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SITUATIONS WANTED. [New arrivals and all otht-ts will fi-'l this . column the best, means of reaching _ Employers. Fifteen Words, One Shilling-] A BOUT Chimney Sweeping.—No dust •*"*- guaranteed; also work.—Write Smith, 5, Exniouth St.. oft Newton Rd. l> A BADLY Cleaned Chimney means Fire. -•■*- Practical Chimney Sweep.—Colquhoun, 3, Totara St., Ponsonby. Puone 'JO-'59. D A CHIMNEY Sweep, practical, clean, conscientious, minimum dirt, disturbance.—B. Hartung, 24, Haydn St., City. D A BOUT Concrete Paths. Tarring, Sanding. First-class work : reasonable. —E. Crops, 22, Randolph St., Newton. ALL Kinds of Carpentery . and .lobbing Work executed : buildings estimated for. Apply Builder, c/o 147 a, Symonds St. ATTENTION —Tarring, Sanding, Concrete Work, etc.: satisfaction guaranteed.— Bailey and Morgan, 20, Claude Rd., Epsom. BRICKLAYER wants Brickwork, Fancy Fireplaces. Tiling, Coppers Rebuilt . Kepairs. Alterations; reasonable charge.— Write S. 5183, Stab. . fXi'RPENTER wants Bungalows, Garages vJ' iwood or concrete blocks), Baches, Shop, Office Fittings.—Ss. Xowton Rd. rXARPENTER wants Repairs ; Sash Cords Renewed, first _/, others 1/6; any distance.—Carpenter, _39, Hobson St. pIARPENTERS want Work, Bungalow experts; alterations, additions; prices right.—Builder. 11. Coyle St.. Edendale. ("-IARPENTER wants Alterations, Additions: anything, anywhere; reasonable,
prompt, reliable. —Stanners, Alexandra Aye., M.t. Albert. D tradesman, requires, Alterations, Additions, Repairs; prompt attention ; prices reasonable ; workmanship guaranteed.—B4. Great North Rd. 293 /CONCRETE Work, Tar Sealing Footpaths, etc.—Seymour and Co., li, Spring St., Ponsoiiby. /"CONCRETE Paths Laid and Stonewalls built by competent workmen; reasonahle priPes.—Write R. 5286. Star. IHO /CONCRETE Paths, Tarring, Sandiug. Stone Work; experienced tradesman; estimates given.—W. Vennall, Edendale Rd., Edendnle. C pOSTUMIER.—WiII do Renovating. Alterations and Cleaning. —3. Newell St., off Bixton St.. Point Chevalier. "P|RESSMAKING, dainty, wanted; Dresses ■*-' made from 7/6 upwards.—Apply No. 13, Edinburgh St., Newton. DRESSMAKING done at borne, moderate charges, or by day, 10/. —Apply 17,
Roslyn Terrace, Mt. Albert. DRESSMAKING. — Smart Frocks. Cos- , tumes, Evening Gowns. Distinctive • Designs. Moderate. — 229, Jervols Road. Heme Hay Terminus. C ENGINE Driver Ist stationary, winding and loco tickc-ts, seeks Position; go anywhere.—Write S. 4956. Star.
ENGLISHMAN, young (20), Carpenter Improver, wants Work with good , Builder.—Write F. 4946, Star. GARDENER, good, having fortnight, to j •spare, requires Work; reasonable.— ; Write M. 5561. .Star. , GIRL, 13J, wants Work during school holidays; willing do anything.— Address, Roach, Star Agency, Kingsland. . , 117 HOUSKMAID, experienced, requires position or as general; no washing; state wages.—Write S. 4948. Staii. I TJ-ELL.Y, Plcmber. — Spouting Renewed, •*V 1/4 per toot. Rejmir Work done.— SI. Princes Ay.. Dowinjon Rd. _C_ LA DT, elderly, seeks Position Housekeeper. 1 or-2 gentlemen ;no washing.. Stak Agency, 56, Richmond 41
LADY, young, tall, refined, good address, requires Position in Shop; has intelligence nnd adaptability:. prefer confectioner's or tobacconist's. —Write S. 53G7, Star. LADY, refined, middle-aged, seeks Position housekeeper; domesticated .and reliable: own mistress preferred.—Write M. 5557. Stak. MAN," capable driver. Fowl car or lorry, wants Employment.—Write S. 4981, Stah: MAX. respectable, strong, married, clean, tidy, willing, socks Position, night or liny: cleaning, scrubbing anything: good character: substantial bond. —Write F. 4675. Star. AXAGERESS, small country hotel of good Board'inghonse; where daughter could be employed ; good borne.—Write S. 5180. Star. ■ MECHANIC, 5J years English and American car. desires Position : Garage or Driving.—Write M. r>43l, Star. MOTOR Driver, experienced, can do running repairs, requires Situation, urgently, trustworthy.—S. Z2Xi. Stak. "ITOTORISTS—Private Mechanic Washes Cars down, cleans crank case: repairs extra; inspection free.—Write M. 5414, Star. "MT'KSE, Kenii-trainccl, 3 years' experience, ■** take charge invalid or patient.—3o, Church St., Ponsonby. TDAIXTIXG and Paperhanging—Rooms - 1 - Papared from 10/; first-class work I guaranteed.—Write 11. 444.". Star. "DAIXTIXG Contracts, materials guaran- •*• teed, prices strictly moderate, neat work: estimates free.—Lloyd, 37. Sale St. POSITION wanted by woman, educated, elderly, healthy, in or near town, as companion help, with kind employer Write M. 71. .Summer St. PRIVATE Car Owners —Mechanic, disengaged week-ends and night-time, will undertake wash, grease, and keep in repair about four cars for small weekly fee — Write F. 4684. Star. "DOAD Foreman, Overseer, seeks Eng.nge- -"' ment; capable level, compute, etc.— Write S. 5057. Star. "VTURSB. young, seeks Position, Electrical Massage ; two years' experience ; refs Write B. 5257, Star. 205 SALESMAN, 14 years Hardware, Grocery ' experience counter, canvasser, seeks Employment, town or country. — Write F. 4776. Star. QJHOWCARDS Artistically Designed and 0 Written. Send Your Christmas Order. Charges moderate.—Write S. Jf)S7. Stak. mo Holiday Makers.—-Woman, capable, -*- would take charge during absence.- — Reliable. S. Russell St.. Ponsonby. j V\7AXTED. Furniture Recovering l , > "Polish- »* ing. Bedding. Blinds. Loose Covers, Sash CfTtls : reasonable : competent. - Metcnif. "•*>. Bellvup Rd.. Mt. Etlen. YT7ASHIXG or Cleaning] by reliable »V woman.—Advertiser, 31, Charlotte St., Eden Terrace. ryASHIXG and Cleaning, day or half TT dn.y. Otnhuliu; Washing taken in — Writ-e T>. npnft. Stir. 32 0 T\7OMAX, clean, good worltor. wants wash- '» iv" '>r Clpanins. by the day.—Write F 455 (. STATt. VX7OMAX. young, wants Pantry or KHohon nl n^vU> p M. e^X7y. ' glcop homPl VrrOMAX. young, strong, will assicf Dome«----»T t»P Work. tl,r ?p ,] ar(! r} TT/OBK. any description, young man ,:L:^;,,T d o. fo T\Zv z n cMve cara: DENTISTRY. JJETTER TEETH FOR LESS MOXEY at HOWEY WALKER'S, DENTIST. City Chambers.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
Word Count
826Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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