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USED CARS FOR SAKE. AUSTIN 12; done little work, has on original tyres.—Particulars, Johnson and Sous, Engineers, Parnell Kise. ' LH BBLEIZB, EngUsh, 3-seater, very reliaDle, £50 ; -worth double.—ilayhill's Uarage, 6, Lower Albert St. piHANDLER Car for Sale; perfect order, or would Exchange good Mortgage.— To be seen Sparke's Garage, Keniuera. I'hone 3947 (three rings). /"IHEVBOLET, 1024, de luxe, all extras, beautiful condition, £156; Dodge Coupe, £245.—Derrick, Barratt, Durham St. li~IHEVHOLET, 2-seater, 1024, £155 ; D.odge. \J 1920, £143, £125; Studebaker, 6-£ttiP-der, special model, £165; Overland, *£55 ; Fords, starter, 1U24, £100. £115 ; 1923,7£85 ; Coupe, £110.—Pearce, 13-15, Customs g£; E. it j» B4 ORD, 1020 mode!, 5-seater; everythi^S'in first-class order; cheap for cAh.— •Phone 44-247. ' J 9 ~ o-seater, s.s., 1024 model,%ell -*- shod ; splendid order ; trial run sftyeb ; £110. —Write S. 5126, Star. ; ? ; , TTIORD Runabout, starter, £00 ; 1925, £115 ; -E 1924, £110; Sedan, £135.—Derrick, Barrett, Durham St., City. FOKD Ton Truck, van top, good mechanical order; 4 almost new tyres; any trial; £65 cash.—Schofleld's, Newmarket. Phone oil. 225 O R. D 1 - T O N CHASSIS, £70. Easy Terms. ITtted with Pneumatic Tyres and in Guaranteed Overhauled Condition; JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS, HTD* FORD DEALERS, * Eden Terrace. Auckland. r Jγ OAKLAND 5-seater, In tip-top order and condition ; trial; no dealers; £ 120.— Write B. 5290, Star. 233 OAKLAND, 4-seater, late model, good_ order; must sell; absolute bargain.— ; Auckland Motor Cleaning Co., corner Albert and Wellesley Sts. 'STANDARD, 2-3 seater, dickey seats; nice lady's car; £200 ; terms arranged.— Pearce. 13-15. Customs St. E. 93 SWIFT, 0000 miles, only 12 months' old. Will accept £325.—'Phone 24.-02S, after 6 o'clock. EDGAR C. PEARCE, the Ford Car King, 13-15, Customs St. E. Open Friday night all day Saturday. 92 IT IGHT Overland, very nice order; late. model; 5-seater; any trial; snip, £120 cash.—Write B. 5289, Star. 224 ONE Studebaker 4 Engine, also two 575 x 105 Tyres and Tubes.—Ring 'Phone 67. Hpnderson. 32 RUSHTON'S Branch No. 2. Beach Rl. (half-way to Parnel! Bridge). Call in and Inspect the best Used Car Values m the Dominion.—JACK BOGGS, Manager. 'Phone 44-707. <-' O OA DEPOSIT—Ford Car, perfect order, I 3JA\J urgent sale.—N.Z. Piano Co., 'phone 41-733. TJV3BD 1923 SELF-STARTER TOUKUS'G X , CAR. £90. Guaranteed. Easy Terms. Five Cord Tyres. Newly Painted and Upholstered, in first-class Mtchanical Condition. JOHN W. ANDREW AND SONS, LTD., FORD DEALERS, Eden Terrace, Auckland. A TTSED CAR BARGAINS. Overland Ugnt 5-seater, in first-class order, price £120; Oakland, 5-seater, in real good order, price £113; Chevrolet, 5-seater, ! 1924, mileage 5000. £165. Easy terms ' arranged to suit clients. Motor Cycle outfits taken in part payment. . MOTOR REPLACEMENTS, LTD., Gittos Street. Phone 45-386. U OECOSTD-HAND FORDS. 1919 Model. 5-seater, £67 10/; 1020 Sedan, self-starter. £110; ISQ3, 5-seater, £95; J-Ton Van, £35; Ton Truck, 1923 model, £110; Easy terms, €25 to £30 down, and balance to suit purchasers. Motor Cycle outfits taken in part payment. MOTOR REPLACEMENTS, LTD., GUtos Street. Phone 45-386. JJ UNIVERSAL MOTOR COMPANY, LTD., CHANCERY ST., Off Shortland St. AUCKLAND'S LEADING FORD CAR DEALERS. HENRY FORD used to say: "I will supply you a FORD any colour you like, providing it's black!" But even HENRY had to admit the demand was for another colour, -so now we have the Beanty Ford painted Fawn. But Beauty, or no Beauty, GEORGE CAMPBELL must live by selling the tradein Used FORDS, they are cheaper now, one for every need. DAIRY FARMER —1 Ton Wagon, solid Tyres, no punctures—£Bs. FRUIT__FARMER —J-Ton Open Wagon— GROCER—S-Ton Covered Van—£6s. BAKER—J-Ton Vac, covered, with doors and trays— £ 75. COM MERCIA L TRA VELLER—T wo-seater, with Sample Box—£7s. LAND AGENT—Tourer, 5-passenger, O.K. — £95. CARPENTER—J-Ton Felt Top for rough •work— £ 45. MILKMAN'—I-Ton, carry four big cans— XMAS TOURING—IO24 Model, 5-passen-ger— £ 125. Driving Lessons Free, all new tools supplied ; 3/ only extra charge to change the Number Plates. AH oc. our Easy Terms, a Small Deposit balance spread over twelve months. Buy your Used Ford from a FORD DEALEK. Ring 3EORGE CAMPBELL, 45-112. At your service. D NEW CARS FOR SALE. A CAR you should inspect is the "Ansaldo," Italian make. — Grau and Hipkins, Anzac Avenue. r> ' A GOOD Investment.—A Kugby Car pur■f*- chased from Rushton's Rugby Motor Sales Garage, Albert St. p A SK a Kngby owner his opinion, then ask Rushton's to demonstrate the farnons Rugby. D OLLIDAY MOTORS, 8, Lome St, for Rugbyg. A TJUGBY the Proved Light Car. The Car J-* that has made Holliday Motors 8 Lome St.. so well known. ■ j^ 30 Hi ' Le J" land Chassis, new, suitable - Jyj for bns or commercial purposes; pneumatic tyres. 36 x 6, twins on P&tiS&f £ 'Ta7nl le & an ' S M ° tOr GaraSe - FORD /-I AR S. ORD KJ a R S. ■pORD AASS. - 1 - , OR D aB. S. FORD PARS. ORD A E S. JJENEY JfIORD'S J^ATEST PRODUCTION. A MARVEL OP REFINEMENT AND ECONOMY. Call and See Them at G. A. H ATDON - L- TD--48 and 50, HOBSON STREET, Opp. Farmers' Trading Co. B 'Phone 42-523. FISHER TJUSES. ISHER JL>L'SES. FISHER BUSES arc creating- a wonderful impression as a rpsult of the performances they are putting up. A splendid riding job. fast and silent in running, and of good appearance. Kead what the undermentioned Bus Company says about them. " We wish to take this opportunity of Stating how pleased we nre with the three Fisher Fast Freight Buses that you hare supplied ror our service between Auckland and Otnhuhu. In our opinion they are the finest vehicle now running as a passenger bus. We have found them very economical in benzine and oil consumption, absolutely reliable, and the easiest running bus overall classes of roads. —For the -Passenger Transport Co.. Ltd. (Signed) I. H. Dunderdalc, Manager." rjIfiUCKS, T IMITED, N.Z. Controlling J- -" Acents. Eden Terrace. C GARAGES, SERVICE STATIONS. FORDS Remagnetised in One Hour, £1 ; satisfaction or money back.—Sexton Motors, 6. Lower Albprt St. IL.LETT MOTORS, LTl>.. Buick Servlre Station. 166. Albert St. (opp. Town Hall). Garage open continuously. D ILLETT MOTORS. LTD., Buick Service Station, 166. Albert St., opp. Town " Hall. —Modern and well-appointed Garage. I Open continuously. D ] THE DODGE Owners' Service Station for Electrical Repairs is Watson, Steel and Ganlej, Ltd., 41-695.' D
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
Word Count
1,021Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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