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The annual mooting of parishioners of St. Mary's, Merivale, was held in th© schoolroom on Tuesday night, the vicar, the Yen. Archdeacon Gossett, Hresidinc. Tho churchwardens' report congratulated the parish on the very satisfactory balancer-sheet presented, the total increase of receipts over last year s being £191 8s 4d. The debt on tho school buildings had been reduced oy £50, and a credit balance of £117 los Id was to be carried forward. Through the generous offer of tho Ladies' Sewing Guild another class-room had boon added to the Sunday school. The finance committee of the Church Building Fund-reported £358 19s Pd in hand, besides promises amounting to £250. , The statement of accounts showed receipts £1511 16s 4d, and expenditure £1394 Is 3d, leaving a credit balance of £117 15s Id. The Sick and Needy Fund showed a credit balance of £21 19s 4|d, and the Sunday School account, Choir Fund, and other accounts were also in a satisfactory condition. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Archdeacon Gossett, renewing tie past year's work, said tho outstanding 07-nt had been the visit of the General Mission. Merivale had been very much blessed in the choice of missioner sent to it (Canon Stuart). The parishioners rose to the occasion, and all were deeply moved by the missioner's work, the effects of which would be felt frr years to como. The result of the missioner's labours was at once apparent in the increased attendance at Com - munion. Archdeacon Gosset% referred in eulogistic terms to the effective work of the Rev. E. C. W. Powell, who*a labours, bsith in visiting and in the Young Mini's and Boys' Guilds, had been invaluable. Mr Powell and Sister Margaret were teaching a scripturo class in Elm wood school. Sister Margaret had done splendid work in connection with tho sick and needy, and in other directions. The vicar aho spoke in terms of praise of the other church officers. The following officers were elected:— Vicar's warden, Mr Georgo Helmor.>; parishioners' warden, Mr S. F. P. AVobh; vestrymen, Messrs T. C. Field, A. D. T>obson, H. "P. Hill, Walcot Wood, Isaac Gibbs, Chas. Bean, A. E. Baker, Georgo March, J. Blythe, and A. H. Allen; auditor, Mr W. H. Cheeseman. Mr Bean gave notice of motion for nest annual meeting:—"That all seats in St. Mary's, Merivalo, except those required for the use of the choir, be free and, unappropriated as from Easter, 1912." Mr T. C. Field moved, nnd 3lr C. Bean seconded : —"That it be a recommendation to the incoming vestry to take steps to find what financial support present seatholders will be prewired to give if the scats aro made free." Archdeacon Gossett expressed himself as being strongly in favour of free sorts. j The motion was carried. ' ST. MATTHEW'S, ST. ALBANS, j Tho annual meeting of parishioners j of St. Matthew's, St. Albans, was held in tho schoolroom on Tuesday night, the vicar, the Rev. P. B. Haggitt, presiding. The churchwardens' report stated that the liabilities of tho parish had been considerably reduced during the year. The amount owing on the church, vicarage, and schoolroom had been reduced-by £43 16s lid, and now stood at £230 10s Id. The present liabilities amounted to £42S 5s sd, against £598 l(Ss lOd at the same date last year. The statement of accounts showed receipts £833 2s sd, and expenditure £836 Is lOd. Tiie report and balance-sheet we;a adopted. Tho Vicar, in reviewing the past year, acknowledged the good work done by the various organisations and members of the parish. In referring to the church '!ay schools, ho paid a tribute to tho headmistress, Miss Rowley, who has found it necessary to resign her position. The General Mission had been a great help to the parish, and they all felt indebted to tho missioner, the Rev. J. H. Darby, for the work he had done. Ill© following officers were elected:— Vicar's churchwarden, Mr A. W. Eamee; parishioners' churchwarden,

Mr K. Matheson: vestrymen, Messrs H. S. Corderv, F. C. Airs, H. E. Morgan, C. H. Clibborn. H. ML Garrick, H. Schmidt, F. NY. Floyd, J. H. Moore, R. J. Gillies, and G. Jameson. Tkree of the vestrymen were nominated • as representatives of -.he mission room, j It was decided to keep the day schools open. The following committee was elected:—Messrs H- S. Cordery. R. J. Gillies.. C. H. Clibborn. Mrs William Wood, Messrs, A. W. Eames and K. Matheson. It was proposed:—"That this meeting exprowes regret that the Standing Committee declined to place the day schools on a financial footing, and that it be a recommendation to the incoming vestry to bring tho whole matter of day schools before Synod." . After considerable discussion the proposal was withdrawn. I METHVEX. \t the annual meeting of. parishioners of the Methven parochial . district, the Rev. H. G. Morse, vicar, in the chair, the balance- | sheet showed a deficiency of £100 os M. It was decided to call a meeting in a couple of weeks' time for the purpose ot considering the financial position with a view to taking steps to place the sustentation fund in credit. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing year:—Bishop's warden, Mr NN. Morgan; peoples' warden. Mr James Carr; vestry. Messrs C. T. Middlcton, H. Pawson,"Thos. Doherty, J. F. Stone, Hitchcock, and NY. Hyman; synodsman, Mr James Carr. ADDIXGTOX. At the annual meeting of the parishioners of St. Mary's, Addington, tho vicar, the Rev. NY. S. Bean, presided. The churchwardens' report showed the total receipts for the year to be £434 lis 4d. and tho expenditure £421 lis od. leaving a credit balance of £12 19s lid. During the year there were 64 baptisms, LO marriages, and 44 burials. The renort goes on to say:—An Addington branch of the Church of England Men's Society has been formed, with a membership of seventeen. We trust : they will all fulfil their vow, namely, "to pray to God every day. and to do something to help forward the work of the Church." We hope that a lasting blessing has been wrought by the mission which was conducted in our parish by the "Rev. A. H. Colville. One special result is seen in increased congregations at both morning and evening services. Votes of thanks were passed to all Church workers, and especially to Mr A. Schwartz, for having successfully completed his volume of tho history of St. Mary's parish. The book was presented by Mr H. T. Johnson, who, with Miss Hobden and the late Mr J. M. Heywood, copied from tho "Parish Magazines,''' edited by the Rev. H. E. East, his valuable ■'ompilation of tho history of Addington, which was published in 1888. The following officers were elected: — Vicar's warden, Mr W. Downing; parishioners' warden, Mr A. Morton; vestrymen, Messrs S. Andrews, A. S. Cooper, A. Johnson, H. L. Jackson, F. Harvey, L. P. IVnoerell. G. Sloan, B. Seddon, G. Woods", and NY. J. NVills. LOWER RICCARTON". The annual meeting of the Lower R-iccarton parochial district was held on Wednesday. The vicar, the Rev. J. de B. Galwey presided, and there was a good attendance of parishioners. The annual report and statement of accounts was presented and adopted. There was an increase in offertories and subscriptions, and the Church Building Fund showed a credit of £51 17?.. lim loan for the addition to the building was reduced to £47 ISs 4d, and this amount would be riaid off during tho ! ensong year. The committee, in its report, expressed hearty thanks to an anonymous donor who had offered to give £100 towards the Church Building Fund, if four others would subscribe a like amount. The Vicar, in reviewing the work of the year, thanked the parishioners for the cordial welcome extended to himself and Airs Galwey. and expressed pleasure at the creation of a branch of tho Church of England Men's Society. The following appointments wore made:—-Vicar's warden, Mr H. E Jarman; people's warden, Mr Edward Evans; vestry, Messrs Bannehr, Butts. Colville, Coombs, Feron, Harris, F. S Jarman, McFerran, Philpott and Williams. Mr R. E. M. Evans was reelected honorary auditor, and the appointment of Mr S. L. P. Free as re presentative on the Diocesan Synod was reported. During the evening, refreshments were partaken of, and musical items wero given by Mrs H. G. Jones, Miss Fountain© and Miss M. Fountain©, Messrs Cooper, Fisher and H. G. Jones. ST. STEPHEN'S, ASHBURTON. Tho annual meeting of the parishioners of St. Stephen's, Ashburton, was held on Tuesday evening, when the vicar, the Rev. E. NVhiteliouse, presided. His annual report showed that tho outstanding features of the past year had been tho consecration of the church, the mission, and the formation of a branch of the Church of England Men's Society. The attendances at tho church services had been satisfactory, and tho Sunday schools had had a most encouraging year, as had other branches of Church "work. The churchwardens' report showed I that the total receipts for the year had exceeded those for the previous twelve months by over £*100. The church had been cleared from debt., the total sum raised for that purpose amounting to £1236 7s. The election of officers resulted as follows: —Vicar's churchwarden, Mr C. NY. Xicoll; parishioners' churchwarden, Mr D. NVood: vestry, Messrs T. E. Clavton, F. Curtis, T." A. Gates, T. F. i Gibson, NY. J. P. Hodgkins, H. C. i Orbell, F. Pritchard, NY. H. Rundle, ! and D. Wood; auditors, Messrs W. H. j Rundle and F. W. Watt. In each case j the officers wero re-elected. A report was presented and adopted, recommending that the present vicarage r.nd ton acres of first-class land, situated about three-ouarters of a mile distant from the church, be sold, and that a new and up-to-date vicarage bo built close to the church, and on the I site now occupied by the Sunday school j building; that tho present Sunday j school building be sold for removal, and j that a new .Sunday school be built on I a site adjoining tho church grounds. ! On tho motion of Mr T. A. Gates, I it was unanimously decided to recommend the vestry to provide something in the nature of a memorial to the lato Dr. J. E. Trevor, who for many years was a most active, devout, earnest and valuable Church officer. ST. LITRE'S. There was a large attendance last night at the annual meeting of parishioners of the Church of St. Luke the Evangelist. Tho acting-vicar, Rev. ; H. S. Leach, presided. ; The churchwardens' annual report, which was adopted, stated that the financial position was about £53 better than it was at the end of the previous year. Tho offertories for general expenses showed an increase over the ', previous year of £96 Is 9d, which included a special offertory of £61 made on Sunday, March 26th. This must lie considered very satisfactory, and had in a large measure enabled the churchwardens to present such a satisfactory financial statement. The average offertories had been well maintained, and it could safely be stated that they showed improvement. The special offertories showed an increase of £55 7s Bd, caused by the general mission and an extra offertory for the Church Mission Fund held early in April, 1910, winch really belonged to the previous year's accounts. The donations account showed an increase of £33 10s 6d, f.ccounted for by the better organised scheme adoDted by the vestry for placing this account "on a firmer basis. During the year the balance due on account of the new

surplices and cassocks. £27 16s Dd. had j been paid off from t-lie general funds. ! Daring the year a special effort hid ! been made to reduce tho liability on ' the organ, and owina tn the liberal | rcsponsi: to tlio viear : s a sum j of £"390 14s 8d hnd h:m given by I parishioners rind voll-ivis-hers. This ! amount had matcrir.ily reduced the j debt of £703 which had been due at ! the commencement of the rear, and the ! churchwardens were hopeful that the ! balance rcouircd to free the crtrao ! from all linbility. sorr-.o £270 odd, j would be raised in a similar manner i during the year. Tn February last a j larpe number of narlshioners had j gathered in the schoolroom to bid fure- i well to the vicar and Mrs and Miss j Sedgwick, who had left on the Dth ! February per the Ulimaroa for England. During the seven years Mr Sedgwick had been at St. Luke's ho had worked incessantly, and his earnest efforts to open and consecrate the new church stood throughout the Dominion i as an example of the result of prayer . and work. His well deserved holiday, j the churchwardens trusted, would give j hint renewed vigour to once more help | and guide the parishioners. During , Mr Sedgwick's absence in England tho j Per. H~. S. Leach had charge of the ; parish as acting-vicar, and although ! only with them two short months, they j felt already that he was one of them, I and the time of parting, when it came, j would, they know, be a cause of regret. I The stcfoment of accounts for tho \ year showed receints £1386 ISs 3d. ex- . penditure £1417 os 9d, liabilities £48 j 10s 4d, assets £20 16s 2d; construction ; account, receipts £112 Is 11a. expendi- | ture £112 Is lid; balance owing on gas j installation £153. The following officers were elected: — ' Virar's warden, Mr Georgo Baker; • narishioners' warden. Mr H. A. j Stewart; vestry, Messrs Allr.rd, Andrews, Anderson. Blackburn. Cameron, Day, Ferrier, Dilworth Fox. Mooro, • and Novis. ! At tho conclusion of th© meeting a I social evening was held. j ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. j The annual meeting of St. John*3 : Parish took place last evening in the i Sunday school. There was a very largo | attendance of parishioners present. | The Churchwarden presented the re- j port and balance-sheet, nnd in the ! course of his remarks pointed out the improved state of the Church's finances ■ in comparison with last year. The con- < probations were larger and, though j there lir.d_ been no direct appeals "to I thw parishioners to make up the fund, there was a credit balance of £1 lis lid. . , I Tho vicar expressed his thanks to his \ parishioners for the support he had received. He mentioned the rood work clone by tho missioner. Canon irons, and the progressive st.-ito in which'the Church now was, owing to the general mission. The election of officers was then proceeded with. Mr 11. W. Hargrcayes was re-elected synodsman. this being his thirty-fifth year of office. In the course of the evening Mr Hargreaves related a little of the history of the Parish with which he had been connected so long. Mr A. Kincaid wa ; , re-appointed vicar's warden and Mr "W. G. Ludbrook parishioners' warden. Vestry:—Dr. Sandstein, Messrs "W. T. Bras';". F. S. Cordeux. F. A. Grant, IC. Luxton, M. C. Ormandy. T. W. Rowe, A. T. Stokes, T. A. AVhiteParsons and AY. Brandon. - . PHILLIPSTO'vVN. The annual narish meeting of tho Phillipstown Church was held last evening. The report presented was a srtisfactorv one. showing a credit balance of £4. During the year £129 had been paid off tho debt on tho buildings, tho amount of which had now been reduced to £620. The following officers were elected : —Bishop's warden. Mr G. Toms; neonle's warden, Mr R. J. Stuthers; vestrymen. Dr. P. C. Fenwick. and Messrs Beauchamp. F. Stokes. "Wright, E. "Willcox, G. T. Bullock, R. Francis, Old, Cox, and Riltcliff.

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Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14029, 28 April 1911, Page 10

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PARISH MEETINGS. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14029, 28 April 1911, Page 10

PARISH MEETINGS. Press, Volume LXVII, Issue 14029, 28 April 1911, Page 10


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