Many of the older New ft OJ( whalers, who as young men Jγ quently absent from one to t»T, on whaling voyages, will testify ♦J"?? excellence of this cetaceous flesh. All whales are reallv pv T ls food, but the irregular supl £"*«« the widespread use of ?enls although occasionally it j s to L ? Cat, in New York restaurants, while 0n?" ,,, often buy it canned. J n fit °" e Mn strongly resembles the best of W, ? is much more tender. oe « but
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 230, 28 September 1929, Page 18
Word Count
86WHALE MEAT AS FOOD. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 230, 28 September 1929, Page 18
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