CULVERDEN. Mr G. S. H. Clarkson, of the railway staff, is on the sick list. Mr A. Lambie, of the Culverden Post Office, is at present an inmate of the Christchurch Hospital. The scores in the last shoot of the Miniature Rifle Club were: A. Black 35. F. Wilkie 35. J. Rae 35, A. Kmgsbnrv 35. T. Hooper 34. W. Hobin 34, F. Chambers 33. The club is sending a team to comoete at the competitions to be held in Christchurch to-morrow. A hall is to be held to-night in aid of the club funds. LEITHFIELD. A hare drive, commencing at Cairn's bridge, near Sefton, took place yesterday. The party travelled northwards, shooting over the country en route as far as Leithfield, where an adjournment was made for lunch, after which thirty guns commenced operations on the southward course. The weather continues warm and calm. Yesterday morning the cloudy sky held a promiso of rain, but by noon the clouds had disappeared. Arrangements for the bachelors' and soinsters' ball on the 25th inst. are well in hand. No effort is being spared to make this annual function the success it deserves to be. BALCAIRN. The fortnightly euchre tournament and dance held in the schoolroom on Wednesday evening was very well patronised. Three ladies tied for first place, and in the play-off the prize was won by Miss Jean Jamieson. The gentlemen's prize was awarded to Mr C. Fitzpatrick. Consolation prizes went to Miss Vickery and Mr G. Eobertson. Music for the dance was kindly supplied by Mesdames Gregory and Songster, Misses Fitzputriek, Hibbard, Habgood, and May, and Messrs Sangster, Habgood (2), and Withers. A lucky spot waltz was won by Miss Thelma Gorrie and Mr J. Gorrie. Mr W. Dermott was M.C. Dancing was kept up till a late hour. During the evening the chairman of the School Committee, Mr J. Fitzpatrick, took the opportunity to thank Mr 11. Jamieson, who had given 30s to the school prize fund on behalf of a section of the Babbit Destruction Association. The weather has been very sunny and mild lately, nor '-west conditions prevailing for the past week. Bain iB anxiously hoped for.i NORTH LOBURN. In aid of the North Loburn School and Hall funds, progressive euchre evenings have been instituted and excellently attended. On the openbig " ; <*ht prizes were given by Mr H. T. Metherell. There were thirty-two present, and the winners were Miss Fitzgibbon and Mr J. Wilson, while consolation gifts went to Miss Mason and Mr G. Davis. Oh the second evening there were forty-four people present, and the prizes were given by Mr H. Bennett. The winners were Mrs Michael Fitzgibbon and Mr J. Wilson, while the consolation gifts went to Miss Young and Mr Kensington. LOBURN. -The weather has taken a spring-like turn, but is rather on the dry side, and rain generally would be-welcome. The dry winter has given stock every chance to come through what is usually the ordeal of the seasons in fine condition, and with the minimum amount of discomfort. At the weekly progressive euchre evening there was a very fair attend-, ance. 'Prizes were -given- by Miss St' G: Percy, and' the winnera wore Mrs G. Hills and Mr T. Dawson, while the consolation awards went to Mrs H. T. Metlierell and Mr J. Brady. RANGIORA. The fortnightly meeting of the Bud of Hope Lodge was held 'in-the-Temp-lar Haii. Bro. F. ' Cole presided. Sick pay to the amount of £7 6s 8d . was passed for payment. Correspondence was received from the.secretary of the United Friendly Societies' Council, stating that the Christchurch Friendly Societies were holding their annual picnic on Labour Day, and asking the Lodee to join in with thepi. One member was initiated. After the Lodge closed the cribbage tournament was proceeded with. HORNBY-ISLINGTON.
At the annual meeting of the Islington. Debating Society . the following officers were elected : —President, Mr J. Allott; vice-president, Mr D. A. Morton; judge for debates, Mr G. Blakeley; committee, Misses N. Morton, M. Fuller, F. Mackie, Messrs G. Blakeley ;R. Key and J>. H. Kennedy. At xhe opening meeting for the* current season Mr J. Allott presided. The evening was taken up with two dobat-S. "Mr Allott moved, and Mr W. Henderson seconded, "That bachelors should be taked." The opposers were 'Messrs 11. Key and H. Wilson, in whose favour the vote of the meeting went after considerable discussion. The verdict of the judge was also in favour of the negative side: The second' debate was led by Messrs R. Gilberthoroe and J. Wilson, who contended th«t "women should take part in politics and municipal affairs. For the negative the Sjeakers were Misses M. and D. Pooley. ere again the negative won the debate, both on the vote and by, the judge's verdict. It wis decided that another debate should be held at the next meeting, the subject being "Railway v. Motor Transport." • A euchre party and dance was held in the Orange Hall, Hornby, in aid. of the funds of. the school bazaar, which js to take place some time in September. The music for the dancine was supplied by Mr Henderson, and Mr C. Crequcr carried out the duties of M.C. The prizes for the euchre were awarded as follows:—Ladies', Miss D. Standeven (pair Doulton plates), 1; Indies', Miss L. Freeman (palm bowl) 2: ladies' consolation. Miss T. Standeven; gentlemen's, Mr .R. Freeman (scarf), 1; gentlemen's, Mr P. Nelson. 2: gentlemen's consolation, Mr Albert Cox, 3.
There was a very good attendance .at the progressive "euchre party, held in St. Columbus Parish School room, Hornby, on Tuesday. • The prizes were awarded to Mrs O. Lennox (rose bowl) and Mr H. Davis (handkerchiefs). At the close of the evening the ladies provided supper.
PREBBLETON. ■ Owing to counter-attractions, the concert given by a number of talented artists under the direction of Mr Fenn, of Messrs Charles Begg and Co., was not quite so well attended as it might have been.- The concert was arranged by the Rev., F. R. and Mra Bawle, and the proceeds - go to the credit of a small girl, Leila Archibold, who is the No. 1 or Orphan candidate, in the Queen Carnival. Hon'ever, those who were fortunate enough to be present will long remember every one of this gifted band of performers, ami 80 great was the appreciation shown all had to respond to enthusiastic encores. Vocal and instrumental items were given by Mrs Audibert, Miss Agnes Richardson, • Miss Messrs Barker, Adams, Allison, and Instone. A dance was held at tnj close of the concert, Mrs Hammond providing the music. A sumptuous supper was served by Mrs Stanley Harris and her helpers. -
SOUTHBROOK. members of the Southbrook GirK bunshiue Club held their weekly meeting a t the Methodist Parsonage. Mrs C. Blair gave the secoud of a series of addresses on "Home Nursing." In connexion with this club, a surprise party was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs F. Jennings on Wednesday evenine, and a very enjoyable time was spent. AKAROA. The late Mrs C. Schubert. who died recently, was born in one of the suburbs of London in 1842. She came out as a child of ten with her parents, Mr and Mrs Blackler, in the Labuan in 1853. After a few years in Lyttelton, the Mrs Blacklee, in the Labuan in 1853. Miss Blacklee married Mr John Bunny, of Akaroa. Some years later he was fatally gored by an enraged beast. The widow was left with a family of eieht young children. In December, 1870, she married again, becoming Mrs C. Schubert. Her second husband died gome nine years ago, leaving a son, Mr Chas. Schubert, now of Auckland, and a daughter, Mrs Lvtton Ditelv, now of the West Coast. The deceased hnd enjoyed excellent health up to within a few weeks of her death. Of the first family, there are seven surviving, two sons—Mr Herbert Bunny, of Akaroa, and Mr John Bunny, of Heathcote Valley—and fi've dauehters —Mrs J. MeKeown (Morrinsville), Mrs J. Sheppard (Woodend), Mrs T. Bailey (King Country), Mrs Frank Scott (Christchurch), and Mrs J. Nicholls (Christchurch).
LEESTON. On Wednesday evening a- social was held in the Leest/m Weslev Guild Hall, the Rev. A. 0. Harris presiding. An enjoyable time was spent in games and competitions. Prizes for competitions were won bv Misses Smith. Parkin, and Palley, and Messrs Harris and Hewitt. Soncs were sung by Misses Dallev and Eade, and Mr L. Eade gave a recitation. Ooportunity was taken to present Mr R. Barnett. with an autograph book in apnreciation of his sis years' secretaryship. References to -Mr Burnett's good work were made by the Rev. Harris and Mr L. AV. Hewitt, Mr Barnett making a suitable response. M'ss Dalley, who is about to leave the district, was also presented with a manicure set from the members of the Guild and from the church choir.
PENDARVES. On Monday a busy time wtls spent bv members of tlie Hall Committee in planting young pines to form shelter belts on tho sou'-west and nor"-west sides of the hall section. In order that no encroachment should be made on tho grounds themselves, Mr P. Doig, the owner .of the adjacent property, kindly allowed the trees to be planted on his side of the boundary, and a fence was erected to keep all stock from the young trees. At the present time considerable improvements are being made to the hall itself. A new dressing-room for ladies, with open fireplace, will add much to the comfort of those who have long'distance's to travel. It is felt also that the cosv fireside will induce many non-dancers to gather together for a sociable chat.. The alterations made will give more accommodation for those who prefer a game of cards, and, perhaps most imnortant of all, will greatly facilitate supper arrangements. In order to raise funds for these improvements, the Hall Committee has ljeen' holding a series of euchre tournaments which hove been well attended. Generous subscriptions have also been given by members of the committee and residents of the district. A concert bv a Christchurch party is now b»ing arranged for August Ist, and as the various per f ormofs are cons ; d°red exception illy talented, it is honed that a splendid attendance will preet' their appearance at Pendarves Hall-.
GLENROY. general meeting, of the Ladies' Committee in connexion with the forthcoming' fete was held on Wednesday. The following were appointed, to *ake charge of the stalls: —Sweets and Soft Drinks: Mrs' McPherson, Miss Busch, and Mrs W. Stone; Product: Mrs Marsh and Miss Boseveare; Sewing: Mrs Busch and Miss M. Mcintosh; Brantub: Mrs Harris; . Variety, Stall: Mr 3 Pickering; Afternoon Tea: Mrs Hunt: Fruit Salad: Mrs Thwaites; while Miss Mcintosh undertook the art . union and guessing competitions. A handsome silver teapot, which had been bought out of the funds, and a beautiful oii painting presented by Mrs Powell, were much admired by all. It is hoped that tickets on these will be available shortly. On Wednesday a social evening will be.held, when a men's committee is to be formed to arrange sports and other items.
A meeting of the Tennis Committee was held on Wednesday evening. It was- decided to accept Mr C. Stuart's offer to cart the shingle for the court within the next few weeks. A concrete court will be laid down as soon as the severe frosts are over for tho season, and play will probably commence about the end of September.
GREENDALE. . The members of the Bible classes connected with the Methodist and Baptist, churches held a united social in the Baptist' schoolroom'on Tuesday evening. A very pleasant time was spent in games. Competitions were won by Miss M.-Bidgen and Miss - S. Needham.- Songs were given by Miss Rudd, Mrs Frew, Messrs F. Early and Lord. - Supper was provided'by members of tho Baptist class. ' Members of the Ladies' Hockey Club took part in the six-a-side tournament held in the city on Saturday last, and put up a very creditable record, running into the third round. The team was composed-of: Misses M. Giddings, L. Russell, M. Gillanders, I. Purvis, G. Adams, D. Warren.
DORIE. At the Dorie Miniature Rifle Club's range a competition was fired for a. trophy presented by Mr W. Glasse, of ila'kaia. The following tied with total scores of 33: W. Banks 31-4, T. Alexander "30-7, E. Kingsbury 33-2, B. Shanks 31-4. On the first shoot-off T. Alexander won, E. Kingsbury being second. During the evening thirteen consecutive" bulls Vere registered by L. Kingsbury. The following are the leading scores for the highest aggregate in matcKes: S. Hyland 198, M. Kings- . burv 197. L. Kingsbnry 197. D. McMillan 194, and J. Beard H)3.
ROKEBY. At the fourth euchre tournament of -the season, held - in the Rokeby school, there was the usual very large gathering. A feature of the play was the unusually large number. of close finishes. The ladies' prize went to Miss Ivy Hood, and the gentlemen's to Air V. Clinton, after playing-off a tie with Mr E. Owens. Consolation prizes were presented" to Miss Gamble and Mr \V. McDonald. The committee was again indebted to Mrs Donaldson Mr Storey for providing music for tbo dance. Mr G. Hooper acted as AI.C The next function is to be held m a fortnight's tin.e. Several notable improvements iiave jeeently been effected in connexion with vhe school life. Be sides the ejection of a spaci-ius she'ter shed, electric light is being installed in the school and in the residen?e. t.'ie cost being defrajed in third share* by the Department, the Board, and the School Committee. The work of shingline the school road is. now in. progresSj and should be finished shortly*
RAKAIA. This vear the Rakaia ploughing match is to be held on the farm of Mr H. Wilkinson, who has kindly offered the. use of his paddocks. _V IO function, to be held on July 2otn, comes between the match on \ the IRth. and the Ashbnrton function oi. the 30th. An important alteration this vear is the of the age limit for youths from nineteen to eighteen. It is expected that fx much larger entry will be received this vear from the local ploughmen. after hnving had last year's contest as a guide. There are some verv good young ploughmen in the district. This was oxemnlifi"d last year when the secretary, looking for the vounsrest ploughman on'the ground. found him not in the youths' class. but competing in an open class against all comers. The following t"i>m hn.s been selected to renresent the Rakaia Football Hub in their third-<rmde match against High School, on the Show Grounds tomorrow: —H. T. Grevsoose, 0. Grevgoose. -T. McCoy. F. Pv ft , O. Cornelius. J. Baxter, .Arn. Mend, G. Hooper. T. Hooper. C- Ti<Mv. J. Dunst"Ti. IC. F. McNamara. J. Emergencies: 0. Penny and E. Hood. The Rakaia Football Ch'h held a fin-hre tournament in the The Indies' rtrize '""as w»n Mrs Tatterson. after a tie with ?*Vs M"Cny. The wnt.lnmen's nrze'was won hv Mr Hunt. The c~«snlition nrize for ladies went to .Mrs '"""son, after a tie with Miss K. Stewart. * METHVEN. The Bev. G. K. Aitken, of Featherston, and late of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Methven, was a visitor to Methven yesterday. It is understood that a char-a-banc to carry 16 passengers is to run between Methven and Christchurch. The service is to be a daily one during National Week, and after that the 'bus will run three days a week. This will be a great convenience to Methven and surrounding districts, especially if the service is run on Mondays and Fridays, when there is no train running. The Methven Association Football Club has arranged to play a match with the Asliburton Wanderers' A team tomorrow ,at Methven. The following have been selected to represent Methven:—F. Anderson, J. Temple,- 8.- McGill, Dixon, F, X. McDonald, R. Biggard, 0. Kissel, G. McDonaild, >E. Grieyej N. Mcintosh, Tiifims; emergencies, Taylor, Berry, A. Allred. The club have also arranged to hold a series of fortnightly euchre tournaments in aid of the accident fund, and the first of these will be held in the public hall on Tuesday next.
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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18128, 18 July 1924, Page 3
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2,703THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18128, 18 July 1924, Page 3
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