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Reception of thk Admiral.—lt wjfl fo seen from the report in another column that the Admiral is to be entertained by the citizens at a ball at the Palace Binkca Tuesday evening. The Mayor telegraphy to Admiral Fairfax on Saturday, *ad ascertained that Tuesday waa the only fa on which he could attend, and the ga&el. ing has been accordingly fixed for thai evening. TJpon receiving the Admiral's acceptance, hia "Worship telegraphed esk, ing that H.M.S. Eapid, which waa uqdet sailing orders for Monday, might be attstfeg to stay until after the ball. Ui found that the wishes of the Coo*, mittee in this respect had bees anticipated, as immediately Admiral i&i&j accepted the invitation he to the Eapid that the latter might stay ung] after the festivities. An influential Cogj, mittee has been appointed, and the meat. bers are determined to leave no unturned on their part to make the sj&e. tainment as great a success as poeibla, The Rink will be divided off into ball-rooa, supper room, &c, and the deooratioas ety expected to be on a very complete aai attractive scale. The Scottish Eifles wjll furnish a gtiard of honour on the oecasfcej, The notice is necessarily very short, bniit is confidently hoped that the cStiidu will make a point of being present in largj numbers to do honor to the gueata a&j maintain the city's reputation for hospi« tality. A Pitiable Case. —The case of & family of the man Beasley, who j sentence in the R.M. Court, Christchtud^;'■ on Friday, is a moet pitiable one. Boae members of his family were present at the rourt, and it would be hard to and a Worse picture of extreme poverty than the t#o poor boys presented. Their clothiagwa of the scantiest and ragged, and th*y were barefooted. The case appears to h most deserving-irf charitable aaaiaiaaca There is a family of five childrenae and the mother is too ill to work, i few shillings were collected at the Cfftai for the poor -woman, but apart from t&e she has no means of living whatever.-JAe man Beasley stated in his evidence thafcta was a teetotaler. Merivach Fbtb.—The fete new at Mr John Sttidholme'a grounde last week ft aid of the funds of the Merivala Church was brought to a close on Saturday. Ise amusements were in full swing all <% and a considerable number of people paid for admission to the grounds. The Shakespearian play, "A - Midsnmma , Night's Dream," was repeated ''M the evening, andjthe performers wew loudly applauded at the close. The affair had been altogether a great success, and tta promoters are to be congratulated oa tk results of their efforts. ; Masonic—As some misconception ajK pears to prevail as to the movement fosa New Zealand Constitution, mainly orapri by a paragraph in a contemporary, it state be stated that the jrequimtion for tlie meSfe ing in Dunedin to consider the matter H signed by over one hundred Past Magtea of all constitutions. Sβ far as Christchurch is concerned, the matter is mm hands of an energetic Paeb Master eae Grand Lodge officer, and s meeting will la held shortly.. So far from there bring so chance of success there is, on the contrary, the greatest possible reason for believing that but a short time will elappe below the New Zealand Constitution will be aa accomplished fact. •.■«'- Scab at Kaikotjra.—■On Saturday w Reginald Foster, Inspector for taeSuMs District of the South Island, received .»■ formation that scab had been disoorerea by a party of men employed by the So* vernment in mustering pn the run in a small mofc of 800 sheep. TW Inspector proceeded at once overland te the Kaikoura, to take whatever ebepftiat? be necessary to obtain thoron «h uoUW and eradicate the disease. It is beltevea the scab was brought into the fl oo *.** question from certain wild_ sheep ■ woiffl men are employed at varione flpJej," shooting. A Press Association telegraa received <rom Eaikonra on Saturday e»J« —" The outbreak of scab is of lees grann than at first reported, and is coaflaed to an isolated portion of the block., Foff fif the of the sheep have been yarded fi» about a fortnight without any eign « infection manifesting itself. It ia conjectured that wethers have become H* fectedfrom a stray wild sheep from W mountain tops on the adjoining Crown hind. There is no danger of the disew* spreading." • * GeRAUMNB LITEBABT INSTnTIT%-* meeting of the Committee of this Ineorate was held in the Library, 6n Wednesday evening last, for the perpose of receiviM the report of the Committee re the reap* of the canvass made with a view to *&#** the probable support receivable in wo event of .a reduction in the annual m> scription being made.. There were Messrs A.. E. Hawkins (in th* chair), ft W. Moore, P. Wilson Smith, and m TreasureV. The report of the Committee was considered highly satisfactory, and, ia view of the encouragement Riven, a reeowtion to reduce the annual BUDScnpnca from £1 to 10s per year was unanimously, such resolution,to,D©cra»* firmed at the next Committee meeting. The Eev. J. Hill having been communicated with, and having expressed o» willingness to give a lecture on " Spintofli' ism "in March next in aid of the Inefctole funds, it was decided to request him w do so

Psacticai. Chbistiaottt.—Tbeacnß^ bent of St. E»UkJSf?S (writes a correspondent) is a chttstiaaw j the practical order. Por the past wee* M j might have been seen busilyengage "j assisting to erect ft cottage for one ornui parishioners, a widov in deetitote memitances. The "cloth " was doffed for tae occasion, and chisel, saw, and plane vera wielded in very practical fashion. A» ■' fencer also he displayed ao meoMlderafi« ability. The cost of the material forjaw dwelling is to be defrayed *T*°£?£L menta as the -widow can afford frflto xm» to time, and the cost of such labor ac »" reverend gentleman had to employ wu »» raised by enbecription. Strange to m, with such an example before them, neiga bora and friends hare not < freely, and amount, somewhere »«»S* ■/ has not been yet subscribed. * evening a eodal gathering in of the object waa held at Winchester- JJ waa fairly weU attended, and p»«J enjoyable. Its -financial result, tm>ng" Sw« acceptable. About thrjepg peThea4 of an average eo»g««aw» Wuld make up the, balance »»»««3 but there seems » decided in addition to hie labor, the »vwe»d gentleman will hive to find cash. TM*» diaSStenmg, and by no nwan. cred* able.

Jones gives a lecture LOOM, UK -A eaSnoned meeting of i? T'L'JVifl be held tins evening, to

iicsssisaComaTTe.— Messrs B. M P. C. Threlkeld, B. r T Pashby, hare been nomi£S'"d cited members of the Efrreton Committee for tne current year. I *gSSsiK G BiNCH.-The follow. i.rWtlemen were nominated and deSJfduiy elected to the Temuka Licena£l«,d£ —Messrs Talbot, Myer, Blyth, SLit and A. W. Enecr. Iss Scjctxb Baths.—This property -s gnbmirted for sale by auction on ZLrdzr afternoon, bnt despite the eloglo i»* paaegyrjce of Mr J. T. §££», the biddings failed to reach arneV reserve. . -erg §_ QxLAinx). —As tJis man-of-war -fflerrire to-day the owners of the variour in DOrt are not to be behind in Sbrdin? the" necessary transit for eighties toher, and the s.s. Jane Douglas and JjfcXanterbary will run. tripe to-morrow, eßUß encmg at 1 p-m. jjVßasiA* SociXTT.—lt was decided at .meetinjj of the ELA.C.B. Society last leek to celebrate the formal opening of ncr hall by a social entertainment, JTw. held on Monday evening (St. fLtrki's Day), March 15th. It was also igriied to hold a concert on Easter Monajjtoiid of the Building Fund. Xjsxsast Socistt. — Ihe members of the fcatarbnry Catholic Literary Society held jWr usual meeting last Friday evening. OviSLg, however, to the sTnallTHfw of the jttendance no formal business was tran—eted, and the meeting adjourned till the 19th instant. A very inmertiag programme has been arranged, a paper on " The Inquisition;" and it fe to be hoped that the members and their (feeds will attend in large numbers. TJjnvzßsrrT Scholarships.—-So far as g»e cable messages received go it is under•jGod thai four out of the six scholarships awarded to the New Zealand University tare come to Canterbury College. The intimation is not made until the teeeipt of r"" 1 advices, as cablegrams are gkelyto be erroneous. So far, however, fhe laocess of the College is matter for

eeagratsl&tion. 7 J&ssow Escapi.—As one of the Ferry jetdtzams was passing the "White Hart Hotel (B Saturday morning the wheel of the last «r caught the wheel of a passing dray, ifairh had driven too close, and overturned Jfc, The driver fell, and one of the wheels BMsed over his foot. To the astonishment (f the onlookers the man rose and shook SStleg apparently uninjured The reason rfti speedily explained when it was stated BjTtlStA driver bad a wooden leg. » • Eavals , Ctrrrxß Sack.—A competition fcs*wn two crews of the Naval Artillery qptw of in the harbor on Saturday night. A great deal of interest was evinced in the CTtata, which were as follows :—The crew viich rowed against the crew of H.M.S. iftapid in the beginning of this month were ifedleaged by a second crew in the corps, jfce race to be pulled in the same boat tgainst tune, which resulted in a win for fee second crew by 21seca. Old crew— "P.O. Toomey, 15min 47sec; new crew—• f!o. McWilliams, 15min 26sec The is&zse was from the Bapid to the reef buoy edback.

CtAMTLLL*. —Mr A. Purves gave his Scotch entertainment, "Twa Beers at Heme," at Clarkville, on Friday tuenmg. Owing to the harvest operations being in fall swing the audience was not T*ry nameroos, though larger than was rtprfr* Among other Scotch songs Mr Fame gave "The Eowan Tree," "When &c kye comes hame," and "A man's s> rats lor a , that." fiia humorous reoita tiona, "TfljbisLeerie on Scandal," "lite Moose and the Eat," and «• Scotch JVorda," seemed to especially please the audience. The entertainment closed with a vote of thanks for the use of the schoolroom, and the of "Anld Lang Syne."

Cranio.— The Linwood Bicycle Touring Shah's ran oa Batard*y afternoon was well attended. Tie captain (Mr A. Foster) asd rob-captains (F. N. Adams and W. Arey) were in command. The destination of tae wheelmen was the North- Park, where a cricket match among the members was pkyed. The thanks at the Clnb are ise to the Midland Cricket Club for the a* of their cricketing materials. A Clnb run to New Brighton is arranged for Wed? aesday evening, starting from the Clnb's room at 7.30, and returning there at 9.30 ftr a social evening.

' Swiss Sutskbs.—On Saturday afternoon tite Swiss Singers gave a matinee performance at the Oddfellows' TfoH. The ssao&gement kindly invited the Orphanage sad Buraham children, and they were present with their band. The programme

included some of the choicest items in the repertoire of the Singers, and the audience were greatly delighted. In the evening the Singers gave tneir final performance in Christchureh. There was a very good house, and the performance went capitally thiDQffhout. The company proceed to Dnnedin overland, playing at Ashbnrtoo Ktd Timaru en rout c.

' Te* Post.—At the present time Port Xftfee&on presents a very animated appear lace. Two large ocean mail steamers are lying at the wharves with the various sailing craft, ships, barques, &c, some foadlng for Australia and others for England, while in the. basin are anchored |*c of her Majesty's ships of war, one, the pmboat lizard, being a study in herself fat finish, neatness and strength. With fee advent of the Admiral's flag-ship today the harbor will have a naval and picturesque appeaiance and the chance ao» offered to the people of Canterbury to Mc these war ships should not be lost.

t Mbchakict' iKßTrrnre, TnnrxA.—At the last sitting of the Committee of the Temuka Mechanics' Institute, the President intimated thai, Mr James Winning iad presented the Institute with forty-two Momes of good, useful books. They fen most carefully selected, and formed % handsome addition to the present collection. On behalf of the Committee he tendered Mr Winning most hearty 3fr Lee also spoke in appreciative terms of Mr Winning's kindness, and regretted they were about to lose such a valuable eopperter. The President also stated that fiiey had received from Mr John Lawson a $Bedsome picture. This was only one of ©say gifts made by Mr Lawsoa to the iastttate. The thanks of the Committee were doe to Mr Lawson -for hie'gift and for ha general active gerncea on the exeentive.

WootsTON Osxsai Lodoc —An adSWuned meeting of the Loyal Perseverance" Lodge, 1.0.0.P., M.U., was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, Woolston, on the 13th «*• The preliminary matters having IMB disposed of, the adoption of the *BBEal balance-sheet was the principal of the evening, but owing to wwtbgts not having had time to peruse &* peipted statement of assets and liabilities, its adoption was adjourned until next iedfe night. A statement was received «*»» the Commigee appointed re juvenile tStos. The question of filling certain vafleciee was left fret till next Lodge eg*t» when suggestions will be discussed, *«nou« case of boycotting a member *ader panfol circumstances was discussed, *ad wflTbe reported on at next Lodge *jgat One new member having been duly ""Sated, the Lodge was dosed'by the S.GL, Bro.AUanT^

O**euun> took Kuxoxtbjl. —Mr In■peetor Pender returned on Saturday eveneg from Kaikoura, where he had been Paying an official visit. He went up by ®e«ner foam Lyttelton on Thursday ecenm&and started overland on the return jonraey on Friday morning. Hβ says he tap not enjoyed an outing, co far ac the foom Kaikoura to Cnlrerden was concerned, for a very long time. Aβ old a resideat of Canterb oxy as he is, he «ys he had no idea such a fine piece of country existed within the bounds of the istovmceas that through which the road to Caristehurch runs after leaving **pKW»a. lie road is in first-rate order, ■withe eeenery splendid all the way to Z 9un - 13wee *°o k«e the time to J"** and are in want of a fresh field in Wjjefc to spend a holiday could not do Oetter than to try this overland trip. Th« ***anx**tioo. at Kaikoxira, it may be gM»«eelleßi, there being torn good

Palace Enrx.—The Cap and Jacket Company, the bright particular star of which is Miss Amy Vanghan, will appear at the Palace Eink this evening. The programme of the Company is mainly composed of variety items, and there is, amongst others, a gentleman who whistles. No doubt the performance this evening will attract a large attendance of visitors.

Tbactiom Enqinis.—The Maadeville and Bangiora Eoad Board intimates that it will not be responsible for any damage that may happen to traction engines or their freight when passing through, the district, and the Board will also hold owners of these engines liable for damage done to any bridge or culvert caused by the engines.

Chattzi. Secvkiti£3 Act.—On Saturday at the Chriatchurch K.M. Court Mr Busseil impeached a bill of sale belonging to the Chrutchurch Finance Company, raising points which, if decided in bis favor, will prejudicially affect securities of that kind to a great degree. Mr Whitefoord reserved his judgment. It may be noticed that the Court sat until nine o'clock, in order to dispose of this case, so that it should not block Monday's work.

Zkalandia Boot Factory Picnic.—The employes of Messrs lightband, Allan and Co.'s Zealandia Boot Factory held their animal picnic on Saturday. The party, composed of the employes and their relations and friends, met at the factory, Hereford street, at 10 a.m., and by means of various conveyances proceeded to the rendezvous, Mr Candy's paddock at Halswell. The turn-out was a very large one, and the Stanmore band was in attendance and played enlivening selections en route.

EsMTOir Mixing Bettjrxs. — The Manager of the Globe and Keep-it-Dark Gold Mining Companies telegraphs Mr James Henderson, Hereford street, the returns for the past week as follows:— Globe, 2790z of amalgam from 190 tons; Keep-it-Dark, 3680z of amalgam from ISO tons. Shareholders will be gratified to note the largely increased yield from the mines.

Bubglabies.—"During Friday night the premises of Mesprs Johnston, Wood and Co., Manchester street, were broken into, but. so far as an examination has gone, nothing has been taken. Entrance was effected by wrenching a Chubb's padlock off the front door, the work having apparently been done with a small crowbar, as the lock would resist any ordinary pressure, and an instrument marked with brass was found in Tuam street. Though the burglars took nothing away there are marks that they attempted, but failed, to open the safe. Some time on Friday night the shop of Mr H. Tuck, grocer, Market square, was entered from a back window by some per son or persons, who removed a piece of sacking that had been nailed over a broken pane of glass. The door communicating with the front part of the shop was forced open and 6s in silver, coppers and tokens taken from the till. About £1 worth of coppers, done up in paper, were in a cigar box on a shelf above the till, but this plant was overlooked by the housebreaker. It is not known if anything else was taken from €he shop.

GißAiDnre Public Spobts.—Theannnal general meeting of those interested in the St. Patrick's Day sports meeting at Geral ding was held at the Qeraldine Hotel last Friday evening. There was a large attendance, and Mr E. H. Pearpoint was voted to the chair. The balance sheet for the last year was read, and was considered highly satisfactory, a cash balance of £6 Is 5d being now in hand. The election of officers and Committee resnlted as follows: —President, Mr E. H. Pearpoinc; VicePresident and Treasurer, Mr J. Cunningham ; Secretary, Mr A. Fisher; Committee, Messrs J. Mundell, E. Taylor, T. Marlrham, J. Turner, F. Wilson Smith, J. W. Pye, D. Macdonald, B. B. Macdonald, A. White and N. Dunlop. A subscription list was then handed round the room, and £11 16s promised. At a meeting of the new Committee held afterwards the stewards and various judges, were appointed, Mr T. •M>AttV ffft being appointed handicapper. The programme was then gone through, and prize moneys to the amount of £56 17a 6d were voted. ;

TBO-mwe Clttb, Tmcotta. — A well attended meeting was held at the Star Hotel, Temuka, to take preliminary steps for thi? establishment of a trotting dub. Mr H. Lee was voted to the chair, and in introducing the subject expressed his conviction that there would be no difficulty in carrying out trotting races in a creditable manner. Promises of support had been received from a large number of inflential persons, and he felt assured that success would attend their efforts. Mr Gaze said that he had obtained copies of the Canterbury Trotting Association Boles from Mr A. M. Ollivier, who had also promised to furnish, any assistance and information needfoL He felt that a Trotting Club would tend to encourage the breeding of a useful class of horse, and was free from, many of toe objections urged against petty race meetings. Mr Heap moved —"That a Trotting Club be formed in Temuka." Carried. It was arranged that the annual subscription be ten shillings. Twenty three persons present signified their intention of joining the Club. An influential Committee was then appointed to canvass the district for support and report at a meeting to be held in a week's time. Mr Gaze was asked to act as Secretary pro. iem. Totes of thanks were passed to the Chairman and to Mr Gaze for infor mation furnished. The meeting then terminated. AcKNOWtEDGMKXT.—The matron of St. Mary'a Home. Addicgton, acknowledges with th»-nVg a present of cake for the inmaoes, sent from Ballast through Rev. E. R. Otway. Last Jeevois ok Boys.—There was a large gathering of mothers connected with the Ladies' Christian Association and with St. Mark's Church, at the Girls' Friendly Society Lodge, Wellington, recently. They had been invited there by Lady Jervois for the purpose of describing to them the Mothers' Union—a Society established in England a few years ago, and which it is now sought to establish in Wellington, for the purpose of helping mothers in the right training of their children. Lady Jervois described the rules of the Society, and then gave many practical and useful hints on the training of children. Speaking of boys. Lady Jervoie remarked—"l am often puzzled by a remark commonly made as an excuse for bad conduct in boys—' Oh, boys will be boys.' But why should the word «boy' be a synonym for rough conduct and bad talk ? Boys will be very much what their parents make them. They have strong animal spirits, like noise and fun, and it is good for them to have plenty of both; but why should their fun be cruel and their talk sometimes such as no woman can. listen to ? If all parents were to check their children early in this habit it would in fima disappear. It seems to mc a matter of public opinion, and just as public opinion has largely put down intemperance, so that instead of being a joke as formerly, it is now a disgrace for a man to be drunk; so I hope that in a few years' time the bad W* and wild life which are now too often allowed in boys and young men, will then be thought a thing to be ashamed of Bad talk in the boy is too often followed by a bad life in the man, and all women, rich and poor, who value what is right and good, should set their faces against it."

Statistics of Mithodisic—The TTeefeya* Methodid Calendar for ISSft just published, eives the following as the amounts raised from all sources for the funds of lie Connexion for the year: —Foreign missions, J8131.867; home nj"*"*" 5 ' children's fund, ; auxiliary fund. J825.675; school j>21658; ministerial colleges, J871460; general chapel fond, JSS929; edWton fund, J66505, and extension fund, .£1582. Hfty-six ministers have died during the year. ▼**• Greefc *******. SS; ? Ireland, 10; and in foreign missions, 7In chapel building, 6 erectionTand liquidation of debts a total of J6400,417 ha* been expended during the JLrttwelve month, in Great Bntamatone. The church membership is as foUows *— srlatßritain, 605.156 and 1982 *»«»f«ls in Ireland, on foreign missions, and lxated conferences. 232,488 and 1470

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Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7237, 18 February 1889, Page 4

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NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7237, 18 February 1889, Page 4

NEWS OF THE DAY. Press, Volume XLVI, Issue 7237, 18 February 1889, Page 4


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