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AMUSEMENTS. rp H E A T R E ROYAL. FOURTH WEEK OF THE A. BRANDON-CREMER DRAMATIC COMPANY. TO-NIGHT AND TO-MORROW NIGHT, Tho Great Sporting Drama, "THE PACE THAT KILLS." "THE PACE THAT KILLS." SATURDAY*, "THE SHAMROCK.AND ROSE," "THE SHAMROCK AND ROSE." Book vout Seats at, The Bristol for Ss 2d. 1051 EVERYB O D Y ' S iThe Distinctive Theatre). This Week—Daily from Noon—This Week A PICTURE OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE "THE CROSS-BEARER," "THE CROSS-BEARER," "THE CROSS-BEARER," Starring MONTAGUE LOVE, MONTAGUE LOVE, MONTAGUE LOVE, As the man who stood between Humanity and Barbarism, and Defied the Brutal Might of Germany, CARDINAL MERCIER. A Drama that all tho World, outside Germany, must sco, and that evervone in Germany should SEE. A Beautiful Love Story with an Historic Background. Also 3rd Episode of "THE DOUBLE CROSS." ORCHESTRA. ORCHESTRA. Six Instruments. Violin Solos—Mr Vere Buchanan. "Moment Musical" Op. 179 . . Bohtn. . "Traumerei" Djdln. PRICES AS USUAL. 4123 Q. RA N D PIOTU RE S. VIOLA DANA More Winsome. and Charm* VIOLA DANA inn- tljan ever, in "THE WINDING TRAIL" (Metro). A Screen Romance of Danger and tho Desert. "FEEDING BEARS" (Ditmar Animal Study). "HIS EAR FOR MUSIC" (Sydney Drew . Comedy). "CO-OPERATIVE WEEKLY" .(the Latest). ST R A N D. ■■ •The Super-picture featuring tHehendeoase CHARLES RAY. CHARLES RAY, In the Thrilling' Romantic,'and •, \ GREATESTLOVE STORY ; . In' Fiction, entitled i' , "THE SON OF HIS FATHER," .■ Is most decidedly one of the ' biggest attraci-' tiona in /town. Theoo aro only two mora clays in which to view the same. 4247 T IBERTY. LIBERTY. JU Daily 0 t 12.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0. "PANTHEA," "PANTHEA," • , "PANTHEA,',' Featuring tho Talented and Brilliant Aotress, NORMA TALMADGE. Supports—"His Widow's Might" and"Gaumont Graphic." . 2281 T. S. TANKARD'S PHYSICAL CULTURE CLASSES.: . , . BUSINESS.. MEN. YOUNG- MEN, YOUTHS, LADIES. GIRLS,' BOYS, CHILDREN, and SPECIAL. ' . SEND FOR PROSPECTUS. ! Y.M.C.A., CAMBRIDGE TERRACE. "■ ' ■ ' ... FOOTBALL. V; « • ; ■ —. .—l;. " F' O O T B A L\ I.;', FOOTBALL. . J ' SHOw" G; R'b'U ND S. 1 SHOW GROU ND S. - i - :y.' ' . SATURDAY. J SATURDAY. SATURDAY*.
.WHAT'S YOUR FANCY? ; ' WHAT'S YOUR FANCY? WHAT'S YOUR FANCY? MERIVALE OR OLD BOYS? MERIVALE OR OLD BOYS? ■ /•" MERIVALE OR OLD BOYS? MERIVALE OR OLD BOYS? MERIVALE OR OLD BOYS ? s MERIVALE OR OLD BOYS? . : (OVAL). MARISTS OR LINWOOD? v ' MARISTS OR LINWOOD? > . • MARISTS OR LINWOOD? ' .42261?,,: LEGAL NOTICES. .In the Estate of EDWARD HENRY SHIR- , LEY, late of Rakaia, Fanner. IT is requested that all claims against the • Estate of the above-named deceased,be forwarded to the undersigned forthwith, certified "as due and owing at date of death, viz., 10th JUNE, 1918. / ' ROY TWYNEHAM, . Solicitor for Estate/ 4211F . 118- Gloucester .street. meetings; CANTERBURY SWEET PEA AND • . CARNATION SOCIETY. : rriHE ANNUAL MEETING of Subscribers X 'will be held in MR C. W. HERVEY'S ROOMS, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, THIS DAY (THURSDAY), June 27th, 1«18, at 7.80 p.m. BUSINESS: Election of Officers and any other. ' • ... WM. FENNEB, Hon. Secretary, 4213 ' P.O. Box 668. | COUNTY COUNCILS. | RANGtORA COUNTY COUNCIL. "VTOTICE is hereby given, in accordance • with "The Counties Act, 1908," Sections 117 and 118, and "The Rating Act, 1908," Sections 48 to 51 (inclusive), and 70, that it is tho intention of the Rangiora County Council, ai it* next Ordinary Mpnthly Meeting, to bo held on FRIDAY, July 12tn. 1918, to make and levy a GENERAL RATE of FIVE-EIGHTHS of a PENNY in tho 5 on the Capital Value of the Rateable Property in both the Rangiora. and Oust Ridings, such rate to be for tho period commencing APRIL .Ist, 1918, and ending MARCH 31st, 1919. The said rate to be duo and payable in one sum on the 7th day of AUGUST. 1918, at the Council's Office, Rangiora, during office ! hours. | The Rate Book will be open for inspection during office hours. JAMES MARSHALL, Connty Clerk. Rangiora, June 26th, 1918. <242 KOWAI COUNTY COUNCIL. . DOG REGISTRATION. MR HARNEISS has been appointed REGISTRAR'on and after MONDAY, July" lst Next. An addition of Sixpence will be made to tho Registration Fee. JOHN FITZPATRICK, 4241 County Clerk. | " LOST AND FOUND. LOST, 1 Round Army BADGE at Addington Yards. Reward. H. Matson and Co. 4237
LOST, ln«t night, from Mr R. MoTtcn'e, Carlton street, ■ between 8.30 -and •10 p.m., a Brown IRISH SETTER (pup). lte■ward on returning to Rashworifi, 68 Springfield road, St. Albans. 1033 °* * "TEAR'S IMPERIAL INSTITUTE WHISKY is Supplied under Warrant to the Royal Family. <juill, Morris and Co.. Ltd., Ajent*. QBO2
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Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16249, 27 June 1918, Page 1
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757Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16249, 27 June 1918, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16249, 27 June 1918, Page 1
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