AUCKLAND STOCK SALES. Airred Bucfland and Sons, Ltd., report: During the week we held sales at Tuakau, Westfleld, Turua, Helensville. Clevedon, and Runciman, a special sale of pedigree Jerseys at Pukekohe, and Tour clearing sales. There were avwage yardings for the time of season, and a fair Inquiry Tor si. store cattle. Beef is very firm and dairy cows and heifersoor. r good Quality ire In teen demand. Best dairy cows and heifers !U clearing sales made £13 to £16 10/. good cows, £10 to £12 15/; second grade <-ows, £7 to £9 If'/; others, £5 to £6 15/: aged and inferior, £2 to £4 10/; grown steers in forward condition, £7 5/ to C 8 10/; 3 to 4-year-old steers, £5 5/ to £6 10/; 2 to 3-year-old steers. £4 to £5 5/; yearlings to 18-month-old steers, £2 10/ to £3 17/6; empty young cows, £2 IC, to £3 10/; store cows, £1 to £2 s'; ffcod 2 to 3-year-old in-calf dairy heifers £4 10/ to £7; extra quality to £9; Tai steers, £9 to £12 15/; rat cows and heirers £5 to £8 15/; rough Tat cows, £3 15/ to ti 17/6; boners, £1 10/ to £3 12/6; calves. £1 5/ to £2; smaller calves, 12/ to £1 4/. Prices realised at the Jersey sale were very satisiactory There were 71 caulog-ued. out oi' which 65 changed owners. Jows sold up to 4 6?ns-. springing heifers up to 43g-n*; yearling heirers, up to £18 is/; bulls to 20gn«. Mr. J. Hyland's pedigree Ayrshires sold up to 20pns, and grades up to £lc 15/.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Cmpany, Limited, report:- -We held during the past week at Westfield, Papakura, Ngatea, Warkworth, all classes of cattle selling at late quotations. We quote: Dairy cows, close to profit, best £11 to £15; others, £8 to £10 15/; backward springers, £6 10/ to C 8 10/; othe'-s, £3 10/ to £6 ?/; aged oows and inferlo- hetferi, £1 13/ to £3 5/: bulls, £2 10/ to Co 10/; empty cows, £1 10/ to £2 10/; boner cows, £2 15/ to £i 10/; yearling to 18-month heifers, best. £2 5/ to £3 10/, others, £1 to £2; yearling to 18-month steers, £2 10' to £3 15/. > to 24-year steers. £4 to £5 7/6; 3 to Siyear steers, £5 10/ to £0 7/6; 4 to 4}-yeir steers, £6 10/ to £7 5/; grown steers in rorwarJ condition, £7 -.0/ to £8. Besr at fully Westfleld quotations. FAT STOCK MARKET. Airred Buckland and Sons, Ltd., report: Yesterday at our weekly Westfleld rat stock market our beef pens contained 724 head, as against 573 aead at last Wednesday's sale, comprising 312 steers. 411 cows and heifers and one bull These numbers were in excess of requirements. Values mr choice ox were sustained, other classes receded, secondary ox and plain cows suffering most. Extra choice ox sold to £1 12/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 8/ to £1 10/: ordinary and plain, £1 5/ to £1 7/6; prime young cow and heifer beer, £1 3/ to £1 6/; ord'nary cow beef. 10/ to £1 2/; plain and rough, 12/ to IS/; extra heavy prime steers, £13 15/ to £15 5/; 10 extra choice heavy steers from Mr. W. W McLaugnlin, Papatoetoe, averaged £14 11/1, and seven rrom Mr. H. E. Reed, Waerenga, £13 15/8; heavy prime steers, £12 to £13 13/; lighter prime, £10 15/ to £11 17/6; light prime, £9 to £10 12/6; small and unfinished. '6 10, to £8 17/6; extra heavy prime young cows and heirers, £7 10/ to £8 17/6; heavy prime, £6 to £7 7/6; lighter prime, £4 to £5 15/; other kiliable cows, £3 to £3 17/6; old and boner cows. £1 to £2 17/6. We again had a heavy entry or sheep, and there was a keen demand. Prime wether mutton was slightly flrmer, and other classes sold at last week's rates. Extra heavy prime wethers made £1 13/9 to £1 15/9; heavy prime, £1 11/ to £1 13/6; medium to neavy prime. £1 9/6 to £1 10/9; light to medium prime, £1 7/6 to £1 9/3; unfinished. £1 3/ to £1 7/3; extra heavy prime young ewes, £1 5/ to £1 8/; heavy prime, £1 3/ to £1 4/9; lighter prime, £1 1/6 to £1 2/9; lisht kiliable, 19/ to £1 1/3; other ewes. 10/6 to 18/ (1418 sheep sold). Lambs were penned to the number of 196 and sold at ruling- values. Extra heavy prime lambs made £1 5/ to £1 7/; heavy prime. £1 3/ to £1 4/9; lighter prime. £1 1/ to £1 2/9; litfn prime, 10/ to £1 0/9; small and plain, 14/ to 18/:. Calves came forward in more than average numbers, values snowing a decline fin last week's improved quotations Runners made rrom £2 18/ to £5; heavy vealers, £3 1/ to £4 18/: medium vealers, £2 17/ to £3 19/; light, £1 16/ to £2 9/; small and rreshdropped ■2/ to £1 9/ ;227 sold). There was a very small yarding or pigs. Bidding wasextra keen, and a spirited sale resulted, values again ad'anclng Choppers made £4 5 to £5 15/ Tor best; lighter, £2 12/6 to £3 15/; prime her,y baconers, £4 10/ to £4 16/; medium, '4 to £* 7/; light; £3 14/ to £3 19/; heavy porkers, £3 10/ to £3 16/; medium porkers, £3 to £3 7/; light, £2 12/ to £2 18/; small and unfinished, £1 19/ to £2 10/. No >tore pigs were offered (252 pigs sold).
The >'ew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report: At Westfleld rat stock market yesterday beer was penned in extra large numbers. There was a general falling off in values Tor all classes, with the exception of extra choice quality, which was firm at late quotations. Extra choice 0. sold to 32/ per 1001b; choice and prime, 26/ to 31/: ordinary and plain, 22/ to 24/; prime young cow and heirer beef, 23/ to 2fi/; ordinary cow beer, 19/ t<. 22/; rough beer, 14/ to 18/; heavy prime steers, £12 15/ to £14 12/6: lighter prime, £11 to £12 10/; light prime, £9 to £10 15/; unfinished and small, £7 to £8 15/; extra heavy prime young cows and heirers, £8 to £9 5/; heavy prime, £7 to £7 17/6; lighter. £5 10/ to £6 15/; light COWS, £4 10/ to £5 7/6; bulls, £2 to £4 15/; other cows. £2 10/ to £4 5/. Sheep were yarded in average numßers, and if anything, were slightly firmer than at last week's sale Heavy prime wethers made £1 12/ to £1 13/6: medium prime, £1 10/ to £1 11/6; light prime, £1 8/6 to £1 9/9; small and unfinished, £1 5/ to £1 8/; heavy prime ewe;;, £1 3/ to £1 4/6; medium prime, i. 1/ to £1 2/6; light prime, 18/6 to £1; lnrerl"-ly ratted. 15/ to 18/. Lamb- were penned in small numbers, selling at late quotations. Heavy prime made £1 4/ to £1 5/6; medium prime, £1 2/ to £1 3 ; llgnt prime, £1 fo £1 i/9; un"nished. best. 15/ to 18/; others, 10/ < 14/6. Pigs penned in less than average numbers and sold under Iceen competition. Values again advanced on late quotations. Choppers sold from £3 to £5: heavy and medium baconers, £4 12/ to £4 18/; light ' -coner and heavy porkers, £3 18/ to £4 10/: medium m<l Itirht porkers, £3 to £3 16/; small and unfinished porkers, £2 10/ to £2 18/. Store pigs in average numbers Did at '-lproved values. Large stores made £1 15/ to £2 6/; slips, £1 8/ to £1 4/; weaners, 8/ to 16/. Calves we "enned in large numbers. Values Tor good quality were Tully maintained, but inferior quality alves we easier in values. Runners made £3 .0/ to £5; heavy vealers, £3 18/ to £4 9/; medium, £3 8/ to £3 16/; light, £2 16/ to £3 3/; smaller, £2 to £2 10/; small and rresh-dropped. 3/ to £1 16/; rourh calves, 15/ to £i 13/. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., report as follows on the Wf 'Id sale yesterday;— Beer: There was an exceptionally heavy yarding, which contained mnre than the use. number of well-flnished steers. Values were unchanged. We had a consignment of medium-weight well-flnished steers from the Whataroa Estate. Te Kultt, which averaged £13 7/6 and three trucks or well-finished good quality bullocks from 1. Hutcheson, Te A-zamutu, which averaged £13 14/. Extra choice and prime ox made 32/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 9/ to £1 11/; ordi'- y and plain, £' 6/ to £1 8/; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 4/ to £1 6/; ordinary. £1 to £1 5/: rough, 12/ to 18/. Sheep: There was another pood yarding. Competition was good for " 'shed sheep until the last row. when values eased. Heavy prime wethers mide £1 io/ to £i 12/6; medium primp e\ y,°. ro ,.V 10/: small and unfinished, el Vi ,° 5. VX best heav y P rlme ewes - \\ » V°. £1 6/ * : medium. £1 1/ t o £1 iLL-J gri } and vn flnlshed. 14/ to 19/ calves: There a large yardine Valnp* were flrm for goo-- quality Srs anrl runners, urinished. being slightly e'aater Runners made £3 10/ to £4 10/- he m vealers. £3 6/ to £3 18/: medium £2 i?/ to £3 5/; light. £1 15/ to £2 ™/'. L», £1 5/ to £1 14/; fresh-dropped. 5/"»™o)' Pigs.- There wns a small yarning and prices' improved Tor all finished pig! chonn*r« made £3 to £4; medium and helvy barone/s £4 7/ to £4 id/; light baconewand heaw porkers, .. 10/ to £4 if. medium Sβ lig-ht porkers, £2 5/ to £3 5/.
FiiARKTOK SALE. Daigi . uomyuij , . Lta.. report Saving he. their usual weekly stock sale at Frankton saleyarrt; on Tuesday. There was a modem irding of Deer, the quality w't l>w exceptions being very poor .ces were on a par with late rates. P: teers made up to ."10 1/: prime COWi arl * ,i/ to £9 4/;] ordinary cow _>ef, £.j 10/ to £6 10/; ; inferior qr y, 10 .v t" 5/; vealers. ] £2 2/: jnners, £3. . • was a large j yarding , or Haw'-e's Bay store bullocks, . \vh met 'Ji pood d" nd, 'gh| tiiev re v • low in condition, and ~ Sold ai J>out £ 10/ .ivprape. Polled Angus empty heifers. ' Ide £4; yearling , , heifer-.. ''airy <•< £6 10/ f> £9. |-" There was a large yarding- oi sheep. Fat sheep sold at late rates. Prime ewes made 20/9 to 22/; medium quality, four an sixtooth wethers 27/ 6. The demand for store wethers was moderate at late values. We sold Iβ" four and six-toot wethers at 24/4, and 91 at 23/: 51 f.m ewes in lamb L to Romney rams ai 15/3; 40 mixed aged ewes in lamb to Romney r ms, 16/6; 183 empty mixed aged ewes, 14/ 56 cull ewes in lamb, 13/8. Tbere was a fair yarding of fat pigs, with 3 small entry of stores. Baconers .»-e easier, while porkers sold better than previous sale. Heavy baconers made £3 12/ to £4 3/; medium, £? 4/ to £3 10/; best porKers. £2 16/ to £3 3/; medium, £2 10/ to £2 15/; lig-ht. £2 £/ to £2 8/; best stores, £1 0/ to £» 14/; good slips, £1 2/ to £1 j 7/; best weaners. 12/ to 15/; others, 6/ , to 9,'. MATAMATA. j There was a good yarding ai toe weekly' t Matamata stock sale on Wednesday. Prices for beef were maintained while store cows also brought g-ood prices. Prices were:—Cattle: Prime fat cows, £7 17/; medium, £6 17/6 to £7; lighter sorts. £5 12/6 to £5 <5/; stores, £2 5/ to £3 7/6; potters. 30/; dairy cows, £5 to £8; empty Jersey heirers, £3 3/. Pigs: Stores. 29/; weaners, from 14/6 to 24/. ADDINGTON. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) , CHRISTCHURCH. Wednesday. There was quite a large entry or store sheep at the Addington market to-day for this time of the year. The entry Included a large consignment or North Island ewes which were In low condition. A trood many hoggets were forward, and met with better demand. Two-toothed wethers advanced In some cases by 1/ to 2/ a head, and older sheep by about 1/. Sound-mouthed crossbred ewes brought 24/ to 27/; «ound and falling-mouthed crossbred ewes, 19/ to 21/6; small two toothed crossbred ewes, 22/ to 26/; railing-mouthed nairbrert ewes, 20/ to 21/: crossbred ewe hoggets. 24/ to 27/; good halfbred wether hoggets. 25/; ordinary halfbred wether hoggets, 20/ to 22/: crossbred wether hoggets. 18/6 to 23/9; rour and six-toothed halfbred wethers. 24/ to 27/: two-toothed halfbred wethers. 22/ to 26/: o-toothed crossbred wethers, 24/ to 26/3. Fat Lambs—The entry totalled 2100 nead. the quality of which was not so good as at the previous sale, a large proportion of Indifferently finished lambs betnjr entered. Freezing buyers operated actively, but were more inclined to keep to schedule pr ces than recently. On the whole, however, taking the qualtty into consideration, prices were not much easier than last weeK. Extra prime heavy lambs realised up to 36/; prime heavy, 28/ to 31/6; medium-weig-ht prime. 27/ to 29/; medium quality, 24/ to 26/; light, 21/ to 23/6 Fat Sneep.—All available accommodation for Tat sheep was filled, the yarding being even larger than was the case last week. The quality of the sheep was excellent. Exporters did not perate Keenly, and values declined from 1/ to 1/6 a Dead. Extra prime wethers sold up to 39/10----prime wethers, 31/6 to 34/6; medium wethers. 20/ to 31/: llg-ht wethers 27/ to 28/6: extra prime ewes, to 33/7; prime ewes. 22/6 to 25/6; medium ewes, 10/ to 22/; light ewes. 16/ to IS/6; aged ewes 2/6 to 15/6. Fat Cattle.—A total or 510 head were yarded, compared with 545 last week. Some good quality was forward. Good bandy-weight steer beer sold at a value equal to 15/ to 20/ per 1001b better than last week Good class cows showed a proportionate increase Best medium-weight beer sold at 37/6 tto 40/ per 1001b; North Island beer. 35/ to 38/: heavy-weight. 35/ to 37/6: good cow and heifer beef, 30/ to 34/: Inferior. 24/f to 28/: roug-h. down to ?0/; extra heavy steers, £io to £22 17/6----prime heavy steers. £16 to £18 15/: prime medium-weight steers, £14 to £16; medium quality steers £10 15/ to £13 10/- light steers. £7 jo/ to £9 15/; extra prime neirers. to £12 7/6; prime heifers. £9 »/ to £11; ordinary heifers. £7 5/ to £9i l **" 1 " J 1 ® ire, * s - £5 to "• extra prime rows to £13 2/6;--prime cows. £8 5/ to £10 15/----ordinary cows, £6 to £7 15/; inferior cows. £4 to £o 10/. Vealers.—a Smaller entry was penned than last week. The quality was generally mediocre. Good runners brought up to £7 5/; medium runners, £5 to £6 10/- beet calves. £4 to £4 17/6; medium calves. £2 12/6 to £3 1 5/ . poor 10/ to 30/ Store Cattle.—A small yarding of store cattle consisted almost entirely or cows and bulls, which brought late rates. Good cows &, 4 \. fair cows - £2 t0 £3: others, 25/ to 30/; bulls, to £5 10/. Dairy Cattle.—The entry was small totaland Pr'ces generally were ?i#J lly f a . sler man last week - Be«t second, third and fourth calvers. springing realised r n °/W O/ t0 " 3 iO/ - medium sorts, £7 10/ to £9; Inrerior. £5 to £6; best «DNn*ing heirers. £8 to £10 10/; others iTiO/ to £7 10/: old cows, £2 to £3 Fat Pigs. - There was a small entry or bo h baconers and porkers, which met with goqd demand Choppers, £3 15/ to £7 IG'light hai-oncrs. £4 10/ to £5 5/; heavy baconers. £5 12/ to £6 5/; extra Heavy ? ac 2Ux rs, ,. t0 £7 < avera * e Price per ib. s»a to 9d): light powers, 55/ to 65/; heavy porkers. 70/ to 80/ (average price per ib, "in to *od). Store Pigs.—A small yarding (net with good competition, all lots selling readily I at »n advance on late rates. Weaners 13/ ! 9°o/ a , 1/: , fi s / ,ps, 24/ t0 30/; ,mall « r res, 32/ to 36/; medium stores, 38/ to 44/. j
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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 142, 17 June 1926, Page 4
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2,701STOCK SALES. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 142, 17 June 1926, Page 4
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