Business Notices. TURNIP SEED. -JKTE are now giving LOW QUOTATIONS PURPLE TOP SWEDE GREEN TOP YELLOW ABERDEEN PURPLE TOP YELLOW ABERDEEN. These Seeds are direct from the Growers, MESSRS C. SHARP and CO.. who have been in the Seed Trade FOR OVER A CENTURY. As we act as Direct; Agents for the Growers, we can offer the Best Values. WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND QUOTATIONS, And Compare with any Others. BLACKBURNE and CO,, i 42 CASHEL STREET, CHRISTOHURCH. 4335 9 ANGLO-PARISIAN DRESS-CUTTING. MRS NAPIER, having returned to Christchurch, will RE-OPEN CLASSES OCTOBER Ist. . Ladies desirous of learning the above successful system are requested to call before 17th October, as Mrs Napier will not receive pupils after that date. AN AGENT WANTED for Christohuroh; must be good dressmaker. 4266 N.Z. FISHING TACKLE DEPOT, JUST ARRIVED—A very Large and Com p.ete Assortment of FISHING TACKLE REQUISITES, Ex 8.8. Ruapehu, comprising— Rods (a large assortment). Reels, Lines, Flies to' gut and Eyed Flies, Artifluial Minnows, Archer Spinners, Minnow Boxes, Live Bait Cans, Steel wire traces, Sec, Sec FIVE AWARDS and ONE SPECIAL PRIZE DUNEDIN EXHIBITION. REPAIRS with Despatch and by Competent Workmen. . Wm. J. ALPE, 212 HIGH STREET, Next Empire Hotel, Christchurch. 2392 SCOTT & MUFF, TAILORS, LICHFIELD STREET. Second Shop from Corner of Manchester street. THE RINK IJVERY_ BAIT, and COMMISSION STAPLES. 178 Gloucester street. - TttLEPHON* Nor 197; ' THE very best Saddle and Harness Horses always on hire. Landaus. Hansoms, Dog Carts, Daisy Carts, Gigs, Waggonettes, Buggies, an--i Drags ready at all hours, WEDDINGS and PICNIC PARTIES SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO. All Turnouts equipped in the best English style.. Horses thoroughly trained to saddle and harness-, and' ought and sold on commls* I sion. | Horses, Harness and every description of vehicles ulways on sale. Night Groom answers Calls on Telephone No. 197. | W. HAYWARD and CO., 1569 :"~ ;; Proprietors, Qa RATTLING good Oranges for la. I I *l)\J -have large stocks of the Beat Fruits that come to Chri*tchurch. Yon can have one or 100 Cases of Oranges at a prioe that defies competition. I CUMMING. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRUITERER, High and Colombo streets. Try Yates' Flower and Vegetable Seeds. JLjACBEAN STEWART'S NEW CURE FOR ASTHMA NEW CURE FOR CROUP NEW C> RE FOR DIPHTHERIA NEW CURB FOR CHRONIC BRONCHI* I TIS. Prepared from the Mountain and Forest Plants of New Zealand. Sold by all Chemists. .9820 TONEYCLIFFE & CAREY TAILORING. CLOTHING AND - MERCERY DEPARTMENT. WE gratefully acknowledge the valued support accorded us since we established this new department, and b»g to announce the entire Replenishment of our Stock with GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS. SUITINGS. TROUSERINGS, TWEED-*, Worsteds, Vionnas. Serges, Cheviots, Hairlines, See., From the Best Colonial, Bcotch, and West of England Makers., The BESPOKE DEPARTMENT Is under the thoroughly Efficient Management of MR McEWAN, and the MOST SKILFUL ATTENTION is given to the Shrinking, Out, Fit, and Finish of, all Garments. . Ready-made Clothing, School Outfits for Youths and -toys. Shirts. Ties, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrellas, See. TONEYCLIFFE & CAREY, THB READY-MONEY DRAPBRS And CLOTHIERS. DRESBMAKING PRICES — Material Ureses from 8s Bd, 10a 6d. 12s fid Print Dresses from 7s6dto-_6d. Style and Fife guaranteed. Mrs and Miss MOUNTAIN, 269 Colombo street north (third shop over bridge, two minutes walk from Cathedral) 7EXETER NURSERIES, Christchurch. T ABBOTT begs to announce that having a • LARGE STOCK in many lines of TKEE3 AND SHRUBS, he is prepared to Sell -sine at HALF USUAL PRICK until end of season. Eggs from Prize Plymouth Rocks tor Setting. EXETaR NURSERIES. 1523 Papanui road. PUBLIC NOTICE. COACH T(T~OHEVIOT. A COACH will RUN between WAIPARA _*__- and CHEVIOT, leaving Waipara EVERY SATURDAY and WEDNESDAY and return lag from Cheviot on Mondays and Thursdays. Saddle Horses and Traps always on Hire at W aipara Station at tbe shortest notice. A FRANCIS. 4570 Waipara Hot*.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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