. Mr F. E. Talbot preded over a meeting of seventv householders. Jt was unfortunate that one householder was oarred from recording his vote because he !&? not set into the room. .The headmaster, Mr W. Rountree, reported that ia apite of the short year, due to the epidemic, the average work of the school ua jf. T ery little below normal. Sixty children had sat for proficiency examination and of these 53 gained proficiency CC j »J a 8 ' ? ur B a ' endorsed competency, ana three gained competency. there being ?° inUr 65 ' The a7er age roll of the sihool for 1925 was 576, and the average attendance 540. During tHe year Mr G. T. Ashton had left to take an appointment at Timaru, and Miss Watt had been appointed to the position. At the end of the year Miss E. .1. McGregor resigned after thirty years' fervice in Rich* mond. Miss Aiken was appointed infant mistress, ana Miss Kent to the position occupied by Miss Aiken. During- the year the staff, assisted by the committee, had organised a bazaar, resulting in £lO3 being collected. A concert held in the Avonside schoolroom realised £23, The committee reported that the newschool was officially opened on September 2CtU by the Hon. C. J. Parr, Minister for Education. As soon as the new school was completed the old ground on Stanmore road would be disposed of, end probably be made into a public park. I)uring March a number of bovs and girls visited the Inhibition. The best thanks of the school were due to the donor of the dux medal, to Mr D. G. Sullivan. M.P., for a medal, and to Messrs Beardsley and Sons for pictures, and a valuable donation of nine weeping elms, which would prove valuable shelter for outdoor classes. The new committee was elected as follows:—Messrs F. E. Talbot (chairman), J. Petrie, V. S. Graham, J. Stuart. A. M. Saunders, C. M. Shcppard, J. Fraser, VT. H. Simpson, and A. Dickson. A vote of thanks was accorded the teachers of the school and aprpeciation of the work of the retiring committee was expressed. LINWOOD. There wa« an attendance of over 100 at the annual meeting of householders at the I/inwood School. Mr H. F. Herbert presided. The annual report etited that committee meetings had been well-attended and a keen interest had been taken in everything appertaining to the welfare of the school. It was regretted that the incidental allowance was not sufficient to' maintain such a school as that of Linwood. Congratulations were offered to the headmaster and staff for their work in the year. The report added that the incoming committee would have to be very careful in its expenditure in the coming year. The annual picnic had been well attended and there was now £3O in hand for use as a picnic fund. In moving tho adoption of (Kc annual report and. balance-sheet, Mr Herbert said that like most other schools Linwood bad Buffered owing to limited incidental allowance. Linwood was one of the best schools in the education district, and the reports oE i the inspectors were very gratifying. The inspectors F.poke in glowing terms of the general work and organisation, and that ,reflected great credit on the hoadmaster (Mr Douds) and staff. An open-air room had keen opened during tho year. There livl been good responses during rhe yeir for money, and in that connexion Air Horlurt specially mentioned the good response that had been made in connexion A-ith the •Tuomorial to ex-pupils who had been ki'.Jfcd during tho war. On the year's working Ihere was a debit of £3O, and it .would bo a case of cutting the doth fine in the future..' Tho report and balance-sheet were adopted. Eleven persons were nominated for seats on the committee, and nine- were requited. The following were elected Messrs A J. Allard, It. G. Armstrong, H. J. JBnwlker, (j. T. Baker, J. T. Caldow, H. F. Herbert, L. Hood, W. Martin, and Geo. Phillips. The chairman, referring to the .uating of the eohool, said that he wanted to see a proper heating system adopted. He movea that the meeting considered it imperative that there should be a proper heating system and that the Department Le- urged to go into the matter. The motion was* carried. It was decided to urge the Department to provide a caretaker'# cottage, and the action that had been taken by the> late committee waa endorsed. A vote of thanks was accorded Mr Douds and his staff. A epecial vote of thanks waa passed to Mr Toung, who did not seek re-el»c;ion, and to Mr R. G. Armstrong, the eecrct.aty of the committee. It was decided that a committee he formed to consider ways and means of acquiring further ground. The following (titli. power to add) were elected:—Messrs Herbert, Phillips, Baker, Bowlker, Wilton, Wilton, and Benfell. SPREYDON. The annual report slated that the average attendance for 1925 was 233. Out of twentytwo candidates for examination in the Sixth Standard, twenty pupils passed. The school Soccer team won the B Grade championship Clip. A social" for "the school sports raised ttl4 17s 3d. Card evenings during the winter gave a net profit of £3l 6s 3d. With regard to finance, the committeo felt somo concern. The sum of £BB was paid by the Board for incidental expenditure. On last year's working fuel cost £36 7s lOd, stationery £6 18s-lid, caretaking £52, and sundries about £lO. The report and balanee-sheet were adopted. A motion was passed recommending the establishment of a dental clinic, the school being a natural centre. A resolution was passed that in the event of rebuilding the new school should be placed on the old site. A vote of thanks was passed to the headmaster and staff. The following committee was elected: — Messrs .T. Mackenzie (chairman), W. G., Smith, W. G.. Taylor, .R. S. Ashby, E. HbII, W. J. Wills. D. Bain, H. Street, and H. Gunns (secretary). ADDINGTON. Mr G. Wear presided over an attendance of 60 householders. The annual report stated that office accommodation had been erected for the headmistress of the infant school. The retirements of Misses E. Beck and D. E.Braisher. had occurred during the year. Next year Mr H. Kennedy, senior assistant master, would be retiring on superannuation. The inspectors' reports had been satisfactory, and a high standard had been maintained. in sports. The school library had been overhauled and replenished. The committee thanked the Rev. Canon Bean for giving religious instruction. Mr Tripe, the school dentist, reported that the teeth of the Addington school children were a credit to the Canterbury district. . . Hearty votos of thanks were passed by the houßeholdors to the Rev. Canon Bean and to the school caretakers, Mr and Mrs Carter. The committee for the ensuing year was elected as follows: Mrs E. A. Thrower, Messrs J. S. Barnett, A. E. Beardsley, W. Coote, J. Ealham, C. Fisk, C. Kent, J. G. Taylor, and G. Wear. SOMERFIELD. The headmaster's annual report indicated the good progress made by the children during the year. Mr Deyell thanked the residents who helped with prizes for the annual picnic and j break-up. A letter .was received from the Greymouth children, thanking the householders for their ' kindness in billeting children en route to the Exhibition. The following committee *was elected: Mesdames L. M. ftales, D. Brown, R. Le Messurier, Messrs H. F. Collett, C. F. Dobbs, W. A. Britten, H. C. Sherwood, J. A. Johnstone, and D. McDonald. PAPANUI. There was a. large number present at the annual meeting of the Papanui householders last night. Mr R. W. Hawke was in the chair. The annual report stated that owing to delays the new school would not be opened till September. The total number on the roll was 824. Twenty-eeven scholars gained proficiency certificates. The library fund stood at £42 17s, the bath fund showed a credit of £l3. A. bazaar held during the year realised £B3 7s lOd net. The ground fund now stood at £153 12s 2}d. The Prize and Picnio Fund showed a credit of £B. Inc:dental account showed a credit of £l9 16s 6a. The report was idopted. A voto of thanks was accorded the retiring committee for the manner in which it had dealt with the recent outbreak of diphtheria in the school. f Some two years ago the Papanui School Committee decided to resign from the Canterbury School Committees' Association. Last evening Mr Graham moved a resolution that the incoming committee be instructed to affiliate with the central body. A vote was taken on the resolution and lost by 18 votes to 14. The following committee was elected: Messrs George Allington (chairman), A. i Chaney, R. Claridge, R. Donald, C. Dyer, T. Jeal, D. O'Callaghan, F. W. Sisson, and J. Wallace. - [ BECKENHAM. I The Rev. Mr Hutchins presided over about 200 householders. The following committee was elected:— Mrs Marshall, Messrs F. H. Mintron (secretary), H. Firmas, J. _H. Harris, F. J. Govan, J. N. Heath (chairman). r W. H. I Sound, J. Kicholl, and A, Hill.

ELMWOOD. There was only a fair attendance at the Elniwood school. Mr V. Jones voted to the chair, and because of illness the headmaster, Mr J. K. Sinclair, was unable to attend. The annual balance-sheet showed a small debit. The committee of the previous year complimented on its work. The sum of -2 was collected towards the school jersey fund. , It was resolved to urjc on the trustees ot the fund for the children's playground at Elmwood Park that the expenditure for equipment be expedited. , Regret was expressed at the departure of Mr McCullough. who bad been on the teachin<r staff for thirteen years. The following committee was elected: Messrs X. Wood (chairman). (>. P. Purnell (secretary), A. Ockendea (treasurer), J. A. Borthwicic, W. P. Glue. L. J. I-ohrcy, h. Smith, A. M. Shcnnan, and F. Woods. ST. ALBANS. There were 58 householders at the St. Albans school meeting last evening, Mr U. Dalley presiding. The annual report slated that the total roll number was /16, the average attendance being 633. Xo. 2 account showed a balance of £7B 18s Id. 2>o. 1 account had a credit of £SO -Is Id. A discussion on tho dental clinic for the whole of Christchurch Xort-h took place. A resolution was carried expressing dissatisfaction that no dental clinic had been estab* lished in Christchurch North, and instructing tho committee to make urgent representations to the Minister for Health on the subject. The following committee waa elected: Messrs G. T. Grover, F. Brierley, G. O. Sey, F. Claridge, J. Faulkinder, A. C. Wilson, E. Hayes, P. Jowctt, T. P. Moore. A vote of thanks was passed to the outgoing committee and also to the teachers. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to tho secretary (Mr Brierley) and Mr Grover (treasurer), and to the caretaker. Mr Sey was elected chairman. Mr Brierley was appointed secretary, and Mr Jowett treasurer. SHIRLEY. Thero was an attendance of about 20 at the meeting of Shirley householders. Mr C. S. Thompson occupied the chair. The annual report stated that although the school was not reopened last year until the end of April owing to the epidemic, the general progress of tho scholars seemed not to have suffered. The headmaster reported that of 461 pupils in the standards. 412 had been promoted—B9 per cent. Of 51 pupiU in the proficiency examinations, 49 gained their certificates, the other two gaining competency certificates. This reflected much credit on the staff for good work done in such a short year. The attendance throughout had been gcod and the roll number in December was 660. The report was adopted. ' It was decided to write to the City Council urging that the bridge at the corner of Hills and Shirley roads be made wider. It was stated that a similar motion had been carried at the last annual meeting of householders, but that nothing had been done. The bridge in its present state was considered to be dangerous. Xine nominations were received for the committee, thj number required. No election "was therefore neoessary, and the following were declared duly elected:—Mrs C!. McKay and Messrs C'. E. Anderson, C. H. Burson, S. H. Clothier, Geo. Finney, C. A. Hunt, E. C. Salt, T. A. Stanley, and C. S. Thompson. It was decided to support remits from the School Committee®' ' Association urging the Education Department to instal where liecesssjy up-to-date heating systems in schools and pay the whole cost "and to institute a system of staffing echools according to the roll number instead of on average attendance. It was ■agreed to add to the latter remit a clause that the capitation allowance «hould be based on the roll number instead of on the average attendance. It was decided not, to support a remit from'the School Committees' Association urging that an inspector's report on of the school should .be submitted at each annual meeting of householders. A motion was carried thanking Mr C. Ires, the retiring treasurer, for his services. Mr Ives was not eligible for re-election on the committee. A rote of thanks was also accorded to the headmaster and staff. WALTHAM. Mr F. Gallard presided over an attendance of 45 at the Waltham School. Messrs A. Blackler, H. Palmer,.W. C. Pegley, W. P. Power, W. G. Schumacher, A. G. Simmonds, W. R. Symons, A. H. Turner, and H. J. Watts were ejected to the committee. Thoro were twelve nominations, and all the retiring ' committee wero reelected. The annual report Btated that the roll number was 679, with an average attendance of 618. There was a credit balance in tho accounts of £lOl 2s 9d. During the year the committee took control of the swimming baths,, and classes for the children ■were conducted. Votes Of thanks were accorded to the headmaster, teaching staff, and the caretaker. At a meeting of tho new committee Mr A. H. Turner was re-elected chairman. Mr W. B. Symons secretary, and Mr W. P. Power was elected treasurer. OPAWA. Seven nominations were received for the Opawa. School Committee, comprising Messrs T. W. West, J. H. Coleman, F, T. Boyce,' J. I'. Maikey, W. A. McDowell, C. Smith, E. McGuinness. These wero duly elected. As two further hommations were required, Messrs W. 'Brittenden and P. Ingley were recommended to be . forwarded to tho- Education Board for confirmation. . The annual report showed expenditure for the year, £174 3s 4d, and receipts £lB7 Os 6d, leaving a. credit balance of £l2 18s 2d. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. It was resolved: "That seeing the Education Board ■ had placed tha completion of the Opawa School first on its city list of urgent work for this year, this meeting of householders beg to urge on the Minister for Education the necessity for its early completion." . . Remits from the' School Committees' Association with regard to heating systems in the schools, the staffing of schools, and inspectors' reports to householders were carried. WOOLSTON. Nine nominations were received for the Woolston School Committee, and this being the number of seats on the committee, no election was necessary. The new committee is as follows:—Messrs J. Radcliffe, J. Hewitt, J. Tootell, J. M. Scott,. E. C. Pegg, W. H. Andrews, G. H. -Randall, W. J. Knighton, S. W. Reed. All, with the exception of Messrs Hewitt, Tootell, and Scott, were members of last year's committee. The chairman of the late committee (Mr J. Radcliffe), in his annual report, referred to the improvements effected in the school and grounds during the year. Paths had 1 been laid down, fences repaired, and school- ■ rooms renovated. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £57 in the P.O. Savings Bank, but the secretary reported that there had been various outgoings since the audit. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Remits from the School Committees' Association with regard to heating systems in the echools, with the deletion of the words "if necessary," the staffing of schools, and inspectors' reports •to householders, were carried. It was resolved .that the Canterbury Education Board be asked to substitute for the furnishings in the class-rooms new dual desks, and it was decided that a deputation wait on the Board to support the resolution. BROMLEY. Mr S. McHard presided at a meeting of about 30 householders. The following committee was elected: —Mr J H. Moore (chairman), Mrs Christian (secretary), Messrs H. Huggins, J. Dryden, J. Melhuish, H. King, and J. Steele. NEW BRIGHTON. There was a large attendance of the residents of Xew Brighton last night at the householders' meeting held in the schoolroom for the purpose of electing a School Committee for the ensuing year. Mr J. Buxton presided. The annual report showed that after an expenditure of £4OO there was a credit balance in hand of 4s. The year had been a particularly expensive one. and the committee, upon taking office, had been saddled with a debt of £75. The report referred in particular to the excellent standard of health maintained. and the very satisfactory progress made by scholars, and the good results obtained by the staff. _ . ' It was decided to refer the matter of the establishment of a dental clin.ic and mannal training school to the incoming committee. The election of the committee for the ensuing year resulted in the following being appointed: Mr H. A. Glasson (chairman), Mrs Janet Bellamy, Mrs ST. Moses, Mr J. Buxton, Mr A. W. Dunklay, Mr J. Orsborne, Mr P. Nelson. Mr T. Robins, and Mr A. E. Lawry. At the subsequent meeting of the new committee, on Mr Punkley's motion, it was decided to offer the secretaryship to Mr S. C.Thompson (not a member of the committee), pt ft salary. of £ls per Annum,

NORTH BRIGHTON. > There was a good attendance of house--1 holders, the following committee being elect--1 ed:— Messrs E. A. M. Leaver (chairman), S. 1 F. Freeborn (secretary), E. M. Danes, H. R. Davison, A. F. Fiorance, W. McDonald, the Rev. W. F. Knowles, and Mesdames McGillivrav and Reid. if RICCARTON. Mr G. McGuiness presided over a full attendance at the Riccarton School. The annual report stated that a busar held during the year had resulted in a net profit of £179 os Bd. This had enabled the heating apparatus, which was at first considered beyond the committee's means, to be installed. The school baths had been completely overhauled, and were now in a sound state of repair. The householders were indebted to Mr P. P. McXab for the present state of the girls' playground, which has been cultivated, levelled off, and sown in grass. The school buildings had undergone a thorough cleaning recently. The report was adopted. A report of Inspectors F. T. Evans and G. P. Graham, who visited the school in August, was read. It spoke highly of the order, discipline, and tone of the school. The united efforts of the headmaster and his assistants had succeeded in securing the willing cooperation of the children, who evinced a pleasing spirit of work and earnest application to their tasks. A recommendation that the school be opened at 9 a.m. in future instead of 9.15, as n?i resent ' was lost votes to 39. The balance-sheet, which was Toad and adopted, showed a credit balance of £207 17s Bd. A vote of appreciation of the work of the outgoing committee was passed. t was decided that a letter be sent to the Jockey Clnb for their kindnoss in placing their hall at tho disposal of the committee for its many social functions that were held during the year. A vote of thanks was also passed to Mr function 87 US# ° f fh6 crocker y at lh e ret i rin e chairman, Mr P. G. Clements, moved » hearty vote of thanks'to the headmaster, Mr B. Ponlington, and his staff. The you was carried. The following were elected to the incoming committee: Messrs C. Ackerley. Winter tole, H. Daniel, W. Eaton,, J. Exton, J Keene, P. D. McXab, TV. C. Thiele, and Ti! Xab't"-,he ch e air.° mmiltCe aPP ° inted Mr Mc " WHARENUI. The annua! meeting of householders of the Wiaremu School was held last evening, Mr 1. W. Stephenson presiding over a moderate attendance. The chief work done bv the retiring committee, etated the secretary's report, was the installation of a heating system in the , main school.. This had ..proved a great boon to the children. A credit balance of £3 16s vas «hown by the -No. 1 account. The report and balance-sheot were adopted. The Xo. 2 account showea a credit balance ot £4B Os lOd. This was also adopted. The follomnj were elected a committee: E. \Y. Cossins, A. R. Falconer, W. J. Wood L F. Wallis, T. M. Ford, C. Buckett, H. Odell, S. F. Wilson, W. Barrell. A vole of thanks, to tlie late headmaster, Mr ™• and staff was p&ssed. Votes of thanks were tendered to the retiring committee, and to tho ministers who gave Scripture lessons to the children. The secretary, Mr Singleton, was presented with a gift from the retiring committee in i recognition of his services. , Three remits from tho School Committees' Association, sent to all meetings of householders, were adopted. LYTTELTON. The want of interest displayed by the residents of Lyttolton in' public nffsirg iras strongly evidenced last night at the meeting of householders at the Lyltelton District High School. Tho meeting commenced with only seven- members of/ the nominated committee present, and no other householders. In the circumstances the headmaster, Mr J. V. A. Walker, was called upon to preside. At a later stage two householders put in an appearance. The nominated committee, the names of ■which have already- been published, were declared elected, and the committee elated Mr ; 0. Kay as chairman and Hr L. J. Matthews as secretary. ' WEST LYTTELTON. The annual meeting of householders of the "West Lyttelton School district was held last evening at the school, Mr F. A. Page presided over a small attendance. The chairman etated that most of.the committee bad been in office for about ten years. He regretted that some of tho committeemen were not seeking re-election. The financial position was very satiefactory, the balancesheet showing a credit balance of JBIOI 8s sd. The balance of the incidental fund amounted to £34 19s 7d, library fund £SO 6s Bd, sports and prize fund £l3 17s 3d. It was a recommendation to the incoming committee that the Ministers' Association be given permission to give religious instruction to the children during the third term, subject to the headmaster's approval. The following committee was appointed:— Messrs J. Preston, D. Marshall, R. H. McBeth, H.' J. Oates, F. Hobbs, E. Weaatell, G. Brooke. The election of ft chairman and secretary was left over until a. future meeting. ALLENTON. Thirty householders attended _ at Allenton, where Mr Robert Houston presided.-^ The annual report- stated that socials and. concerts had netted. £47 13s 6d for. the school fund. The following committee was elected:— Messrs R. Houston, E. C. Batbnrst,-W._ J. ' Sparrow. H. Breech, 0. Armstrong, H. MeConnell, A. Drayton, J. McElhmney, and G. 11. Harris. RANGIORA. , Mr W. Banks presided over an attend- . ance of 60 householders at Rangiora. The report stated that all departments of ] tie school' were satisfactory, and the _>nspector*s report was very favourable. The, school was well «tganiaed and good progress was maintained. Last year the _ average of over 361 maintained the school in grade G, but this year the average bad dropped to » 343.6, and unless the average was again in- , creased the school would lose a teacher, r The present roll number was 357. The balance-sheet showed recent* £-3o j 19s lid, expenditure £2lB 5s Id, leaving a i credit balance of £l7 14s lOd. t In the ] (■•round Improvement Fund were ( £64 Is 6d, payments £3 15s 9d, leaving a credit balance of £6O. In the prize fund ac- 1 count the receipts were £76 Os 6d, expendi- t lure £36 4s lid, leaving a credit balance of £39 15s 7d. , Ten candidates were nominated for nine seats. Mr W. A. Rowse withdrew his nomination and the following were: declared elected:—Messrs C. W. Taylor (chairman), , C. D. Gibson, E. D. Rowe, T. F. Hanna, R. Cunningham, J. Matthews, A. Cambridge, A. ] C. Benjes, and J. Tweedie. . ; A motion was carried unanimously that , the Department be asked to provide a new < school. i KAIAPQI. j The Mayor, Mr H. Mcintosh, presided over a poor attendance of Kaiapoi householders ] last night. - ' 1 The following School ■ Committee was elected:—Rev. G. K. Aitken • (chairman), Messrs W. G. Clarke, H. Wilson, C. E. Bennett, H. A. Kennett, R. H. Grimwood, W. j H. Stark, J. D. Williams, and Rev. W. H. A. Yickery. , BELFAST. ! Mr John Cleland presided at. a meeting ' of 66 Belfast householders. The following committee was elected: — - Mr W. P. Spencer (chairman), Mrs Spencer, and Messrs A. Brown, R. Graham, A. Lawn i (secretary), T. Morton, W. McDonald, F. G. Farquhar, and J. Don. i TAI TAPU, The following committee w»a elected: Messrs T. O. Morgan (chairman). J. Mackenzie, F. Arnst, J. Gilmour, and W. Lewis. TEMPLETON. Mr D. Mackie presided over an attendance of twenty-eight householders last evening, when the following members of the 1 committee were elected:—Chairman, Mr ! Tollerton: secretary, Mr Sonne; committee, Messrs Harrison, Johnston, Ramsey, R. Watson, and Dow. ; I i PREBBLETON. ! Mr A. Maxey presided at a good meeting j of Prebbleton householders. i The following committee was elected: — i Messrs A. Maxey (chairman), F. G. Banks, i J. W. Kingan, G". Walker, and A. Gal- i lagher. j SOUTHBROOK. i Mr D. W. Mehrtens presided over about J 40 householders. i The - following committee was elected:— j Messrs C. R. _ Thwaites (chairman),, E. D. i Withers (secretary), Hi* Archer, J. ' J. Oorbett, A, Tulle®, *nd H. Am by. i

BURNSIDE. The following committee waa elected: Meesrs, F. C. Hewitt, (chairman), C. E. Lindsay,'John Miles, W. V. Guy, and T. -A. Prior. NORTH LOBURN. The following committee was elected:— Meesre H. T. Metherell (chairman), W. Bennett, J. H. Bennett, Ja*. Fitzgibbon,' and J; S. Hiatt. ' ' ' t i LOBURN. The following committee was . elected: Messrs G. T. Croft (chairman), P. Pulley, J. Brown, J. Henry, and A. Kennedy. METHVEN. For the Methyen School Committee for the ensuing year, tbe following were elected: Messrs J. •R. Dalton, W. C. Battsonj D. Hampton, R. N. Elliott, S. Smith, JB. Hawkhead, J. Osborne, the Rev. Herc'us, and Dr. W. H. McKee. TINWALD. * The householders' meeting at Tinwald was well attended, > and Mr H. - Ross presided. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £l7 4s. Only six nominations were received for the nine Beats on the. committee, and they were as follows:—Messrs J. Lowery, C. E. Ross, W, Gilmoilr, H. F. Ross, G. Clark, A. C. Wakelin. At a subsequent meeting of. the committee, Mr J. Lowery was appointed ehairmsn and Mr W. Gilmour secretary. HAMPSTEAD. About fifty householders attended at Hampstead, where Mr A. S. Kerr presided. The report stated that the roll was 217 boys, 246 girls, compared: with 281 boys and 238 girls. When the school opened the sum of £565 had been collected from the Carnival. . The election of the new committee resulted as follows: —Messrs W. S. Kerr, W. H. Robinson, E. H. Childs, F. H. Knight, W. Thompson, S. Beauvais, E. Vincent, W. Tullock, and H.. Money. ... ~t ' At a subsequent meeting of the committee Mr W. S. Kerr was appointed chairman, and Mr A. C. Hardy secretary. ASHBURTON BOROUGH SCHOOL. Mr John. Watson presided over a good attendance of Borough School parents. The report stated that the average attendance was 433, equal to 93 per cent., a larger number of pupils than ?«»al, bit the roll was resuming normal, being 461, compared with 474 in December. The following committee a 5 ®'® ctcd - Messrs M Bruce. E. Coke. E.-N. Johnson, K. Marsdenf j. McElhinney. £ Osman. h. J "Mr 4 W. H h appointed chairman of the new committee.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18676, 27 April 1926, Page 11

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SCHOOLS. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18676, 27 April 1926, Page 11

SCHOOLS. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18676, 27 April 1926, Page 11


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