jama/ an.mumy&gvmicuwr r.C wants to know how a magnet is made.—A magnet Is made either hy stroking a piece or steel with another magnet or by passing an electric current round a coll surrounding a piece ,or steel. Indian asks Tor the Indian names ror waterfall, sunshine, bluebell, moonlight and starlight.—This Information is unobtainable in Auckland. C. Allen inquires: (a) A good cure Tor chilblains, (b) The causo or earthquakes?— (a) Tincture of iodine Is often applied to chilblains with some measure or success, but the best remedy is carbolised zinc, one part of carbolic acid to 16 or ointment. Undoubtedly a chemist would supply made-up lotion, (b). Earthquakes are generally caused by subterranean subsidences, although there are numerous other causes.
■ Bonzo asks: (a) How many gallons of benzine liaa tlie Southern Cross left after J the second trans-Tasman flight from New Zealand to Australia? (to) Who Invented i sewing machines and when? —(a) Accord- ! ing to Sciuadron-Leader Kingsford Smith's greeting to the vast crowd that met him I in Australia upon his return trip from New Zealand he "had hut three gallons or J petrol lert in the tanks. (b) The first sewing machine was thought out hy an Englishman, Thomas Saint, In 1792, but the flrst real successful machine wad constructed by Ellas Howe, an American, about 1841. ?, aslcs: (a) From what are aeroplane propellers made? (b) The distance the llrst plane made by Wright Brothers new (a) Aeroplane propellers are made from cedar wood, walnut and ash. Those of the Southern Cross are made rrom compressed cotton wood. (b) The distance or the flrst successful flight or the Wright I Brothers' .aeroplane Is not recorded, tout I we are told that It remained to the air I l'or 59 seconds.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 152, 29 June 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 152, 29 June 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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