♦ ANNUAL SHOW. The Ashburton Horticultural Society's annual show was opened in the local Oddfellows' Hall on Friday afternoon. There were largo, collections of fruits, flowens and vegetables, the general quality being far above what vas expected, considering th© exceptionally dry season experumeed. Tho entries -were about a hundred in exctws of those for last year, and in tho cut-flower classes especially the all-round quality was of a high standard. Tho exhibits of vegetables v/ero few in number, but tho quality wae good. There was a very attractive display of fruit, and here again much of it was of superior quality. The judges were Messrs C. Brown and' G. Knowles lof Timaru) and Mr G. T. Smith, of Ashburton, with Mr James Young giving his assistance when called upon . The members of the committee entertained the judge* at luncheon, and the president, Mr R-. E. Lechner, took occasion to express his fileasure at seeing outside competition, rom Rakaia end Tiroaru. The exhibits were well staged, and the competition, "vraa so ketw-thatifc wm late before the judges got through their work. Heavy Tain interfered with the attendance on Saturday, but all who did patronise the show were delighted with, the excellent display. Mrs BiisheH, who again made numerous entries, gained the special award for the most, succeed fill exhibitor. Following is tho PRIZE LIST. Pot Plants (open class) —Group of plants (I)— Mrs Bushell; fuchsias, ono specimen plant <3)— R. Houston 1 and 2; fuchsias, three varieties (I)—A. C. Elliott; geran.iums (zonales), 6 varieties (1) —Mrs Bushell; geraniums, 1 specinjon plant (I)—Mra Bushell; geraniums, variegated, 3 varieties (IS—Mra Bushell; coleus, 3 varieties (3)— Mrs Hugo Friedlander 1, 2 and he; begonias, tuber-rooted. 3 plants, double varieties (3)— Mrs BuFhell; begonias, tuberrooted, 3 plants, single varieties (I)— Mrs Bushell; begonias, beet collection (I}— Mrs Bushell; specimen ornamental foliage pot plants (s)—Mrs Bushell 1, Mrs Maseey 2: specimen new or rate pot plant, any kind (I)— Mrs Bushell; collection 6 pot plants (I)— Mrs Bushell; collection ferns (2 — Mrs Bushell 1, Mrs Cookson 2; plant in flower (D—Mrs Bushell; liiium auratum (i) —John Davison. Pot Plants (amateur class)—Groifp pot plants, 3 entries—A. C. Elliott 1, Mrs Cookson 2; fuchsias, three plants, varieties (fl— Mrs Cookson 1. Mrs Friedlander 2; fuchsias, 1 specimen plant {6) —Robert Houston 1, Mfs Cookson 2; geraniums (zonale), 4 plants, varieties, 2 singles. 2 double (*)— Mrs Cookson 1, A- C. Elliott 2; geraniums (zonale), 1 specimon plant (2" —Mrs Ferriman 1; R. Houston 2; geraniums, variegated. 3 plants, varieties (s)—Mrs Hugo Friedlander 1 and 2; geraniums, ivy, beat 2 varieties (2!— Mrs Cookson I. A. C. Elliott 2; begonias, tuber-ons-rooted. 9 plants, double, varieties (2)— Mrs Hugo Friedlander 1. Mrs Ferriman 2; specimen ornamental pot plant (3j—Mrs Cooneon I, Mrs Ferriman 2; collection i pot plants, varieties (4)— Mrs Cookson I. Mrs C. iteid 2; window plant (6;— A. C. Elliott 1. Mrs Cookson 2: maidon hair fern .;sj—Mrs D. Wood 1, John Davison 2; plant in flower (2!-,-Mrs Cookson 1. R. E. Lechner 2; 4 ferns in pots, varieties (3)— Mrs Ferriman 1, Mrs T). Wood 2: hnnpir,? plant (4)— Miss O. Friedlander 1. A. C. Elliott 2. Cut Flowers (open class I—Roses,1 —Roses, collection 02—Millichamp and Sons 1, O. and C. Clark 2; roses. 12 varieties (lj—Millichamp and Sonf. verbenas. 6 varieties, in 3 cf each (3V—Millichamp and Sons 1. J. Wallnco 2; carnations. 6 yari<>tie« (2'—Millichamo ard Sons 1 and 2: dahlias. 12 double varieties (2) —Jtrs Bushell 1. Millichamp and Sons 2; dahlia*. cactu«. 12 varieties (2i—Millichamp and Sons 1, Mrs Bushel! 2; dahlias, collection <2!—Millichamp and Sons 1. G. and C. Clark 2; dahlias, pc-mpom. 12 varieties. 3 in a tube (I)— Mrs Bu-hell; marigolds (French), 6 blooms fl'—J. Wa'lace; marigolds (African). 2 colours. 3 of each Cl,—Mrs Bufhell; •treraniums. 2 of each (I—Mrs Bushell 1 and 2; petunias, collection (i.—G. and C. Clark I arrf 2; t.«tcrs ft — Mitlichamp iwid Sons 1. J. Wallace 2; phlox drummondi, 12 varieties (3V—Millichamp and i-'or« 1. Mrs Bushel' 2; phlex drummondi. collection (3)— G. and C. Clerk 1. Millichamp and Sons 2; collection cut flowers, 12 species <3V— Millicliump and Sons 1. G. and C. Clark 2; rinnias <s>— Mrs Bushell 1 and 2: glndioh. 6 varieties, 1 of each (2'— Millichamp and Sons 1, O. and C. Clark 2; gallardias, collection (3?— Mrs Eu'heil 1. Millichsmp and Sons 2; sweet peas <I\-D. H. Edzar; diar.thus collection i2i— Mil!ichamp and Sons 1, G. .and t . Clrrk 2; saloielcsM«. collection di-Mnli-chamo and S6ns; lilies (I)— Mrs Bushell 2. Cut Flowrrs (amateur class—Collection tew*. l—H. C. Craighead; roses. S varieties. 3-W. Pickford 1. R. E. Lechner 2: verbena., 4 varieties, t- Mrs Hugo Fnfdlander 1. 31r« Ferriman 2; carnations or picoleos, 4 varieties. I—R. E. Lechner 1; panics collection. 3—Mrs Ferriman 1. H C. Crairhead 2: dahlia*. douUa. i— H- C. Craighead 1 and 2: dahlias, single. 3-Mrs Huco Frelander I and 2; dahlias. cact«s. 7—II. C Craighead 1 Mrs W H B»!l 2: dahlia*, collection. t— 11. C. Craiiheod 1 and 2; gladioli, varieties. 4—W Pickford 1 ar.d 2: gladioli, cru.erfion ?—M. E Gee 1. J Wallace 2; asters. 6 bkoms. 4—l. Wallace 1. A. E. Hart 2; aH?rs. collection. 3— Mrs Femman I. J. Wallace 2; drummondi. 6 varieties, t— H. C. Craighead I snd 2; phlox drummondi. 7—H. C. Craighead 1 and 2; marttro'.ds. French, 6 bkx-tn». 4—T. Wallace 1. H. C. Crairfiead 2; marigolds. A!r:oan. 4—U- t. CTaichead 1 and 2; zinnia*. 5— 11. C. Craighead 1 aifd 2: collection of cut flowers. 3— H. C. Craighead 1: Mwflowei*. d.-üblc. 1— Mrs D. Wood; sunflowers, single. s—_Mrs IJ. Wood 1. H. Davis 2; sweet pea*. «>"«7' 0 "' 3 spike* each. 4-Rev. H. H. Mathias 1. D. H. Edgar 2; gaillardias. collection 2— H. C. Craighead 1: collection of cut blooms, from exhibitor's own garden, a—W. P>-«-ford 1. R E. Lechner 2; petunia*, collection 5—H. C. Craighead 1 aud 2: collection of
annuals, S-H. C. Crairfiead 1, Mrs Farriman —> "Bouquets «tc (©p«a>-HaDd bonoatt. 9--MiJlichamp aad Sons i. Miw CooJuon 2; bridal bouquet. I—Mi« Ceobwn; *P»*T. Indie*. 3—MiUVchamp and Soa» 1. Ui*a Shmrer 2: spray, gent*. 6—Miaa Coolwon 1, Mjm Shearer 51 Bouquets, etc (amateur cl»w>—Hand boociwis. 3-Mire Oookaon 1. Lawton Lechner 3; bridal bouquet. S—Mra B- E. Lechner 1. Mis« L. Bnshetl 8; S nm flower*, arranged for effect. 3—Mrs Colin Campbell 1. Mrs A. .Vhlhchamp 3. elc. (for boyt or gala under 13 Year*), made in the show —Button-hole. 8— Muriel Lechner 1. Modjre Lechner «: spray, 3-~M*d~- Lechner 1. Gladys riekford 2; bard bouquets. 3—Amy Hosken 1, Midge Lechner 2. Fruit u-pen olaasi—Collection ot fruit (2 entries)-!!. Davis '1. Mr» BnahcU 3: 'i i>ii.-.-;ir.-. pT»pr.«. 3 Mis* VricLt 1. Mr* Bushell 2; disa blackberries. I—A. C. Elliott 1: 6 a'pricois. 2—Andrew Crawford 1. ti. nnd C. Clark 2: nhiius. 3 varieties, 3—Mrs HiMhWl 1. Miil.champ and Sons 3; pium.t. di4i of 6 heaviest. I—Mrs ! «ti-hrl ?: aoples. 12 dessert s—ll. j l)avi« 1. Mrs Bu-hrll 2; apple*. 12 cooking;. 3 -Mr* BushcSl 1. TV. Pickford 2; apples. tc«t collection—Mr» Bushell 1. Milbchaing and I Sons 2; mulberries, dish. 2— Mrs D. W<wd 1 | nnd 2: til-crts cr obnut.*. dish. 2—S. JI Tunmas 1. Millichamp and . v 'ous 2; walnut*. j dish. 2-Mrs K. Kerriman 1. Mrs Bean 2; any oth< r variety of friut. .I—Millichamp and Siuis 1. H. l>avi* 2. Honey in comb-B. Stuart. Kruit (amateur cla«s>—C<*c« tion of fruit ,1 entryv H. Davis; 2 bunche-* black and '■ v.lnto irritprs d —11. l>avis; pcacbe*. 4 il) j --•!. Wallace; apricots, fi (S;—W. Pickford 1. j Mrs l-Yrriman 2: p!;:m>, t,U— H. Davi*: I | iu:i:B, dvh oi 0. hc*vie->t (2)—W*. Pickford 1. K. l.cwi-, 2; Rpvlf". 12 desert <I>—H. Davis; nppie*. 12 cocking W--E. 1. W*. Hod*;nius 2: apples, collection (2) —Mrs Femnnaii I, 11. Davis '2; filbert* or robr.uts. dish (3>— iln r'erriman J. Mrs Bein 2. Vcgo'.«blpa (ipcii)—C'licnnibers. 2 (1 ertrv) —Mx» Kcrrimau 1; ctirumlxi?. 4. outdoor ! grown (3)— Mr» H. Friedlnnd<-r 1. \V. llodskins 2: pumpkin?. 2 houvicst (21— S. J. Thomns 1. 11. Davia 2; marrows. 2. (3)— H. l>.vis 1. Mrs Bnshcil 2; vr(?et«b!o marrows. 2 heaviest i:tl—H. Davis 1 anil 2: tomatoes. 6, one x-arioly .'.?) nml Soiis b, Mrs Bushcll 2, tomatoes, collection 4 Bushel 1 1 and 2: colery. 3 heads 2> -Mis i-Vrriman 1. J. Wallace 2: cabb'.isc?. 2 heads ,2 - Mr-? Bin-bell 1. Mrs Kerrnnan 2; ca-bbacrs. red. 2 bead ill—Mrs Bushel!; oauliflo'ver*. :t bends 01— H. Davis: carrots, bunch fl (:Vi—Mrs FerriiuaT 1. Mrs Uu-he!l 2; ti.rnins. (i 12 Mrs Fcrriman 1. Mrs Bushel! 2; fhallots. best exhibit, 3—Aihltpw Crawtord 1. J. AVallnoe 2; onions, 12. s—Mra Ilnjo Frie«lliindcr 1, K. Houston 2; leeks (l)-l'. Houston; lettuce, 3 of one variety (.1) —Mrs Bushell; parsnips. 6 (1) —H. Houston; beet root. 6 (ft!—J!. Houston 1, Mrs Huco Fricdlander 2; beans, broad, 12 pods (1) —Mrs Bushell; beans. French, 12 nods (V) —. Wallace 1. Mrs Bushell 2; beans, scarlet runners Mi—Mra Ferriman 1. J. T. Mitchell 2; potatoes, kidney (2) —Millichamp and Sons 1, H. and C. Clark 2; potatoes, round (3) — Millichamp and Sons 1. O. and C. Clark 2; potatoes, collection (2)— G. and ('. Clark 1, B. Houston 2; peas. 25 pods (I)—R. O. Shearman; rhubarb, € sticks (3) —Mrs Bushell 1. AY. Hodfiking 2; potatoes, kidney, 12 one sort (amateur* only), (1) —H. Davis; potatoes, round. 12 one sort (amateurs only). (3)— Miss E. Ijpww 1, Dr. Clark 2; collection vegetables in basket or tray (1) —Mrs Bushell; do. (amateurs only)— Mrs Ferriman 1. Dr. Clark 2. Table or CHber Decorations—Dinner table decoration (2)— Mrs Colin Campboll 1. iMiss Shearer 2; floral design (I)—iMim Ij. Bushell: decorated stand or basket (2)— Mrs Colin Campbell 1, May Stephens 2. Special Prizes—Collection cut flower*, from school pardens (prize* gircn by Mr J. Sfudholme) —Bußhsido school. Mostf. points iv amateur classes (pot plajiU excluded)— H. C. Craighead; third time, trophy becoming his property. Most successful exhibitor at the show—.Mrs Bushell. JEncellaneoun—Jam, 6 pots, varieties (one entry)-—Mrs Hugo FrrCdlander; preserved ftnit, i pots, varieties (2)— Mrs Hugo Friedlander 1, Mrs Colin Campbell 2. Cookery (for pupils attending the Ashburton cookery classes) —Jam sandwich (4 entries,—Ruby Lochner 1. Miss O. Friedkwider 2: plum cake (2)-rMiafl O. Friedlander 1, Kuby I/echner 2; scones. 6 (3)— Buby Lcchncr 1, JGsa O. Fricdlander 2.
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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12731, 18 February 1907, Page 5
Word Count
1,733ASHBURTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 12731, 18 February 1907, Page 5
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