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SECTIONS FOR SALE. ABSOLUTELY the best Section in Mt. Eden; 60 s 200. Price, £600. — Felts, 12. Palmerston Buildings. A KRAX Bir, Waiheke—i-Acre, ■ level, right on beach; only one available; third cash.—Write B. 5259, Star. l>4 A VONDALE—Section on concrete road; •"- --0 deposit; easy terms. — J. Watson, Alberton Avenue, Mt. Albert. 208 T>ARFOOT, rvewmarKct, lor Bemuera - 1 - , Epsom, Green Lane Properties. Coloured Map of District supplied free. M ■DEACHLA.NDS.— Fine, Sandy, Beaches ; -*-* Motor Road.—Sections, £50 ; 50/- dep. Beachlands Office, 195, Queen St. £ OITY, off Beach Rd.—loo s Sift; 20 per cent under Govt. valuation; 10 per cent cash.—Barfoot. Newmarket. 1 Mania Rd., Michaels Ay., '•*-* Lake Rd.—Sections. £100 upwards; deposit £s.—Warren. City Chambers. Kipling Avenue, 2mins. tram. — ± - i Quarter Acre Level Sections. —Apply 100, Queen St. P4 "PPSOM, Onslow Rd.—Magnificent elevated - Li Section, 02 x 325; forced sale; £300.— Moore-Jones, Fort St. "PPSOM. —Elevated Section, splendid view; J - J small deposit, balance mortgage. —H. K. Emanuel. Solicitor, C. High St. 57 GLENDOWIE.— Valuable Section, beach and rood frontage; electric light; easy access for car.—P.O. Box T3fl. T/"IXGSLA>'D —Level Section; price, £05 cash ; good opportunity young man own city freehold.—Write S. 5207, STAR. El T APIES MII.E—Good Section: £255: cash -*-* £55. or £15 and some good furniture. — Write SI. 5405, Star. LUNN AYE., Panmure—Level, £140; deposit £10, balance over 4 years. buyers motored.—Warren, City Chambers MANGERE, adjoining golf links, King's College. Trotting Park—Choice Building Sections; gas, water.—Lloyd, Otahuhu. D MT. ALBERT— i Acre, good level Section, volcanic, no stone ; reduced to £660.— Write Owner, B. Stab. 107 MT. ALBERT.—High on mountain side, level magnificent panoramic views. £ 3Ro.—McGowan. 42. Marsden Ay. OTAHt'HU.— Sections from £100, on £10 Dpposit. Good soil; good views. Pparcc. Auctioneer. Agent. Otahuhu. 3 PENROSE —Level Vlcanic Section ; good locality; handy station, bus ; fenced ; cheap.—Write B. 5205, Star. 304 "piHA. —Surf. Beach and Bush. Beach -*- Frontage Sections, £85; £5 deposit. Kibblewhite. IJ)3. Queen St. D "pOXSOXBY Waterfront—Beautifnl, ele"- •*■• vated, \nvsl Section. 40 x 120.—For price and term*; apply Lillis, 19, Phoenix Chambprs 119 ■"DAN-LEIGH ESTATE.—The Choicest Spc- ■*■*' tions in Mt. Albert. There are still | a few of these Magnificent Sections left. Secure yours before it is too late. Plans at our office.—Richard Arthur, Ltd., opp. Town Hull. • TJEMUERA. Waterside—Splendid Section, ; •*•* good harbour view, excellent locality, quick salo: £475.—Ring 24-020. 0£ ■pEMUEHA—LoveIy Section, 54ft X 240 ft, -*-*' only £350; deposit £15; balance when building.—Moore-Jones, Fort St. 137 SECTION for Sale, cheap: Palm Beach.— Apply 73. Lincoln St.. Ponsonby. SECTION, fine, level, 33 s SO, Stanley St., 1 for Sale. Reasonable offer considered. Easy terms giyen.—H. O. Wiles, Ltd., 65. Fort St. _34 SECTIONS for Sale, Takapuna, near | beach; some with water frontage; cheap: easy terms. —W. J. Napier, A.M.P. Buildings, Queen St. MHS SPLENDID Sections, Hillsboro , Rd. deposit. Easy terms payment, —H, S. Anderson. Hiil-sboro , Rd.. Mt. Roskill. U* rpAMAKI PARK Extension, backing on to -*- Mt. Wellington Domain; full J-acres, rich soil, no stone : £ 200 : £20 dep.— J. M. Mcvpagh. Ltd.. 3. Swanson St. 144 WAITAKERE. Anawhata—Acre Section, £40: heavy bush; near coast; altitude 1000.—Anderson 109. Queen St. WESTMERE ESTATE, Grey Lynn.— Ideal Section, 41 x 114. £275. — Tom Hadfield and Sons. 5, Winstone Bidgs. WHY Pay £6 and £8 Per Foot -when we can sell you Choice Volcanic Sections, on the Ellerslie- Penrose Estate for £120 per section ? Call for a plan. £10 Deposit.—Richard Arthur, Ltd., opp. Town Hall. JL-ACRE, level, Cadman's Estate, Avondale. 4 Inquire Star. 622 J/ -ACRE Elevated Section, Tauranjra, /2 £17." equity; close tn beach : lovely views; will Sell or Exchange for Car;— Writ* B. 527g. Star. 43 1/ -ACRE. 72 x 320. beantifnl Section. vlth /2 garage, in Mangere: 2min to station, Train to bus. Ln'd ent in nrharf, fenced, netting on one side, close to King's - Collie. Price. £425.— J. M. McVeagh, LH . ;3. Swanson St. J££ /?!/ ACRES. St. Ilelier's Bay, £1650: O/2 terms arranepd.—Particulars from Christie and Co., 15, Palmerstou Bldgs., Auckland. C?ECTIONS, 50 x 150, GOOD, LEVEL, CT DRY. Handy to Trams and School. Volcanic. Good Buying. WRITE B. 5253. STAR. U SECTIONS. ROCKFIELD ROAD, Few minutes bus. hnndy walk car terminus. South Road. £2500 the Lot. or about £178 10/ each. One Section 1 Acre in area. Will accept equity in Good House and some Cash as Deposit. Suit Builder. Plan and full details, CIIRISTIE AND 'CO.. 15. Palmerston Buildings, Auckland. WESTMERE ESTATE EXTENSION. ■pOR TTOMES. SOME OF THE CHEAPEST AND BEST SECTIONS OBTAINABLE WITHIN THE TRAM. AREA. ON THE VERY EASIEST OF TERMS. GRAY AND COCKROFT, WINSTONE BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. D 4 BUCKLAND'S BEACH. BUCKLAND'S BEACH. 10 "V ERT Q HOICE gECTIONS, JUST OPENED UP. APPLY EARLY, RAYMOND SHEATH, 14, O'CONNELL STREET. C MOTOR TYRES AMD ACCESSORIES. ALUMINIUM Cases, Cylinders. Broken Crank Shafts welded; guaranteed. Chassis straightened. — Cain's Welding Works, Alpha Kd. _c VIJTREAD Rebuilt Tyres, eqni.l new; half the cost. —Factory. Logan Building. Beach Rd. 'Phone 46-284. SPARTA Batteries for Fords, £6; Dodge, £3. p. W. Barker, 464, Queen St. D TirOTOR REPLACEMENT PARTS. Hti-e Stocks of Spare Parts, both New and Good Used, covering all the principal „,}.., of Cars and Motor Cycles. We are ™*hbuyers of wrecked Cars and Motor Cycle' " We tear them down and sell tie S K P o a TOR Ch HI ? PLACEMENTS, LTD., Gittos Street. Phone 45-356. _ . .. V
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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875Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 3
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