The greatest day in the year for more than three thousand public school children in North Canterbury broke prosperously fine on Saturday mornmg. Hundreds of happy youngsters, overflowing with lifeand spirits, gathered at an early hour at Lancaster Park to take part in the gigantic sports meeting annually held by the Public Schools' Amateur Athletic Association. A unique feature of the gathering waa the fact that a. majority of those present, with the exception of the older people who arrived in large numbers as the day advanced, were active participants in some or other of the events. Early in the afternoon both stands were crowded with member- of the public, and the circumference of the Park was lined with face.. The immense programme of 52 boys' and 32 girla' events was got off closely to time, and the gathering was a triumph of organisation on the part of the promoters. The Burnham Band enlivened the proceedings with various airs during the morning, and the Woolston Band played during the afternoon.
In accordance with a wise precedent, the smaller athletic events, which were chiefly interesting to competitors, were mostly disposed of daring the morning, leaving the afternoon free for the spectacular displays. The sight of several hundreds of boys and girls, grouped according to schools on different parts of the ground, performing clnb, wand, and dumb-bell exercises at the same moment and with remarkable fidelity to time, waa worth making some sacrifice to see. In the march past of cadet corps, companies from twelve different schools took part. The greatest event of all, however, was naturally the massed display. Over three hundred girls who had previously taken part in competitions were ranged, team, behind team, so that those with wands and dumbbells occupied the two flanks, and those with clubs the middle. In fairly close formation the entire body occupied a full quarter of the ground. The wielders of clubs and dumb-bells were ordered to sit down, while the wand teams, to the music of the band, gave an exhibition which evoked frequent applause from the spectators. Then the club awingera had their turn, and after them the dumb-bell teams. Lastly, all three divisions performed their separate exercises in unison. The charm of rhythmic movement was heightened by the effect of colour. All the girls were in white dresses, variety being added by 1 the bright hues of their caps and sashes, differing according to schools. The judges of the physical exercise- observed: a marked improvement since last year in time, precision, and general accuracy. A few years ago it was easy for them to judge among the different team*; on Saturday they admitted that it was difficult, owing to the high standard commonly displayed. Mr T. S. Tankard conaiders the displays indubitably superior to j similar exhibitions which he saw in Mcli bourne.
The shield given for, the greatest number of points in athletic events was carried off once more by the Normal School with 52 Eaat Christchurch being next with 40. The girls' shield for physical drill was won by Woolston with 8 points, East Christchurch being again second with 6. That for girls' running events was carried off by Richmond with 26 points, Papanui being next with 23, and Woolston close up with 20. Tho officials were: —Referee, Mr P. Selig; track judges, Dr. Jennings and Messrs W. G. Garrard, G. H. Mason, J. E. Green, J. F. Grierson, T. R. Cressweli, W. Johnson, G. Bush, and W. A. Hall; military drill, Major Cresswell, Captain Foster, and Lieutenant Holderness; physical drill, Mr J. C. Andersen (wands and clubs), Mr A. H. Jewiss (dumb-bell*); cricket events, Mr C. Boxshe.l; marksmen, Messrs W. D. Bean, F. T. Evans, J. J. Adams, M. Lyr_key, C. Hall, C. F. Pratt, G. W. Bishop, S. Taylor, and J. W.'M'Gregor; starters, Messrs C. W. Garrard, P. Menaies, H. English, and T. M'Gallon; timekeepers, Messrs 0. 8. Howard, J. B. Mayne, and T. S. Foster; clerks of the course, Messrs J. Baldwin and J. G. L. Scott; recorders, Messrs F. D. Waller, J. MLeod, n. Denham, and G. Schneider; Press stewards, Messrs 8. C. Owen, W. N. Seay, H. C. N. Wateon, and W. W. ; Gartont enclosure stewards, M«ssra A. Binnie, P. Harvey, D. D. Shirlaw, G. Ormandy, B. Thompson, F. Benjamin, T. Gates, W. Cookson, J. Newton, and W. Buckley; assistant secretaries, Messrs F. D. Waaler, and A. S. Taylor; treasurer, Mr S. C. Owen; general eecre"tary, MrC. T. Ascbman. Following are the detailed results:— l BOYS' EVENTS. • (Number of starters in brackets./ I High Jump, under 13 (12)— A. Bhand (Sumner), 4ft l.ia, 1; L. Hawthorne (Pendalton), 3. Long Jump, under 10 (7>—Ponaka TJga Kete (Deaf Mutes), lift 9in, 1: K. Bridge* (East Chris tcburoh), 2; £. Clemens (Waltham), S. Half-mile Championship (17)—_. Canavan (Opawa), 1; W. Harvay (Waltham), 2. K. Simpson (Normal), who finished first by a yard, waa disqualified. 60yda, under 9 (40)— L. McLean (Addington), 1; G. lies (Fendalton), 2; O. Seay (Addington), 9. Long Distance Throw of Cricket Sail (7)— A. CaTavan (Opawa), 1; D. Sandman (Normal) 2; J. Boroughs (Wart Christchurch), 3. Throwing at Wickets (27)— R. Bi_paon (Normal) 1: P. Moife (West Ohxietohurch), 2; J. Heme- (West Christchurch), 3. feoyds, under 8 (_)-C. Jackman (East C_rurtchurch), 1; wTSandman (West CbrisV church), 2; T. Adams (Sydenham) 8. 76yds under 12, tor country schools KBVH Rollitt (Sumner), 1; O. Birdling (Halswall). 2; B. Watson (Glentunnel), 8. 100 yd* Hurdles J7)-B. Simpson (Normal), 1 • R. E. Rydes (East Oxford). «; C. Ivory (_s*t Oxford), 3. Time, 15 3-SH» ' lOOyda Open, country echools-J. William*cn (Sumner), 1; G. Copeknd (Glentunnel), 2; N. RollHt (Sumner), 8. -..„■• Hiah Jump, Open (B>-C. Ivory (Bast Oxford? V H*'E«d«gh (Deaf Mutes* 2; T. E Mahoney (NonneJ) and R. Bain (Normal), eouaTT Height, 4ft 7_ia. Comprtitfem (?)-«. Clements (Sydenham) and C. Spicer (Richmond), equal, I.with H joints out of 100; C. Butoher (Eaat Christchurch). 2, with 92 points. *5w Lap under 14 (IM-J. Detmia formal), 1; 3. Burnip (East Chrut-Su-dT. 2j>Diehl'( East Chriatoburoh) 3. lODydfl Championship (BWW. Harvey (Waltham), 1; K. Bain {Normal), 2; B. Simpson (K _4__ise Race, open (17)-J. Cowie and H. GilUspie (Deaf Mute*), 1; P. Pieroy and E. CrawsUw (Normal), 3; B. Mason and A. Fannine (Miris* Brothers), 3. . sl-eWR*", under 11 (15)-McEvery and Creavey (Meriet Brothers), 1; W Napier and iSfS (il)-B. Caldwell (Richmond), 1; J. Lindsay (Waltham), 2; R. Doake (Eaat Christchurch), 8. Potato Race (29)-Sand_an (Normal), 1; A. lies (Fendalton), 2; V. Mcllroy (Faadalto looyds_ under 14 (2q>-V. Ctookn (Normal), 1; H. Davis (Normal), 2; J. Williamson under 15 (UHW. H.jv.y(W.lth«n), 1 • £ Mahoney (Normal), 2; C. White (West Christchurch), 8. _ _ _. ,■_■ Hop. Step, and Jump—R. Simpson (Normal), 34ft lin, X; JL E. Ryder (East Oxford), 2; H. Eveleifth (Deaf Mutes). 8. Long Jump—A. Canavan (Opawa), 1; R. Simpson (Normal), 2; C. Ivory (East Oxford), "440 yds Relay Race, under 12 (9)-Eaar Christchurch $\ Cossins, R. Hill, T. B__sf«T. K. Nightingale), 1; Addington (E. BiTdlmg, L. Penlington. T. Hooper, P. Pearoo) 2; Waltham (J. Lindsay. O. Ljndeay, C. Dickie, L. Boyd), 3. Normal finiahed first but was disqualified for starting too scon. 75yds. under 11 {S3}- P. Coasina (East Christchurch), 1; P. Beasley (East Christ-church),-2; P. Williams (Normal), 3. 100 yds, under 13 («_—J. Pro ß per (East Christchurch), 1; A. Toon (St. Albans), 2; F. Champnwa (Wert Christchurch), 3. 75yda, under IB—L. Skudder (West ChristchuTch), 1; F. Cossina (Eaat Christchurch), 2; F. Barrell (West Christchurch), 3. Buruham School Race, under 15 (7J—L. Tiffiet 1. W. Bates 2, C. Scorringe 3. Burnham School Race, over 13 \V>)— B. Malcolm 1, T. Henderson ~ J. Sweeney 3. Dumb-bell Competition—Belfast, 36 point* out of 40, 1; East Chriatehurch, 26, 2; Phillipstown. 24. 3. . . Urill Competition—Sydenham 1, Kaiapoi 2, Normal 3. Corps from twelve schools competed. Half Mile Relay Race—Normal (R. Simpeon, R. Bain, E. Mahoney, H. Davis), 1; West Christchurch (J. Boroughs, S. Dickie, C. Whyte, G.-Bertie), 2; East Christchurch (A. Msclaine, A. Hoooer, J. Burnip. H. Livingstone), 3. Pendalton and Waltham also competed.
200 yds, tot old boya-0.. P. Baker 1. BRydes % G. Drake 3. ' There 'waa a large Sack Race, open, (ISV—E. Thompson (Manet Brothers), 1; A. Lais (Woolaton), 2; B Mentha- (Feudaltoa), # 3. _ Sack Race, under 12 (6)— L. Cerrell (Deaf Mutes), I; C. Brunsden (St. Albans), 2; M. Johnatoa (Sydenham), 3.
GIRLS' EVENTS. , . (Number o( entries in brackets.) Throwing Tennis Ball—Gladys Bewen (Normal) 1; Louisa Davis (Eaat Christchurch), 2. 50yds Skipping, under 9 (3fl>—Dorrw Homer (Papanui). 1; Connie Hayes (Sydenham), 2; Alma Suckling (Richmond), 3. 100 yds. over It (9)— Gladya Bo wen (Normal). 1; Gertie Hickman (Balcairn), 2; Lilian Swan (Richmond) 3. j lOOyda Hoop Race, .open (9)— Nellie Palk (Richmond), 1; Essie Gray (Eaat Christchurch), 2; Lilian Tur_bull (Addington). 3. Potato Race (1_— 3ene Bowman (Eaat Christchurch), 1; Teenie Banks (Eaat Christchurch), 2; Ida Searle (Normal). 3. 50yds, under 11 (72)— Ivy Whittingto* (Woolston) 1; Violet Bathurst (Sydenham), 2; A. Dyer (Richmond), 3. 100 yds, under 14 (15) —Gladys Bowman (Normal). 1; Nellie Palk (Richmond), 2; Easie Gray (East 'ChristchuTob) 3. 60yds, under « (38)— Marion Donald (Sydenham). 1; Dorris Homer (Papanui), 2; Irene Herriott (Eaat Christchurch), 3. 75yds, under 12 (31)—nuby Derrett (Papanui), 1; Kate Palk (Richmond), 2; Theresa Hannibal (Papanui), 3. 75yds Hoop Race, under 13 (27)—Kata Palk (Richmond), 1; Edith Buchanan (East Christchurch), 2; Rose Quarterman (Eaat Christchurch), 3. Dribbling Hockey Ball—lrene Mugford (Addington), 1; Roee Bathurst (Sydenham), 2; Gladys Walker (Addington), 3. 50yds Skipping Race, under 11 (21)— Elsie Soutter (Addington), 1; Violet Jones (Woolston), 2; Maggie' Jones (Bromley), 3. 75yds Skipping Race, over 12 (31)— Elsie Turvey (Woolston), and May Watt equal. 1; Nellie Palk /Richmond), 3. 50yds Hoop Race, under 10—Dorothy Garrard (Papanui), 1; Winnie Andrews (Eaat Christchurch), 2; Gladys Rows (Richmond), 3.
75yds Skipping Race; under 12—Ruby Derrett (Papanui), and Kate Palk (Richmond), equal, 1; Dorr is Johnston (Addington) and Dorothy Wilson (Normal), equal, 3. 73yds, under 13 (27)— May Nott (Woolston), 1; Jane Bowman (East) Chxisto-uroh), 2; (Laura McCullough (Richmond). 3. Wand Competition—East Christchurch, 4C points out of 50; 1: ' Normal and Woolston, 45 points, equal, 2. Teams from Phillipstown, Kaiapoi, Addington, and Belfast also competed. Dumbbell Competition—Kaiapoi, 38 points out of 40, 1; Woolston, 37, points, 2; East Christchurch and St. Albans, 37 points, equal, 3. Addington >and Kaiapoi teams also competed. Club Competition—Addington, 46 points out of 50. 1; Woolston, 454 points, 2; East Christchurch and Normal, 45 points, eaual. 3. No others competed.
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Press, Volume LX, Issue 11753, 30 November 1903, Page 5
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1,745PUBLIC SCHOOLS SPORTS Press, Volume LX, Issue 11753, 30 November 1903, Page 5
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