-, The Bouse resumed c* 719 jgJW^J " j , oOWrriß^'AOT r AWBBBBBa*S^m 5 4 . fc]o«aati*taAtns'va^^ ineeanre were contaderea,, fi^Smammhi jft]s£.a frog witboat, wW B * B^* aowd a naweWf** *jjw*
r fc en^amaSS%v4d lX****** 1 iSTwhwSLvwS by *M»S-i^J I to any penalty I saountl I bysuobrwrson to aay| .* ■ <seh work. A tf : . |
-h carried a * dJvmees as a new clause. . s. *lil^rßa«>vedasAfutthernewto - ntt itbe oounty? chairman be elected b] i threeyears." ? dividsd-Ayes, , l9Ti»ta *i*. Hmnoß moved, as a new clause—««Thai : Act amending: the same, b< - \ 7 SSte» divided-Ayes, 14, noe*. ", **»». ssmxai moved, as a farther ameudm t/ Juf£t» oonnty chairman be paid \ noes; iwaJBOA* AST) SBIDOBI OOBSTBnOTIOB I *" SILL. ! #lim 831 was also reported, the amendtasnto agreed to, and on the motion for tha ! MoSTQOKEBY again objected to the he said, was calculated to destroy * gTsslf reliance of tbe local hodies. . lb Bctchisob also objected, and moved * flttTedjouranisnt of ths debate, which was '\ asrrttd with content 1 BBOOBD BlADnma. ' Tbe following were read a, second time— «ew Zealand Colonial Inscribed Stock, Sheep Act ATjertdment, Railways Act Amendment BRL §B» Hoots rose at 12 35 until S o'clock the N«rtd,r. _
Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5307, 7 September 1882, Page 2
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