TVBBBAY, SBPTBHBBgfi; CBOWB ABB HATIVB LAHDS'iUTjSO. HOE..' - Mr Wbstob moved t»at~ progress'b»»!»; i portedat clause 4; whtohWm-»*t%W", 'voicet.'' v " ' ',-. The remaining clauses of the' Bin o s>aWYl passed without material' the Bill was reported as amended.- $&> esljr,, alteration., of ,importano9 made Hf Fyke's Amendment on elauaa 9, to reader; all Crown lands within five miles of attfsM or bridJ* track liable to rates, sniate*sesßtj| -Native lands beyond five miles from a oeaw ' toad or MgErway. ' ' , , ' The House rose at 2.40 a.®.'- ,x ' '' ~ r WSBImaDAY, 'Sketekses 6, ''- |
Thoßeossmetat3p.m.'] ■> - ' r £ AMBSBHMNTS A6BHKD *fcV. F The amendments made by the Lflgfalaa**. | Ooanoiiin Trustoety Executors and Afsssf' f Company Bill w*re agreed te. *. % *X., ;-' ;■* .*' ' QUBStrosa',. " - S'JL* , BepSyißg bo Mr J. G. Wllsok . ;*■&£■;-;-, * BoUbbxqb *al4 'j Incut would, WBen J I quantity lut .land opan under .the tiggz \ A tenure, eau,e the-'same- to be nclssarsT , England. ' " ' "•' ' ' (7> " Beplying to Mr J. 0- Brown, _~, I " The lion MrBOLLSBTOSBaidfef#S "- lmeat bad already takau a ] giving effect to the r<*comraettdß% ! fif GoMfields eoauu'ttee, on tha,p*tij^*M*' 3 ' J Ferns and other*. ■ ... ~,,- ~^-«| ' - Beplying to Mr J; 0. Brown, • t -£• ? 2 , ' The Hon. Mr Bollbstoh ssld ti» l®??§ fi of the Waipori eommonege ia fi would be equivalent to vesting a **&" |,| tract of> land; in a few parsons, as to*jf f J no local body at Waipori. ■ ', jy 3nplyin% to Mr Bratsk**, 'Lm'tJmM . The Hon. Mr Bollssto* '■»'sH&J 1 ebaimuen w«w paid 9s to 10s *; - 1 bad no reason to suppose that tfesy W& -" n consider it enough, v , j Beplying to Mr Conolly, ;;J. a ' J Tbe Hon. Major AtsjWSOH said- •"££,-! 11 was not, my what stent wwpp*J II takes in the petition of Brownies cades** 1 a re erection of a wharf at Haveiook..,,"' „ f| Replying to Mr Duncan, - ---i£j«r II The Hon. Mr Johbstob said ft J*3f* I station would be erected at Waitaxi So® B ' <m J I Beplying to Tomoana, , il The Hon. Mr Johbstob said eo©p*»g - g would be paid for land taken for mW"' I purposes at Ktkerarawa block. . 1 Replying to Mr Tomoana, '/jS-f-'.>' I The Hon. Mc Bbyob said as 1 steps bad been taken by tbe -«ean»seßß*j | the caveat would be removed fie*- i *S>-v 1 Omarakari block in Hawke'a Bay. " ".,'s*" 1 * 1 oovßßinffSHT subibbbs. „--: 1 A resolution was adopted, on tfi* »»*£ 1 of (the Hon. Major ATKraaOF, thai ©«*& | tnent bueiness take precedence on TfluSW, « - '■ TBB OOUBTY AST, •' _Jf I This Bill was further ooaridered ta W5 | mittee. Olauae 14 was passed * a "*T,y| amendment ■*",*" 1 : Toe House adjourned at 5 SO. __„,_/-- I
Press, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5307, 7 September 1882, Page 2
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