PUBLIC NOTICES. TTtroOD BROTHERS. LIMITED, £07 CASHEL STREET. FLOUR MILLEES. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS. BUYERS OF ALL FARM PRODUCE. WOOD BROTHERS, LIMITED. __ rpilE CANTERBURY (N.Z.) SEED CO., X LTD., 200 and 208 CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. Branches: LEESTON and HANGIORA. Wo are Cash Buyers of: WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS, PEAS. BEANS, LINSEED, COCKSFOOT, RYEGRASS, . CLOVERS. BEST QUALITY CORNSACKS, BINDER and SEAMING TWINES Always in Stock. C. H. HEWLETT, FP7275 ' Manager. BEFORE SELECTING YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, INSPECT T?yHITCOMBE AND TOMBS. LIMITED, DISPLAY Of Ladies' Hand Bags. Of Travelling , Bags and Cases. Of Attache and Writing Cases. Of Jewel Cases and Boxes. Of DToseing, Manicure, and Brush Sets. Of Music Rolls and" Caees. Of Purses and Pocket Books. Of Silver and Plated Goods. Of Fountain and Stylo Pens. Of Charming Gifts in Endless Variety. WHITCOMBE and TOMBS, LIMITED. C 7757-464 WHAT ABOUT A BINDER. TV/TAKE it Your Business to Inspect the English-built A L ' B ; . lON REAPER AND BINDER. . The Best and Most Perfect Machine on the Market. Highest Award Chxistchurch Show, 1912. W. BASSETT and CO., Implement Merchants, 21 iiANCHESTEB STREET SOUTH. JOHN OWEN JAMESON, SHAREBROKER, IS2 HEREFORD STREET. Registered Cypher Address for Telograme: "Sailormen, Christchurch.' SEASONABLE.CHRISTMAS GIFTS. FOR Lady or Gent the moat appreciated ie a GOLD or SILVER-MOUNTED UMBRELLA. Largest Variety, to suit all Pockete at LETHABY'S UMBRELLA STORE, 64 Cathedral squaro (Between Broadway's and Werner's). ' C7854-154F XMAS PRESENTS. XMAS. PRESENTS. XMAS. PRESTNTS. TXTE have made Special Preparations for .Vt! "this year's Xmas Trade. THE LATEST DESIGNS IN JEWELLERY Arriving every mail. Wβ have a Large Selection of PRETTY GOLD BROOCHES, Ss to 25e. GOLD PENDANTS, 15s to 355. CURB BANGLES from 20s. INSPECT OUR WINDOWS. Every Article Marked in Plain Figuees. BEST VALUE IN CHRISTCHURCH. JONES and SONS, JEWELLERS, 278 HIGH STREET. ' . F7725 rpHE PEOPLE'S PALACE TEMPERANCE X HOTEL (late Leviathan), Manchester street, Under Salvation Army Management. Four Minutes' Walk from Railway Station. Tariff—All Meals, Is; Single Beds, 2a per Night. Board and Residence, 25s per week The most Up-to-date Accommodation and the Best Meals in Town. Come and try them. C7873F R. BARNES, Manager. ~ DENTAL NOTICES. DR. HENRY K. ALLISON, (D.D.S-, University of Pennsylvania-, U.S.A.) (L D.S., Royal College of Surgeons, England.) v tKental sdbgeon, 113 HEREFORD STREET, Next United Service Hotel. Telephone 3142. Residence 2111. 6563F "— DR. GUY HASKINS DD.S., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A., DENTAL SURGEON, Petersen's Buildings, 262 High etroet. Drt. HASKINS having returned from England and America, has installed in his suite of offices the most Up-to-date Dental Equipment in the Dominion. All Claatee of Dental Work personally performed at Moderate Fees. Hours 3-6. Telephone 2108. C7315F T\B. KEELEY, DENTAL SURGEON, ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. F7755 Tj E. W. S. SEED, DENTAL SURGEON. PETERSEN'S BUILDINGS, HIGH STREET REMOVAL NOTICE. DBS. PRITCHARD JONTES and MAITLAND have REMOVED to Mr. F. W. Thompson's Rooms, 244 HIGH STREET, Over Standish and Preeoe, Photographers. Telephone 538. Private Res. 2243. 1*8033
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 14535, 11 December 1912, Page 1
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