H. MATSON & CO. j THISJDAY. SATUBJ)AY, MAX 24.. ! ADDINGTON. ADDINGTON. _A.i>"i>'i2sr» toist. -mfESSES H. MATSON * CO. have re_t,l. eelved instructions from, the Proprietor to SBI«I. 33Y PUBIaIO AUCTION, at —HZm CANTEBBUBY WOOL STOBES, %A VEBrY VALUABLE i-ACBE SECIfft TIONS LAND, situate on Selwyn street, Addington. The sections are high and dry, and are firstdas** sites for hnDding purposes, and within a short distance from the city, also ia a very rising neighbourhood, which at the present, time is thickly populated. ~ All -who are looking for building sitos should not lose this favourable opportunity. Tresis —JBIO deposit, on each section, and balance in five years, at 8 per cent. SATUBDAY, MAT 24th.Sale at 1 o'clock. "-Plans and all particulars to 1» obtained at the offices of. - H. MATSON A CO., Auctioneers. 5-17 232» SATUBDAY, MAY 24Vth, 1879. ABSOLUTE SALE. ~ NO lESSEBVE. 1003 ACBES. 1003 ACBES , AMBERLET. MESSBS H. MATSON & CO., have received iastr-ctions from Mr T. A, Eankin (who is leturnicg to Christchurch in consequence of not_having disposed of hia city property), to SELL PUBLIC AITOTION, AT THB(.anterfcury Wool Stores, CASHEL STBEET, On the above date, ■ i • AIJJ THAT SPLENDID FABM
1003 ACBES, With a r-tming stream of water on each side, situate four and a bah* miles from Amberley railway station, and three miles from Groenays railway station, all ring fenced. XX ACBES laid down in English grasß. i| Kjf\ ACBES ploughed, and **emainder _yi/ good tusßOck land in natural state, part ~m nb-divided into six paddocks. The other improvements consist of a newlyerected NHsTE-ROOMED EOUSE,I Garden well stocked with choice fruit trees, aud about 1000 forest trees planted on the estate. The auctioneers cm xeeomrcmi thie as a most DESIRABLE PBOPERTY. It commands a fine view of .the sea, and has* a beautiful spring of water eTosa to the house. '' SATUBDAY, MAT 24th, 1879 ABSOLUTELY TO- BE SOLD. Baleatlo'clockFor fall rjarfaculara and terms apply to H. MATSON A CO., Auctioneers. 5-17 2323 BALE DAMAGED GOODS, EX PIAKO, IN LYTTELTON. TUESDAY, MAY 27th, 1879, . - 1 O'CLOCK. MESSBS H. MATSON A CO. have received instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC'AUCTION, At the New Zealand Shipping Company'a . Warehouses, Lyttelton, ON. TUESDAY. MAY 27th, 1879, At I o'clock. The Train leaves Christchurch at 12.10 p.m. About KAA CASKS OF CEMENT E CASES OF PIANOS Alt mere or less damaged. . And A large miscellaneous lot of damaged goods. Terms at Sale. TUESDAY, MAY 27th, 1879, 5-24 1 o'clock. 2683 SPLENDID FABM IN LOBUBN DISTBICT. GBAND OPPOBTUNITY FOR INVESTMENT OB OCCUPATION. ______ TIME TO BUyls WHEN PBICES ABE LOWSATUBDAY, 81st MAY, 1879, 12 o'clook. MESSBS H. MATSON A CO. have received instructions from the Freeholder to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At their Land Booms, Cashel street; Ghristeb—rch, OK SATUBDAY, 31st MAY, 1879, , 12 o'clock. All ih_t valuable piece of LAND, being rural section No. 8151, containing ; 11Q ACBES £OF FIBST-CLASS AGBICULTUBALB - ". „ . LAND, subdivided into convenient paddocks from 30 to 15 acres each, laid down with ;____? Enjdish grass, about 20 acres being -£- fallow, and ready for cropping. Tbe in whole excellently fenced with live fences, upon which is erected a substantial wellb_Qt HOUSE, CONTAINING SEVEN BOOMS large and convenient, with outbuildings, Btablea, piggery, Ac., Ac Also, A COTTAGE CONTAINING FIVE BOOMS, let to a good tenant. There is an abundant supply of water and Srewood on the property. The whole is beautifully laid out and planted 'with blue gums and a variety of choice plants. It is at tte junction of three roads, and leads to tbe White Bocka aad Lee's Valley, and is about seven miles from the Ashley Bailway Station. Tha English Church arid Wesleyan Chapel are close to tbe property, there are also most e-oaUeat schools. It ia in diss pit—iirdty to the town of Lobar—, '. Terih-liberal. i , "-SATFBDAY.Iist {MAY : 1879, J 12 o'clock. I
Page 4 Advertisements Column 2
Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4311, 24 May 1879, Page 4
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