RAKAIA RACING CLUB. ; The following handicaps have been declared: — ; SOMERTON HANDICAP, of 15 sovs; sir furlongs—The Finn lOst 121b, Garetta lost Sib, ireehoid 9st Clb, Olga Cailovna. 9st, Diameter Bst 111b, Highficld Sst 10lb, Royal Jack Bet 71b, Kohelmainen Sst 7lb. FARMERS' TROT HANDICAP, of 15 eovs; one mile —Kelso scr, Comedy 3eec, The Lark 3s«c, Mistress lisec, Daisy Patch 12scc, Jliea Vera 12& ec, Little Diadem 12sec. RAKAIA CUP, .of 25 60vs; one milei and a quarter—Aerial list 3lb, Multum in Parvo Ost 111b, Garetta 93t 91b, Probable Bst 101b, Antiope &it Tl^. PUBLICANS* PURSE, of 13 sots; five furlongs—Aerial 12st 2lb, The Finn lttet 121b, Freehold 9st 61b, Olga Carlo vna Set, Fairy Dancer Sst 101b, Highficld Sst 1011), Coper 83t 101b, All Form Bat 10lb, Worksap Bst 10lb, Sharklea Bst 10lb, Croness tot 7lb, Royal Jack Sst 7lb. Kimboltpn Sst 71b. DOMAIN TROT HANDICAP, of 15 eove; one mile and a half—Havana scr, Kelso lsec, Mayfield 7scc, Mandor Usee. Imperial Victor 13eec, Wild Night 17sec, Rotberity 19aec, Srnithfield Mac 19scc, Wallacen-a l»3ec. HOLLYFORD STAKES, of 10 sove; six furlongs—Aerial 12st, Freehold 9st 61b, Formona &t i2lb. Probable Bat 121b, Diameter Bst 101b, Antiope Sst 7lb, Dolly Hamilton Set ' 71b, Kohelmainen Bst 71b. TRADESMEN'S TROT HANDICAP, of • 20 sovs; one mile and a half—Red Mac ecr, Kelso 7eec. The Lark 12sec, Mayfield 13®ec. Rotheida 168 ec, Daisy Patch 21sec, Miss Y<?r- 24sec. DISTRICT HANDICAP, of 15 sovs; five furlongs—Tlic- Finn lOst 12lb. Multum m Parvo lOst 10lb, GaTetta lOst. Blb, Manifonu Ost Probable Sst 12lb, All Form Set 101b, Ilighfleld Sst 101b, Worksap Sat 10lb, Sharkka Sst 10lb. Croness Set 7lb, Kimbolton e-t 7 Ib. AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB'S SUMMER MEETING. THIRD DAY. (press association telegram.) AUCKLAND, January 6. The trots were oontinued to-day in fine weather. There was a laTge attendance. The tota.isator handled ±"23,888 10s, as against £19,953 10s. last year The total for the meeting was £73,182 10s, as against £65,332 10s laat year. Results*. — IA.UAK.I Handicap (in harness), of 100 govs; one mile and a half—2 Scientist, 48yda bhd (l'aul), 1; 5 Dignity., 43yds bhd, 2; 3 bwe-ot Memory, scr, 3. 4 Sandy Patch 12yda bhd, 1 liighflyer 12yd3 bhd, 9 Black Queen 12yds bhd, 7 Kotiri 48yds bhd, 8 Hit a, Gulindo 96yds' bhd, and 6 Kcrmno 120 yds bhd also started. Won by three k-n-'ths. Time, 3min 51sec. 1-ARK HANDICAP (in saddle), of 100 sovs; one mile and a half—2 Sjambok, 12yds bhd (Price), 1; -1 Miss Chevalier, ecr, 2; 3 Aeturi.i, 12yds bhd. 3. 6 Lady Netting 12yds bhd, J Nancy Maxwell 12yds bhd, 5 Bellgana 132 yds bhd, ami 7~ Manuka Park 168 yds bhd also started. Won ten lengths. Time, 3min 41 3-sth eec. PRESIDENT'S HANDICAP (in harneee), of 500 sovs; two miles—2 Steel Bell, 84yds bhd (Lynch). I; 1 Prince Akwood, 24yde bhd, 2; 0 Joan of Arc, scr, 3. 7 Huia Grey scr 3 W&vcrley .ecr, 4 Brown's Nugget ecr, and Strategy 48yds bhd (coupled) 5 Prince Berlin 96vdo bhd also Btart-ed. Won by sir lengths. Time, Imin 37 4-sth sec. ASSOCIATION HANDICAP (in harness), of 200 sovs: two miles—4 Hova, 60yds bhd (Paul) 1 • 1 Paul Huon, 120 yds bhd, 2-3 i Macwo'od.'scr, 3. 7 Auckland Girl 72yds bhd, ( 5' Kirikiriroa Slvds blid, 2 Blackthorn 06yas bhd and 6 King Capitalist 120 yds ateo started. . Won by a length. Time, 4mm 1 54 4-jth ecc. . , ; NEW YEAR HANDICAP (m liaruess)> of ] 150 aovs; two miles—s Werooa, "24yda bhd , (Malcolm), 1; 4. Harold Junior «>yds_bhd, 2; , 6 Rescordium, scr, 3. 3 Shanghai 36yds bhd, , 2 Lieutenant 60yds bhd, and l Panl . 72yda bhd also started. Won easily by a : length. Time, 4min 54 2-sth sec. \ ONSLOWi HANDICAP (in harness) of 200 . 60va; one niile-7 Prince iMyds bhd . (Julian), 1; 2 Ludski, 24yds bhd, 2; 3 Alf. McKinney 2-lvds bhd, 3. Phillistma 6cr, 4 W of Arc 12yds bhd 6 Belle Gra y 2 4 yds : bhd and 1 Soda 36yds bhd akso started. Won by a neck. Time. 2m in 19sec. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (m Mddle). of ] 150 eovs; one mile-r2 36vds bhd (Dcelov), 1; 3 Master Park, 132 yds bhd, -, ; i HuS Gray 72yda bhd. 3. 1 Wildfir c ecr, , ! Bexcordiuui scr, 8 Pull .Sail 12yds bhd ( 4 Bronze Patch GOyds bhd and , Sanddnft 106 yds bhd also started. Won by a length. TI PBEM?ER Handicap (in of 1 150 sovs; one mile and a quarter-l Waterfall. 24vds bhd 1: ", A "|^, 3 ' ( Child, 60yds bhd, 2; 5 Silver Black, < bhd 3. 4 Dcrothy Dimple 12yds bhd. and 3 El Rosa 36vds bhd also started. Won by a length. Time, 2min 39 2-sth eec. j
The following nominations have been received :— „ •FIRST AMATEUR HANDICAP (u» saddle), of 100 eovs; one mile and arhalf—Bowing, Wehcnsa, Little Kate, Inclicape Bell, Duii- « vegan, Happy Jack, Leonardo, Paerau, Wlid } S UiSua, Degree, DeUah Bah, Susie i Pate hen, Childe Haidee, Undecided, Bettydale. Norma, Molyneaux, Allison, Jimmy . Campbell, Marvin Chief, Pat M lvinney, Major Taylor, Trugela . , ' STEWARDS' HANDICAP (in haroeee) of 130 I ffovs; one mil© and a-half —Idria, Ernes«ma, I 'Scottish Queen, Prmcceß Bell, Lord Agapanthus Neatta, Dolly Spanker, Vi Tracey, Ro- ! Bert Lyons Robert K.. Palmdale, Belgian, . Ethddomaa," Parimoana, Olive PaJnj, Mavis, \" Gipsy King, Muriel Starr, Red Silkr^^ ora Manrrtvoß, Stockade, First Toll, Wylla. . KENSINGTON HANDICAP (in saddle), of ' 160 eovs; two miles—Sir Gavin, Promise, Jfore, "Wood King, Sweet CMld, Sobriquet, Little Hector, Scenery, Acuohla Macliroc-, Bridgewood, Sweet Chimes, Sweet Pet, Silx»r Shoe. Zara Bolklale, Lady Margaret, Captain Stanley, Gay Wilkes, EMioldonna, ; Horko's Drift, Eros, Submarine, Merivale, Seaward Spot, True Spec, G*fM Drift, Imperial Prrncesa, Pax, Nutwood Junior, Gipsy King';? Silver Patch, First Chime, Chaos. .DUNEDIN CUP (in harness), of 650 sovs; two miles—St. Kevin. Childsdale, Don Caesar,
Peranader Ecccntric. "tamarisk, Agathos, -Bundura, Little Kauri. Sungod, 0.1.C., Adelaide Direct-, Reggie Iluon, Stanley's Child, St. Michael, Evelyn, Hardy Wilkes. Moneymaker, Lady Haldane, Franzalona, Admiral "Wood, Mintson.
TBIAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 120 govs: one mile and a-half—Marble Hall. Dillon Maid, Kenny more, Satinwood gelding, "Tuxall, Idris, Indian 11a Girl. Aero, Ernestina, Scottish Queen, Will o' the Wisp, Princess Bell, Fanny Maddison, Nancy Stair, Lord Agapantkua Robert Dillon, Neattiv, -Dolly Spanker, Ti Tracey, Robert R., Jack Arrah, Stanley Direct, Brig-htchild. Te Aka.. Whit® Heather, Belle Elmore, Trix Pointer, Mavis, Gipsy King.. Moan a Vale. Muriel Starr, Betty Bine, Vera Mauritius. Biddy Traoey, Carrie Vne, General Mit-e, Stockade, G. >f. Dillnri, Calton. OTAGO HANDICAP (in of ISO Wro; two miles—Lady Patricia, Gladsome, Beeswing, . Royal Rothschild, Brookboll, «arold Wilkes, James Maddison, Maseey, T\&>, Little George, Rosie Mciunney, Lady "Wild, Tipporary, Gay Wilkes, submarine. Commander Bell, Billy Parole, Dictators. Rummy. ParkSeld. Arcadian. " GEORGE HANDICAP (in harness^. ■ .?* «ovs; ciif milo"*and a quarter—Sh.TCeiio Sych;->v Wilkes. Coiinonu, Don Ecc-entric, Tamarisk, Ben Dillon. Dot ilobbins. Havoc. Sunscd, Dnlwhinnie, Ade--1 j Direct, Reggie H'.ion, Mandcrenc. Jloor,l Bacchus, Sloneymaker, Calm, FranzaJjna.t Lafr Chimes, Admiral Wood, MinUon, vromatall.
' ELECTRIC HANDICAP (in saddle), of 160 ■pvg; one mile—Quinaldine Note, Dunspey, «aner»l Wilkes, Scenery, l>oxotliy Dillon,
Prince Poole, Agnes Chief, Winsratui. Bloomfield, Ngaiora, Sweet Pet, Proud Girl. Louvain Chimes, Lindetta. 0.1.C_ Manderene, Cora Dillon, John Peel, Queen P:itcb. Seychelles, Eroe, Inwood, !»av Chimes, Radiant Mom, Bellflower, Molly McKinney, The Bronzewing Sparkling lioia. SECOND' AMATEUR HANDICAP (in harness), of 100 sovs; one mile and a half — Kennvmore, Scottish Queen, Princess £>ell, Fanny Maddisop, Little Kate, Vi Tracey, Robert E., Jack Arruh, Brightchild. Etheldonna, Belle Elmore. Miss Rita, Allison, Jimmy Campbell, Mona Vale, Bstry Blue, Carrie Vue, General Mite. C-alton, Wvlla. MUSSELBURGH HANDICAP (in saddle), of 110 sovs; two milos —Hiroki, Royal Rothschild, Brown "Wilkes, Sunrise. Webenga, Harold Wilkce, Little Kate, Inchcape Bell, Happy Jack, Leonardo,. /Blackball, Lady Wild, Degree, Undecided, Norma. Dictatoress, Gold Stanley, Red Bell, Arcadian, Trugola, TELEGRAPH HANDICAP (in saddle), of 300 sovs; two jniles—Sir Gavin, Gladsome, Promise, Sobriquet., Dunspey. Scenery, Agnes Chief, Bridgewood, Imperial Crown, Lady Margaret, Captain Stanley, Gay Wilkes, Cora Dillon, Armature, Rorfee's Drift, Eroo, Submarine, Merivalc, True Spec, Gold Drift, Imperial Princess, Pax, Nutwood Junior, "Rummy. Sparkling Kola Chaos, Kawcka. FORBURY HANDICAP (m harness), of 500 eove; two miles —St. Kevin, Childsdalo, Don Ctesar, Persuader,' Eccentric, Tamarisk, Agathos, Bundura, Little Kauri, Sungod, 0.1.C., Stanley's Child, Moorland, St. Michael, Evelyn, Hardy Wilkes, Moneymcker, Lady Haldane, Franzalcna. Admiral Wood, Minteon, Reggie Huon, Adelaide Direct. CRESCENT HANDICAP (in harness), of 200 sovs; two miles—Lady Patricia, Beeswing, Brookbell, Harold Wjlke6, James Maddisou, Paul Huon, Imperial Crov.-n, Masscy, Mayfield, Ajinie K., Little George, Rosic McKinney. Tipperary, Guy Wilkes, Commander Bell, Billy Parole, Rummy. Parkfield, Livingstone, Albertoria, Arcadian, Prince Gift. ROYAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 220 sovs; one mile and a. quarter—Sherwood,
Cello Sydney Wilkea, Col men a, Don Ctesar, Eccentric. Tamarisk, Ben Dillon, Havoc, Sungod, Dalwhinnie, Stanley's Child, Moorland, Bacchus, Moneymaker, Calm, letf», Law Chimes, Admiral Wood, Mintson, Cxomstall, Adelaide Direct Mandcrene. AU REVOIR HANDICAP (in saddle), of 170 sovs; one mile—Quinaldine, Dunspey, General AVilkee, Prince Poole, Wingatui, Bloom field. Ngaiora, Sweet Pet, Proud Girl, Dot Robbins, Lindetta, O.'l C., Dalwhinnie, Queen Patch, Seychelles, Submarine, Inwood, St. Michael, Law Chimes, Radiant Morn, Bellflower, Manderene, Molly McKinney, The Bronzewing. The following acceptances have been received : — NEW ZEALAND TROTTING STAKES (in harness), of 250 sovs. For three-year-old trotters. One milo and a half. W. G. Bright's ch g Marble Hall S. G. Inder's b f Jenny Wallace. J. F. Robson's b f Reta Peter. W. R. McNarn's b f Marietta. C. J. Meade's cH c Kentucky Child. H. Saunders's bo St. Peter. T. T. Ritchie's b g Swiftrtvood. T. T. Ritchie's blk g Peter Ham. ' C. R. Hadfield's br g Koraki. R. M. Martin's blk g Blue Wood. F. Hickenbottom's br g Peter Bell. NOTES. Nominations for the Egmont Racing Club's Summer Meeting close .this evening. \ Nominations for the Australian Jockey Club's Doncastor Handicap and Sydney Cup close to-morrow. Acceptances for the Tapanuj Racing Club's Annual Meeting close this evening. Among the recruits who left Hastings for camp on Saturday morning with the 24th Reinforcements was T. F. Evans, head man under 8. Waddell in the Hon. J. D. Ormond's racing stables. Four of the horses under Evans's care were successful at the recent meeting of the Hawke's Bay Jockey Club, and it is hoped that he will be as successful in his soldier life as ho has been in sporting. It is reported by the "Grey Hiver Argus" that Mr Hugh Cassidy's marc Recorder has gone sore, and will not bo a competitor at the Hokitika Meeting ; but not to be denied a representative in the Jubilee Gold Cup, which race Mr Cassidy's representative won 50 years ago, he completed the purchase on Friday of Martial Air, the winner of the Inangahua Cup, and sho. will carry Mr Cassidy's colours at the jubilee fixture.
Canterbury horses were very successful at the recent Auckland racing carnival, and subtantial proportion of the liberal stakes awarded by the A.R.C. Mr Gerald Stead headed the winning owners' list with £2520, whilo Mr G. 3>. Greenwood was credited with £1045. According to a Northern exchange King Lupin tore off a plate during the running of the Railway Handicap. This would account to some ox tent--lor his poor showing in that event. In his next two starts he scored easily, and quite justified his owner's estimate that he was better at the beginning of the meeting than at any time during his career. The New Zealand-bred Sea Pink, who won the big handicap at Moouee Valley last Monday, is still owned by .Mr E. J. Watt, and is trained by G. Delaney at.Caulfield. "Mr H. Whitney" purchased Paii Mall during the Wairarapa Meeting. He intends using her for stud purposes next season.
Taringamutu is again a regular attendant on the Trentham tracks, but she is still suffering from shoulder lameness, and it is doubtful if she will be able to race, at the fortliconyng Wellington Meeting. Before taking u» his quarters at Trentham to fulfil engagements at the W.R.C. Meeting this month, Ardenvhor, who was unsuccessful 011 his mission to Ellerelic. will return to Dunedin. C. Christie will take the New Zealand Cup winner to the North Island again on the eve of the Trentham gathering. Jimmy Woodsir has been sent to the West C'oa6t to compete in the Borough Trot at the Westland Racing" Club's Jubilee Meeting. H. Frost will be in the saddle-
The report that Our Thorpe is somewhat amiss is incorrect. The son of O.Y.M. is all right, and will again be seen under silk in the near future.
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Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15793, 8 January 1917, Page 9
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2,076SPORTING. Press, Volume LIII, Issue 15793, 8 January 1917, Page 9
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