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Tea Qotbbnos'b Visit.—His Excel* leocy the Governor hat signified to the Mayor bis aooept&noe of the invitation to M .rfri l remfe n sth. Pxssoicai,.—Dr. Meaxes, brother of Mr "W. D. Mearea of this city, who was recently on »visit here for his health, has been appointed House Physician of Guy's Hospital, This appointment is the blue xfcbott oft the. medical profession. ' '-^TeaiTßicAi..—A private letter received by the San. Francisco mail yesterday from Mr Charles Arnold (Hans the Boatman) states that little May Hannon and himself Bade a very successful appearance in Chicago in the piece, which was received 5H&i great enthusiasm. LisooLS Domain Boabd.—Mesare J. G. Murray, W. Birdling, H. D. Buchanan, E. B. Bradley, and W. Coop are appointed members of the Lincoln Domain Board. This domain includes £00 acres in the Halswell surrey district. i - Paiacs Binx.—There was* good attendance of skaters, last night, at the Palace £iak*wne& the extended season waa inaugurated. Hiss Sylvester gave a performance on the occasion, DiocaaiLN Chosax. Association.—The choirs taking part in the festival of the . -abov*, which takes place on November 2]a% •%21 meet fat rehearsal at St: John's schoolroom to-morrow evening at 7.50. ~Pok> Olcb.—A meeting of the Palo Club was held yesterday afternoon at the o&ee of Mr A. E. G. Shodes. The following new members were elected, viz. :— Messrs G. E. Rhodes, A. L. Harper, J&Wdley and Weston.. It was to open the season on Saturday week. The meeting then adjourned till Monday next, at noon, for the election of officers. , Sibusxic Bum CiTrß. ; —The usual weekly practioe of the Sydenham Bifle Club took place 'off Saturday afternoon. . to *° """J counter attractions C m!*% T*'J&* attendance. The following were fiie principal scores :— Mr P. S. Parker fid, Mr% Skelton 60, Mr 0. JfcJ. B. 53, Mr O. Hanson 43. .Sodth, lUxau. LiBBART. — The quarmeeting of the South Eakaia Public ** brM on Monday. Present-^ Mears Hardy (Chairman), Oxley, Turner, «<», Cox, and Liddy. It was resolved »w s. eonoert and ball for the benefit of «**»*• <& toe library be held an the °^™ a »« j of December; Mesers Hardy, Turner to be a sub-Committee Jβ**™ 4»te. It was alao resolved that the tor enforce the «* keeping books owrpsal tbe time allowed in the by-laws. Saxmxxs AoKicrn;TTOA.i. ahd PasfSmt. •^ SBOC£ ±*iOH.— Is our advertising «M«»as will be found an attractive list of ■Peealjiriws, giren by supporters of the aertoern Agricultural and Pastoral AssoJ««ion. Jt will be noted tiiat the entries «* these prizes, with the exception of «afflpion priaesfwill be based upon the wee at the same rate as in the competition ; jßSMsßociation prtaes. T&H ExmwTioH.—Mr P. Fleteher, who » now on his way to Dunedin to take «*rge rf the Victorian Court in the New Zealand Exhibition, wfilb* remembered *7those who visited the Exhibition of •TMBS lnHagleyPark as havmg- charge of the art gallery there. Mr Fletcher during nia stay in Christchurch made many friends by his courtesy and genial qualities. At the meeting of tEe Ashburton Borough on Moaday eveningr, the sum of wa* voted towards the fund for the representation of the Ashburton county st tbe Exhibition. MAxvsaiTWKfciTAN Hoxi Mission.— The Malvern Wesleyan Home Mission quarterly meeting was held on Friday at Bbrfßeld. There was m fair actendance of officers. Bey. Wm. Morley presided. An evening service in the Springfield church and a fortnightly one in the Glenroy schoolroom were decided upon. A decrease in the station debt of nearly £5 *n the quarter was considered satisfactory. The returns showed there art on the circuit sixty members, twelve catechumens, four Sunday schools, 154 scholars, and nineteen pfc»«£er*., request, pn behalf of di* DarfieM ccegregataon, to purchase *nd remove a church to a site in the townteip waa agreed to. Ike Bey. J. Bapley. oanng been" asked to minister in the eucuit another year, accepted the invitioon. The resolutions—that the sum to be asked for from Home Mission fund be Zealand have a separate Conference—were •greed to unanimous!*.

Sttp&exb Oottbt.—His Honor Mr Justice Denniston held a short sitting in Chambers and in Bankruptcy yesterday morning. To-day bis Honor will sit in Banco. Band Performance.—The Addington Brass Band trill render a select programme of music this evening, on Mr B. TTiH Fisher's lawn, at Addington, commencing at 8 o'clock. Pekfobmng Flus.—There was a good attendance of visitors yesterday at the exhibition of the performing fleas. The exhibition will be open to-day and this evening. Dkunkevness.—At the Police Court yesterday morning a first offender, a woman, was fined 5s for drunkenness. MrH. J. Hall, J.P., was on the Bench. ' Thb Avohsidb Cask.—lt is understood that his Honor Mr Justice Denniston will deliver judgment to-day, in banco, in the case of Baldwin v Pascoe, in which plaintiff eeeks to recover .£2OO damages for the refusal by defendant to administer the Communion to her. Thb Latb Mrs Warner.—The funeral took place yesterday afternoon of the late wife or Mr W. F. Warner, of the Commercial Hotel. The remains of the deceased lady, which were interred in the Biecarton Cemetery, were followed by a long cortege, comprising the friends and intimate acquaintances of Mr Warner and his late wife. Hotel Changes.—The Carlton Hotel has again changed hands, the new proErietor being Mr George Plummer, who eld possession some seven years ago. Mr Plummer is making a number of alterations in the house that will conduce to the comfort and convenience of his patrons. Masonic.—The ordinary meeting of the St. Augustine Lodge, No. 609, E.C., will be held on Friday evening next, being the anniversary of the Lodge. The W.M. will on this occasion deliver a lecture on the subject of " Some attacks on Free* masonry." Pictuhb Sale.—To-morrow afternoon Messrs J. Bowman and Son hold a sale of pictures which have recently been landed from England. They comprise thirty oil paintings, comprising landscapes, Ac., and are from the brush of such artiste as Lee, West, Mann, Owen Hall, Daulton, and Brittan. Very many of the subjects hate been happily chosen and are painted with accuracy and finish. St. Lues's Paribh.—The Dedication Festival in connection with St. Lake's will be held to-morrow erening. An organ recital will be given by Mr G. H. Normington,/ the Organist of the Church. The programme of music comprises selections from the works of Handel, Mozart, Smart, Batiste, Boyton, Smith, Ac. On Friday, St. Luke's Day, there will be semi-choral celebration at 7.80 a.m., and plain celebration at 11.46 a.m. Bangiora Fribndlt Societies' Fame.— In another column appear the handicaps for the Bangiora Friendly Societies' fete, to be held on Thursday next. It will be seen that there is a prospect of some capital foot and b'cycle races, for which the track is stated to be in good order. Sale or Pbittligbs.—Yesterday morning Mr W. Buss sold by auction at Rangiora the privileges of the North Canterbury Jockey Club's races as follows:— Publican's booth, £23, Mr B. Flynn; confectioner's stand, Mr Minchington, JM; yards, Mr Murfit, £2 12s 6d; sports, j6l 15s. For the Northern Agricultural Show : —Publican's booth, J827, Mr E. H. £ing; confectioner's, £18, Mr Minchington; yards, .£3 2s 6d, T. White. Cricket Match. —A return match between the members of Simonsen's Opera Company and a team selected from the Midland Cricket Club was played on Hagley Park, bat owing: to insufficient time resulted in a draw. The Opera Company made a total of 137. of which Walshe contributed 69, West 15, Harwell 12, and Scott 10 The Midland Club team scored 89 for the loss of two; wiclets, Forsyth 45 and Treweer 29 being the highest scorers. Thb Biokards Company.—This Company, which has been doing excellent business in Timaru, will open at the Theatre Boyal here to-morrow evening. Since Mr Eickards , last visit here he has re* organised his company by the engagement of entirely new talent in all branches of what i» known as variety hppmaam, «ad thia, coupled with the fact that the pricef have been fixed on a popular scale, will, np doubt, induce large attendances during the season now on the eve of commencing. Befle Match. — A Morris tube rifle match was fired on the Gladstone range on Saturday evening between teams from Messra Duncan and Co.'s and Messrs Crompton and Co.'s, which resulted in a win for the former by two point*. Following are the scores:—Crompton and Co.— West 33, Caldwell 22, S. Greig 29, Ellis 2t, Smith 29, Otegen 29, Phillips 29, Morrison 28, Batten 30, Tribilcock 29; total, 285. Duncan and Co. —Fraser26, J. E. Duncan 80, Calder 26, Costley 31, Cooper 80, Maxwell 34, Barrett 23, Sturrook 29, Duncan 81. Bobbins 27; total, 287. Trotting Stallion.—By the Manapouri yesterday Messrs James Wilkin and Co. imported from Hawke's Bay the trotting stallion Newland's Hambletonian, a horse which has achieved considerable reputation in the North. Hβ" is by Whipple's Speculation—Martha Washington, and combines some. of the most celebrated trotting blood in the States. His owner holds a certificate, sworn before a Notary -i Public in America, that the horse has trotted for a distance at 2.80 gait and for a quarter of a mile at 2.28. He has won several prizes in Hawke's Bay. Wbslbtan Home Mission Services.— Special services in connection with the Wesleyan Home Mission Fund were conducted last Sunday in the Durham street Church, in the morning by the Eev. C. H. Laws of Wellington, and in the evening by the Eev. L. M. Isitt of Sydenham, At the East belt Wealeyan Church similar services were held by the Beys. Isitt and Williams in the morning and erening respectively. The congregations at each church were very large, and the services successful in every way. Public meetings in connection with these services will be held at Durham street Church this evening, and at the East belt to-morrow i evening. Addresses will be delivered at the former by Beys. Isitt, Laws, and the ' circuit ministers. Anthems will be given by the choir. Lkpe&ial Federation. —A meeting of the Committee of the Canterbury (New Zealand) Branch of the Imperial Federation League was held on Monday night, the President (Mr C. C. Bowen) occupying the chair. The Hon. Secretary submitted to the Committee a paper on the question of Imperial Federation, and it was decided that the same should be read at a general meeting of members and others in sympathy with the movement, on Monday, 28th October. It was also agreed that the Committee should meet quarterly, viz., on the first Monday in January, April, July and October, when papers bearing on the objects of the League should be read and discussed. The first *n"n«\l meeting of the branch for the election of officers, <fee, will be held on the first Monday in February, 1890, when the President will read a paper on " The Deficiencies of the Postal System throughout the British Empire, and its bearing on the Federation question/ After transacting some routine business the meeting adjourned. Drowning or a Little Girl.—A girl, seven and a half years of age, daughter of Mr H. Parrett, of Tai Tapu, and late of Selwyn street, Addington, was drowned in the river Hals well on Monday. It appears that the child went about noon to the river, which runs close past the house, to fill a basin with water and fell in. The accident was seen by another little girl, who gave the alarm to Mr and Mrs Parrett. They ran to the spot, and the child was then about 6ft or 6ft from the bank and sinking. The water was about 6ft or 7ft deep at this spot, and Mr Parrett not being a swimmer did not venture in. An effort wae made to reach the child with aladder that was lying handy, but without avail The child sank, and a boat which was standing oa the bank was then put into the water, and the body was recovered with a rake. Every effort was made to 1 bring the child to, but without success and Dr. Cboke tras sent for. He was, however* too late to do anything. An inquest was held yesterday before Mr B, Beetham, Coroner, and a jury of whom Mr Isaac Champion was foreman, touching the death, of the above. A verdict of "AccidentaUy drowned" was ntnnud.

- - Catkkdbai> Soaooi. Sports.—lα another column will be found a report of the Cathedral School sports, which were held on the North Park yesterday. Gbbaldink Eacecoxtesb.—Messrs A. White and B. B. Macdonald are appointed Trustee* of the Geraldine racecourse, in in place of Messrs D. McKenzie and D. Deaoon. Ai.LEaK> Labckny.—Detective B. Neill yesterday arrested two men named Charles I WiMneon and Arthur Boose on various charges of petty larceny. Caxjbdonian Sockty.—A meeting of ladies interested in the forthcoming ball of the Caledonian Society was held yesterday afternoon at the offices of the Society. All the arrangements are now pretty well complete, and the ball promises to be one of the most successful yet held here. —A lecture, entitled " Thirty Thousand Miles by Land and Sea," was delivered by the Bey. Wβ. Morley in the Wesleyan Church, Sheffield, on Friday evening. The night was very rough, and this acconnte for the small attendance on the occasion. Bey. J. Bapley occupied the chair. The audience fully appreciated the lecture, and at its close Mr Morley was cordially thanked. Disrußßnra Worship.—On Sunday last the Presbyterian congregation at Bangiora was disturbed by Home person or persons throwing stones on to the building during the service. One of the missiles broke a window, and a piece of the broken glass wounded a member of the congregation in the neck. The matter is being made the subject of enquiry, with a view to the discovery of the offender. Bahatohou.NativiSinohbs.—The Auckland correspondent of the Otago Daily Times says that it was expected that the party of Baratonga Native singers and dancers who are coming to New Zealand in January next would have taken part in the festivities at the Dunedin Exhibition as well as the Auckland Jubilee. Mr A. 8. Glover has been in communication with the Commissioners with this object in view, but their reply settles that point in the negative. Mr Glover has accordingly decided to arrange for the appearance of the Baratongans in connection with the Auckland Jubilee festivities. Building and Land Society.—A special general meeting of the No. 3 Building and Land Society of Canterbury was held last night. There was a good attendance of members. Mr M. Sandstein, Chairman of Directors, presided. On the.motion of Air H. Thomson, seconded by Mr J. Wafforn, it was unanimously decided to change the name of the Society to the '"Christchurch. Building and Land Society Permanent." The meeting then rescinded the old rules and adopted in their stead the new ones, revised and submitted by the Committee appointed for the purpose. The new rules provide for an extension of the powers of the Society; they are more explicit than those abandoned, and they reduce the capital shares from JBSO to £10. Aoknowijbdgmjsnt.—The Lady Superintendent, St. Mary's Home, acknowledges with thanks, croquet set and old books from Mrs Harley, parcel of clothes made by a girls' working party, tennis net and balls from Mrs Packe. , Spring, beautiful spring—While you have new life, new vigor, and new apparel, be photographed by C. H. Manning, Pretty baby photos made a study of. 160 Colombo street.—{Adtt.] Extbaobdinary Double Mubdeb and Sthchmb.—A strange and unaccountable tragedy was perpetrated at Stratford-on-' Avon, on August 19th. Herr Lachmann yon Gamsenfela, editor of the Londoner Journal, published in St. Mary Axe, had engaged apartments in the town with a person who was supposed to be his wife, and a little girl. He is atmosed to have shot them both as they lav in bed asleep, and then committed suicide in a similar manner. The woman murdered by Lachmann has been identified as one Madame Lenormand. It has transpired that the murderer maintained two establishments in London; his wife and son, lived at Forest Gate, and were occasionally visited byLaohmann; Lenormandandher daughter, with whom he spent most of his time, were kept in lodgings near Victoria Park. Mb Gladstone on Editorial FiracTJON3. —Mr Gladstone has written to the 'Hon. Lloyd Bryce a brief account of hia recollections of the late Mr Thorndike Bice, editor of the North American Review. The right hon. gentleman writes =•—" The character of editor as such is comparatively modern. It meets a manifest want of modern society, and the duty of the editor is to select and compound for a very large portion of modern communities a main part of their staple mental food. I at once perceived, or seemed to myself to perceive, that Mr Bice possessed in a very remarkable degree the gifts required for the effective discharge of the functions of an editor. In another point of view," continues the right hon. gentleman, " I view the career of Mr Bice with interest and respect. Mr Bice was, as I understand, a , man of independent fortune, and being such, he nevertheless gave himself to a laborious occupation. The growth of a class of idle rich men would/ in my opinion, be a great misfortune to America, as it must be to any other country, and I take it as .a sign of a mind aspiring to public virtue when the rich man frankly, and practically owns himself to be amenable to the common lot j of honorable duty and labor." '

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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7442, 16 October 1889, Page 5

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7442, 16 October 1889, Page 5

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7442, 16 October 1889, Page 5


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