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SHIPPING. IyOETHEBNOTEAMSHIP po., T. TD, Time of Sailing, Receiving and Shipping Cargo subject to -weather and other circumstances permitting:—. LEAVES ■ LEAVES AUCKLAND: OUTPORTS: ARKLE'S BAY, MANLY, BROWN'S, MURRAY'S AND DEEP CREEK. WADE HEADS S.S. OMANA Tues., Ist. 2.30 p.m. Wed., 2nd, S a.m. AWANUIf..Sth Dec, 11.30 p.m.. .APANUI COLVILLEt 30th, noon GAEIi Calls Papa-aroha and Amodeo Bay. COROMANPEL. CHAMBERLIN'S AND ROTOROA—S.S. GAEL. Mon., 30th, noon Tues., Ist, 7.30 a.m. Fri., 4th, 3 p.m. Fri., 4tb, 9.30 P 1 ". GT. BARRIER. .Wed., midnight.. .APANUI HOUHORAt 14th, noon NGATIAAVA KUTAREREt Ring 43-SSO MOTIT4 KERIKKBI. ..14tli Dec, 3 p.m TUHOE KAIMAUMAUf.. 14th, noon...NGATIAW A KEREPEEHIf..3Oth, 11.30 p.ui.-.WAIPU KAWAU ISLAND...7th, 2 p.m KAWAU If requested, Passengers Thursday, 3rd, 7 p.m. S.S. Claymore. ,_ jLEIGH, KAWAU, OMAHA..S.S. KAWAU Wed., 2nd, 11 a.m. Thurs., 3rd, 10 a.m. MANGA WAI, KAWAU, USIGHf. Won., 7th, 2 p.m. Tues, Sth, 12.30 p.m. MARSDENt and ONE TREK PT...TOREAi Wednesday, 2nd December, 3 P.m. _ MERCURY BAYt Ist Dec, 3 p.m. TTJHOEt MANGAPAIf and PARUA BAY.. .TOREA? Wednesday, 2nd December, 8 p.m. MANGONUI...Mon.. S p.m... .CLANSMAN MATAKANAf ALGIE'S S.S. OMANA Thurs.. 3rd, 3 p.m. Fri.. 4th, 7 a.n^ NGATEA S.S. WAIPtf Mori.. 30th, 11.30 p.m. Tues., Ist, 5.30 i p.n>. OPOTIKI Ring 43-880 *„„ t PAEROA AND TE AROHAf.. .TANIWHA Tues., Ist, 11 p.m. Wed., 2nd, 8 p.m. Thurs., 3rd, midnight TTri., 4th. p.m PAR.ENGAt..I4th Dee., noon. .NGATIAW A RUSSELL AND OPUA S.S. CLANSMAN Monday, 5 p.m. Calling Deepwater Cove when required. SILVERDALEt °^ IA^ A Tues., Ist. 2.;j0 p.ih. Wed., 2nd. i a.m. SURKDALE, OSTENDf AND O^HIAMon., 10 a.m.-, Fri., G. 30 p.m X^atpti Wed., 10 a.m. .... S.S. WAIPU Sat, 1.45 p.m S.S. WAIPU COWES BAY ana Way Ports. Wed., SS i W /»?? Sat... 1.45 p.m S.S. GAEL KAIHERE, PATETONGA ■• Thurs. and Mon., noon TAURANGA. MOUNT, TF. PUKE, AND BTATIONS ON EAST COABT HAILWAX. S.S. MATANGI. Freight Prepaid Except Tauranga. Mon., Wed., Fri., Tuee., Thure., Sat., 7 ip.m. 7.30 p.m. Mounf Cargo. Monday and Wednesday. TURUA and KOPU...2nd, 1 P. nl ---^^,,V TAHUNA 30th Nov., 3 p.m... - - •^'^* TAIRUA, HIKUAI 7th, 5 p.m. NO ATI A TE AROHAt Sec Paeroa Timfe-table TOTABA N.t- - • 14th, noon . .NOATILAW A THAMES P.S. WA , KA I"m Mon., 30t.1i. midnight Tues.. Ist. < a.m. Wed., 2nd, 3.30 p.m. Tliurs., 3rd, 5.30 a.m. Fri., 4th. 4.30 p.m. Sat., oth, 0.30 a.m. WAIPUt 2nd Dec, 3 r ££f4\ WARKWORTH, WAIWERAf..... •_°^ lAI ! 1 A Wod.. 2nd, 2 p.m ' Thurs., 3rd --W a.m. WHANGAROA..Mon.. 5 p.m.. .CLANSMAN WHANGAPOUAt 14th Dec, 3 p.m P°>Oj WHANANAKI 14th Dec. 4 p.m. VaS?wt WHANGAMATAf Ring 43-880 WAIOTAHI WHANGAREI S.S. MANAIA Mon., 10 p.m. Tues.. Tr. 7.40 p.m. Wed., 10 p.m. Thnrs., p.m. WHANG AREI (Town).... S.S. CWVMOHE Calling at Mnrsflen Point and One ire» Point, Reotahl. with and for Paasengere, If required. Auxiliary Scow Every Monday. Tues.. Ist. 9 p.m. Wed., 2nd, <;™£™- I WHAKATAXE.....Ist. 3 p.m XUHOL WEST COAST PORTP. HOKIANGA....2nd Dec, 3 p.m.....R1MU Cargo at Rnll Mon., and up to noon Tuee. NEW PLYMOUTH S.S. RARAWA Monday, 30th, 4.:-;o p.m. Thursday. 3rd Dec, 4 p.m. Cargo at Rail. T.ies.. Wed., Vvl. Sat RAGLAN and KAWHJA, »,S. RIMU Monday, 7th I>ec. 3 p.m. Te Wajtere Trip, 7th Di>(\ WAIKATO HD'S.t Ring 43-SSO AKAPAWA WANGANUI....Hine 43-880.... AKAPAWA WAICiKUt. AWHITU, POLI.OK, WAIPIi'I ana TE TOROt O.V. VICTORY Mon. and Thurs. Cargo Daily at Rail. N.B.—No Cargo received-wltnin one honr of steamer's departure, or after 11 a.m. Saturday. Overtime charged after 4 p.m. tFrelght Prepaid. t.Cargo Only. Ring 'Phone 43-BSO for Trafilce Information. COMPANY'S OFFICE, QCAT STREET. TpAST rriHEOUGE WHAKATANE, OPOTIKI, GISBORNE, 16i Hours. 18i Hours. 24 Hours. Leaves Auckland;: MON., WEI*., FRI., per S.S. MATANGI, for Tauranga, thence per Kail and Motor, or Motor Direct. .RETURN: Leaves Gisborne, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. Motor and Rail to Tauranga, or Motor Direct, arriving Auckland, Wed., Fri., Sun. Through Single Fare, £4 information at NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO.'S OFFICK. D W HITE gIAB L- INETO UNITED KINGDOM, VIA DURBAN AND CAPETOWN. Tours at Reduced Rctes to Parts of South Africa, including the Victoria Falls. Steamer. Tons. Leaves Sydney. PERSIC 12,221 12th Dec, 1025 MEDIC 12,220 Oth Feb., 102 ft CERAMIC 18,500 27th, March, 102 C SIJEVIC 12.C8G May. 102G Passengers Disembark at Southampton. CABIN PASSENGERS ONLY. Auckland to United Kingdom £65 to £1)5 Auckland to South Africa £42 to £55 For full Information apply to DALGETY AND CO., LTD. L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD. A.. S. PATERSON AND CO.. LTD. D ABERDEEN TINE. TO SOUTHAMPTON. HULL and LONDON. Via Melbourne, Fremantle, Durban, Capetown and Tenerlffe. Tours at Reduced Rates to All Parts of South Africa, including the Victoria Falls. All Passengers Disembark at Southampton. Steamer. Tons. From Sydney. DIOGENES 12.500 sth Dec, 1925 DEMOSTHENES 11,250 January, 102G EURIPIDES 15.000 February, 1026 SOPHOCLES 12.500 Lnte March. 192K FARES FROM AUCKLAND — Saloon: South Africa. £72. to London, £102. Third Class to South Africa, £23. to London, £89. For full Information apply to DALGETY AND CO., LTD. L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD. A. S. PATERSON AND <V)., L.TD. D ,CJ S. MAIMOA FROM LIVERPOOL AND j ra - CAPETOWN. Consignees are requested to present Bills of Lading, pay freight (If any), and take delivery of their cargo. All Cargo is at consignees' risk after leaving ship's tackles and if n«t promptly removed will be stored at their risk and expense. Any cargo landeu in a damaged condition must be examined and claim settled prior to its removal. No claim will .be recognised after the removal of cargo, nor for shortlanded cargo unless lodged (in quadrupliate), at the. office of the undersigned within BfftSS : »'iK2E,S the soods - b, N Srea° £ $!h °C^nf nS aW MartS t0 Captain Gaskell will not be responsible for any debts contracted by his crew L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD.. * Agents. Auckland. QRIENT — r£O T ONDON. VIA COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, NAPLES, TOULON, GIBRALTAR, AND PLYMOUTH. Steamer. Tons. Sails About gfe SS F= y iSS&gfe:::: t f[g S n First and Third Classes Only. UNION S.S. COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD., Agents for New Zealand. Ms HUDDART-FAKKER LINE. : (Circumstances Permitting.) ' FOR SYDNEY DIRECT ULIMAROA Sailings Indefinite FOR SYDNEY (from Wellington). ULIMAKOA Sailings Indefinite Fitted With Wireless Telegraphy. Surgeon Carried. Office: QUAY ST. (Opp. Queen's Wharf). Phone 43-183. • v>
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 4
Word Count
1,026Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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