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Business Noticeaj NOTICE. r *. 1 MRS MURPHY, OOeTUM?*-. 90 MADRAS STREET, H *H i Will CONTINUE BUSINESS as usual««. *■ above address. "**t . Prices Reduced during Winter Moathi. Forms of Self-measurement sent on - —- -J3^ E. R. STANDFIELD, ELECTRO-GALVANIC SPECIALK* 5 CHANCERY Christchurch. and" Headache i___ taneousiy relieved and __?-«,»?!?■ cared by Electricity without paih of •ESSS.H.*' Nervous Diseases and Complaints BcienrisT?* ' treated by Electricity. M »eattflc% Closed'on Thursdays from 1 o'cle_. „««,.' p.m. Open from 7 until 9 o'clock during-T___! Guarantee given. Local references. Consultation free. »*. PLATYPUS BRAND OF EUC__lJpluS EXTRACT OIL AND JUJUBE 3 H A y, E _ p r 0 rI < ' d t ** em 3elves tie best, a__ Medal Tasmanian Exhibition. HfahS awards Sydney and Ul vers tone, mi. n "** Beware of imitations, and see that Platvtm, • is on every label. We only put up the hS All Chemists and Groo'-rs, and office 9 <_♦_• dral Square, next Pußt Office. *****?* S. B. SEYMOUR, SURGEON DENTIST. 215 COLOMBO STRKET, CHRISTCHURGa NITROUS OXIDE~GAS used fort)»F__, less _.-.traction of Teeth. . ArtificialTceth at lowest G_ar___ Telephone-*-. " By Special Appointment to hU Excellency Lord Glasgow. llt W. DE LA MAIN and G__ * • HORSE BAZAAR, ~* CASHEL STREET, ' Livery, Bait, and Commission Stables, Telephone No. 423. Every description of earrings on hire. Good Riding Horses and Hunter.. Horses and Carriages jobbed by tbe w*s_ month or sear. Horses bought and sold on comeii-ilaa a exchanged. Weddings and Picnics a specialty. Landaus and Haniom Cabs at stand pries. Groom on tbe premises all night. Terms stiictly moderate for cash. j_)j FLOROLIA. m H E V E R D 1 Q y , AGREEABLY SURPRISE Wright Btreet, Wellington, February Bth, U&L Mb Bbbbv. uear Sir,—Haviug üßed your "Flo"rolla*'r(i. gularly for the last three months liin bets agreeably surprised tn find the clothes s_e_ » lovely colour with so little trouble And labour. 1 can do my wa-hing, whioh is a large one, _ half the time it used to take. It is a saving of - the clothes, especially such things as collar*, ehtrt-cufiß, &o, which required so muoh rob* bine in the old way to get them clean. CLOTHES BKAUTHrULby W_HTE. , Cuba street, Welllnir'OD, Mbßekby, , February 12th. IK4. Dear Sir,—l have tried your "Florolia'* for some weeks, and have areat pleasure in ttad* fying to its good qualities. It ia a greatß»n-i of time, labour, and clothes. The thiagi an made beau tif n lly white. 1 shall recommendiS to all my friends. ONE SHILLING PER BOTTLE. Prepared only by J. BERRY, , . (Late F. White) Manufacturing Chemltt.' 81 Cuba Streat, Wellington, New -tatted. Wholesale and Retail Agent, ChrlsU)bsn_*. SMITH, GOLDEN TKAPOT, VIOTOBISTREET. And Retail from All Gttoen. m WE are prepared to make LIBERA CASH advances on , :__ WOOL, TALLOW, MEAT, W__EA_-_iBP PRODUCE, ;. Placed in our hands For Sale in Local MarKetf) or for Shipment to our London Fdeada ■■ INDENTS EXECUTED For all ole-ses of Machinery and Me*ctu_ull9 on British, Eastern and Foreign Markets,*. WOOD, SHAND AND CO., Importers and Exporters, Hereford rtrilti, Chrutchuroh. Agents North British andMercantUe -osaruat Company." ITlrel-aks at Low»atCurrent _•_*** 47ft ■ ■■ - ' , __* h - LARGE REDUCTION IN ORION CYCLES. INTENDING PmchaTers of Cy<rt«sjtar A» coming season are invited toIMMSBgs large stock, which are new redofcett to*W following prices :— '-_ K __ j Solid Tyres .... *. to."", ».-v; Cushions Humber .. .. ; •»- Clincher and Silvertoa'e Humber •' W& NewDunlop ... .. ' - *«****. CUNNINGTON and CO* . -*__*- 180 Gloucester street. - . •» ' V ." v'■■-.:■; .::-■: ~ T " M TYPE-WRITING OWMM '' - ■ ' •' • ; - . "" vi* TH E Ml BSKS M LI JT*.' 10 Cathedral «*}«•*»_.., (Over Messrs Kaye and Carters.! : Correspondence, MSsTend D*xjnm«t_ «* *,' kinds copied. Thorough instruction W* . Type-wriung. Remington Typewriters for sal __ WARRE HOCKLEY ASD* 0Q; LIMITED. „„,__- WINE AND SPIRIT MERCEIAOT-,; South British ChambMm. , HEREFORD toTR___T,.C__RISTOHUao» Cellar Entrance fro_^C---dralsqasirft. Tbeßtookof Winesllnd Company emoracea every needftu vane™ •<• ordinary or special use. __«Jii___i* Assorted dosens of liquors are «nwue» , ~ family or invalid purposes. __._ x ' Speoial arrangements made tot uaus ~* Dinner Parties. -.. ._ «.~-_r__> Lock-up Bin Cases provided for -tow*** 8, fotwaxded. MMU«. to any Port in New Zealand, oareosi*'* *" remittance or sat Isfaotory I*»e»enoes,v . A choice selection of flne.6 Indw* •***• H-vannah Cigars. Funeral Notices. . -'__'. aa———-i 11 rrnHE Friends of tbe late William SUjcW_M X ..respeo-foily informed bis '°_fJ^ t I _W leave bis late residence. 9 WUM i-'_?£__»,' Ferry road, for tb« Pubdo U»eui% «Jfieß, This o*j. 2nd. W. LANGFORD. o-mer North ana East Belt*. TslepbtWO^ L O. O. F. f M. U. W. LANGFORP; , FURNISHING UNDERTAKES* Of the Oldest Firm in New Zw***** 18 Prepared to Furnish Coach and *-^™ tt _f o ?_ H itt.. from AS; ebltdVen, A '^J__%_^__ i S -» PieaSe notie the Residence. Corner North and t „^ t %'SHv. 133 Colombo* street 'next Ba«W ««* .-??SJg. Telephone, 387. Polished co__ns to avfo urgent cases. , _._ M -ni-MHr**- t ' FtFNERAL REFOBM.; george"*Barrell, _■:' COMPLETE FURNISHING U***K <U TAKER and Direot **&_____\_i& Furniture. Superior policed »na otb« •»*-, kept in stock for- u*-gent<*ount;y Mfff onsa HEARSE OR MOUItNING COACWg^ Sent to any part of Canterbury immeoia*~r ****~, receipt of teleHtram. «Jtf".-. Telegraph or Telephone orders by nl^w***f|.., '~_; FUNERAL REFORM PRIOES* |:. Address-55 Durham street South. fltt -T"
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Bibliographic details
Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
Word Count
815Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.