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DOMESTICS WASTED. (■"■<OOK, or Cook General, wanted; refs.; v wages ."o/. —Inquire St.vk. 597 jprjOOK General, experienced, no washing: <J adults; refs. required.—Phone 1107 i 2 ri»gs). ' /"IOOK, Housekeeper; 35/ ; station, every convs: other help kept.—Bell's Registry, Winstone Buildings, Queen St. wanted immediately, for open country -work. —-Apply Harrison and Grierson, Surveyors, 201, Victoria Arcade. S7 T)OMESTIC Help, fond of children, small J - 7 home, every cony.—32, Victoria Ay., Remupra. Phone _4-37f>. ■pyOMESTIC Help for Paerata, no washXJ ing or cooking; 25/; room Winstone Buildings, Qupph St. Q.EXERAL, daily, Remuera; Saturday *- x afternoon and Sunday free.—Ring 24-415. / 276 GENERAL, lady, young, refs., 25/. —Ring 21-473 (5.30 p.m.) or call Phoenix Registry. Sβ, Phoenix Chambers. 105 f^. IRL wanted for Domestic Duties. —Mrs. • v -* Bioletfi. Jutland ltd.. Tnkapnna. about 15, to heip light housework. Apply 30, St. Benedict's St., off Symonds St. GIRL, clean, wanted: domestic duties; daily or half daily.—lß, Peary Rd., Mt. Eden. ' *_^ GIRL, about 15, as mother's help. 2 children: fare paid.—Mrs. White, Tutanekai St.. Rotorna. 5U> refined, intelligent capable, wanted " for general household duties; good linmc : R.C. preferred.—lnquire Star. SSO LADY Help, young, for suburban hon:e; fond of chiklren.-Apply W.V.A., Bos ?..->e. G.1'.0. T ADV. young. capable, light domes-tie J-* duties; no washing; 2 adults; 25/, keep.—lnquire Star. (571 ■jyriDDLE-AGED Person wanted, light ■^• L duties; references required.—'Phone 23-290. IyTIDDLE-AGED Woman, to look after ■"-*- invalid lady.-—Apply Wouldes, Panmure, between 6 and 7 p.m. 21 "DANTRYMAID, clean, capable, girls only ■L need apply.—Somervell's, 256, Queen St; "PROBATIONER, with experience, wanted -*■ for night duty in small private hospital.—Apply with refs., 'Phone 27-137. 83 ryAITRESS, experienced; duties com- '» mence immediately; good wages; permanent job.—Excelsior Registry, 30, Phoenix Chambers. 98 WANTED, thoroughly competent Waitress. Apply Kensington Dining Rooms, Queen St. 85 or Girl wanted, for household »' duties; easy place.—Mrs. W. Bright,' Niger St.. Otahuhu. , 2j_ WOMAN, attend elderly invalid lady, light household duties.—Apply morning, 9, Gardner Rd., Epsom. WOMAN* wanted Clean House; must be thorough worker; urgent; 8 o'clock Tuesday morning.—ol. Vermont St. "DELL'S Registry, Winstone Buildings, •*-* Queen St. —Chefs (eeconds, Rotorua), Laundresses, Waitresses, Relievers, Kitchen Maids, Generals, Domestics, Couples 60/, Gardener, Farm' Hands. Youths. RELIABLE Registry.—Cooks', Seconds, J -*' Housemaid-Waitress, Waitresses. (Rotororna), Cook Generals, urgeutly, woman child no objection; Milkers. Registry, Strand Arqade, Ground. 0 Floor. — Cooks, Seconds, Generals, Relievers, Laundresses,. Waitresses, House-tffald-Wait'fess, Housekeepers. .
.. PUPILS WASTED. ART Basketwork, Leatherwork, PoUerwork; Pewtcrwork, Pen Painting, Carving. Prospectus posted.—Miss Ayliug, 4, Strand Arcade. c A SHLEIGH Coaching College, N.Z. Insur- •*'*- ance Bldgs. — Public Examinations. Backward Education ; strictly individual attention ; definite results. a CLASSES.— Costume*, Frocks, Coats, Cut for Home Finishing, 9 to 5. — Mademoiselle l.c Houx, Woolworth Buildings, opp. Tivoli. a RESSCLTTIXG iha Sel-Phit way is unrivalled. Let us show you why. Free.—oo7. N.X. Insurance Building. 27 RESSMAKIXG, Cutting, Fitting! Instruction, Home Finishing, from 3/. Modern Dressmaking Salon, Ellison Chamliers. Queen St. A DRESSMAKING Classes. —Costumes, Coat Frocks, Evening Dresses, Cut, Fitted. Hours : 10-12, 2-4 ; evenings arranged.— McClymont and Woodhead, -10, City Chambers. c LADIES, Make Your Own Dresses. Costumps. We Cut. Tack. Fit. you finish.— Miss Watt. Tahernaclp Buildings. C OTOR Car Driving.—Council Certificate ' guaranteed. — Mayhill's Garage, 6. Lower Albert St. 'Phone 42-367. D "YTOTOR Driving taught thoroughly by ■*•'-*■ experts: Council Certificate gnsrnnteed ; fees moderate. — Thomas Xeedham, Principal, Auckland Motor School, 57. Alhert Street. p SIIOWCARD Writing offers congenial ren'iinpratlvo employment-. Easily lpnrnt. Moderate terms.—"X" System, 32. Queen St. D TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. HOT SPRINGS, Helensville.—Eddleston's Springside Private Hotel. Swimming Pools and Hot Mineral Baths on premises. - _C PARAKAI HOUSE.—'Phone :!o. Helensville. ■ — Electric light throughout; good table: bright fires. — Mrs. Uiinmer, Prolirietrpss. D WAITAKERE RANGES— -'Waiaiimia," Holiday and Health Re-sort; taxi meets trains Glen Eden. —Kings'ny, Nihotupu Bureau. c
WINES FOR SALE. BRAY'S WINES— Speclßl Choice Assorted Case Our Famous Wines, 50/; freight paid nearest railway.—Bray's Vineries, Ltd. Auckland. jj IBHAVS WINES. — Health redeeming, {■*-' robust feeling. No. 1 Fort, 35/ I Freight paid nearest station. —Bray's V'nnrips, I,td.. Auckland. D Wines, 227, Karangahape Rd. Xo. 1 Port, 42/ case; Golden Sherry. £2 8/; Royal Preserve Port, £3. D STRONG Wines, unfortified, 17 per cent Invalid, 30/: Special. 35/: 2/ dis' cash with order.—C. Kendrick, Otahuhn. C gPECIAL -£MAS QFFER. THE PROPRIETORS BRAY-S FAMOUS WINES DISTILLERY BRAY'S FAMOUS WINES DISTILLERY OFFER: 2 GALLON'S OF THEIR FAMOUS EICH PORT FOR 35/. o GALLONS, £3 2/6. GUARANTEED PUKE GRAPE WINE. SEND CASH WITH ORDER 12/ C Refunded When Keg Returned. ■gRAYS -yiNERIES, T Tβ., 6, H.M. ARCADE, AUCKLAND. 92 WIRELESS APPARATUB FOR SALE. A BSOLUTELY Latest, Best Radio Parts ■"- Materials at lowest prices from Radio' Limited. "Herald" Buildings. Auckland. D "YTAGNAVOX Loud Speaker, with horn: - TJ - cost £35; £12 or near offer. Hannny. 107. Williamson Ay. TpRICITY HOUSE, 15. Customs St.—New - 1 - type One-hole Mounting. Bradley Lines, Bradley Stats, 10/G; Bradley Ohms ,10,000 to 500.000 oh-as, 12./6; Bradley Leaks, J to 10 megs, 10/6: Potention Meters, 12/6; Booklet, "Key to Radio," 6d, postage free. C
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
Word Count
809Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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