AMUSEMENTS. QPE 11 A HOUSEDirection .... Ben nud o * in t * V,V. cr * TO-NIGHT. At 8. TO-NlGlll. Positively Last Three Niglits of WINIFRED LA FRANCE. WINIFRED LA FRANCE. The Fascinating Record-breaking btar. BERTRAM AND RAYMOND, BERTRAM AND RAYMOND, Brilliant Australian Wayback Sketch?®. WARD LEAR. BALANCINOS. MAUD COURTNEY, Racy Comedienne. Six-cvlinder Raconteur. MR C.' £1 Is for an Idea. Write two lir.ea in the style of Mr C.'s Song, "1 Would Still Love You," and send them to Mr C. Or.e gumoa will be paid for tlic best. Fiuul To-morrow. HARRY FARROWS POTTED PANTOMIME COMPANY. In the Fourth Condensation of Comicality, JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK. | The Best of the Bunch. PRICES—2r and Is (plus tax). P;an at Milner and Thompson's. No booking fee. EXTRAORDINARY*. COLOSSEUM SKATING OLOSSEUM SKATING LINK. MONSTER FANCY DRESS, POSTER, AND EVENING DRESS CARNIVAL. TWO GREAT NIGHTS Of COMPETITIONS, SPORT, AND GAIETY.. NEXT WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY', JULY 3rd and 4th. DON'T MISS THIS. BOOK YOUR SEATS EARLY. At tho Theatre Royal Confectionery Shop. POUR SESSIONS TO-DAY AS USUAL. I 2252 HUNTING. rjVHE CHRISTCHURCH HOUNDS . will meet at KENNELS, AYLESBURY, nt 11 a-m. on SATURDAY, June 29th. J. W. WOODHO JSE, 422tfF Hon. See. WANTED. WANTED. rpWO experienced GIRLS for the Bookbinding Department. Apply FACTORY MANAGER. F. ' Chriatchnrch Prcse Co., Ltd. (For Continuation of Wanteds see' Paga 9 of this issue.) PUBLIC NOTICES. MILLARD'S CROWN STUDIOS. OOUPONS -will be ACCEPTED AT THE OLD PRICES ' TIT-!. JULY 31at. 1054 F. Headquarters, Ist M.R. (C.Y.C.), 25th June, 1918. . B A N D S=M E N; A: PPLICATIONB axe invited for ©nrolmlpt ix of BANDSMEN in the Ist MOUNTED . RIFLEi (C.Y.C.) REGIMENTAL BAND. ; —Ei<» ..Jjiatrumjaita , tuition',^oto., Applicants will apply personally dersigned at • King Edward Barracks. Montreal street, for all particulars.
Applications vrill close on MONIDAY, Bth July, 1918. (Signed) H. G. LIVINGSTONE, Capt., 4221 Adjutant, lata M.R. (C.Y.C.). DURING the absence of MR E. J. BELL with the Expeditionary Forces, the Business of MESSRS BELL and BOWDETT, Painters and Decorators, will be earned on under the management of Mr J. W. BOWDEN, and we trust, by prompt and careful attention, to merit a continuance of tho support and patronage of our numerous friends AddresaT&4 ANTIGUA STREET, Sydenham. Telephone 2761. 100* JjpREEZING AND COLD STORAGE. Flans and Specifications for FREEZING WORKS, ABATTOIRS, ICE-MAKING PLANTS COLD STORES for FRUIT, FISH, MISATS, EGGS. DAIRY PRODUCE, eto. Twenty-eight years* experience In Fire Countries, including U.S.A, _ Existing Works Re-modelled, Consultations, ReP E. t8 J. GREENSTREET, F.R.A.1.C., Cold Storage Architect, 8 Bennett street, Christchurch. Tel. -8672. 61603 - j — ~ ' BROTHERS, LIMITED, FLOUR MILLERS, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS, 207 CASHEL STREET. Buyers of WHEAT, OATS, POTATOES CHAFF, AND ALL FARM PRODUCE. WBll3-4223 rj Q COSY PRAM QUILTS. STRONG AND ARTISTIC. In a Variety of Colours. 120 Cd EACH. See our Lichfield street Window. GEES, LTD., "Oak Hall," Curtain Corner, Cr. Lichfield and Colombo streets. F4494-3681 SOMETHING SPECIAL.
ONE-YEAR-OLD APPLE 500 Stunner Pippin. 400 Jonathan. 100 Cox's Orange Pippin. 100 Delicious. 100 Munroe'a Favourite. 60 Statesman. PRICE, £5 PER HUNDRED. Subject to being uisold on receipt of order, j C. E. GIBBONS and CO., NURSERYMEN, Etc., 647 Colombo street, Chris tchuroh. G4572-586 LEFT-OFF Clothing—Mrs Meagher, Cash Buyer of Gents' Misfits, Boots, Trunks, Portmanteaux, also Ladies' and Children's Clothing. 123 Lower High etreet. Letters promptly attended to. Telephone No. 3678 * Usua
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Press, Volume LIV, Issue 16249, 27 June 1918, Page 1
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