AUCKLAND, October 1,
The Trades and Labour Council are cooperating with the Knightß of Labour with a view of getting up a monster petition to the Government re the Shop Hours Bill. At a meeting of. the Council the action of the Government was discussed in shelving so many Bills, particularly those affectiug the interests of Übour, such as the Eight Hours Bill, the Municipal Amendment Bill, Coroners Bill and .the Juries Bill. After considerable discussion, the Secretary was instructed to forward to the Minister of Labour a resolution to the effect—••" That this Council sincerely regrets, the action of the Government in shelving so many Bills this session, especially those affecting the interests of labour."
Herman Kehu and Alfred Beehre were committed for tiial by the Kaino Bench on a charge of breaking into and entering Whitelaw's store. The heariug of six other charges was ad j Turned. HAWERA, October 1.
Mr G. Finn, agent here for the Loan and Mercantile Agency, has been appointed Secretary of the North Island Dairy Union. WELLINGTON, October 1.
The musical festival, for which rehearsals have been going on for many weeks past, promises to be very successful. Dvorak's " Spectre's Bride " to-morrow is the main attraction. The whole of the seats have already been taken for the first two nights, and most of them for the remainder of the week. Several singers have been brought over from Australia to assist the local talent. The Governor will open the festival with a short address.
DUNEDIN, October 1
The University Council to-day decided to appoint Mr P. Fitzgerald as temporary lecturer on mining and metallurgy in the School of Mines.
George McComb has been committed fur trial cv two charges of forgery.
To thk End of the Chapter.—lt will be acknowledged by all that C. H. Manning's photographic work is not to be surpassed auy where, for excellence and durability- Studio, 150 Colombo street. — [ADVT.] Bicycle Repairs, Ac — Send your machiue for overhauling and geueral repairs to Saville's Cycle Works, 93 Colombo street, Satisfaction guaranteed or, no charge.— Advt.]
The Reign of "Stabs."—Oar £19 jigger fitted with '94 Dunlop tyres, is a high grade whee", well finished, and up to date. Adams, Ocbties and Co., 70 Manchester street, Christohuroh.—[Advt.J
Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 5
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