Press AswdaUon—By Toloarranh- Oopvrischt. CONTROL OF THE RAILWAYS. Sydney, October 1. The Herald, commenting on tbe debate ia the New Zealand Parliament on railway management objeots, to New South Walebeing oited to show the defects of a non-political system. "Whatever may be the facts elsewhere, or whatever may be the calculations of interested politicians anxious to make out a case for political management, the fact stands, in this colony at least, that! the transference of tbe railways from political to non-political control has been an unqualified success. Iv the opinion of nine-tenths of the people this colony is a standing monument to the success of the system." EIGHT HOURS DAY. To-day is being observed as a general holiday in commemoration of -ihe eight hours system, but the weather is showery and threatening; Later. The weather cleared up for the holiday and there was an immense procession in celebration of the eight hours system. SHIPMENT OF SPECIE. The Alameda takes £100,000 in specie. INTERCOLONIAL FREE TRADE. Melbourne, October 1. . The Premier, speaking at the railway men's banquet, said the Commissioner of Customs waa determined if possible to bring about intercolonial freetrade before many months had passed. CLEARING HOUSE RETURNS.
The Cleartug Hou&e returns from the beginning of the year to date show a decrease of nearly twelve millions compared with the similar period last year.
Perth, October 1
, Another rich find of reefing property has been discovered twenty-five miles from the Ninety Mile, A splendid supply of water has been struck near the Londonderry mine. It requires condensing, but is now being supplied as 3d per gallon.
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 5
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Press, Volume LI, Issue 8913, 2 October 1894, Page 5
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