PUBLIC NOTICES. KAYE AND CARTER, LTD. ATEV SEASON'S SEEDS NOW ON HAND. MANGEL, TURNIP, RAPE, MUSTARD, GRASS, CLOVERS, ETC., ETC. PRICES ON APPLICATION. We can also supply CORNSACKS, TWINE, ETC.. at Current Bates. Consignments of MEAT, WOOL, TALLOW, GRAIN. Etc., realised to beat advantage by our LONDON AGENTS. MESSRS GILBERT ANDERSON and CO. For all information apply to KAYE and CARTER. LTD., Somerset Buildings, 153 HEREFORD STREET. F7063 "V" Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., LTD., Are CASH BUYERS WHEAT, OATS, PEAS, BEANS, COCKSFOOT, RYEGRASS, CLOVERS, Etc. We supply Cornsacks, Seeds, and all Farmers' Requisites. C 64211 ;, SPECIAL OFFER BETWEEN SEASONS. WE are offering to make COSTUMES at greatly reduced prices. Theso costumes are cut and fitted by Air Eugene Spitz, and completed by clover workers, who are accuetomed to tho very finest work for the best dressed ladieß. Tho object of these low prices are to secure sufficient orders to retain our best workers. Wβ have also on Sale MODEL COSTUMES at exceptional low prices. EUGENE SPITZ and CO., LTD., LADIES' TAILORS, 77 Cashel street, W. (ground floor), FJ? Next TurnbuU and Jones. BARGAIN IN HOUSE PROPERTY. CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOCALITY. BEALEY STREET, ST. ALBANS. ~ / MODERN 5-ROOMED HOUSE, with grounds in lawn and garden. As the Owners loave for- North Island this month a LOW PRICE or REASONABLE OFFER will bo accepted for above. For particulars apply J. MEAGHER, TattersaH'3 Hotel Buildings, 155 Cachel street. CBIIIF NEW BOOKS. NEW BOOKS. At SIMPSON and WILLIAMS, LIMITED, HIGH STREET. Tho Hollow of Her Hand, by G. Barr Mo Cutcheon, 3s Gd. Tho Streets of Aecalon, by R. W. Chambers, 3s 6d. The Old Nest, "by Rupert Hughes, 3s 6d. * The Net, by Sex Beach, 3e 6d. The Sign, at, Six, by Stewart E. White, 3s 6d. They for Cavaliers, by May Wynne, 3s 6d. Darnlcy Place, by Richard liagot, 3s 6d.Things I Can T«ll, by Lord Rossmore, 7a 6d. JUST UNPACKED. Boys' Own Annual 76 6d, Girls' Own Annual 7s 6d, Chums 7e 6d, Sunday at Home 7s 6d, Little Folke 3s 6d, Chatterbox 3s, Sunday 3s, and other yearly volumes Now Ready. Splendid Assortment of Books for School Prizes. Autograph Xmas Cards. Choice variety to select from. 1886F NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' CO-OP. ASSOCIATION, LTD. WE W XMAS FRUITS* Currante 5d per lb. - Sultanas 7d per lb. Seeded Raisina 6d per lb. Sicily Almonds Is Gd per )b. , Muscatels (Spanish) Is 2d per lb. N Jordan Almonds 2s 4d per lb. Cooking Figs 4d and 5d per lb. Dessert Figs 6d per lb. ORDER EARLY. Grocery Tela. 765, 2132. C7I7SFP "THE LODGE." HANMER HOT SPRINGS. INTENDING Visitors to this unrivalled Holiday and Health Resort are respectfully notified that tho season has now opened. Bowling Green, Croquet Lawn, Putting Green and Tennis Court situated in grounds of above well-known Private Hotel, aro now in excellent condition. Saddle Horses and Conveyances on hire. Motor Garage. Within ono minute Government Mineral Baths and Golf Links. Visitors aflsund of every attention. Terms on application. A. PERCIVAL SMITH, 7032F Proprietor. J?KA * 10 °. £1 5°. £20 °. £30Q . JEs°°i AND 3wOU> OTHER AMOUNTS up to £10,000, to Lend at Lowest Current Rate 3 for fixed periods, or repayable by monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly payments. HILL and FRAZER, Solicitors, 144 Hereford etreet, Christchureh, And at Rangiora. F742G 4/6 FOR ilb Tin of tie Moet Delicio,u Tobacco in the World. Or 7d per Ounce. FOX'S MIXTURE. Always Fresh and a. Perfect Flavour. DAVIES and LAMB, Christchurch. C9438F T HAVE VARIOUS SUMS OF MONEY for •*■ Investment on Mortgage of Freehold Security at Current Rates of Interest A. C. ROLLESTON, Solicitor, 140 Hereford street, F4028 Christehurch. PING-PONG MIGHT HAVE MADE THE INVENTOR'S FORTUNE. BUT he failed to patent it. If you can think of any new game or toy let us advise you ac to ita patentability. Meanwhile, send for a copy of our free booklet, "Advice to Inventors." It will interest you. HENRY HUGHES, LTD., 153 Hereford street, Christchurch. F7545-31 NOW READ*. "HINTS *O TERRITORIALS AND CADETS." A BOOK . 4 . hae been specially compiled for the use of all persons now compelled to eerve in the Territorial Foreee.' GENERAL GODLEY, Commandant N.Z. Forces, says: — "Am sure the book will be most aaeful to the youths undergoing military training." COLONEL HEARD. Director Milit**T Training, says:— "I am euro it will be moet useful to th* young soldier, as it contain* many hints for his guidance-" OBTAINABLE FROM ALL BOOKSELLERS AND NEWSVENDORS. .PRICE SIXPENCE. ..