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* Business Notices. * JAMES CLEOG, ( Wholesale and Retail "pEBAMBULATOP. MANUFACTURER i _g3j*C_Di Corner or HIGH AND TUAM STREETS, (Opposite A. J. White's).. PERAMBULATORS, with Rcverslbl Hood aud Rubber-tj red Wheels for £2 Os Od. „ |_> H O T O G It A P li X R S Telephone 715. STUDIO, 218 High street Opposite D.I.C. Rowland's Macassar Is the best preserver and beautifler of the hair of cbl dren and adults; prevents it failing oIF or turnliiE* grey, eradicates scurf, and is the beat brtlliantine, and as a little goes a very long way it really is most economical for general use; is also -sold In ~ a golden colour for fair-haired ladies and ' children; it contains no lead or mineral ingredients, and as it has a most delightful 1 perfume, It is the most luxurious dressing . for the balr. Bottles, 3a Od, 7s, 10s 6d. ROWLANDS' KALYDOR A soothing, healing and emollient milk tor 1 the face and hands, and is moat cooling and refreshing to tbeskiu in hot climates; it removes freckles, tan, sunburn, rough* ness. and redness of the skin, pimples, cutaneous eruptions, &c, soothes and heals prickly heat, stings of insects, eczema, burns, and all cutaneous irritation more effectually than any other preparation, and produces a soft, fair skin, and a lovely delicate complexion; it Is warranted harmless, and f»ee from any lead or poisonous ingredients. Bottles, 2s Od and la Od. ROWLANDS' ODONTO Is a pure, fragrant, non-gritty tooth powder, and warranted free from acids or othe.* Ingredleuts which destroy the enamel; it whitens the teeth, prevents and arrests decay, strengthens the gums, and gives a pleasing fragrance to the breath. Sold by Druggists and, Chemists. IMPORTANT CAUTION.—Be sure to ask for Rowlands' Macassar Oil, Kalydpr and Odonto, of 20, Hatton Garden, London, and See that each article bears their Signature in red ink; all others are worthless and poisonous imitations; 100 years prove that Rowlands' are the best and only genuine. 2*15 •————y Conveyances. HOT SPRINGS, HANMi_K FJLAINS* BARRETT'S ROAL*MAIL COACHES. THE only Coaches carrying Malls North of Culverden, leave Culverden for Fry's Hotel, via Labmerfc's Jack's Past Daily from November Ist to April SOW, returning from Hanmer Plains Daily daring summer months and every Tuesday and Saturday, returning Mondays and Thursdays from May Ist to October Slst during winter months. Through Return Tickets are issued, at Christchurch Railway Station dally. Tickets available for two calendar months from date of issue, first class 30s coach and Railway. CULVERDEN TO ROTHERHAM, WAIAU AND KAIKOURA. ' Coach leaves Culverden for Rotherbara> and Waiau Daily, returning from Waiau Daily. Monday's coach to Waiau connect* with coach ' for Kaikoura, leaving Tuesdays, staying Wednesday In Kaikoura, returning Thursday; Blenheim coach, leaves Kaikoura Thursday. Fakes— Culverden to Kaikoura — Single, 35s - return. —2. Culverden to Blenheim *— Single, ; return, is. , •=• Culverden to Hanmer Plains —• Single, 78 6d j return, 14s. ' Culverden to Walau—Single, ; retorp., .. HAWKSWOOD. Waggonette leaves Waiau for Mendlp, ; Parnassus and Uawkswood every Friday,. returning Saturdays. Urgent telegrams and letters promptly; delivered. Parcels attended to. Bp_clal Coaches, Double and Single . Buggies, > Waggonettes. Saddle Horses on Jaime-' diateHire. Orders through post or wlra, receive prompt attention. N.B.—All information given, > Cook and _ Sons, Tourist Agents, Cathedral square, Christchurch. THOMAS DERRETT. . Proprietor., GOVERNOR'S BAY COACH. ON and after October Ist the Governor** , Hay Coach will ran Daily, leaving Lr-tteliou Railway Station at 9.30 a.m. ana,-' 4.30 p m.; leaving Ocean View Hotel,' Governor's Bay. at 8.15 a.m. and 3.15vp.m., ' weather and other circumstances -permit-' I ting. Coach will run any day privately, by I applying to * , W. H r TEAEE, . . Lyttelton, or Governor's Bay. COBB AND CO. ■ AKAROA UNEOF COACHES. MEETS the Train at Little River on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. ■ Meets the steamer at Pigeon Bay on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. S. LEE, Proprietor, Duvauchelle's Bsy* Information can be obtained from COOK and SONS, Tourists' Agency, Cathedral, square. - METHVEN AND ASHBURTON COACH. A COACH RUNSbetween METHVBN ; and ASHBURTONon TUBSUAYS and SATURDAYS. Leaves Methven 8 1 a.m.,arrives Ashburton 10.45 a.m. Leaves' Ashburton 4.0 p.m., arrives Methven 6.45 p._n. Parcels and Orders left at Somerselp Stables, Ashburton, and Methven Livery > Stables. 30 NEIL DUFF, Proprietor, _ LAKE COLERIDGE and GLENTUNNJSL ROYAL MAIL COACH. A MAIL COACH leaves Glentunnel for . Lake Coleridge, via Wind whistle House and Suowden, every FRIDAY MORNING on arrival of Train trom Cbrintcnurcb,returning in tlmefor livening Train SATURDAY. Special attention given .to passengers, and parcels forwarded for delivery by c-jach, . . A. H. BURKITT, Proprietor. • MOUNT SOMERS AND METHVEN ROYAL MAIL COACH. A COACH: BUNS" each TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, Hiarung -at Noon from Hood's Hotel, Mount Some r», for Sprtngburn and Afford Forest, i ht-re connecting \\iM» Dv If** Coach < Loui -ic-' livci., rftii. i ing s«iim ev**i,irnf, , ■ . .^— ' Srilnj-htMu . ; ..'turn, 3*. . X *" a;"....! _-...„ t a • ...... . .i.
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 7
Word Count
789Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 7
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.