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TJNION OTEAM QiHIP /COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. (Circumstances Permitting.) CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIAN R.M. LINE. To Canada, United States and Europe. Via Suva, Honolulu, Victoria (8.C.) anil Vancouver. Proposed Sailings From Auckland: R.M.M.S. AORANGl*Tues.\22nd a.m. R.M.S. NIAGARA!..Tuesday, 10th January RM.M.B. AORANGI*..Tues. f ICth February R.M.S. NIAGARAt- .Tuesday, 10th Mjiitn R.M.M.S. AORANGI*... Tuesday, 13th April R.M.S. NIAGARAt Tuesday, 18th May •Magnificent New Quadruple Screw jiotor Ship, 17,491 Tons Register. fTriple Screw, OH Fuel. 13.415 Tons Register. R.M.M.S. AORANGI* Mod', 7th Dec, 11 P- m ; EXCURSIONS TO UONOLULU. Particulars on Application. SAN FRANCISCO ROYAL MAIL LINK. To United States, Canada and Eu J*°P e - f From Wellington, via Karotonga, Papeete and San Francisco. _i,«i. R.M.S. MAKURA...Tuesday, Sth »eeemoer R.M.S. TAHITI Tuesday, s^-?*°"*" R.M.S. MAKURA...Tuesday, 2nd F , e^ u ?. r J R.M.S. TAHITI Tuesday, 2nd Mart? R.M.S. MAKURA Tuesday. 30th Marco R.M.S. TAHITI .Tuesday, 2ith Apru COASTAL, INTERCOLONIAL, AiSD ISLAND SERVICES. Gisborne and Napier. . Calls Tokomaru Bay with Passengers. Wainul Tuesday. Ist December. 5 P.m. Wellington and Dunedin. (Cargo Only.) -Walpahl Tuesday, Ist Dec, 5 p.m. Lyttelton Direct. (Cargo Only.) Kaltoke Tuesday. Ist December, noon New Plymouth (From OnehunscO. Rara-wa Thursday. 3rd Dccemher. 4, p.m. Wellington to Lyttelton. Wablne Monday. Wed., Fri., at 7.40 p.m. Maori Tuesday,' Thurs., Sat., at 7.45 p.m. Berths Rooked Auckland Office. Sydney. (Cargo Only.) Kawntiri Wednesday. 2nd Doc, noon Sydney Direct. Maunjranui Friday, 11th Dec, 3 p.m. Maheno Thursday, 24th Dec, 11 a.m. Maunganul has accommodation for Ist, 2nd, and 3rd Class Pnssengers. "Melbonrne Direct. (From Wellincton.) Manuka? Tuesday. 15th December Sydney (From Wellington). Maheno Friday, 11th December 'Maunganni Thursday. 2-lth December Fiji (Suva), Tonga (Nukualofa, Haapai, Vavaii), Snuioa (Apia). Tofua Saturday, nth Dec 11 a.m. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. LTD. HOLIDAY AND EXHIBITION ARRANGEMENTS. WEIXTNGTOX-LYTTELTON SERVICE. In addition to the usual evening Bailings, the WAHTNE will make Special Dayllßht runs on WEDNESDAY, 23rd, and THURSDAY, 24th December, leaving Wellington at 8.15 a.m. and arriving at Lyttelton about r> p.m., to connect with the night trains from Christchurcb to Dunedin. DUNEDIN EXHIBITION. S.S. MARAROA (Oil Fuel) will run a SPECIAL WEEKLY SERVICE between Wellington and Dunedin direct, lenvlng Wellington oil SATURDAY Afternoons, December 12, December 10, December 26, January 2, etc, and remaining at Dunedin till Wednesday Afternoons. One Class Passengers Only. Single Faro, £i!/17/G: Return Fare (including bed and breakfast while at Dunedin), £0/10/0. Stop over allowed. SPECIAL FARES WELLINGTON TO LYTTELTON. In Conjunction with Railway Return Tickets to Dunedin only: First-class Return, £2/9/G; Second Class Return. £1/10/0. D 4 QHAW, OAVILL AND ALBION QO., LIMITED. DIRECT LINE TO SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON, VIA PANAMA CANAU SAILINGS (Circumstances Permitting). Tons. lONIC 12.3.VJ 10th December AEAWA 11,370 17tli February TAINUI 11,020 17th March ATHTCNIC 12.306 7tU April CORINTHIC... 12,307 sth May lONIC 12.3.T- , 2nd Juno Daybreak Sailings. Emharkations Previous Evening. FARES. SINGLE. RETURN. First Saloon £100 £175 Second Saloon.. £7<) £122 Third Class £37 iC6 All Passengers Must Secure Passports. For full particulars, apply to L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD. A. S. PATERSON AND CO., LTD. DALGETY AND CO.. LTD. A AUCTIONS. ■piKUIT, TJRODUCE, TJOULTRY. rnURNEKS AND rjROWERS, T TO. WILL SELL, mO-MORROW fTTOESDAY. Q A.M. SHARP. gTRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES. gTRAWBERRIES STRAWBERRIES. Q.OOSEBERRIES f*i OOSEBERRIES. Q.OOSEBERRIES rj. OOSEBERRIES. /"IHERRIE3 CHERRIES. ■piJI T>ANANAS, TT ?IJI T)I>"ES. HOTHOUSE TOMATOES HOTHOUSE TOMATOES. SYDNEY ORANGES. RIPE BANANAS. ORANGES, APPLES, DESSERT PEARS, COOKING PEARS, LEMONS. 10 a~ 13R0DUCE AND -x^EGETABLES. NEW POTATOES, GREEN PEAS, ASPARAGUS AND CUCUMBERS. 1000 BAGS NEW. POTATOES. 1000 BAGS NEW POTATOES. 1000 BAGS NEW POTATOES. 200 BAGS GREEN PEAS. 200 BUNDLE'S ASPARAGUS. 50 DOZ. HOTuUUSii CUCUMBERS. 200 doz. outdoor cucumbers. 100 sacks cabbage. 75 sacks cauliflowers. 300 cases Canadian omons. 30 doz. new-season marrows. CABBAGhs, CAUHFLUWIiKSi LETTUCE, LEEKS, RHUBARB, CARROTS, PARSNIPS, BEET. ALL VEGETABLE'S UNLIMITED SUPPLY. 11 AM pOULTRY. TJOULTRY. T3OULTRY. 22 noon, JfrVRESH TfJGGS. TfIKESH T^GGS. TJURMERS* TTONEY. T> UTTER. "PLOWERS. mUBNERS AND r*\ ROWERS, T ID. , CITY MARKETS. _L , n rjXO "DESIDENTS. Favoured with instructions from Mrs Mack Queen Street, Onehunga, opposite" Congregational church, J),UNCAN "gLACK, WILL SELL BT PUBLIC AUCTION ALL HEE pURNITURE AND J^FFECTS ON jQECEMBER f> at O'clock:. "' list in tuesday night's "star." J)TTXCAN JJLACK, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 4
Word Count
684Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 4
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.