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TATTERSAIiIi*^ SATUEDAT, HAY 2*. MSS-aRS S. MATSON * CO. wOIOFFEE by public auction, At TATTEBSALL'S, Ob SATUBDAY, MAT 2.TH, W&, __»__ HORSES, iccludi-g Heavy DraugUs, fylf Harness Horses, and Hacks. Abo, (te aeons-ib of a Gentleman mho has sa ' - " "" r_rih_r use for them, IFIKST- CLASH DOUBLE-SEATED BTJGGX, by Howiand, nearly •***«__ -| BEMAhKABLY GOO© 1-ABNESS *" VEBY SMABT PONY, either in saddle 1 BLACK GELDING, good in saddle or b____Bß. Sxle at 1! o'clock sharp. H. MATSON & CO., A™-*™*™^ TATTEKSAISTS. BATOBDAY, MAY 24th, 1879. MASSES H. MATSON & CO. have reesmxi instraetiaas from Mr Benjamin Ede, Ashburton, to ......_- SELL BY PUBLIC ATJCTION, AT TATTEBSAIiIi'S, OS SATUBDAY, MAT 2iTH, 1879, Tte following HEST-CLASS DEATJGHT HOBSES, Gear—-tend staunch and good worker■ :— Grey gelding, Dragon, broken to any harness Bst gelding, 6yrs, „ „ Grey gelding, sjtb, » j. Black gelding, lyre, ~ ■• Cfaessut filly, Syrs, „ » Cbesnut filly, 4yr», . „ » ' f Che--ut mare, syrs. broken to any harness, by Lord Glasgow, and in foal to Sir Julius W^_>rl Chas-nt -.are, Syrs, broken to any harness, in foal to Sir Julius Vogel ikey filly, iyrs, in foal to Heather Joes _!rey coli, 2yrs, u_broken ITay fiHy, 3yrs, uubrokes filly, 4j-b, unbroken ,"'.-, Ches&ut gelding, syrs, a maguincent upstanding hack Chesnut ijeld ng, 6yiß, brokea to saddle and harness - lions pony, 4yrs, broken to saddle and harness Urown coli, 4yrs, broken to «addle and harness Hay pony, broker, to saddle aad hazness llay draught mare, Polly, imported from TaSWA—ia — !a€r Ede's horses are so weE and favorably known th»t it is almost needlesa for nsto say anything fort-tar in praise of them. Stall, we i base inspected them, and can confidently teeoza--*—td i-i-jndine porchasei —: to attend this sale, as every lot win be sold. WITHOUT BESEBV3. " i Sale at 11 o'clock sharp. - IL MATSON A CO., Auctioneers.'' 5-20243 . H. MATSON ASD CO. ~* . 08832E OF I__U: • M ATS O N & C O.'S SALES BY AUCTION O? 331 TS~~T> A.*st. SATUBDAY. Has, He-ses,, Carriages, Ac, Tatiereall's, 11 o'clock Land Sale, 1 oclock __n, -tlawVets, Ac., Bo'clock. Also, PBOPEBTHS 808 SALE. ' 63. South Town Belt (Barry street), section land, together wife three-roomed house 67. South Town Belt, four-roomed house, ditto, ditto SB. T'usan street, town section 992 Xichfi-ld street, leasehold shops: aad _.""- boose ... ._-.- ---! * €Q. Caloiabo- road South, Angus street, four- , roomed T-shaped cottage and section 74, town sections -» - :■ - loigheach, Wheatstone, ftrsfc—asa hotel -'.:' 3f. LißCoto, 10. acres choice land 78. Ohoka East, 1700 acres 80. Tswfathip of "Crewe, sortsoa 58 80. DiTby township, Amberley . - - ,BSw-D—isandel, 673 acres BS. BioJ*j'i! track, SOO acrea ■ • - - - .'Bs. Southßakaia, 350 acres:. - - 87. Li_celn road, house and section of land ' 87. Eillmorten, house and section of land 88. Weedon, 6t acres ■ 89. Aacfcland (Pakiri>, 598 acres bush land -•-.-*s. Aaiberfcy, 103 ecra (improvealand) 91. Hajkett, 80-? acres *. ■ ■fOS. TaftTapa, 44 acre farra SB. Horodcn Junction, 100 __-_ [ _-_i Jl. with! . ucuw and workshop ' .%.. 88. Bedford Bow, section 62 98. Cashel street, sections 39 and 40 99. Papanui, Hackeit's land ? 3 acres "39. Papumi (Bey. Jamab* land),- one-acre. sections lIS. Lyttelton street, Christchurch, two fdur-roo—ied houaea 104. Yalihm-t, 50 acre farm, vary choice land -= 106. Cbalgato,Glendowefd.ate, 2600 acres 107. Cost, 955 acres 309. Adatto_ton,.a*a-ier-acrs sectioca 10. Deo-ofier Bay, 400 acres * |l 15. Templeton, ISO acres (; 25. Wlndmilll road. sec Sons buildin„ sites ' 26. Ne—Brighton, quarter-Tid half-a<_« sec-: tions - - * ; ; SB. Ashley, 937 acres land 51. Fend—lito—xi, 4 acres land ' v .- JS. Fend-Utown, 9$ acres land SS. Sydsxbam, Second street, qa_rfer-aere section asd houso 69. Motonaa *-a, acrealand ' : Hi MATSON 4 Au.<lt&neers. -15-17 •J33 BALE OF VALUABLE PTJBS.MoBES, ' BUGS, Ac, Ac. BATSSDAY, MAT 2ii.iv 1879. \
TWO O'CLOCK. T|/rE3SBS. H. MATSON A CO. have re--19.1. eeived iastructiona from the Importers, to _____ BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Ai their Booms, Cashel street, Onristc__rch, OK SATUBDAY, MAY 34th, 1879, ; At 2 o'clock, : A v er>,f choice aasortnsent of Furs, Fpeeially : suitablefor the season, via., " 4 axeeelingry bandsome fur robes 3 Japaseaa wolf ruga 1 Genet rug., .'.-■■-.-■■' Tha above are very superior in _uality_and, thoroughlywall lined. —- ; Terms at sale. - ' SATUBDAY, MAY24ih,1879, I S-23 '-'-- Zo'deck. 7 2612 -PI Br-B B,L AT* KB SC-S . i _?I_?E BLANKETS. \ SATUBDAY, 24th MAY, 1879; -- -' 2 o'clock. "m*r_SSBS H. MATSON A CO. have ieiyJL received hutrueiions from the Importers TO SELL, At their Booms, Cashel Street, Christchurch, ox •SATUBDAY, 24T-T MAY, 1879, 2 o'clock, Immediately after the Sale of FuraPAIE3 Bx4 FINE BLANKETS. tU\ do. 9_4 do. K/V do 16 x 4 do. The above are»-p_ior quality, and are for abaomto sale. Terms at Sale. SATUBDAY, Iter MAY, 1879, 5-24 S.'clock. 2681 SATUBDAY, MAY 24th, 1879, TOWNSHIP OF Ma-pr-tiff MESSRS. H. MATSON & CO. hare re. eared instructions from Mr CSarv. to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION; OK SATUBDAY, MAY 24th, 1879, * __._* THB ■ CA*ffI_SBBUBT WOOL STOBES, CASHEL :. STBSjer,- ■-.-■, i QUABTEB-ACBB SECTION No. 8, f J j__,___ nr » township, very s_tob_ for a this -- Sale at I o'clock. . _~,.• S. MATSON A CO., Au-jt-cnee__,
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Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4311, 24 May 1879, Page 4
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797Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4311, 24 May 1879, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume XXXI, Issue 4311, 24 May 1879, Page 4
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