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Auctions. Auctions. i .' CHARLES CLARK." MILES & CO., LIMITED. j THIS DAY. ~ ADDINGTON YARDS. SOUTH~OPAWA* ( WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3bi>, 1894. BUILDING SITES, spe CT __^ntrie_ FRONTING THE RAILWAY LINK. 240 CROSSBRED FRttK ZBRS Maunaell street. Garland's road, and Scott HALFBRED EWES, ia lamb to OUU Leicester rams, to lamb at once FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. MILES and CO., LIMITED, 4399 Auctioneers. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. WM. BUSS. M R BtS2ttd^ S CLARK hM b6€B iU " " RANGIORA HORSE FAIR. SELL BY AUCTION, FRIDAY, OCTOBER ' OTH. At hia Rooma. Hereford street, ,jft HORSES. ~rT-cr.AV rirTOV-PR Ovt, Iff R BUSS will hold his NEXT SALE on TUEbDAi, OCri>__K -*>d, [>| FKIDAr, OCTOBER sth. .x ci?p~fiv<' TNT THTS TOWNSHIP When he will Offer, on account various clisnts, 13 SEO-IUNJ3 IA -a-S xv.v _N-*_-r, 70 HORSES of various descriptions. \ iz.:— Lotsl 2, and 3, hßving fnntage to the rail- _ SPECIAL ENTRIES: . way lin* and Garland's roart. 12,13.11. „ __ on , account Waipara Road Board. 15 and 16 fronting tho railway line and 2 Good Draught Geldings, sound and Maunsell strei-t. 11. fror.tin_: M<*>msell • staunch «,__i, streeu 55 and 56, frontin* Garla-d*s On accounc Messrs Charles Wright,Black, road. Gi (o.rneV£ fronting Garland's Bu l t *- r t' Thompson, Gome, Watson, road and Scott street, ana 65, fronting Tl _, , n \. _r Scott street. 12 Vat)tal - Dr | u * J h £ *JJ x ____ The area averages about one quarter-acr IJ3g * "wM.°BUB3." Auctioneer, each. — — ; ■ ■■ Tbe above deacribea sections are splendidly JOSEPH CLARKE AND SON. Situat d, being midway b.iwepn the Opawa _______________________________________ and Woolston railway stations, in close proximity to the tmnory works, brickfields. Sec. and us the estate has to be wound up, an unrivalled opportu ity thus presents itself to i^uty? onwißtliDStOttcqaireahoinei,lthiß JOSEPH "CLARKE & SON, No. _7. Sale at 4213 AUCTIONEERS, THIS DAY, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE FOR S ALE, **—" _~ thk NEW BRIGHTON. SPRINGFIELD ROAD. fa SECTIONS for SALE in various parts OU of thia rismg seaside resort. Inspect MR CHARLES CLARK has been favoured our List before buying elsewhere, with Instruciions from J>hn Webster, ______ Esq.. who has decided not to return to New _ Ze-lknd. to CITY PROPERTIES. SKLL BY PJBIJO AUCTION, -_ _ ~ , _ - j <«.--„ #-- At his Rooms, Hereford street, We have Sections and Houses and Shops for ON Sale in various parts of the city at figures TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2nd, that cannot fail to tempt one. HIS VERY DE-URABLh: RESIDENCE, Springfield road, a'short distance northwards HOUSES AND SHOPS TO LET. of the Abberley road. Three tQ eUht . roome d Houses to Let in LinThe Honse cental.- seven rooms-large I__i__^_Zuo. *' "' entrance hall, kitchen, pantry, scull ry, etoro- and vanous P arts or lQe <aty * room and washhouse. with water laid on. —— Two-stall stable and harness room. LAND. LAND. The LAND has an area of 1 ACRE 1 POOD. FOR SALB and is tastefully laid out In shruti >iry, flower IN and kitchen garden, and smalt paddock. „ BW z ____ ND - 3 BRIGHTEST SPOT, For further particulars apply to the TARANAKI AUCTIONEER. ___ haveal . ißto f prooerties for Sale in this _24_ stale at 12 noon No 428 grand dairying district, ranging irom 50 * a - sale at J-noon. i**o.__ *_ n(jQ &o _ es iQ fcXtentf _ na at prices to IMPORTANT SALE OF FIRST-CLAS3 meet all. We can offer you first-class FURNITURE. Splendid PIA.O by Farms from £3 to £910s per acre. Strau.e, &c Tl/fRCHARLES CLARK has b-en instructed LEASE. i-Vj. by Mr R. H. Soltan, who is breaking up T _«__ -«, ------t-th n T*i*>«nj-_i N< " **• * ____-.8--ra£_-^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBKR 3kd, The whole of his Superior FURNITU kE, com- -»*/wt -■— -r» t _*xrr. prising every article to be found in a well- MUi\_i IU L-JNI". appointed nous*. . £SQO t0 £5000 on goon - Freehold Security, at For fuller par iculara see the morning papers Low Rate of futerest. 01 Saturday last. No. 133. Sale at Noon. 4559 •TTTrT'R.Qnav r»PTfiR - "ft _-«- Send alonxaList of Properties you require IHU-M-AK, UCIU-.__ a TH . to Let or to Sell, and we will advertise tnem UNRESERVED SALE for you. Of the whole of the Don't Forget our Address. SUPERIOR FURNITURE In a Seven-roomed House, FIRST-CLASS PIANO, &0. J. CLARKE & SON, MR CHARLEB CLARE", instructed by Mrs AUCTIONEERS AND LAND AGENTS, - S K E _ C __OH , Wm ™ Man ? heßte * ««* At her residence, Latimer square, next Christ- Christchurch. church Club, _. "*• H.B SORENSEN. -ni-PRB-iEVjD puknitur* thprsday. octobbrith. For fuller particulars see "Times" and -_.-_. J'- °' clock _ „,, r*.**.-...*.* Fbbss of Saturday last. On the Premises, Stanmore Road, Richmond. Sale at 12 -"dock Noon. 4566 XT B : SORENSEN has received instruc- — ■ J] « tions from Mr Brady, who Is leaving ********"******' • ***************** Richmond, to BOWMAN AND SON. SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ■ - ■ 1 All his FURNITURE SALE. o£ KFFECTS ' USEFUL A™no e by C H-rpe?2 e o P „-um rugs GOOD PIANO, Sec. Chairs, table . pictures, b-dsteads _* ESSRS BOWMAN and SON will SELL assortJM B X^Vi- TI , ON J ♦ withi * 1 their Gr «* ' Rooms, -00-206 Hertfordstreet, on ™ Also THURSDAY NEXT, Balance stock unsold in the shop. Instructed by a gentleman giving up house* — keeping, the whole of hid The Premises. Double-Fronted Shop with FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, 6-Roomed House and good stabling, To Let at Comprising every article required In a bouse, ccc, rent low. List aad further particulars in to-morrow's 4549 H._B._SORENSEN,jAuctioneer._ p.pers. ■. — : : :—' BOWMAN and SON. GEORGE KING & CO., LTD. 4552 Auctioneers, fee. . . ;— Jl O R SAL El ADDINGTON YARDS. LYTTELTO***. Hawahurst road-6-roomed TO-MORROW, WEDNKSDAY. OCTOBER 3. house, pantry, &c, and 4-roomed bouse, scul- —_. lery.'&c, nearly J-acre. qdttptat. vntrv X CHMOND-House 5 rooms, bathroom, SFJ-OIAL -CNXKY. outhouses. &c, J-acrc garden. Sell or let. a r_ HEAD OF STORE CATTLE AND RICHMOND—Large shop, dwellii g-house. _\_\) -*AIR_ STOCK. _SS fl .„_ ?"™^?^ UMni,? ' chance. 4558 J. W. WRIGHT, Auctioneer. FERRY HOAD, near Lancaster Park- ■ " "~ Choice bnilding seotions from £80. Small -, — nnMAu deposit and terms. D - AMUMAJ.. LOWER HIGH STREET, CIT*. - Good — building sections. Small deposit, balance to suit purchaser. Builders please note. PAPANUI—3J acres rioh land, good orchard -r\ 'Tl'IT.r.'M'AQ and gai den, well-built cottage, *heds and out- A). A xl\J ivl AO, buildinKS. Price, about the value of the land Mataon Cox and Oo.», °N_W BRIGHTON, Sea View road-Villa A"^ l^^^!^o^^! 0 *^ 0 " xtwldenee.6 rooms, scullery and outbuildings, • c r- ~ u Jr7. „i^ n i7 double frontage. Only-5275. thing in _~.., . -«-_._.- Mew Brighion. WOOL AND GKAIN BROSBR. FKRRIT ROAD, near town—Cottage 4 rooms, 4 CTTRTT'RTf.'I'J ■enllery. laundry, &c, good section; *150. AOX--D U JXA U_I• irERRY ROAD-i-acre double frontage, —— BiUßtsell, bargain. LOANS NEGOTIATED, Ottßl-TCHURCH CITY — Grocery, &c WEEKLY SALES of Live Stock Ttawald btisiness. R*>nt low. iucomintr easy. _ and Aalloorton aiternacebr, NORTH Bt£LT, just over—Two soctions, FORTNIGHTLY SALJH— ef Sheepskins. Fac, each over J-acre. A bargain, must be sold; Hides, _c, oa Fridays, easy terms SALES OF WOOL throughout the Season, CONFERENCE STREET. CHRIST- GKAIN BOUGHT ana SOLD on Commission. CHURCH—Residence 6 rooms and offices, CLE AKIN G SALES as ocr Arrangement, garden and extra section. Trustees are deter- — mined to sell. _ AGENT FOR DUNSANDEL —550 acres capital sheep Mauson and Co.. Cnriscch,uroh oountry. Sell <>r let. Booth, Macdonald and Co., Cndstohuron HALKET—IO3 aores. cottage, orchard and Ma-sey-Harris Reaper and Binder buildings. W bite's Sheep Dip WEST OXFORD—IB 3 acres well-improved London and Lancashire Insurance Oo farm. ■-. Wright, Stepnenson and Co., Ouoedio SOUTHBROOK-450 acres, house and im- Colonial Investment Co., Dunedin provement?. Graham's Foot Rot Composition BELFAST —70 acres grazing land. Very Planet _v_. Uanieo and Field Tools, easy terms. D. THOMAS. Auctioneer H ARK WOOD BOAD—SO acres, cottage and building-- Very easy terms. - ADDINGTON—Two villa residences one 6 **"— ~~ ""*"" rooms and offices, one 4 rooms and offices, -._-«■-. -—..--- ..--. *-.*-.t--. f-acre. FOR GOOD VALUE AND VARIED — SELECTION,W. R. HARDING, visit (Associated with BOWMAN and SON) JAMES LOGIE S 200-206 HEREFORD STREET, BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, -• CHRISTCHURCH. 982 233 Casnel street. C A £ V -iSlS*i^__^^ : thrt times. SE 18Q4. H Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes made to —- Repairs promptly and ac -tly executed. TO OUR FRIENDS AND CLIENTS. A Visl-i-licited. 4376 IN anticipation of HEAVY CATALOGUES °' m A A r NEW SERIES OF NEW ZEALAND WOOL VIEWS. -■■ during the coming s?as-n, we have made NEW SERIES of PHOTOGRAPHS SPECIAL and OAUFFOL ARRANGE- M *«H" : W ZEALAND SCENKRY, primed !___NT_for the HAADLING of u\e ___¥. ON PATKNT FEkMANENT PAPEit, inuludo __ every part of interest in both islands—The Our STORES for tne DISPLAY of each founds, the (Hot and Cold). Coast and every lo are among the LaR -EST and S 04 ** Rof i?,* B* l **** Gorge. Moun- Cook and BE-1T LIGHTEU In Canterbury. They were, font-era Glaciers, all the' Towns, Maori Life. io tact, designed and built with that sole ***■£•. _ . —■ , object N ° present for sending Home is so approEvery lot, large and smsOl. receives our P 1 * I *!* °- r *»cceprable as a selection of these special personal -uparvislon, and is protected lovely views. 12* DOZii.N. up to its full market value. E. WHEELER AND SON, Owners' inatruotions as to reserves and N.Z. Scenery Depot. Cathedral square, lotting will be carefully carried one tt ellington Branch— * n - VV -?-„'!? t-"?* 5 m * ke OA SH AD- Barraud and Sons. Molesworth street. VANCK3 anain«r WO(»L up 10 amy B um at LOWES 1' RATES of INTEREST. . , Our FirPt Sal* will be on 23rd NOVEMBER. _n pALAIRKT, GENERAL AGENT and Our Second Sale .. .. Hth DECE_dBER. %^ % LIuKSSK- LAND BROKER -«.■.___ „ — "~ » - . Under the Land Transfer Act W-o-packs and all requisites on hand and —— forwarded immediately on receipts of order. Work done at Schedule Prfoas as provided _„„_ . —-" by the Act. Any Sums of Money to Lend at TODHUNTER and JENNINGS, Lowestßares of Interest. Sections tor Sale at Auctioneer-, Christchurch. 4449 New Brighton. _4nwoodland elsawner* ---------------- : — Offices: AVERS, BEAUCHAMP A: CO Corner of Armagh street and Oxford torraoe I «i--uti--u-r ez KAJ. Christchurch iclose to tne bridge!. I LINCOLN STOCK SALE. OLD IRON, J BRAKE (assocUted wi-h -MV~a-_ * M -_ WROUGHT and CAST IBXMiV LEAD. ZINC. . CollTAu ****• HI3MONTHLY SAM AT LINCOLN. X^^ki^^^in^Q^r^ THIS DAY, TV J. SNXLU E—sabeth street. Sydenham At 11a.m. PRE3ENT ENTJtUES consist of— _•*! /_ WORTH of Household Faralsore can Dairy. F-t and Store Cattle, Fat and Store *3-"*>J.U be obtained for Ftfty Shillings, and Sheep. Pigs, Horses, Implements. __&. so on in proportion, by t&e Cash or Hire System 20 Boxes First-class Soap. *~ **-*** Time-deferred Payment ot Walters and Oo- — Upholsterers. Cableet ~lakers, 43. 45. 47. YlcEntries may be made with the n_ toria street. Be\utiJul floods, best material to commencement of Sale. and workmanship. Low nriees maraed in j RK__r- plain figures. Terms, one-quarter of the value *m J ' BKA --Stl_-eer. 1 %£_*,& ttb_h»_f wUr ' i * tta *» a ' «
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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1,723Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 8
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